




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




High-level Nitrogen oxides (NOx) released to the atmosphere cause health and environmental hazards. Conventional power plants are required to have NOx emission control systems to abide by local environmental regulations. Com-mon post-combustion techniques include selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) or selective catalytic reduction (SCR) techniques. SNCR is a proven technology that can be implemented virtually without affecting existing indus-trial operations with low capital cost. SNCR is a method involving either aqueous ammonia or urea as the reagent injected into flue gas in the boiler/furnace within specific temperature range. This method commonly reduces the emission of NOx by 30-50%. However, high reductions can be achieved by system optimization. Placement within the proper temperature window, distribution within the cross section and residence time of reagent significantly in-fluence performance of an SNCR system. Therefore, spray lance and nozzle design is crucial for assurance of oper-ating efficiency and ammonia utilization. In this paper, an SNCR system in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler was studied with using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, as it relates to spray technology. The simulation solves Navier-Stokes equa-tions with heat and mass transfer using ANSYS Fluent SNCR model with Lagrangian multiphase models and spe-cies transport model. CFD was used to diagnose the gas phase behavior and thermal distribution, to determine opti-mal spray placement and maximum penetration. The focus of this work was the parameters of the injection, which were determined based on test data acquired through in-house laboratory equipment. Temperature profile, pollutant reduction, ammonia slippage and wall impingement were used from the CFD results to assist determining the best spray design to achieve the greatest efficiency.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 液滴粒径,液滴速度,液态水含量




High-level Nitrogen oxides (NOx) released to the atmosphere cause health and environmental hazards. Conventional power plants are required to have NOx emission control systems to abide by local environmental regulations. Com-mon post-combustion techniques include selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) or selective catalytic reduction (SCR) techniques. SNCR is a proven technology that can be implemented virtually without affecting existing indus-trial operations with low capital cost. SNCR is a method involving either aqueous ammonia or urea as the reagent injected into flue gas in the boiler/furnace within specific temperature range. This method commonly reduces the emission of NOx by 30-50%. However, high reductions can be achieved by system optimization. Placement within the proper temperature window, distribution within the cross section and residence time of reagent significantly in-fluence performance of an SNCR system. Therefore, spray lance and nozzle design is crucial for assurance of oper-ating efficiency and ammonia utilization. In this paper, an SNCR system in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler was studied with using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, as it relates to spray technology. The simulation solves Navier-Stokes equa-tions with heat and mass transfer using ANSYS Fluent SNCR model with Lagrangian multiphase models and spe-cies transport model. CFD was used to diagnose the gas phase behavior and thermal distribution, to determine opti-mal spray placement and maximum penetration. The focus of this work was the parameters of the injection, which were determined based on test data acquired through in-house laboratory equipment. Temperature profile, pollutant reduction, ammonia slippage and wall impingement were used from the CFD results to assist determining the best spray design to achieve the greatest efficiency.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 液滴粒径,液滴速度




In this work the authors have added an additional sensor to the traditional Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDI) configuration yielding three independent measures of phase shift between detectors. This seemingly minor enhance-ment has a profound impact on the limitations of the PDI technique in two important areas: the minimum laser beam diameters and the ability of the technique to discriminate liquid droplets from solid particles. Phase Doppler measurements can be impacted by reflection/refraction errors in which a droplet’s measured diameter is substantially different from its actual size. This is most critical when small droplets are measured as very large but the converse is possible as well. Consideration for this error source places a major constraint on the minimum laser beam diameter at the measurement volume. The addition of a third independent measure of phase shift effectively eliminates reflection/refraction errors allowing PDI measurements with smaller laser beams than would ordinarily be recommend-ed. The authors demonstrate this ability by measuring the same location of a spray with decreasing laser beam waists. Since the droplet number density limit of the Phase Doppler technique scales inverse to the square of the laser beam diameter, such an optical configuration would substantially enhance the instrument’s performance in dense sprays ap-plications. For applications such as icing cloud measurements, the ability to discriminate and size only liquid droplets in a mixed-phase environment is an important capability of the PDI technique. The relationship between the phase shifts of Phase Doppler signals can be used to differentiate liquid droplets or other spherical particles from irregularly-shaped solids. The authors demonstrate that the addition of a third independent measure of phase shift reduces the number of false positives (solids measuring as droplets) by a large factor – from 11.7% to 0.33% in one example.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 液滴粒径,液滴速度




The three-dimensional behavior of flow transition in circular and 6-chevron jets at Re?000 is investigated with experiments conducted on a free water jet by time-resolved tomographic particle image velocimetry. The emphasis is on the unsteady organization of coherent flow structures, which play a role in the generation of acoustic noise. Shedding and pairing of vortices are the most pronounced phenomena observed in the near field of the circular jet. The first and second pairing amplify the axial pulsatile motion in the jet column and lead to the growth of azimuthal waves culminating in the breakup of the vortex ring. Streamwise vortices of axial and radial vorticity are observed in the outer region and move inward and outward under the effect of the vortex rings. In the jet with chevrons, the axisymmetric ring-like coherence of the circular jet is not encountered. Instead, streamwise flow structures of azimuthal vorticity emanate from the chevron apices, and counter-rotating streamwise vortices of axial and radial vorticity develop from the chevron notches. The decay of streamwise vortices is accompanied by the formation of C-shaped structures. The three-dimensional analysis allows quantifying the vortex stretching and tilting activity, which, for the circular jet exit, is related to the azimuthal instabilities and the streamwise vortices connecting the vortex rings. In the chevron jet, stretching and tilting peak during the formation of C-structures. Following Powell抯 aeroacoustic analogy, the spatial distribution of the source term is mapped, evaluating the temporal derivative of the Lamb vector. The spatio-temporal evolution of such source term is visualized revealing that the events of highest activity are associated with the processes of vortex-ring pairing and vortex-ring disruption for the circular jet, and with the decay of streamwise instabilities and the formation of C-shaped structures for the chevron case.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 流场,漩涡




Energy supply is one of the primary building blocks of our society. Worldwide, and especially in rapidly developing countries, e.g. China and India, the demands of energy for housing, industry, transportation and communication are constantly increasing [83]. The global energy supply is currently dominated by combustion of fossil fuels. In 2008, 85.1% of the global primary energy supply was produced from the combustion of oil (34.6%), coal (28.4%) and natural gas (22.1%). From the 12.4% of renewable energy sources, 82% (in total 10.2%) was bioenergy based on burning renewable rescources [45]. Recent reports confirm that a dramatic shift towards CO2 neutral energy supply is required to stop the current trend of global warming [135]. Nevertheless, the slow developement of renewable energies over the last decades as well as the absence of large technological advancements in nuclear fusion technology indicate that this structure will not substantially change in the coming decades. Besides emissions of CO2, further pollutants are formed during the combustion of fossil or biofuels. From these emissions, nitric oxides (NOx) have been identified as a major problem of practical combustion processes [214]. In the recent decades nitric oxides became a significant contributor to photochemical smog and ozone in urban air [180]. It further participates in the chain reaction removing ozone form the stratosphere with the consequence of increased ultraviolet radiation reaching earth’s surface [90]. NOx is generally formed during the oxidation process of nitrogen containing fuels such as coal and oil. However, the gross NOx emissions are created at high combustion temperatures from nitrogen in the air. These are typical for hard coal plants, internal combustion engines and gas turbines. Hence, it is essential to understand the physico-chemical processes of NOx formation and concepts to reduce or even eliminate NOx emissions.
检测样品: 其他




A novel method is introduced for increasing the accuracy and extending the dynamic range of time-resolved PIV. The approach extends the well-known concept of multiframe particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) to cross-correlation analysis employed by PIV. The working principle is based on the determination of fluid element trajectories by tracking their position across an image sequence. The fluid trajectory correlation (FTC) algorithm deals with the effect of trajectory curvature and non-uniform velocity during the considered time interval by allowing the motion within the trajectory to be nonlinear. In addition, the local image deformation accounts for the spatial velocity gradient and its change along the trajectory. The principle for reduction of the measurement error is threefold: by enlarging the temporal measurement interval, the relative error becomes smaller; secondly, the random error is reduced with the use of a least-squares polynomial fitting approach to the individual trajectory; and finally, the use of nonlinear fitting functions allows for a reduction in truncation errors. The evaluation of velocity proceeds then directly from the analytical derivatives of the least-squares functions. The principal features of this algorithm are compared with a single-pair iterative image deformation method through the use of synthetic image sequences depicting steady flows (solid body rotation and uniform motion), and with an application to an experimental data set of a submerged circular jet.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 提高时间分辨PIV测量的速度动态范围和精度




Angular Domain Imaging (ADI) employs an angular filter array to accept photons within a small acceptance angle along the axis of an aligned laser light source and preferentially reject scattered light. Simulations show that the accepted photons travel the shortest paths between source and detector and are therefore the earliest to arrive. We fabricated angular filter arrays using silicon bulk micromachining and found that an array of 60 μm square shape microtunnels 1 cm in length accepted photons within 0.48 degree of axis of the micro-tunnels. This small acceptance angle rejected most of the scattered light and sub-millimeter resolution targets could be resolved in a few centimeters of turbid medium with at least six times reduced mean free path. ADI through media with higher scattering coefficients was not achievable due to unwanted acceptance of late arriving scattered photons. To reject the late arriving photons, we added time-domain filtration and linear polarization to ADI. The implementation of a time-gated camera, a 780 nm femtosecond pulsed laser, and linear polarization to our ADI system resulted in improved image contrast. The use of ADI with time-gating (gate width 250 ps) and linear polarization enabled visualization of sub-millimeter absorbing objects with approximately eight times higher image contrast compared to ADI in a scattering medium equivalent to six times reduced mean free path.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 混浊介质角域成像(ADI)实验中光传播时间门控和偏振优选效应




An experimental study has been conducted to study the effect of a swirling crossflow on transversely injected liquid jets. In-house designed axial swirlers with vane exit angles of 30°, 45° and 60° were used to generate the swirling crossflow. Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) results indicate that the axial (Ux) and the tangential (Uθ) components of the crossflow velocity decrease with increasing radial distance from the center. Also, flow angle (ψ) of the crossflow is lesser than the swirler vane exit angle indicating that the swirlers did not impart sufficient tangential momentum for the flow to be parallel to the vanes at swirler exit. The deficit in flow angle increased with swirler angle. Water jets were injected from a 0.5 mm diameter orifice located on a cylindrical centerbody that protruded through the hub of the swirler. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to study the behavior of the jets. PIV measurements were conducted in multiple cross-sectional and streamwise planes. Mie-Scattering images were col-lated to create three-dimensional representation of the jet plume, which was used to study penetration. In cylindrical coordinate system, the penetration can be described in terms of radial and “circumferential” penetration, where cir-cumferential penetration is defined as the difference in the circumferential displacement of the jet and the crossflow over the same streamwise displacement. Increasing the momentum flux ratio (q) resulted in a higher radial penetra-tion. Increasing the swirl angle reduced radial penetration and increased circumferential penetration. PIV results of the cross-sectional and streamwise planes each yielded two velocity components which were merged to obtain three-dimensional droplet velocity distribution. The three-dimensional velocity distribution yielded further insight into the evolution of the jet plume
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 三维贯穿度和速度分布




Active control of a lifted flame is investigated using a coaxial nozzle with magnetic flap actuators arranged on the inner periphery of the annular nozzle. Near-field vortical structures of the methane/air coaxial jet are manipulated by introducing disturbances directly to the initial shear layer. Through the manipulation, we can improve flame stability and flexibly control the liftoff height. It is found that the large-scale vortical structures play a dominant role in the flame stabilization, and its spatio-temporal evolution is examined with the aid of PIV and LIF to elucidate the control mechanism. By introducing flap motion driven with a saw-wave signal, we can force the outer shear layer to roll up into strong vortices in synchronization with the flaps. When the flapping Strouhal number is unity, the lifted flame is anchored at x/Do ~ 1.5. The strong vortices induced by the flaps produce a blob of flammable mixture, which has velocity smaller than the flame speed. The possible stabilization mechanism is that the time period of the premixture supply is balanced with the consumption time of the premixture at the flame base. On the other hand, when the jet is manipulated by a square-wave signal, the lifted flame is located stably at x/Do ~ 4, which is downstream of the inner potential core. It is found that vortical structures in the shear layers break into turbulence close to the nozzle exit. The possible mechanism of the flame stabilization is that the flame propagating upstream is undisturbed due to the absence of intermittent passage of large-scale vortices.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,自由基,羟基,浓度场




The orientation, structure, and energetics of the vapor/acetone-water interface are studied with sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS). We used the polarization null angle (PNA) method in SFGVS to accurately determine the interfacial acetone molecule orientation, and we found that the acetone molecule has its CdO group pointing into bulk phase, one CH3 group pointing up from the bulk, and the other CH3 group pointing into the bulk phase. This well-ordered interface layer induces an antiparallel structure in the second layer through dimer formation from either dipolar or hydrogen bond interactions. With a double-layer adsorption model (DAM) and Langmuir isotherm, the adsorption free energies for the first and second layer are determined as ¢G°ads,1 ) - 1.9 ( 0.2 kcal /mol and ¢G°ads,2 ) - 0.9 ( 0.2 kcal /mol, respectively. Since ¢G°ads,1 is much larger than the thermal energy kT ) 0.59 kcal /mol, and ¢G°ads,2 is close to kT, the second layer has to be less ordered. Without either strong dipolar or hydrogen bonding interactions between the second and the third layer, the third layer should be randomly thermalized as in the bulk liquid. Therefore, the thickness of the interface is not more than two layers thick. These results are consistent with previous MD simulations for the vapor/pure acetone interface, and undoubtedly provide direct microscopic structural evidences and new insight for the understanding of liquid and liquid mixture interfaces. The experimental techniques and quantitative analysis methodology used for detailed measurement of the liquid mixture interfaces in this report can also be applied to liquid interfaces, as well as other molecular interfaces in general.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 和频光谱,分子能级,表面特性,分子光谱




Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy is a widely used optical reflection technique for the characterization of thin films. The central quantity of SPR spectroscopy is the surface plasmon coupling angle as a characteristic signature of the prevailing interfacial architecture. Adsorption processes lead to a shift of the surface plasmon resonance which is in the thin film limit directly proportional to the corresponding mass coverage. The aim of any SPR instrument is a precise measurement of the coupling angle with a sufficient high time resolution that fast kinetic processes can be monitored. In this paper, we compare two promising methods, an established one,the reflectivity tracking and a fairly new one, the mismatch tracking. Reflectivity tracking simply records the intensity of the light in the vicinity of the coupling angle. The shift of the plasmon modifies the intensity at the detector which can subsequently be used for data analysis. Mismatch tracking is more complex. Light is focused with a lens onto the prism base and the reflected light is detected via a bicell detector. The upper and lower cell integrate over a well-defined angular range of the fan of rays produced within the focus. The mismatch in the intensity between the upper and lower segments is evaluated and used to retrieve the unknown film parameter. In this contribution we suggest some decisive variations of the originally proposed scheme and demonstrate that the modified mismatch scheme yields a significantly higher sensitivity than the original one. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that this scheme is a superior alternative to reflectivity tracking.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 用表面等离子体光谱学跟踪快速吸附过程:反射率和相位失配追踪




Practical diagnostic strategies for detection of temperature and nitric oxide (NO) in high pressure (p<60bar) combustion systems using Laser-Induced-Fluorescence (LIF) of nitric oxide are investigated. NO-LIF, when applied to elevated pressures, suffers from a decrease of signal due to pressure broadening and attenuation of the propagating laser beam/fluorescence signals. In addition, overlapping of neighboring excitation lines and interference from LIF of other species (mainly O2 and CO2) can significantly influence the overall signal. The main purpose of this study is to investigate NO-LIF strategies which minimize the impact of these complications or allow for correction of their effects. A comprehensive study of NO-LIF in a laboratory high-pressure flame was carried out for various flame stoichiometries, pressures and excitation wavelengths to develop optimized excitation and detection strategies for high-pressure applications. Four main issues are addressed in this study. First, optimized excitation strategies are investigated for high-pressure applications in the A2Σ+−X2Π (0,0), (0,1) and (0,2) bands of NO. Second, CO2-LIF is identified as a major source of interference in the detection of NO-LIF in high-pressure combustion systems involving hydrocarbon chemistry. Third, an accurate multi-line thermometry technique for steady, high-pressure flames is proposed by fitting wavelength-scanned NO-LIF with computational simulations. Finally, measurements optimizing the detection strategies of 2-D NO-LIF imaging in high-pressure flames are reported. The discussion and demonstrations reported in this study provide a practical guideline for application of instantaneous 1-D or 2-D NO-LIF imaging in high-pressure combustion systems.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 激光诱导荧光,PLIF,自由基,羟基,浓度场




Research on laser-liquid interaction and its induced fluid flows, as well as microbubbles, is important in many applications, such as laser ophthalmic microsurgery, manufacturing and repairing of micro-electronic-mechanical devices, laser deposition of thin liquid film to a specific location in micro system, etc. This work was focused on the interaction mechanisms of a laser pulse with distilled/degassed water as well as the characteristics of the microbubbles. Microbubbles and optohydrodynamic flows induced by a Nd:YAG pulse laser (New Wave Research) were studied. A recently improved PIV and PDA system were used to analyze the bubble dynamics and fluid flow quantitatively. Two CCD cameras were used to capture the images of microbubbles and visualize the laser induced Optohydrodynamic flows. The experimental results show that a bright fluid beam (density flow) with duration less than 127μs is produced by a focused laser pulse while an explosive cavitation just around the focus point is also occurred. Immediately following the fluid beam and the explosive cavitation, two new fluid regions which may be formed with the superheated dense fluid were found. One of them is just under the fluid beam due to the optical pressure while the other one is around the explosion area due to the force caused by the explosive cavitation. As shown in Figure 1, Single and multi microbubbles were generated immediately after the cavitation explosion when the nucleation conditions were satisfied. In addition, the characteristics, such as bubble velocities and diameters, were measured by a recently improved phase-Doppler anemometry (PDA). These results will help to have a better understanding of the mechanisms of laser-induced optohydrodynamic flows and bubbles related phenomena, which is crucial to numerical modeling.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 激光诱导液体流动,动力学,气泡生成,速度场,浓度场


