
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: --
浏览次数: 732
发布时间: 2013-12-19
关联设备: 0种



解决方案总数: 56 方案总浏览次数:
Histo-clearⅡ是一种脂肪族碳氢化合物和精油的混合物,具有淡淡的柠檬香味。Histo-clearⅡ作为组织切片脱蜡和透明的常用试剂,无毒、完全生物可降解,浸蚀性相对二甲苯来说较低,实验过程中对应的incubation time适当延长一点。价格适宜,更适合用量大的仪器使用。 Histo-clearⅡ作为脱蜡剂和透明剂,在湿封片时注意要选择能兼容的封片剂,推荐使用的封片剂有Omnimont、DPX、DEPEX,Histomount等等


海德创业(北京)生物科技有限公司电话:010-525715025124812052571975;网址: http://www.hedebio.com Email: hedebio@163.com海德创业(北京)生物科技有限公司1 小鼠组织的石蜡包埋和切片实验步骤举例: Paraffin Embedding and Sectioning of Tissues 1. Anesthetize a mouse using standard techniques (see Note 6). 2.. Perfuse the mouse (through the left ventricle of the heart) with fresh 10% formalin(prewarmed to 37°C). 3. Remove all the required tissues and fix in 10% formalin overnight.4.1The following day, wash the tissues twice for 20 min each time in DEPC-PBS. 5. Replace the PBS sequentially with 30, 50, and then 70% ethanol. Allow 30 min for eachincubation (with shaking). If using the brain, increase incubation times to I h. 6..FRemove the final ethanol wash and cover the tissue with fresh 70% ethanol. The tissuescan then be stored in 70% ethanol at-20°C. 7.To continue the processing, remove the 70% ethanol and incubate the tissues in 90%ethanol for 30 min (allow 1 h for the brain). Wash twice in 100% ethanol for 15 min eachtime (increase incubation time to 30 min for the brain). 8.Transfer the tissues to Histo-Clear II:ethanol(1:1) for 10 min, followed by 100% Histo-Clear II for 5 min. Do not incubate the tissues for more than 5 min in Histo-Clear II.because this makes them brittle when sectioning is carried out. .PFlace the tissues in a 1:1 mixture of wax:Histo-Clear II at 60°C for 10 min. 90. Transfer to a 3:1 mixture of wax:Histo-Clear II at 60°C for 10 min and finally to wax (at60°C) for about 30 min. Then place the tissues in fresh wax for a further 30 min. Whenworking with brain tissue, increase the wax treatment to at least 3 to 4 h. 11.U1sing plastic molds placed on a hot plate, embed the tissues in fresh wax. Ensure thatthere are no bubbles and that the wax is liquid when embedding the tissues; otherwise,thetissue blocks will give uneven sections. 12.Using a microtome, cut 10-um sections and remove creases in the ribbons of sections byfloating on top of water in a water bath at 37C. To place sections on slides, immerseSuperfrost slides in the water bath (close to a ribbon of sections) and use the slides to liftthe sections out. The sections will stick to the surface of the slides. Allow the slides to dryovernight at 37°C.




