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北京盈盛恒泰科技有限责任公司 盈盛恒泰
岛津赛默飞色谱与质谱PerkinElmer达元绿洲超技仪器迪马科技保圣科技腾拔仪器杭州谱育科技莱伯泰科安徽皖仪labthinkksst山东盛泰仪器德国耶拿衡昇质谱大昌华嘉意大利VELP公司佳航仪器赛默飞世尔分子光谱睿科集团Waters德国元素Elementar上海新仪德祥聚光科技天津兰博骏德仪器纳谱分析上海禹重艾安得天津恒奥科技上海通微深芬仪器希言仪器北京明尼克北京瀚时安东帕天瑞仪器(Skyray)FOSS 福斯赛多利斯北京东西分析仪器格瑞德曼奥普乐成都科林舜宇恒平仪器上海屹尧旭鑫盛科罗姆仪器美析仪器北京京科瑞达东曹TOSOH嘉盛(香港)磐合科仪LUMEX莱博瑞特胤煌科技EST北京豫维瑞绅葆Alpha MOS上海光谱普瑞邦




Rice fermented with the mold Monascus purpureus, also known as the red yeast rice (RYR) used in traditional Chinese medicine, contains pharmacologically important monacolins. The prescription statin, lovastatin, is identical to monacolin K, and there is a suspicion of spiking RYR products with lovastatin. Profiling authentic and raw RYR samples has the potential to distinguish the spiked from natural product. Monascus purpureus is also known to produce the mycotoxin citrinin. Sudan red G, considered possibly genotoxic or carcinogenic by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), is a RYR adulterant. Pigments produced by Monascus spp. Are used as coloring agents. To address regulatory requirements, and assess product and raw material quality, origin, and safety, a robust method for characterizing and quantitating monacolins, pigments, and contaminants such as citrinin is needed. This application note presents a method that uses the Agilent Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS system and Agilent MassHunter Workstation software with principal component analysis (PCA) to characterize three authentic (AU) RYR samples, 31 RYR raw materials (CR), and 14 dietary supplements (DS). Quantitation was performed using UHPLC DAD. The method uncovered notable variation among RYR samples and raw materials. High mass accuracy Q-TOF LC/MS data enabled determination of compound identities, including identities of isobaric compounds. PCA showed that monacolin and pigment type could be used to classify RYR samples to determine the authenticity and quality of other RYR samples.
检测样品: 其他粮食加工品
检测项: 营养成分



仪器信息网行业应用栏目为您提供524篇其他粮食加工品检测方案,可分别用于营养成分检测、微生物检测、理化分析检测、真菌毒素检测、重金属检测、环境污染物检测、转基因检测、其他检测、非法添加检测,参考标准主要有《GB 29958-2013食品添加剂 l-薄荷醇丙二醇碳酸酯》等