
检测样品: 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)
检测项目: 透射率
浏览次数: 151
发布时间: 2014-08-06
关联设备: 4种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 527 方案总浏览次数:
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SPECORD PLUS 系列紫外可见分光光度计,应用于气体、液体、固体样品中各种物质的定性和定量分析,也可以用于固体样品表面性质以及粉末样品的各种性质结构的分析。可广泛应用在几乎所有行业的化学分析中。并内置免费分析方法包及标准曲线。


analytikjena Application field / industry branch: Chemistry / Polymer Industry Electronics Energy Nutrition / Agriculture Geology / Mining Semiconductor Technology Clinical Chemistry / Medicine /Sanitation / Health Care Cosmetics Material Analysis Metallurgy / Electroplating Pharmacy Refineries / Petrochemistry Environment / Water /Waste Other 使用积分球测量聚合物箔的透射率 摘要: 有机聚合物以其独有的特性广泛应用于各个领域,如绝缘体、包装材料及建筑行业,这些聚合物材料都是针对性的添加不同的添加物以获得所期望的外观和弹性。 积分球是测量固体、液体、粉末状样品的吸收、透射和漫反射的理想工具,粗糙或带有纹理表面的固体样品易导致光扩散,使用积分球测量时可完全消除光损失,所有漫反射光都可以到达检测器,使用最大狭缝宽度可以降低积分球光能量损失,参比侧测量时使用特质白板,聚合物箔样品放在样品测量位置,用弹簧固定,,以实现测量。 本文使用德国耶拿公司 SPECORD 250 PLUS 型紫外分光光度计和积分球附件测量不同类型聚合物箔如 PVC、PMMA 等透射性能,经试验发现不同的聚合物箔在可见光区的透射特性差异很大, PMMA 和 PET具有相似的透射性能,样品4和样品5区别于其他种类的一个特征是透射率随着波长的增加而成上升趋势,而PVC 的透射率随波长的变化波动较大。 使用德国耶拿公司 SPECORD 250 PLUS 型紫外分光光度计加积分球附件可以完美实现上述测量。 Transmission measurement of polymer foils using the integrating sphere General Organic polymers are used in the most different fields depending on their properties, such asinsulators, packaging material or the construction industry. These plastics are purposefullymodified with additives in order to create specific surfaces or to improve the elasticity. Various polymer foils, amongst them PVC and PMMA, were analyzed for their transmittanceproperties as presented below. The samples had different surface and elasticity characteristics. The measurement was carried out using the SPECORD 250 PLUS and the integrating sphere asaccessory. Integrating sphere The integrating sphere (integrating sphere, Fig. 1)is ideally suited for absorption, transmittanceand remission measurements of solid, liquid and as well as of powder samples. With theintegrating sphere diffusely remitted radiation of solid samples with rough or grained surfacesreaches the detector evenly without being deflected. Procedure The transmittance measurements were carried out using the following parameter configurations: Title: Transmittance detection Measurement mode: Register Correction: Reference Range: 400-700nm Display: Transmittance Step width: 0.2nm Lamp replacement: 320nm Speed: 5nm/s Slit: 4nm Accessories: Integrating sphere To minimize energy loss through the light path of the sphere, the slit width was chosen as large aspossible. The reference measurement was carried out with the spectral insert of the sphere. Tomeasure the samples the polymer foils were moved into the position for solid samples by thepressure spring. Figure 2 shows the transmittance spectra of all foils. Evaluation The different polymer foils show strongly different transmittance properties in the visiblewavelength range. It is noticeable that the PMMA and PET samples both have a nearly constanttransmittance. In samples 4 and 5 the transmittance values rise with increasing wavelength,making them easy to compare. Only the curve of the PVC foil features extreme points and cantherefore be well distinguished from all the others. The SPECORD 250 PLUS with the integrating sphere enables the best possibility to analyse suchsamples with a clear differentiation of the recorded remission spectra. Printout and further use permitted with reference to the source. O Copyright 2010 Analytik Jena AG Publisher: Analytik Jena AG Konrad-Zuse-StraBe 1 Phone +49 (0)3641/77-70 07745 Jena, Germany Fax +49 364177-9279 www.analytik-jena.cominfo@analytik-jena.com Transmission detection of polymer foils using the integrating sphere/Reference: UV PLUS_e||NRE





耶拿分析仪器(北京)有限公司为您提供《聚合物中透射率检测方案 》,该方案主要用于聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)中透射率检测,参考标准--,《聚合物中透射率检测方案 》用到的仪器有SPECORD 200PLUS紫外可见分光光度计 、SPECORD 210 PLUS紫外可见分光光度计 、SPECORD 250 PLUS紫外可见分光光度计 、德国耶拿紫外可见分光光度计 SPECORD 50 PLUS