




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




Active flow control of jets with Localized Arc Filament Plasma Actuators (LAFPAs) is conducted over a wide range of the fully expanded jet Mach numbers (MJ or simply jet Mach number). The jet Mach numbers covered in the present research are 0.9 (with a converging nozzle), 1.2 (overexpanded), 1.3 (perfectly expanded), and 1.4 (underexpanded) with a design Mach number 1.3. Additionally, limited experiments are carried out for an MJ = 1.65 perfectly-expanded jet. The exit diameter is 2.54 cm (1 inch) for all cases and eight LAFPAs are equally distributed on the perimeter of a boron nitride nozzle extension. The jet spreading is strongly dependent on duty cycle, forcing frequency, and azimuthal modes. The performance of LAFPAs for jet spreading is investigated using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry (PIV). There is an optimum duty cycle, producing maximum jet spreading, for each forcing frequency. A relationship between the optimum duty cycle and forcing frequency is determined from the extensive results in the MJ 0.9, and this relation is used for all experiments. The effect of forcing frequency is investigated for a wide range of forcing Strouhal numbers (StDF = fFD/Ue, where fF, D, and Ue, are forcing frequency, nozzle exit diameter, and jet exit velocity respectively), ranging from 0.09 to 3.0. The azimuthal modes (m) investigated are m = 0 – 3, ±1, ±2, and ±4 - this comprises all modes available with eight actuators. The performance of LAFPAs does also strongly depend on the stagnation temperature of the jet and MJ. The effects of stagnation temperature are investigated for 1.0, 1.4, and 2.0 times the ambient temperature in MJ 0.9 jet for very limited azimuthal modes and StDF. In an MJ 1.65 perfectly-expanded jet, the control authority of LAFPAs is investigated for only m = ±1 and StDF ∼ 0.3.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场




The present research examines the relationship between the large-scale structure dynamics of a controlled jet and the far-field sound. This was achieved by exploring the flowfield and the far field of an axisymmetric Mach 0.9 jet with a Reynolds number based on jet diameter of approximately 7.6 x 105. The jet is controlled by eight localized arc filament plasma actuators (LAFPA), which operate over a frequency range that spans the jet column instability, the initial shear layer instability, and higher. Varying the phase between the eight actuators allows excitation of azimuthal modes (m) 0, 1, 2, and 3. The flowfield is investigated using flow visualization and particle image velocimetry (PIV). A Reynolds decomposition of the PIV results showed the importance of the streamwise velocity fluctuations for the symmetric azimuthal modes (m = 0 and 2), and the cross-stream velocity fluctuations for the asymmetric azimuthal modes (m = 1 and 3). A proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) of the PIV data was performed to extract information about how forcing affects the large-scale flow features. The first POD mode based on v′ shows the existence has large-scale flow features from forcing over a large range of StDF’s (0.09 to 1.08), while the first POD mode based on u′ only has large-scale flow features from forcing around the preferred StDF of 0.36.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,声场,远场辐射




当前大多数显示屏幕(手机屏幕、PADS 、电视、车载的显示屏)和光源都基于LED背光,它们会产生不一致的光谱,因此只有通过测量LED的真实光谱才能进行准确的颜色测量。传统的方法是采用分光光度计来检测显示屏幕和光源的颜色,但由于对检测时间的限制,在检测时分光光度计只能检测显示屏幕表面的几个离散点。 RGB相机是基于RGB三色波段来成像,仅对R(红)、G(绿)、B(蓝)3个波段响应,与标准色坐标XYZ不匹配,因此它们的色域和测量精度十分有限。 SPECIM FX10是市场上款可以采集整个显示屏幕的高光谱相机,在400-1000nm光谱范围内以5.5nm的光谱分辨率,同时采集产品的图像信息和光谱信息,可安装在生产线上快速地对整个显示屏幕进行光学质量检测。FX10可测量显示屏幕和光源的色域、亮度水平、亮度均匀性、白点等光学参数。 SPECIM FX10高光谱相机可以在生产中对显示屏幕进行100%的检查,从而大程度地减少后期的返工,避免客户的投诉。 由于FX10高光谱相机采集的是整个显示屏幕的真实的光谱数据,可为产品质量控制提供统计学数据,在产品出现问题时,有助于分析查找问题的根本原因。
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 色域、亮度水平、亮度均匀性、白点等光学参数




The aim of this work was to understand the physical requirements as well as to develop methodology required to employ Time Resolved Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (TRDPIV) for measuring high speed, high magnification, near wall flow fields. Previous attempts to perform measurements such as this have been unsuccessful because of both limitations in equipment as well as proper methodology for processing of the data. This work addresses those issues and successfully demonstrates a test inside of a transonic turbine cascade as well as a high speed high magnification wall jet. From previous studies it was established that flow tracer delivery is not a trivial task in a high speed high back pressure environment. Any TRDPIV measurement requires uniform spatial seeding density, but time-resolved measurements require uniform temporal seeding density as well. To this end, a high pressure particle generator was developed. This advancement enhanced current capability beyond what was previously attainable. Unfortunately, this was not sufficient to resolve the issue of seeding all together, and an advanced data reconstruction methodology was developed to reconstruct areas of the flow field that where lost do to inhomogeneous seeding. This reconstruction methodology, based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), has been shown to produce errors in corrected velocities below tradition spatial techniques alone. The combination of both particle generator and reconstruction methodology was instrumental for successfully acquiring TRDPIV measurements in a high speed high pressure environment such as a transonic wind tunnel facility. This work also investigates the development of a turbulent wall jet.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,速度矢量场



流体中速度矢量场,跨音速, 二氧化碳,CO2检测方案(粒子图像测速)

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is utilized with solid carbon dioxide (CO2) seeding material to conduct boundary layer measurements in the test section of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Trisonic Gas-dynamics Facility (TGF), which has a 24 inch by 24 inch cross-section. Freestream velocity was set at Mach 0.3, Mach 0.5, or Mach 0.8 while stagnation pressure ranged from 500 to 2400 pounds per square foot (psf). High pressure liquid CO2 was directed through expansion nozzles into shroud tubes which led to solidified particles in the wind tunnel stagnation chamber. Two different sets of shroud tubes were used to modify the size of dry ice particles produced and the particle number density. Shroud tubes with an inside diameter (ID) of 0.824 inches provided good particle count and coverage for stagnation pressures between 500 and 1500 psf, while 0.364 inch ID shroud tubes demonstrated good particle count and coverage for stagnation pressures over 1000 psf. Overall, the PIV results produced freestream velocity measurements and boundary layer profiles which compared well with expected values. After initial processing, turbulence data closely followed trends expected within boundary layer, but levels were somewhat higher than anticipated. When the PIV data was processed using elliptical interrogation regions, elongated in the streamwise direction, resulting turbulence levels were much closer to expectations.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度矢量场,跨音速, 二氧化碳,CO2




In this paper we experimentally study the effect of collision properties of different particle systems on the bed dynamics of a spout fluidized bed. This is done for different flow regimes: the spout-fluidization regime (case A), the jet-in-fluidized-bed regime (case B) and the spouting-with-aeration regime (case C). The considered particle systems comprise glass beads, -alumina oxide and zeolite 4A particles, which are all classified as Geldart D. A nonintrusive measurement technique is used, viz. particle image velocimetry (PIV) to measure the particle flow field in a pseudo two-dimensional (2D) spout fluidized bed. Additionally, digital images are analyzed using a newly developed digital image analysis (DIA) algorithm to evaluate the particle volume fraction. It is demonstrated that the new proposed DIA algorithm provides reliable information on the particle volume fraction distribution, showing that it is a powerful tool when combined with PIV. The added value of DIA is confirmed by comparing the particle velocity fields and volumetric particle fluxes. The effect of the collision properties for glass beads, - alumina oxide and zeolite 4A particles has been studied in three flow regimes, i.e. the intermediate/spout-fluidization regime (case A), the jet-in-fluidizedbed regime (case B) and the spouting-with-aeration regime (case C). For each flow regime, the particle volume fraction shows small differences between the different particle systems. For the -alumina oxide and zeolite 4A particles, the spout channel is less stable for the cases A and C. The particle fluxes display also small differences between the particle systems for each flow regime.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 碰撞特性对喷动流化床动力学影响的实验研究




The draft tube of a hydraulic turbine is the component where the flow exiting the runner is decelerated, thereby converting the excess of kinetic energy into static pressure. However, in some refurbishment cases, the installation of an upgraded runner with an old drafttube leads to an undesirable efficiency drop as the discharge is increased above the best efficiency point value. It is found to be related to a corresponding sudden variation in the draft tube pressure recovery coefficient at the same discharge. The model of a recent refurbishment which presents this instability is installed in the CREMHyG test rig. Steady and unsteady measurements of velocity and pressure fields of the complex and highly turbulent swirling flow exiting the runner have been carried out at CREMHyG (Grenoble). They included the three components of the velocity. The flow in the draft tube is rich in secondary flows and possible flow separation due to the elbow as well as to the divergent shape of this geometry. Pressure and velocity field measurements in the draft-tube have been performed. They let us identify some phenomena that may explain the origin of the unusual behavior of the draft tube. Finally, the same model, with a modified draft tube geometry that was designed to reduce the efficiency drop phenomenon has been installed. Velocity measurements were made to validate the benefit of such geometry modification.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 不稳定性,流场,速度场,速度矢量场




This paper presents high speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiments on small-scale, steep, breaking waves forced by shoaling the waves up an angled slope to a level plateau, in a lidded tank with an initially quiescent air-side. Both spilling and plunging breakers are considered. A PIV system, using a high speed digital video camera at up to 500 frames per second, was used to obtain quantitative data on both the air and water side of the free surface interface. Waves are generated by a computer controlled, paddle-type wave maker at one end of long, narrow acrylic tank. In order to obtain breaking waves on a small scale, surface tension was lowered by mixing isopropyl alcohol with distilled water. Surface tension characteristics of the water-IPA mixture are also presented herein. To perform high speed PIV measurements, a low-cost, Lasiris Magnum, near-IR, TTL diode line generator laser is used to form the light sheet. To seed the water, traditional silver coated hollow-glass spheres were used. While seeding in the water was quite straight-forward, seeding in the air was quite complex. In order not to adversely affect the surface tension, a water-based fog was used to seed the air. Qualitative visualizations and PIV show the formation of the vortex aft of the breaking wave and reveal strong counterclockwise vorticity in the air side of the interface. Results for the plunging breaking wave case are presented herein and compared with numerical results from Hendrickson (2004).
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,速度矢量场,流场




The trajectory of the tip vortex of a reduced-scale, 1 m diameter, four-bladed rotor during hover is studied using vortex methods combined with a center of mass analysis approach. The objective is to develop analysis techniques capable of accurately characterizing the dynamical features of the unsteady wake produced by rotorcraft during hover, descent, ascent and forward flight conditions. Measurements of all three components of the velocity field are acquired using a stereo PIV system synchronized to capture up to 260◦ wake age of the vortex with 10◦ offsets during hover conditions. The nominal operating condition of the rotor is at a blade loading of CT / = 0.0645 and a rotational speed of 1240RPM, corresponding to Rec = 180,000. An area encompassing the 95% confidence region for the vortex jitter reveals a noticeable anisotropic, aperiodic pattern over all wake ages, which has not been previously observed. The principal axis of the vortex jitter also appears to align itself perpendicular to the slipstream boundary. An accurate characterization and prediction of the trajectory of the individual tip vortices can significantly enhance the ability to design rotors to meet specific performance targets such as reduction in fuselage vibrations, noise scattering and maneuvering noise as well as an alleviation in the resuspension of particles during brownout
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 悬停状态下


