




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




The Electric Particulate Suspension (EPS) is a combustion ignition system being developed at Iowa State University for evaluating quenching effects of powders in microgravity (quenching distance, ignition energy, flammability limits). Because of the high cloud uniformity possible and its simplicity, the EPS method has potential for ‘benchmark’ design of quenching flames that would provide NASA and the scientific community with a new fire standard. Microgravity is expected to increase suspension uniformity even further and extend combustion testing to higher concentrations (rich fuel limit) than is possible at normal gravity. Two new combustion parameters are being investigated with this new method: (1) the particle velocity distribution and (2) particle-oxidant slip velocity. Both walls and (inert) particles can be tested as quenching media. The EPS method supports combustion modeling by providing accurate measurement of flame-quenching distance as a parameter in laminar flame theory as it closely relates to characteristic flame thickness and flame structure. Because of its design simplicity, EPS is suitable for testing on the International Space Station (ISS). Laser scans showing stratification effects at 1-g have been studied for different materials, aluminum, glass, and copper. PTV/PIV and a leak hole sampling rig give particle velocity distribution with particle slip velocity evaluated using LDA. Sample quenching and ignition energy curves are given for aluminum powder. Testing is planned for the KC-135 and NASA’s two second drop tower. Only 1-g ground-based data have been reported to date.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 流场,速度场,速度矢量场




Angular Domain Imaging (ADI) employs an angular filter array to accept photons within a small acceptance angle along the axis of an aligned laser light source and preferentially reject scattered light. Simulations show that the accepted photons travel the shortest paths between source and detector and are therefore the earliest to arrive. We fabricated angular filter arrays using silicon bulk micromachining and found that an array of 60 μm square shape microtunnels 1 cm in length accepted photons within 0.48 degree of axis of the micro-tunnels. This small acceptance angle rejected most of the scattered light and sub-millimeter resolution targets could be resolved in a few centimeters of turbid medium with at least six times reduced mean free path. ADI through media with higher scattering coefficients was not achievable due to unwanted acceptance of late arriving scattered photons. To reject the late arriving photons, we added time-domain filtration and linear polarization to ADI. The implementation of a time-gated camera, a 780 nm femtosecond pulsed laser, and linear polarization to our ADI system resulted in improved image contrast. The use of ADI with time-gating (gate width 250 ps) and linear polarization enabled visualization of sub-millimeter absorbing objects with approximately eight times higher image contrast compared to ADI in a scattering medium equivalent to six times reduced mean free path.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 混浊介质角域成像(ADI)实验中光传播时间门控和偏振优选效应




Acceleration is of primal relevance in fluid mechanics, as it shows the effect of the combination of all the forces acting on a fluid flow; the Navier-Stokes equations highlight this fact and the importance of its knowledge in the description of a fluid motion: Moreover, only in few particular cases (as for example, in parallel fluxes such as Couette one) it is possible to analytically solve them: for the other cases it would be important to measure their single components. Unfortunately, despite the acceleration is at the very base of fluid motion (see, for instance, Tsinober 2001), only few measurement of the acceleration in the Lagrangian frame can be found in literature. Even if, on one hand, a certain number of authors have studied acceleration properties via numerical simulations, for instance Vedula and Yeung (1999), Tsinober et al. (2001), Biferale et al. (2004), Goto et al. (2005), Osborne et al. (2005), Chen et al. (2006), on the other very few examples of its experimental measure are available up to now. Moreover,among them not all the measurements are taken in the Lagrangian frame: among the Eulerian measurements, Christensen and Adrian (2002), Dong et al. (2001) and Lowe and Simpson (2005) can be pointed out, among the Lagrangian ones, Virant and Dracos (1997), Ott and Mann (2000), La Porta et al. (2001), Voth et al. (2002) and Luthi et al.(2005) can be found.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 湍流中进行拉格朗日加速度测量




An experimental study of the interaction of a planar diffusion flame with a line vortex is presented. A planar diffusion flame is established between two coflowing, equal velocity streams of acetylene diluted with nitrogen and air. A line vortex is generated on demand by momentarily pulsing one of the flow streams by way of electromagnetic actuation of a piston in the flow apparatus. The flame–vortex interactions are diagnosed by planar laser-induced incandescence for soot yield and by particle image velocimetry for vortex flow characterization. The results show that soot formation and distribution are influenced by the reactant streams from which vortices are initiated. The vortices interacting with the flame from the air side produce more soot and soot is distributed in and around the vortex core in diffuse layers. In contrast, topography of soot in vortices interacting from the fuel side is such that soot is confined to thinner layers around the vortex core which does not contain any soot. The flame curvature is found to influence the local soot production with the flame regions convex to the fuel side containing more soot locally. It is also found that the overall soot yield is less sensitive to the vortex strength and is of lower magnitude when vortex is spun from the fuel side. The knowledge of this type of asymmetry in soot yield in flame–vortex interactions is useful for combustion engineering and design of practical devices.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,浓度场,碳烟体积分数,碳烟初级粒径




在线露点仪是一个紧凑的、简单易用的在线仪表,可以在-100℃~+20℃的范围内快速准确地测量干燥空气或其它气体的湿度。也可以说它是在低露点且需要控制干点的工业环境中的理想选择。它具有化学物质清除功能,这使得在高浓度化学物质和清洁剂的环境中能进行精确稳定的测量,从而保证了每次校验间隔之间的准确测量。这项功能既能通过控制系统在线执行,也能按预先设定的时间间隔定期执行。同时,在线露点仪的数字技术的先进性是显而易见的,数字信号处理和传输保证了产品高精度、可靠,传输线缆的信号衰减和干扰不会影响测量精度。   在线露点仪直接在线安装用于手套箱等用途,在此应用下不适用旁路。该装置通过1/2"MNPT或G1/2可调插入式压力配件,易于安装。应用范围包括手套箱、环境室和高空试验。在线露点仪主要用于工业湿度测量。高品质与智能化电子部件的完美结合,使得该传感器成功应用于各种极端恶劣的工业环境中。该仪器传感器采用高分子薄膜电容式原理在全量程测量精确可靠,并具有卓越的长期稳定性,它不受灰尘粒子和大多数化学物污染的影响,极适合工业环境的使用。   在线露点仪的现场校准氢气专用探头Humicap.j 抗油/抗污染符合本质安全型仪表的要求采用最新技术符合国际上的高标准适应几乎所有的测量要求 ,在干燥环境下是最理想的产品,另外,探头是抗结露、油气且适合大多数化学环境。它带有自动校准软件,软件可校正干点漂移。湿度稳定,使用再捕获过程来维护。这些智能自动校准和捕获过程使TPGSM-5100露点仪成为一个高等级设备且维护量达到最小。   在线露点仪*应用领域   在线露点仪应用领域包括石化,天然气,干燥气和压缩气,发电机冷却氢气,变压器和高压开关绝缘气,焊接气以及船舶和航空用的氧气。广泛用于电厂、冶金、科研、卫生检疫、粮食仓储、医疗器械、环境实验、比对校准、造纸和纺织、电子工业和其它工业气体水分的测量等领域。   在线露点仪*原理与结构   原理与结构:内芯为一高纯铝棒,表面氧化成氧化铝薄膜,其外涂一层多空的金膜,该金膜与内芯之间形成电容,由于氧化铝薄膜的吸水特性,当水蒸汽分子被吸入其中时,导致电容值发生变化,检测并放大该电容信号即可得到湿度大小。   在线露点仪*功能特点   ● 零点自动校准   ● 独有的数据自动存储及自动调出   ● 首创的电量显示   ● 操作简单、携带方便   ● 重复性好、响应速度快   ● 全量程单点法露点校准   ● 斜率自动校准   ● 独特的大屏数据曲线实时显示   ● 先进的湿度探头保护功能   ●抗油、 抗污染、抗干扰   ● 灵敏度高、稳定性好、年漂移小   ●简单、4-20mA双线连接   ●无故障户内或户外安装   ●精确的温度、湿度、露点测量   ● 传感器与表体分体设计   ● 多种互换性探头可供选择,适合不同场合的湿度测量   ● 高精度:±0.8%RH,±0.1℃,±2℃DP(at-40℃Td)   ● 可以换算露点和PPm   ● 传感器自动诊断和自动修正   ● 自动校准:无须任何其它设备,可定期对仪器自动校准   ● 多参数显示:可显示温度,湿度,包括:露点,PPMv,克/升,LBS等   在线露点仪*技术指标   露点传感器单元:   原 理:超薄的氧化铝电容原理   量 程:-100℃~+20℃   准 确 度:±3℃   重 复 性:±0.5℃   响应时间:达到63%时用时90秒  
检测样品: 其他


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