



present data, and to our understanding is far better than any other software package ... With the Chromeleon Reports, we are seeing time and cost savings saving equivalent to four to five full time employees depending on the workload in each month. These savings are higher than anticipated.” Bernd Boscolo QC Improvement Projects Team Leader and CDS Administrator Douglas Manufacturing Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand Bernd Boscolo received an Engineering Diploma in chemistry from the University of Applied Sciences, Isny, Germany. He worked for more than three years at privately held pharmaceutical manufacturer Swiss Caps AG, Kirchberg, Switzerland before joining Douglas Manufacturing eight years ago. In his most recent position as QC Improvement Projects Team Leader, Bernd oversees Chromeleon CDS operation in his company’s Quality Control and New Product Development laboratories. His duties include the design and validation of Chromeleon Report Templates. Chromeleon 报告显著降低了新西兰 药品制造商的时间和成本投入 Chromeloen 报告设计器是一款用于计算和显示数据 的强大工具,据我们所知,此工具远胜于其它任意一种 软件包&#823&#823根据每月的工作量,使用 Chromeloen 报告所 节约的时间和成本相当于节省4 - 5 名全职雇员。其节约 的时间和成本高于预期。
检测样品: 化药制剂
检测项: 限度检查


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