




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




The experimental program that is being conducted at the Matched Index-of-Refraction (MIR) Flow Facility at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to obtain benchmark data on measurements of flow phenomena in a scaled model of the lower plenum of a typical prismatic gas-cooled reactor (GCR) using 3-D Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is presented. A detailed description of the model, scaling, the experimental facility, 3-D PIV system, measurement uncertainties, experimental procedures and samples of the data sets that have been obtained are included. Samples of the data set that are presented include mean-velocity-field and turbulence data in an approximately 1:7 scale model of a region of the lower plenum. This experiment has been selected as the first Standard Problem endorsed by the Generation IV International Forum. Results concentrate on the region of the lower plenum near its far reflector wall (away from the outlet duct). Inlet jet Reynolds numbers (based on the jet diameter and the time-mean flow rate) are approximately 4,300 and 12,400. The measurements reveal undeveloped, non-uniform flow in the inlet jet ducts and complicated flow patterns in the modeled lower plenum. Data include three-dimensional vector plots, data displays along the coordinate planes (slices) and charts that describe the component flows at specific regions in the model. Information on inlet flow is also presented.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: INL在棱镜气体冷却反应器下腔室比例模型上获得流动现象基准数据来验证CFD模拟的有效性的项目计划




Two-phase annular flow is commonly used in both commercial and industrial heat transfer; however, we do not yet possess a thorough understanding of the nature of the fluid. Most analytical annular two-phase models are based on a relationship between the liquid film thickness, liquid film mass flux, and the axial pressure gradient or interfacial shear stress. The film thickness calculated from these models can then be utilized to determine the heat transfer coefficient of the flow. Although they are specific to certain flow regimes and fluids, empirical models remain more accurate than these analytical models. The key to understanding these flows lies with the liquid film. Therefore, to better understand the pressure drop and heat transfer of annular two-phase flow, this study involves the development of local, liquid velocity measurement techniques and their application to horizontal, wavy-annular two-phase flow. Two techniques, Bubble Streak Tracking (BST) and Thin Film Particle Image Velocimetry (TFPIV), have been developed in this study. Utilizing naturally occurring bubbles within the liquid film, the BST technique determines the liquid velocity by measuring reflected light streaks from the bubbles. A three-colored LED array creates directionally unambiguous streaks, while a strobe illuminates interfacial features that affect the liquid velocity. The TFPIV technique applies a typical micro-PIV system to a macroscopic flow with the addition of a non-trivial image processing algorithm. This algorithm successfully overcomes the image noise that occurs when applying PIV to a two-phase, thin film. Although difficulties arise when processing the BST data, the results of the BST and TFPIV methods are comparable, making BST an economical alternative to TFPIV for calculating liquid film velocities.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 流速




Geostrophic adjustment of an isolated axisymmetric lens was examined to better understand the dependence of radial displacements and the adjusted velocity on Burger number and the geometry of initial conditions. The behavior of the adjustment was examined using laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, which were in turn compared to published analytical solutions. Three defining length scales of the initial conditions were used to distinguish between various asymptotic behaviors for large and small Burger number: the Rossby radius of deformation, the horizontal length scale of the initial density defect, and the horizontal length scale of the initial pressure gradient. Numerical simulations for the fully nonlinear time dependent adjustment agreed both qualitatively and quantitatively with analogous analytical solutions. For large Burger number, similar agreement was found in laboratory experiments. Results show that a broad range of final states can result from different initial geometries, depending on the values of the relevant length scales, and the Burger number computed from initial conditions. For Burger number much larger or smaller than unity, differences between different initial geometries can readily exceed an order of magnitude for both displacement and velocity.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 对博格(Burger)数和初始几何条件的依赖关系




Vortex generator jets (VGJs) have proven to be effective in minimizing the separation losses on low-pressure turbine blades at low Reynolds numbers. Experimental data collected using phase-locked particle image velocimetry and substantiated with a hot-film anemometer were used to answer fundamental questions about the influence of VGJs on a separated boundary layer. The data were collected on the suction surface of the Pack B blade profile, which has a non-reattaching separation bubble beginning at 68% axial chord. Two VGJ pulse histories were created with different frequencies, jet durations,and duty cycles. The mechanisms responsible for boundary layer separation control were shown to be a combination of boundary layer transition and streamwise vortical structures. Jet duration and relaxation time were important VGJ characteristics in determining the extent of control. The unsteady environment characterisitic of the low-pressure turbine section in a gas turbine engine effectively reduces the time-averaged separation zone by as much as 35%. Upstream blade rows create unsteady flow disturbances (wakes) that transition the flow. This transitioned flow propagates downstream, re-attaching the separation bubbles on the subsequent blade row. Phase-locked PIV and hot-film measurements were used to document the characteristics of this separation zone when subjected to synchronized unsteady wakes and VGJs. The phase difference between VGJ actuation and the wake passing, blowing ratio, and VGJ duration were optimized to achieve the greatest timeaveraged control of the separation zone. The experimental data were used to identify the important characteristics of the wake/jet interaction. Phase-locked PIV measurements were taken to isolate the wake event.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 分离,速度场


