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睿科集团上海科哲岛津赛默飞色谱与质谱盈盛恒泰Waters北京谱朋希言仪器来亨科学仪器莱伯泰科天津恒奥科技上海屹尧普立泰科北京豫维PerkinElmer上海仪电科仪南京滨正红美析仪器岛津实验器材海能技术成都科林月旭BJHTH哲斯泰聚光科技赛默飞世尔分子光谱德国耶拿上海新仪上海纳锘实业上海光谱北京瀚时仪真分析仪器舜宇恒平仪器海光仪器天津兰力科ATAGO 爱拓奥普乐普析恒美电子东曹TOSOH三耀精细冠亚水分仪瑞士万通大昌华嘉北京东西分析仪器杭州谱育科技净信日立科学仪器北京祥鹄德祥天津兰博北京吉天东南科仪NIC贝拓科学易科泰艾安得赛默飞labthinkLUMEX纳鸥科技EST冀群仪器谱合生物淘仪科技上海鑫欣生物东莞先驰香港环球分析




Sensory evaluation can provide integrated, direct measurements of the perceived quality of food products. However, a sensory panel is subjective and suffers from inconsistency and inaccuracy. In this paper, we propose a sensory evaluation simulation model for Longjing tea (a Chinese brand of green tea). The physiochemical quality indicators of Longjing tea were determined by instrumental analysis, including color, aroma, and taste. Meanwhile, the sensory quality of the tea was evaluated by an expert sensory panel. An artificial neural network was conducted to approximately predict sensory evaluation scores on the basis of physiochemical data. The results showed that physiochemical factors, including hue, fluorescence peak 5, hue chromascale, b, L, 3-(methylthio) propionaldehyde, α-terpineol, linalool, dimethyl sulfide, total aroma value, caffeine, quinic acid, theanin, gallic acid and total catechins were best correlated with sensory evaluation scores. Furthermore, physiochemical features that were chosen according to important factor weights were used to classify Longjing tea into two grades. Experimental results demonstrated that instrumental analysis could be complementarily used in the evaluation and control of sensory quality by establishing a reasonable sensory-instrument correlation and human-simulated predictive model.
检测样品: 茶叶
检测项: 营养成分




The Biochrom 30 Amino Acid Analyser is a well established analytical instrument for clinical diagnosis as its IVD approval allows the diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism such as Phenylketonuria. This robust and reliable instrument is also capable of other types of applications far from the clinical market e.g. its usage in the food industry allows routine analysis of amino acid content in food and feedstuff in quality control laboratories. The Biochrom 30 can also be used for analysing rare, unusual amino acids or derived molecules for research purposes. In order to develop new methods for analysing molecules of interest in the scientific market, a new application has been developed to analyse the theanine content in green tea leaves. Theanine is a molecule derived from the amino acid glutamine and is usually found in tea (infusions of Camellia sinensis), and also in the basidiomycete mushroom Boletus badius. Because it can enter the brain, theanine has psychoactive properties. Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress, may produce feelings of relaxation, and improves cognition and mood when taken in combination with caffeine. These effects are believed to be caused by the ability of theanine to increase GABA production in the brain. The chemical structure of theanine allows it to be separated and detected in green tea samples using a Biochrom 30 Amino Acid Analyser.
检测样品: 茶叶
检测项: 营养成分


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