




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




This paper presents quantitative planar laserinduced fluorescence (PLIF) imaging of nitric oxide (NO) in a transient-arc direct-current plasmatron igniter using premixed air/fuel mixtures. Quantitative measurements of NO are reported as a function of gas flow rate (20–50 standard cubic feet per hour), plasma power (100–900 mA, 150–750 W), and equivalence ratio (0.7–1.3). Images were corrected for temperature effects by using 2-D temperature field measurements obtained with infrared thermometry and calibrated by a more accurate multiline fitting technique. The signals were then quantified using an NO addition method and spectroscopic laser-induced fluorescence modeling of NO. NO PLIF images and single-point NO concentrations are presented for both plasma-discharge-only and methane/air plasma-enhanced combustion cases. NO formation occurs predominantly through N2(v) + O → NO + N for the plasmadischarge- only case without combustion. The NO concentration for the plasma-enhanced combustion case (500–3500 ppm) was an order of magnitude less than the plasma-discharge-only case (8000–15 000 ppm) due to the reduction of plasma reactions by the methane. Experiments show the linear decay of NO from equivalence ratio 0.8–1.2 under the same flow condition and discharge current. Index Terms—Nitric oxide (NO), plasma torch, plasma-assisted combustion.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 氮氧化物生成




A novel support mechanism for a wind tunnel model is designed, built, and demonstrated on an aerodynamic platform undergoing dynamic maneuvers, tested with periodic motions up to 20 Hz. The platform is supported by a 6-DOF (six degrees of freedom) traverse that utilizes eight thin wires, each mounted to a servo motor with an in-line load cell to accurately monitor or control the platform motion and force responses. The system is designed such that simultaneous control of the servo motors effects motion within 50 mm translations, 15 pitch, 9 yaw, and 8 roll at lower frequencies. The traverse tracks a desired trajectory and resolves the induced forces on the platform at 1 kHz. The effected motion of the platform is measured at 0.6 kHz with a motion capture system, which utilizes six near-infrared (NIR) cameras for full spatial and temporal resolution of the platform motion, which is used for feedback control. The traverse allows different platform model geometries to be tested, and the present work demonstrates its capabilities on an axisymmetric bluff body. Programmable timed outputs are synchronized relative to the model motion and can be used for triggering external systems and processes. In the present study, particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to characterize the realized wakes of the platform undergoing canonical motions that are effected by this new wind tunnel traverse.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场、速度矢量场




The entire process of atomization of the fuel in an internal combustion engine plays a very important role in determining the overall efficiency of these engines. A good atomization process could help the fuel to mix with the air properly leading to its efficient combustion, thereby reducing the emitted pollutants as well. The recent trend followed by the engineers focused on designing fuel injectors for more efficient atomization is to increase the atomization pressure while decreasing the nozzle orifice diameter. A consequence of this is the development of cavitation (formation of vapor cavities or bubbles in the liquid) inside the injector close to the nozzle. The main reason behind this is the sudden changes in the pressure inside the injector and these cavities or bubbles are usually formed where the pressure is relatively low. This work mainly focuses on studying the formation of cavitation and its effect on the velocity of the spray in the near nozzle region using asymmetrical transparent nozzle equipped with a needle lift sensor with nozzle diameter of 0.35 mm at 300 bar of injection pressure. The experiment consists in recording of several image-pairs, which are separated by about 300 ns, capturing the dynamics of the spray, a few millimeters from the nozzle in the direction of the flow. These image-pairs are then used to compute the velocity from the displacement of the liquid structures and ligaments by correlating the first image with the second. About 200 of such velocity graphs are then averaged to obtain a velocity map and is compared with the similar average velocity maps obtained at different times from the start of the injection. The angular spread of the spray from each of these images is calculated as well. The images showing cavitation in-side the injector are also recorded at these same instants of time so as to understand the effects of cavitation on the velocity and angular spread of the spray close to the nozzle.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 近场速度空化效应研究




The present study deals with the ow eld in the circular cross section of a cylindrical vessel induced by a rotationally reciprocating impeller, rotating back and forth with gradual change in rotational speed. A periodically stable velocity eld was measured by PIV and also simulated by CFD. It was revealed that the velocity eld near the liquid free surface is basically 2-dimensional, except for the acceleration period at Re43, and agrees well with 2-dimensional CFD simulation, except for the development process of 3-dimensional tip vortices at Re43. The separation behavior of the vortices originally generated at the impeller tip changed with increasing Reynolds number. No separation was observed at a lower Reynolds number, while the separated vortices turn into 3-dimensional potential vortices and remain as 2-dimensional vortices at the next impeller counterturn at higher Reynolds numbers. The uctuation of each velocity component was remarkably small, suggesting that the ow eld even at the highest Reynolds number was still laminar. It is found that eective transportation of energy from the impeller to 3-dimensional potential vortex is related to a large and constant power number, which is reported in our recent publication.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 诱导流场特性,速度场,速度矢量场




Nitric oxide laser-induced-fluorescence (NO-LIF) 2-D imaging measurements using a new multi-spectral detection strategy are reported for high-pressure flames (1–60 bar). This work builds on previous research that identified interference LIF from O2 and CO2 in high-pressure flames and optimized the choice of excitation strategies as a function of application conditions. In this study, design rules are presented to optimize the LIF detection wavelengths for quantitative 2-D NO-LIF measurements over a wide range of pressures (1–60 bar) and temperatures. Simultaneous detection of LIF in multiple wavelength regions enables correction of the NO signal for interference from O2 and CO2 and allows simultaneous imaging of all three species. New experiments of wavelength-resolved 1-D LIF in slightly lean (/ = 0.9) and slightly rich (/ = 1.1) methane/air flames are used to evaluate the design rules and estimate the NO detection limits for a wide range of flame conditions. The quantitative 2-D measurements of NO in the burnt gas are compared with model calculations (using GRI-Mech 3.0) versus pressure for slightly lean and slightly rich flames. The discussions and demonstrations reported in this study provide a practical guideline for application of instantaneous 1-D or 2-D NO-LIF imaging strategies in high-pressure combustion systems.  2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 氮氧化合物组分定量激光诱导荧光成像




This paper describes the development of an experimental technique that combines simultaneous planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and infrared (IR) thermography imaging, and its application to the measurement of unsteady and conjugate heat-transfer in harmonically forced, thin liquid-film flows falling under the action of gravity over an inclined electrically heated-foil substrate. Quantitative, spatiotemporally resolved and simultaneously conducted measurements are reported of the film thickness, film free-surface temperature, solid–liquid substrate interface temperature, and local/instantaneous heat flux exchanged with the heated substrate. Based on this information, local and instantaneous heat-transfer coefficients (HTCs) are recovered. Results concerning the local and instantaneous HTC and how this is correlated with the local and instantaneous film thickness suggest considerable heat-transfer enhancement relative to steady-flow predictions in the thinner film regions. This behaviour is attributed to a number of unsteady/mixing transport processes within the wavy films that are not captured by laminar, steady-flow analysis. The Nusselt number Nu increases with the Reynolds number Re; at low Re values the mean Nu number corresponds to 2.5, in agreement with the steady-flow theory, while at higher Re, both the Nu number and the HTC exhibit significantly enhanced values. Evidence that the HTC becomes decoupled from the film thickness for the upper range of observed film thicknesses is also presented. Finally, smaller film thickness fluctuation intensities were associated with higher HTC fluctuation intensities, while the amplitude of the wall temperature fluctuations was almost proportional to the amplitude of the HTC fluctuations.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 流动的时间空间分辨热传导过程的实验研究




The ignition characteristics of a premixed bluff-body burner under lean conditions were investigated experimentally and numerically with a physical model focusing on ignition probability. Visualisation of the flame with a 5 kHz OH* chemiluminescence camera confirmed that successful ignitions were those associated with the movement of the kernel upstream, consistent with previous work on non-premixed systems. Performing many separate ignition trials at the same spark position and flow conditions resulted in a quantification of the ignition probability Pign, which was found to decrease with increasing distance downstream of the bluff body and a decrease in equivalence ratio. Flows corresponding to flames close to the blow-off limit could not be ignited, although such flames were stable if reached from a richer already ignited condition. A detailed comparison with the local Karlovitz number and the mean velocity showed that regions of high Pign are associated with low Ka and negative bulk velocity (i.e. towards the bluff body), although a direct correlation was not possible. A modelling effort that takes convection and localised flame quenching into account by tracking stochastic virtual flame particles, previously validated for non-premixed and spray ignition, was used to estimate the ignition probability. The applicability of this approach to premixed flows was first evaluated by investigating the model’s flame propagation mechanism in a uniform turbulence field, which showed that the model reproduces the bending behaviour of the ST-versus-u curve. Then ignition simulations of the bluff-body burner were carried out. The ignition probability map was computed and it was found that the model reproduces all main trends found in the experimental study.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 引燃几率的模拟和实验研究


