
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 活性
浏览次数: 93
发布时间: 2016-04-05
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 97 方案总浏览次数:
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Microcalorimetric instruments and methods are now essential tools for the general understanding of binding thermodynamics of biological macromolecules and specific biological systems. Provided that the enthalpy of binding is of appropriate magnitude, it is possible to determine affinities, KD, in the order of 10 nM (K=l08 M-1) for 1:1 complexes. One of the most important issues with ITC is the time needed to obtain a full binding isotherm. ITC inherently suffers from the relatively small number of binding experiments that are possible to perform per day. The focus has so far been on improving calorimetric response time of the instruments by various means, like assigning instrumental time constants and applying Tian’s equation to dynamically correct the raw calorimetric signal from a fast step-wise titration. Notably, nothing has so far been done to improve the experimental procedure. At the moment 2-3 h is needed to complete an ITC binding experiment. The number of data points that can be obtained, 20-30 points, limits the range of equilibrium constants that can be resolved from the data. For ITC this range is 1 ≤ KCM ≤ 1000, where K is the equilibrium constant and CM is the concentration of the reactant in the vessel. In this Application Note we show the possibility to shorten the time of an ITC experiment by slow continuous titration into the calorimetric vessel, cITC.


Continuous Isothermal Titration Calorimetry-cITC-a new way to speed up and improve binding experiments Natalia Markova Dan Hallen Biovitrum AB, Stockholm, Sweden INTRODUCTION Microcalorimetric instruments and methods are now essential tools for the generalunderstanding of binding thermodynamics of biological macromolecules and specific bio-logical systems. Provided that the enthalpy of binding is of appropriate magnitude, it ispossible to determine affinities, K , in the order of 10 nM (K=10"M') for 1:1 complexes.One of the most important issues with ITC is the time needed to obtain a full binding iso-therm. ITC inherently suffers from the relatively small number of binding experimentsthat are possible to perform per day. The focus has so far been on improving calorimetricresponse time of the instruments by various means, like assigning instrumental time con-stants and applying Tian’s equation to dynamically correct the raw calorimetric signal froma fast step-wise titration . Notably,nothing has so far been done to improve the experimen-tal procedure. At the moment 2-3 h is needed to complete an ITC binding experiment. Thenumber of data points that can be obtained, 20-30 points, limits the range of equilibriumconstants that can be resolved from the data. For ITC this range is 1






TA仪器为您提供《蛋白质中活性检测方案(差示扫描量热)》,该方案主要用于其他中活性检测,参考标准--,《蛋白质中活性检测方案(差示扫描量热)》用到的仪器有TA仪器+Affinity ITC+等温滴定微量热仪