
检测样品: 动物内脏组织
检测项目: Pt和Ru
浏览次数: 544
发布时间: 2018-12-18
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利用激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)研究了小鼠内脏(肝、肾、脾、肌肉)中Ru、Pt的空间分布。该小鼠经过含Ru的抗肿瘤药物KP1339或顺铂抗癌药物(有效但对肾脏有危害的临床批准的含Pt药物)的处理。本方法根据均一的含Ru、Pt的样品(22.0 和 0.257 mg g-1)建立。利用这两个浓度值获得了令人满意的平均的*度和准确度(3–15% 和 93–120%)。然而考虑到单点数据,高浓度的Ru获得了令人满意的精度和准确度,低浓度的Pt回收率和精度较低,利用内标校正(115In, 185Re 或 13C)也无法改善。利用基体匹配的标准物质实现了LA-ICP-MS的定量过程,发现明显的金属分布规律:比如肾的皮质比髓质富集,肝脏和肾脏均匀分布,脾脏在部分区域富集。根据组织学结构,元素分布的分辨率在100μm左右。最后利用微波消解和溶液测试验证了LA-ICP-MS定量的准确性。


MetallomicsView Article OnlineView Journal|View Issue View Article OnlineMetallomicsPaper Quantitative bioimaging by LA-ICP-MS: amethodological study on the distribution of Ptand Ru in viscera originating from cisplatin- andKP1339-treated mice: Alexander E. Egger,*ab Sarah Theiner,C Christoph Kornauth, Petra Heffeter,Walter Berger,e Bernhard K. Keppler and Christian G. Hartinger*bcf Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used to study the spatially-resolved distribution of ruthenium and platinum in viscera (liver, kidney, spleen, and muscle) originating frommice treated with the investigational ruthenium-based antitumor compound KP1339 or cisplatin, a potent, butnephrotoxic clinically-approved platinum-based anticancer drug. Method development was based onhomogenized Ru- and Pt-containing samples (22.0 and 0.257 ug g-, respectively). Averaging yieldedsatisfactory precision and accuracy for both concentrations (3-15% and 93-120%, respectively), however whenconsidering only single data points, the highly concentrated Ru sample maintained satisfactory precision andaccuracy, while the low concentrated Pt sample yielded low recoveries and precision, which could not beimproved by use of internal standards (15In, 185Re or 13c). Matrix-matched standards were used forquantification in LA-ICP-MS which yielded comparable metal distributions, i.e., enrichment in the cortex ofthe kidney in comparison with the medulla, a homogenous distribution in the liver and the muscle and areasof enrichment in the spleen. Elemental distributions were assigned to histological structures exceeding100 um in size. The accuracy of a quantitative LA-ICP-MS imaging experiment was validated by anindependent method using microwave-assisted digestion(MW) followed by direct infusion ICP-MS analysis. Introduction Metal-based drugs possess a long and successful history incancer treatment, starting in 1978 with the worldwide approvalof cisplatin (Fig. 1).1,2 Despite being highly efficient in treat-ment of testicular, head, neck and ovarian tumors, patientssuffer from severe side effects such as emesis, neurotoxicityand myelosuppression as well as nephrotoxicity, which isoften dose-limiting.3.4Nevertheless, cisplatin and its secondand third generation compounds carboplatin and oxaliplatinare still among the most frequently prescribed anticancer ( “ADSI -Austrian Drug Screening Institute G m bH, Inn r ain 66a , A-6 0 20 Innsbruck,Austria. E-mail: alexander.egger@adsi.ac.at; Tel:+43-512-507-36305"Institute ofInorganic Chemistry, University of Vienna, Vie n na, Austria‘ R esearch Platform “Translational C ancer Therapy Research', University of Vienna, ) ( Vienna, Austria ) ( “Institute of Clinical Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, V ienna, AustriaInstitute of Cancer Research, D epartment of Medicine I, a n d Comprehensive ) ( C ancer Center, Medical University of Vienna, Vi e nna, Au s tria ) ( School ofChemical Sciences, U n iversity of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, ) Auckland 1142, New Zealand. E-mail: c.hartinger@auckland.ac.nz;Fax: (+64)9 373 7599 ext 87422 t Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4mt00072b Fig. 1 Chemical structures of the clinically-established anticancer com-pound cisplatin as well as the investigational ruthenium complex KP1339. agents nowadays.,6 Promising alternatives to platinum-basedtherapeutics aim for reduced side effects and efficacy in resistanttumors. These include ruthenium-based anticancer complexes, forexample sodium trans-[tetrachloridobis(1H-indazole)ruthenate(m)],KP1339 (Fig. 1), which is currently undergoing a clinical phaseI/II trial.7-11 Despite intensive preclinical testing, the main reasonscausing abandonment of clinical trials include issues withthe pharmacokineties of drug candidates, low efficacy andunexpected side effects.12,13 Bioimaging techniques in preclinicalin vivo studies could improve the success rate by visualizing thedistribution of a drug in the target tissue with high spatialresolution in the micrometre scale at an early stage in the drugdevelopment process. Highly sensitive imaging techniquesbased1ion mass spectrometrysuch as laserablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS),matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry(MALDI-MS), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)serve as analytical tools in biomedical studies as well as in thefields of medicinal and bioinorganic chemistry.14-18 LA-ICP-MShas become the method of choice in elemental bioimaging as itcombines the high spatial resolution of laser ablation (spot sizedown to 4 um) with the high sensitivity of mass spectrometricdetection by ICP-MS yielding detection limits in the sub pg grange, especially for transition metals.17,19 Furthermore, thesample preparation is straightforward, as the tissue samplesare either paraffin-embedded or cryosectioned onto glass slides,with the tissue thickness varying in the range from 5 to 200 um.18,20A general work-flow for a bioimaging experiment is depicted inthe ESIt (Scheme S1). One of the major challenges of LA-ICP-MS in bioimagingstudies is the development of reliable and validated quantifica-tion strategies.18,21 Quantification is mainly hampered by thelack of appropriate certified reference materials for the analyte ofinterest in the respective tissue-based matrix and a standardizedapproachifor the application of internal standards hasnot been established. Several quantification procedures havebeen proposed in the literature including online-addition ofsolution-based calibration standards19,22 and standards spikedin polymers followed by coating on slides.3 Most commonly,matrix-matched calibration standards are individually preparedfor each analytical problem by homogenization of the matrix(e.g., whole blood/blood serum, chicken breast, liver and ratbrain tissues) and addition of a defined amount of the analytesof interest.19,24-26 As the analysis time per sample is typicallyin the range of several hours, the development of strategies toaccount for variations of the elemental response are challen-ging. They are caused by, e.g., varying water content in thesample and different sample thickness, fluctuations in the laserchamber during the ablation process and during quantificationby ICP-MS. To account for these issues, a suitable internalstandard needs to be used, which ideally is a naturally occurringand homogenously distributed element within the biologicalmatrix. Consequently, the isotope 13C has been shown to bethe element of choice for tissue samples. The main drawbacksof 13c are the significantly different atomic mass and firstionization potential compared to most analytes as well as itsinsensitivity to instrumental fluctuations of the ICP-MS.27,28Iodine as an internal standard has been proposed upon iodina-tion of cell nuclei in fibroblast cells and has allowed correctionfor tissue inhomogeneities.29,30 Further strategies involve spin-coating of the glass slide with solutions of the internal standard and placing the sample tissue on top. Alternatively, a thin layerof a gold standard can be deposited directly on the tissue. Bothstrategies yield simultaneous ablation of the sample and theinternal standard. In biomedical studies, LA-ICP-MS has shown high potential toimprove the understanding of the distribution of trace elementsinvolved in complex biological processes at tissue and cellularlevel. Especially analysis of metal-based nanoparticles yieldedspatially-resolved elemental distributions in the nanometre scaleallowing assignment to subcellular structures.29,32-34 Severalstudies have focussed on bioimaging of brain samples fromanimal models for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Wilkinson’sdiseases and disease-induced alterations of elements weremonitored.19,22,35-38 In cancer research, LA-ICP-MS has beenused to map the metabolism and pathogenesis of primary braintumours,39,40to identify metastatic melanoma inlymphnodes,41 and to detect tumor markers in breast cancer tissue.20In the field of platinum-based anticancer drugs, metal distribu-tion in tissues being targeted by cisplatin (testis, kidney andcochlea) has recently been determined by LA-ICP-MS.42-44Furthermore, ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS have been combinedto study the uptake of oxaliplatin during hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy in rats. Within this paper, we compared for the first time the(quantitative) spatially-resolved biodistribution of Ru and Ptin viscera (kidney, liver, muscle, and spleen) of KP1339- orcisplatin-treated Balb/c mice. Additionally, the validation of themethod is reported. This includes analysis of homogenatesof known metal concentrations by LA-ICP-MS as well as theapplication of microwave digestion followed by direct infusionICP-MS measurements as an independent method for provingthe validity of the data. Experimental Chemicals Cisplatin and KP1339 were prepared according to literatureprocedures.46,47 Nitric acid (≥65%, p.a.) was purchased fromFluka (Buchs, Switzerland) and further purified in a quartz sub-boiling point distillation unit (Milestone-MLS GmbH, Leutkirch,Germany).All dilutions were gravimetrically prepared with Milli-Qwater (18.2 MQ cm, Milli-Q Advantage, Darmstadt, Germany).Indium, platinum, rhenium, and ruthenium standards wereobtained from CPI International (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Tissue-Tek medium (Sakura Finetek, Netherlands) was used forthe embedding of the cryosections. Animal experiments Eight-week-old Balb/c mice were purchased from HarlanLaboratories (San Pietro al Natisone, Italy). The animals werekept in a pathogen-free environment and every procedure wasdone in a laminar airflow cabinet. Animal experiments wereapproved by the ethics committee of the Medical Universityof Vienna and the Bundesministerium fiir Wissenschaftund Forschung Ref. II/10b (Gentechnik und Tierversuche), application Nr. BMWF-66.009/0337-II/3b/1011, and were carriedout according to the Austrian and FELASA guidelines foranimal care and protection in order to minimize distress forthe animals. Mice (n = 2 for each treatment) were treatedwith 15 mg kg- cisplatin intraperitoneally (in 0.9% NaCl) or50 mg kg-KP1339 intravenously (in citrate buffer pH 3.5).Mice were sacrificed after 18 and 24 h for KP1339 and cisplatin,respectively. The entire liver of one mouse per group wasremoved and stored at -20 °C for method development. Organsof the second mouse (liver, kidney, muscle and spleen) wereused for the determination of the biodistribution of Pt and Ru,and its quantification by LA-ICP-MS and ICP-MS after MWdigestion. Tissues for imaging were either immediately frozenin dry ice-cooled methylbutane or stored at 4℃ if cryosectioningcould be performed within 5 h. Additional samples of all organswere stored at -20 ℃ for quantitative determination of therespective average metal concentration by means of MW andICP-MS analysis. Half of a kidney from each animal group wasformalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded for detailed histopatho-logical evaluation via periodic acid Schiff(PAS) stain. Preparation of standards and controls Commercially available pig liver (approx.5 g) was used for thepreparation of matrix-matched standards, spiked with In andRe (10 g g-each) and homogenized with a ball homogenizer(Schwingmuehle Retsch MM2000) with a single ceramic ball for5 min at 40% and 5 min at 90% intensity. Aliquots were spikedwith liquid Ru and Pt standards yielding final concentrationsranging from 1 to 50 ng g. In order to minimize dilution ofthe matrix, the total amount of added standard solution neverexceeded 10% (w/w). Mixing of homogenates with standardsolutions was performed in Eppendorf tubes together with 3 ballsmade from steel at 70% energy for 15 min. In order to check the accuracy of the method in general,control samples containing a known concentration of analytewere prepared independently of the standards in the followingmanner: liver (approx. 1 g) from cisplatin- or KP1339-treatedmice, which was not subjected to bioimaging experiments andthus independent, was spiked with In and Re (10 ug geach)and homogenized following the protocol for the preparationof the standards. Samples were pelletized in an Eppendorfcentrifuge at 80 rpm for 1 min. Subsequently, the standardsand control samples were prepared by microwave-assisteddigestion for direct infusion ICP-MS to verify the concentrationof the standards and to determine the target value (“true value”)for the LA-ICP-MS control samples (Scheme 1). The remaininghomogenates were stored at -20°C. Quantification of the average metal content by ICP-MS An ETHOS microwave digestion system (MLS, Leutkirch,Germany), equipped with an MR-10 rotor for 30 QS-3 teflon tubeswas used. Prior to sample digestion, all tubes were cleaned withequal volumes of water and nitric acid of subboiled quality at180℃ for 20 min under temperature control of one vessel.Consecutively, the samples with a moist mass of 20-40 mg(i.e., tissues from animal experiments, standards, and controls; Scheme 1 Simplified overview of sample preparation. Standards (spikedwith known amounts of Ru or Pt as well as internal standards) and controlsamples (originating from a treated animal) were homogenized andanalyzed via LA-ICP-MS and MW digestion followed by ICP-MS measure-ment for method development and validation. The metal content insamples originating from animal experiments was quantified by thesetwo methods in the same manner using MW digestion as reference forproving validity of the data obtained by LA-ICP-MS. see Scheme 1) were digested with 35% nitric acid using theconditions given in Table S1 (see ESIt). Samples were dilutedwith Milli-Q water yielding a nitric acid concentration ofapprox. 3.5% and metal concentrations not exceeding 15 ng gAn ICP-MS (Agilent 7500ce, Waldbronn, Germany) equipped with aCETAC ASX-520 autosampler (Nebraska, USA) and a MicroMistnebulizer at a sample uptake rate of approximately 0.25 ml minwas used for quantification. In and Re served as internal standardsfor Ru and Pt, respectively, in samples originating from animalexperiments. As the homogenates (standards and controlsamples) already contained In and Re, Ce was used in thatcase alternatively. The internal standard was added via aperistaltic pump and merged with the solution of the analytevia a T-piece previous to the nebulizer. Experimental parametersare summarized in Table 1. Data processing was conductedwith the MassHunter software package (Agilent, WorkstationSoftware, Version B.01.01, 2012). If not otherwise stated,reported data is based on digestions performed in triplicates.As a certified reference material for Ru and Pt in mammaliantissue is to the best of our knowledge not available, three tofive samples, which were analyzed on different days with inde-pendently prepared calibration standards, were used as controlsamples for the current calibration to ensure lab-internal longterm comparability of measured data. RF-power [W] 1500 1350 Cones Registered isotopes Ni 101Ru, 102Ru,115In,149Ce, 194Pt, 19Pt, Re Ni i3ca 102Ru,115In",185Re", 19Pt Dwell time [s] 0.1 0.1 Replicates 10 —— Carrier gas [l min-] 0.9 1.0 Make up gas [l min-] 0.2 一 Plasma gas [l min-] 15 15 “Internal standards were only registered in spiked, homogenized samples used for method development. Laser ablation and data processing Sample preparation. Matrix-matched homogenous51liverstandards, homogenized liver originating from cisplatin- orKP1339-treated mice as well as organs of treated mice wereembedded in Tissue-Tek medium and cryocut into slices of20 um thickness with a cryotom (Microm HM 550, ThermoFischer). The slices were placed on glass object dishes and airdried. A slice of 5 um was stained with haematoxylin eosin (HE)for the histological evaluation. General setup for LA. Laser ablation was performed with asolid state laser (Nd:YAG)at a wavelength of 213 nm (NWR 213,ESI, Fremont,CA, USA), equipped with a 2 volume ablation cell.Enhancing the performance for bioimaging applications, thelaser was detuned yielding a reduced maximum energy of 2 mJin the ablation chamber, thus enabling improved fine-tuningof the applied energy. Furthermore, the laser beam path wasequipped with a square-shaped laser spot table ensuring aconstant delivery of energy onto the moving sample throughoutthe entire diameter of the laser beam. An optical sample map ofthe region of interest was generated and the ablation pattern(parallel line scans) was defined. Ablation was performed at aspot size of 70 pm and a scan speed of 40 pm s-. The ablatedmaterial was transferred to the ICP-MS with He at a flow rate of400 ml min-. Further parameters for the laser ablation processare summarized in Table 2 and for LA-ICP-MS in Table 1. Method development and validation. The matrix-matchedstandards from pig liver and the control samples were ablatedin line-scans of 2 mm in length in the following order: standards(0, 1, 5, 10,50 ng g, two lines per concentration level), controlsamples (5 lines each), standards (two lines per concentrationlevel), control samples (5 lines each), standards (two linesper concentration level). The laser and ICP-MS parameters are Sample energy mJ 0.08-0.10 Fluence J cm-4 2.1-2.5 Repetition rate [Hz] 10 Laser beam shape Square Spot size [um] 48 Scan speed [um s-] Transfer gas and flow rate [ml min-] He, 400 Length per line (standards) [mm] Spacing between lines [um] Warm up [s] Wash out delay [s] summarized in Table 1 and 2, respectively. The average gasblank was calculated for each isotope and subtracted from eachindividually registered data point. Additionally, the 102Ru/115In,195Pt/185Re, 102Ru/13c and 195Pt/lc ratio for each data pointand averages over all data points (90-110) within a line scanwere calculated. The resulting average counts (or ratios) perline-scan were averaged over the six line-scans per concen-tration level and plotted against the concentration obtainedby MW/ICP-MS yielding the respective calibration curves. Theraw data of the ten lines per control sample were processed inthe same manner, and their average counts (or ratios) as well astheir precision were converted into concentrations and corre-sponding standard deviations using the calibration curve fromthe LA-ICP-MS experiment. Concentrations of the homogenizedcontrol samples, obtained independently by LA-ICP-MS and byMW/ICP-MS were compared to verify accuracy and precision. Quantitative bioimaging of mouse organs. Each standardwas analyzed in triplicate line scans (length: 1.5-3 mm) at leastbefore and after scanning of a tissue section. In case theanalysis time exceeded 2 h, standards were additionally mea-sured within the ablation experiment. Length and width of theablated area were measured for scaling purpose. The recordedfiles were imported into Iolite (Version 2.15)48 as an add-on toIgor Pro (Wavemetrics, Igor Pro 6.22A). The maps of the metaldistribution (195Pt and 102Ru) were generated with the datareduction scheme Trace_Elements following the proceduresdescribed in the manual (Iolite User Manual, Version 2.0)4including background subtraction and no smoothing of thevisualization.The aspect ratio of the image was set according tothe length and width of the ablated area to obtain accuratelyshaped pictures. The visualized metal distribution was scaledproportionally and superimposed on the histologic image. Assignment of concentrations to the resulting color-coded Ru orPt maps was performed and validated in the following manner: Theinstrumental drift was monitored by the standards that were runbefore and after the ablation experiment. In case the drift of thecounts exceeded 15%, no quantitative calculations were performed;otherwise the concentration of each standard was assigned in thescale bar of the inage to the corresponding average counts. Inorder to validate the spatially-resolved, quantitative biodistribution,the average concentration determined by MW/ICP-MS was assignedin the scale-bar as well. The quantitative image was considered tobe valid, if the concentration determined by MW/ICP-MS waswithin the concentration pattern determined by bioimaging. Results and discussion A method for obtaining quantitative information on the metaldistribution in organs of cisplatin- and KP1339-treated micewas developed and validated. Metal concentrations in organsoriginating from a single mouse were determined indepen-dently by two methodologies: LA-ICP-MS and MW followed byquantification with ICP-MS. Method development and validation Pig liver is well suited for the preparation of matrix-matchedstandards due to the absence of fascia and connective tissue aswell as its availability. Details on the concentration of thestandards, determined by MW/ICP-MS, and typical calibrationcurves for LA-ICP-MS, obtained by ablating cryosections of thematrix-matched standards,are available in the ESIt (Table S2and Fig. S1, respectively) In order to validate the calibration for LA-ICP-MS, a tissueslice of known concentration originating from homogenizedliver of a treated mouse was prepared. Homogenization isrequired to ensure a uniform distribution of the spiked internalstandards (In, Re),to identify the best suited internal standard.This process circumvents any impact of inhomogeneous drugdistribution in liver originating from animal experiments. Theconcentrations of the control samples (approx. 20-40 mg) weredetermined in triplicates by means of MW/ICP-MS as 0.257 ±0.039 uggand 22.0±1.2 ug g for Pt and Ru, respectively.These values were considered as target values for the quantifi-cation of these elements in tissue sections of the same samplesby LA-ICP-MS. The results for two slices of the homogenizedmouse liver (homogenate 1 and homogenate 2) are depicted inFig. 2. Quantification only via raw counts results in recoveriesfor both elements in the range of 93-120% (Table S3, ESIt).Internal standards, spiked to the homogenate (115In, 185Re) didnot improve the recovery, while an internal standard beingpresent intrinsically in the sample (13c), yielded improved datain the case of Ru. For Pt, recovery was worse when In was used asthe internal standard, which may be due to their differentmasses and first ionization energies (9.0 vs. 5.8 eV, respectively).Although being much lighter than Pt, c (11.3 eV), performedbetter as internal standard than In, maybe due to their similarfirst ionization potential. Additionally, analysis of homogenatesoriginating from the same tissue type and use of an internalstandard intrinsically present, such as 13c, were considered asbest prerequisites to ensure uniform distribution within thesample as well as identical concentration of the internalstandard between different samples. Using this approach,biased results due to inconstant internal standard concentra-tions were ruled out. Ten line-scans per homogenate were conducted and theprecision (expressed as relative standard deviation) rangedfrom 3 to 8% in case of Ru and 8 to 15% in case of Pt(Table S3, ESIt), whereas none of the internal standardsimproved precision significantly. The higher uncertainty forPt might be explained by its 100-fold lower concentration inliver tissue compared to the Ru sample. Fig. 2 LA-ICP-MS-based quantification of ruthenium (top) and platinum(bottom) in homogenized liver originating from mice treated with eitherKP1339 or cisplatin, respectively. The dashed lines indicate the target value,obtained by quantification via MW/ICP-MS of liver samples. LA-ICP-MSbased quantifications via raw counts of the metal as well as the use ofinternal standards 115in,185Re and 13c were compared with respect to theiraccuracy and precision (standard deviation calculated from 10 line scans of1950 um length each). However, accuracy and precision based on averages (ten line-scans, each approx. 90 data points) are not valid for bioimagingexperiments. Laser ablation imaging experiments are usuallyoptimized via scan speed of the laser, laser diameter andregistration time per datapoint20,50 but do not allow for collec-tion of a large number of data points to obtain an average.Hence, we randomly selected one line-scan of the ruthenium andone of the platinum homogenate (Fig. 3 and Fig. S2, ESIt).Concentrations scatter symmetrically along the scans, indicatingwell-homogenized samples and the absence of a concentrationgradient. In case of the higher concentrated ruthenium sample,single spikes ranged from 10 up to 40 nggand precision overthe entire line was approx. 20% giving a more realistic pictureon the interpretation of bioimaging data. Analysis of the Ptsample (<0.5 ug g) showed that spatially-resolved quantita-tive data isS1not meaningful in the experimental setting:although the average over ten line-scans was still satisfactorywith regard to precision and accuracy (Table S3, ESIt), precisionwithin a single line-scan was lower than 30% and spikes rangedfrom 0.05 to 0.8 ug g(target concentration: 0.257 ug g),which equals recoveries from 19 to 311%. Hence, intensities of Distance [um] Fig. 33(Concentrations of Ru and Pt along a single line-scan (1950 um) as determined by LA-ICP-MS in homogenized mouse liver originating from micetreated with either KP1339 or cisplatin, respectively. The bar charts represent the average and standard deviation of the line-scan. The targetconcentrations are 22.0 ug g-1 for Ru and 0.257 ug g-1 for Pt. The impact of internal standardization (13c,1151n, 185Re) is visualized in Fig. S2 (ESIt) inthe same manner. peaks being distinctly different from neighbouring ones inbioimaging experiments should be interpreted with caution,especially in low concentrated samples (sub ng grange). Data analysis employing internal standards (1c,115In,185Re)demonstrated that neither of them improved the precision signifi-cantly (Fig. S2, ESIt), thus, supporting that quantification solely viaraw counts and matrix-matched standards is feasible.36,39,42,51Hence, we decided to perform quantitative LA experiments withoutinternal standard, but ensured that instrumental drift duringthe ablation experiments was monitored by running calibrationstandards at least three times (at the beginning, during theablation experiment and at the end of the sample run) andevaluated their precision. In case precision exceeded 15%, rawcounts are reported instead of quantitative data. In order to estimate the spatial resolution of the experimentalsetting, ablation was performed in parallel, horizontal line-scans.Hence, the diameter of the laser limits the vertical resolution to70 um with the laser parameters used. The horizontal resolution(along the line) was mainly impacted by the scan speed anddwell time (40 um s- and 0.1 s). Thus, the theoretical limitequals a pixel size of 70 × 4 um. A detailed picture of a KP1339-treated kidney (Fig. 4) features a tissue structure of approxi-mately 100 × 100 um in size (red circle). This structure is clearlyvisible in the corresponding laser ablation image, indicating thatmeaningful imaging data is obtained for structures exceeding100 um in size (Fig.4). Bioimaging of cisplatin- and KP1339-treated viscera Viscera of mice treated either with KP1339 or cisplatin wereobtained and the respective distribution of the metal, expressedas counts per second (CPS), was determined within kidneyand spleen (Fig. 5) as well as muscle and liver (Fig. S3, ESIt).In order to validate the concentrations determined withLA-ICP-MS, 20-40 mg of tissue was digested in a microwaveusing half-concentrated nitric acid and analyzed by ICP-MS. 0 5000 1000015000 CPS 102Ru 1 mm Fig. 4Pictures of the LA-ICP-MS scan (left) and a consecutive HE stainedslice (right) of kidney originating from a KP1339-treated mouse. Theapplied parameters for LA (70 um laser diameter, 40 um s-1 scan speed)allowed identification of a small piece of tissue (100 um, red circles) withina tissue free area (greyscale picture prior to ablation). 7.9 mm 3.9 mm Fig. 55Distribution of 195Pt and 102Ru in kidney and spleen of mice treated either with cisplatin or KP1339. Visualization was based on 128 and 76 parallelline scans (scan direction left to right, alignment of the lines from top to bottom) for Ru-containing viscera and 63 and 64 for the Pt samples. Thecorresponding greyscale images were recorded with the built-in camera of the laser ablation system prior to ablation of the sample. The color scalesrepresent the recorded counts per second (CPS) of the registered metal ion isotopes by LA-ICP-MS. Quantitative amounts of Pt and Ru in kidney wereobtained by ablating matrix-matched standards within the same run. In these cases,concentrations obtained by MW/ICP-MS were appropriately assignedto the color scale bar with an asterisk. Their corresponding colors according to the scale are in good accordance with the colors available in picturesobtained by LA-ICP-MS, proving validity of the method in real samples. Analysis of spleen was performed without simultaneous ablation of standards. order liver kidney > spleen> muscle and average CPSrecorded by LA were estimated as 12 000 for liver and kidney,7000 for spleen, and 3000 for muscle. Additionally, the MW/ICP-MS procedure was used as an independent methodology toassess the accuracy of the quantitative Pt distribution in kidney andRu distribution in liver and kidney in the following manner: theaverage Ru concentration determined by MW/ICP-MS (e.g.22.6 ±0.8ug gin liver, Table 3) was indicated with an asterisk in thecolor bar (Fig. 5 and Fig. S3, ESIt), which shows that the concen-tration from MW/ICP-MS is in accordance with the concentrationsdetermined by LA-ICP-MS. In case of the kidneys, the Ru and Ptconcentrations determined by MW/ICP-MS corresponded toconcentrations found in the cortex, hence again proving validityof the approach. When determining the quantitative distributionof Pt in a liver originating from a cisplatin-treated mouse theinstrumental drift exceeded 15% and the quantitative data wastherefore considered not valid. Both metals were found to be homogenously distributed inliver tissue, whereas the metal distribution in kidney tissue Table 33Metal concentrations in organs of mice treated either withcisplatin or KP1339. Concentrations were determined by ICP-MS afterMW digestion of the samples.The data correspond to the same mice thatwere cryosectioned and ablated as depicted previously. The results aregiven as mean± standard deviation in case of cisplatin and as mean ± spanin case of KP1339. Concentrations of Pt in muscle and spleen were notdetermined (n.d.) due to insufficient sample material Organ Cisplatin (Pt, n=3) KP1339 (Ru, n=2) Liver 3.9±1.2 22.6±0.8 Kidney 11.2±0.6 20.5±2.2 Muscle n.d. 2.9 ±0.3 Spleen n.d. 6.5±0.4 correlated with the functional differentiation of the organ. ThePt concentration in the cortex was found to be about 10-timeshigher than in the medulla (9 and <0.8 ugg, respectively).Note that the reported absolute values do not consider biologicalvariations as they are based on experiments with a single mouse per metal compound. However, our data obtained for cisplatin-treated mice is in good agreement with most data reportedpreviously, using also LA-ICP-MS,42-44 although treatment regimensas well as preparation of samples and standards varied significantly(see Table S4, ESIt). So far, only two literature reports dealt withspatially-resolved, quantitative bioimaging:42,44Zoriy et al.studied Pt distribution in frozen sections of kidney originatingfrom cisplatin-treated mice (3 mg kgfor 60 min) and reportedhighest concentrations in the medullaanddprogressivelydecreasing amounts to the periphery.In contrast, Reifschneideret al. not only investigated murine kidney and cochlea tissueaffected by cisplatin treatment but also the testes as therapeutictarget tissue and reported Pt biodistribution quantitatively.Samples were obtained from mice treated with cisplatin(15 mg kg) for 1 h and 4 days and embedded in a coldpolymerizing resin, which was used for preparation of stan-dards as well. The highest concentrations of 85 and 2 pg g-1were detected in the cortico-medullary region upon treatmentfor 1 h and 4 days, respectively, and no significant Pt accumula-tion was detected in the medulla.4 These findings are in goodagreement with our data (approx. 9 ug g in the cortex),considering the treatment time of 24 h in our case. Moreno-Gordaliza et al. investigated formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded(FFPE) kidneys.43 In this study, Pt was found to be enrichedby a factor of 10 in cortex in comparison with the medulla,which is also in accordance with our results. On the other hand,quantitative Pt concentrations differ substantially despite com-parable dosages (16 mg kgfor 3 days vs. 15 mgkgfor 1 dayin our study) and identical route of applications (i.p.). Whilequantification is based on LA-ICP-MS in both cases, the sampleand standard preparation varied considerably (e.g. FFPE tissue)yielding loss of quantitative spatial resolution and some experi-mental details remain ambiguous. Our approach (treatment15 mg kg ,1 day) based on the LA-ICP-MS analysis of cryo-sections and matrix-matched standards for calibration waschosen to obtain spatially-resolved quantitative information.The reported concentrations of<0.8 ng g in the medullaand approximately 9 ug gin the cortex, as estimated fromFig.5, correspond to wet tissue. Furthermore, this was indepen-dently confirmed by determining the Pt content of the samekidney used for preparation of cryosections by MW/ICP-MS,which yielded an average Pt concentration of 11.2 ±0.6 ugg-1(Table 3), thereby proving the accuracy of our quantitative laserablation procedure. The observed accumulation of Pt in cortex of the kidney is inaccordance with its toxicity for proximal tubule cells, located inthe cortico-medullary junction.52 However, drawing conclu-sions on potential side effects solely on the basis of accumula-tion is not justified: Ru originating from KP1339 possesses acomparable distribution pattern in kidneys, but in contrast tocisplatin no severe side effects (such as nephrotoxicity) havebeen observed in preclinical or clinical trials.10,11 Additionally,we compared stained kidney sections from cisplatin andKP1339-treated mice histologically and no pathologic altera-tions indicating acute tubular damage were observed (Fig.S4and S5, ESIt). Studies focusing on cisplatin nephrotoxicity report visible histologic damage in renal tissue after cisplatintreatment of rats 5 mg kg- for 5 days or 16 mg kg- for3 days).43 As degenerative changes in proximal tubule tissuebecome visible after 3-5 days at earliest,3the short treatment-time with cisplatin in our experiment (24 h) explains thediscrepancy at histologic level. Pt and Ru are homogenously distributed in muscle tissue(Fig. S3, ESIt) and distribution in spleen exhibited regions withenriched amounts of metals for both compounds (Fig. 5, left). Conclusion Quantification of elemental distributions in biological samplesstudied by LA-ICP-MS suffers from a lack of certified referencematerials for the analyte of interest and currently no standardizedapproach for the application of internal standards is available.Therefore we focused in this paper on the method developmentand validation of a quantitative LA-ICP-MS bioimaging experi-ment in organs of mice treated with the anticancer agents KP1339or cisplatin. Analysis of liver homogenates by a single line-scanresulted in a realistic estimation of the precision for tissueimaging with a relative standard deviation of approximately20%, while averaging over line-scans only pretended highaccuracy (70-120%) and precision (3-15%). Applying internalstandards such as 115In, 185Re and 13c did not improve thequality of the data and was not mandatory given instrumentalresponse is stable over time with a drift of less than 15% duringthe entire ablation experiment. The experimental resolution ofthe elemental distributions was determined to be approxi-mately 100 um via corresponding histological structures inoptical images of the ablated area. Using this method, the spatially-resolved biodistribution ofKP1339 in a series of organs was studied for the first time,exhibiting distribution patterns similar to cisplatin. Because of thelow number of test animals used, the absolute values on organdistributions have to be taken carefully. Both compounds wereenriched in the cortex of the kidney in comparison with themedulla, a homogenous distribution was determined in the liveras well as in muscle tissue and areas of the spleen showed alsohigher metal concentrations. The viscera were additionally digestedin a microwave and the concentrations as determined by directinfusion ICP-MS confirmed those determined by LA-ICP-MSimaging.Therefore the validity of the data in real world sampleswas demonstrated in an independent experiment. Moreover, ourdata reveal that no toxic alterations at histologic level are observedafter treatment of mice with KP1339, although the rutheniumconcentration in tissue was much higher than the platinumconcentration. This is in good agreement with the lack of severeside effects observed in clinical trials with KP1339. Acknowledgements C.G.H. is grateful for the financial support provided by theAustrian Science Fund (Project Number I496-B11; postdoctoralfellowship to A.E.E.), the University of Auckland, Genesis Oncology Trust, and the Royal Society of New Zealand. Wewould like to thank the members of the COST actions D39 andCM1105 for useful discussions. The authors are indebted to DrMichael Reithofer and Dr Werner Ginzinger for preparation ofcisplatin and KP1339, respectively. Lucas Prieto Gonzales-Posadais acknowledged for assisting in sample preparation, GerlindeGrabmann for fruitful discussion and Ute Jungwirth for providingthe picture of the mouse in Scheme S1 (ESIt). 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ESL213 灵活的激光剥蚀系统

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