




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




Numerical simulations of particle image velocimetry (PIV) experiments con- ducted with vortex generating jets (VGJs) on a °at plate, at a Reynolds number based on plate length of 50,000, were performed for three °ow conditions using a time-accurate hybrid Navier-Stokes solver. Time-averaged steady blowing of angled jets, subjected to a zero pressure gradient, yielded excellent agreement with the PIV data in terms of vortex formation and strength. Observed °ow features include pri- mary and secondary vortices, where the primary vortex eventually dominates the downstream region. A shell wall structure, created by smaller vortical structures sur- rounding the developing vortices, was also observed. A pulsed jet in a zero pressure gradient was then initialized from a no-control case. A qualitative comparison be- tween averaged experimental and instantaneous numerical results was performed with good agreement in terms of the convected size and distance of the wake. Analysis of the instantaneous numerical °ow ¯eld agreed well with various °ow visualization experiments describing the formation of \kidney" vortices. Various indicators point to the production of a primary vortex by the reduced mass °ow of the pulsed jet. Finally, an adverse pressure gradient was applied, inducing a laminar separation zone on the plate. A pulsed angled jet induced strong spanwise vortices in the separated shear layer which appear to weaken the separation zone and allow the bulk jet °uid to °ush the remaining low-momentum °uid out of the domain. It is reasonable to assume that reduced blowing ratios and duty cycles would produce similar shear layer vortices and comparable loss reductions. In°uences of both turbulent transition and dominant vortical structures were observed, though the spanwise shear layer vortices appear to be critical to the laminar separation reduction scenarios observed in this study.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: PIV




This is an experimental study to evaluate the development of the boundary layer thickness, δ, and momentum thickness, θ, along long thin flexible cylinders (L/a=1.5*105 and 3.0*105 where δ/a>>1, a=radius). The experiments use conventional test methods in conjunction with Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV) measurement techniques to evaluate the flow in the boundary region of a small diameter flexible cylinder towed in the high speed towing basin at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD). The flexible cylinders are approximately neutrally buoyant and have an initial length of 152 m and radii of 0.45 mm and 1.25 mm. The first objective for this experiment is to evaluate the streamwise development of wall shear stress (τw) and momentum thickness (θ) in axisymmetric turbulent boundary layers using drag measurements at 3.1, 5.2, 9.3 and 14.4 m/s for comparison to existing data. The second and primary objective for this experiment is to determine the streamwise development of the axisymmetric boundary layer flow and to evaluate relevant boundary layer parameters at 3.8, 7.7, 12.9 and 15.4 m/sec using SPIV images acquired over the entire length of the cylinders. Drag measurements reveal that the wall shear stress is large and that the momentum thickness grows slowly when compared to flat plate boundary layers. The velocity field data shows that the boundary flow remains turbulent over the entire length of the flexible cylinder and that the turbulent profile is different from that of flat plate boundary layers.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场




The wake of a circular cylinder at Re = 2700 is investigated by means of Tomographic PIV (Tomo-PIV), a recently developed three-dimensional velocimetry technique. The paper presents the principles of Tomo-PIV and discusses in details the implementation of the technique to the experimental conditions. With a measurement volume of approximately 40x40x10 mm2 two configurations are chosen in order to describe both the 2D wake features and the span wise organization of secondary rollers dominating the 3D flow organization. The present data allow to directly evaluate the measurement error imposing mass conservation inside the volume (viz. solenoidal velocity field). The visualization of the wake instantaneous structure is obtained by means of vorticity vector magnitude iso-surfaces, or decomposing the vorticity in the span wise and stream-wise(normal)/bi-normal component, which return the separate contribution of the Kármán rollers and the interconnecting structures between them respectively. The properties of the secondary rollers are given in terms of span wise wavelength, peak vorticity, vorticity stretching and their size and shape. A value of the span wise wavelength λ z/D = 1.2 is recurring and the rollers organization into pairs is found to be similar to the instability Mode B occurring in lower Reynolds number wakes investigated with previous studies.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 3D3C速度矢量场,速度场,体视速度场,层析速度场




琛航公司用SofTA(美国索福达)蒸发光散射检测器检测 大豆磷脂的测试报告 一、实验条件 Cometro(美国康诺)高效液相色谱梯度系统; SofTA(美国索福达)Model 300S 蒸发光散射检测器,DT=70℃,SC=30℃; Cometro(美国康诺)6000 LDI Pump; Scienhome(天津琛航)Kromasil Sil 250*4.6mm色谱柱 流动相:流动相A:甲醇-水-冰醋酸-三乙胺=85:15:0.45:0.05 流动相B:正己烷-异丙醇-流动相A=20:48:32; 梯度洗脱 时间(min) 流动相A(%) 流动相B(%) 0 10 90 20 30 70 35 95 5 36 10 90 41 10 90 流速:1ml/min; 样品:三氯甲烷-甲醇(2:1)溶解; 进样量:10ul。 二、实验结果 样品: Channel A Results Retention Time Area Area Percent Height Height Percent 2.835 3131354 6.874 292272 13.896 3.056 1875580 4.118 169116 8.041 4.183 12199449 26.782 976057 46.408 5.756 213382 0.468 11140 0.530 22.117 27849358 61.140 647392 30.781 31.248 281299 0.618 7234 0.344 空白溶剂 空白梯度 三、结果与讨论 1. 由空白梯度显示,基线噪音小于0.5mV,漂移小于2mV/小时。 2. 由空白溶剂显示,3min处有一溶剂峰。 3. 由样品谱图显示,样品中主成分保留时间应为22.117min,由于没有标准品,根据相关文献推测为磷酸酰胆碱,4.183min处峰为磷脂酰乙醇胺,31.248min处峰为磷脂酰肌醇,样品中各成分分离度符合药典要求。 结论:使用SofTA(美国索福达)Model 300S 蒸发光散射检测器分析大豆磷脂,信噪比高,基线漂移小,出峰情况良好,可以满足药典要求。
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 磷脂酰乙醇胺,为磷酸酰胆碱




粒子加速器运行的一个重要因素是可靠且强大的真空系统。而像LHC这样非同寻常的机器对内置真空技术有着非常特殊的要求。极小误差可能导致整个加速器停止运行数小时。因此,整套真空系统必须是非常可靠的。此外,加速器中使用的所有设备必须能够承受高达1,000 Gy/a的辐射水平。而进行这些复杂测量的设备不能离开加速器的辐射区。因此,能在现场进行设备维护显得至关重要。 为满足这些高要求,普发真空与CERN合作,对真空获得、真空测量和真空分析研发并实践了一套定制的真空解决方案。 真空获得 LHC分两种真空系统: 电子束真空和隔离真空。两种应用中都用到了普发真空的涡轮分子泵。这些泵经改进后都可以满足LHC的特殊要求。为了能在辐射环境中运行,泵体中都不能使用电子元件。要满足这些要求,普发真空研发了无传感器驱动概念,实现了泵的机械部件与电子部件的隔离。采用这一概念,电子部件可以放置在离真空泵1,000 m以外的地方,并定位在一个保护区域内。 真空测量 普发真空专门研发了特殊的测量设备,用来测量获得的真空。这些使用的设备是改进的皮拉尼和冷阴极真空计。它们用来长期监测加速器内的压力,并确保当压力增加时可以采取适当的行动。由于真空计同样暴露于高水平辐射中,它们被制造成无源传感器,没有集成的电子设备。所有电子设备都被安置在一个辐射安全区域内,并且经由长电缆连接至无源传感器。这些电缆通过精确的指令与CERN密切连接。这使冷阴极真空计可以测量达10-11 hPa的压力。通过一种特殊的点火过程,冷阴极真空计即使在压力非常低的情况下,也可以轻易打开。由于加速器的寿命约为30到40年,因此,只有采用寿命长的电子元件。 氦检漏 对LHC要求的超高真空压力,加速器使用的部件必须确保极低的漏率。因此,在安装部件之前,必须进行全方位的检漏。针对检漏,CERN采用了ASM系列检漏仪。使用这些设备,即使是细微到的10-13 Pa·m3/s 的泄漏也可以有效地被检测出来。 真空分析 除压力外,残余气体的组成也是加速器正常运行的一个重要因素。使用残余气体光谱仪,可以得出加速器内使用材料脱气相关的结论。为获得残余气体光谱,CERN采用了普发真空的质谱仪。对于超高真空中的残余气体测量,质谱仪分析仪本身具有较低的脱气率是非常重要的。除了真空退火离子源外,CERN使用的普发分析仪也拥有真空退火棒系统。使用这一方法,分析仪将产生一个极低的背景信号,尤其方便记录加速器内实际残余气体的比例。
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 真空度


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