




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




A flat plate boundary layer flow was generated at the open test section of the circuit type 1m- wind tunnel of the DLR, Gottingen, at a free stream velocity of U亣 = 7 m/s with zero pressure gradients. A transparent and smooth surface glass plate is utilized to provide optical access from its bottom and a good flow quality. The plate has an elliptic leading edge to prevent flow separation. Four tripping wires, one with 1.5 mm diameter and three with 1 mm diameter were positioned with 1 mm x-distance close to the surface at (Rex). . 290 along the whole span-wise elongation of the plate. This bypass transition of the flow results in the development of a turbulent boundary layer flow. In a box of about 34 x 18 x 35 mm3 in x-y and z-directions around (Rex). . 450 tracer particles has been illuminated by laser light pulses at 4 kHz with 21 mJ each in order to achieve PIV recordings without using the frame straddling method. The light source was a Nd:YAG laser from Lee Laser inc. Two highly reflective dielectric mirrors aligned in the x-y-direction are installed nearly parallel and close to the surface of the flat plate on opposite sides of the measurement region. The collimated laser beam undergoes multiple reflections between the two mirrors passing through the measurement volume approximately 15 times before exiting (see sketch left). This arrangement resulted in a light amplification with a factor ~5 with respect to a single pass system. The specific illumination arrangement has the advantage that all viewing directions collect scattered light both in forward and backward directions, which provided the level of light needed for imaging particles in the whole volume.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度矢量场




Practical diagnostic strategies for detection of temperature and nitric oxide (NO) in high pressure (p<60bar) combustion systems using Laser-Induced-Fluorescence (LIF) of nitric oxide are investigated. NO-LIF, when applied to elevated pressures, suffers from a decrease of signal due to pressure broadening and attenuation of the propagating laser beam/fluorescence signals. In addition, overlapping of neighboring excitation lines and interference from LIF of other species (mainly O2 and CO2) can significantly influence the overall signal. The main purpose of this study is to investigate NO-LIF strategies which minimize the impact of these complications or allow for correction of their effects. A comprehensive study of NO-LIF in a laboratory high-pressure flame was carried out for various flame stoichiometries, pressures and excitation wavelengths to develop optimized excitation and detection strategies for high-pressure applications. Four main issues are addressed in this study. First, optimized excitation strategies are investigated for high-pressure applications in the A2Σ+−X2Π (0,0), (0,1) and (0,2) bands of NO. Second, CO2-LIF is identified as a major source of interference in the detection of NO-LIF in high-pressure combustion systems involving hydrocarbon chemistry. Third, an accurate multi-line thermometry technique for steady, high-pressure flames is proposed by fitting wavelength-scanned NO-LIF with computational simulations. Finally, measurements optimizing the detection strategies of 2-D NO-LIF imaging in high-pressure flames are reported. The discussion and demonstrations reported in this study provide a practical guideline for application of instantaneous 1-D or 2-D NO-LIF imaging in high-pressure combustion systems.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 激光诱导荧光,PLIF,自由基,羟基,浓度场




扫描电子显微镜是观察物质微观表面形貌的主要工具,它主要由真空系统、电子光学系统、图像系统和控制系统组成。现代扫描电子显微镜图像显示系统和控制系统都已经实现PC控制下的数字化,同时增加了图像处理功能,能够容易的与通用软件相结合,方便编辑报告、论文和信息传送。对于早期模拟图像系统和专用计算机控制的数字图像系统的扫描电子显微镜可以通过外接计算机图像采集系统实现模拟图像数字化,或图像系统数字化。 什么是模拟图像数字化?就是将获取的图像模拟信号经过模数转换器(ADC)变成数据输入到计算机中存储、显示和处理。根据这种原理制成的图像系统,就是我们常说的被动式图像系统。其优点:采集卡电路简单,价格便宜。缺点:安装、调试困难,因为它需要和扫描电子显微镜的扫描系统同步,所以要改变原扫描电子显微镜内部电路,稍不小心就会造成事故,给扫描电子显微镜带来硬伤。另外,由于不能和扫描电子显微镜扫描真正同步,采集到的图像变形,最为明显的是圆变为椭圆,同时不能实时处理,只有将采集到的图像存储以后进行处理,才可以输出。 什么是图像系统数字化?用数字扫描系统替代模拟扫描系统,由此获取的图像信号数据,完全对应电子束扫描点上的样品信息,图像显示分辨率对应电子束在样品上扫描过的行和列的点数,图像扫描和图像显示全数字化。需要说明的是现代数字扫描电子显微镜自定义分辨率值为:1024×1024,这是一个最佳值(从采集速度和分辨率两方面考虑),这和被动式图像系统所谓的图像分辨率不是一个概念。我们称这样的系统为主动式图像系统,国外升级扫描电子显微镜也是采用此种方法。其优点:图像质量高,速度快,不会产生图像变形等问题,安装简单,因为所有扫描电子显微镜都预留有外部图像控制接口,当外部控制信号到来时,内部扫描部分自动被旁路,显示部分被消隐,不需要改变任何内部电路结构。缺点:采集卡电路复杂,成本高。 综述,以上介绍了两种扫描电子显微镜改造图像系统的方法,最主要的区别在于是“被动式图像系统”还是“主动式图像系统”上,其中主动式图像系统是近年来国际上普遍使用的,因为被动式图像系统是一种早期图像数字化过渡产品,所谓的图像分辨率实质上是模拟信号取样点数,并非数字图像分辨率,像质较差,而主动式图像系统标称的分辨率才真正是数字图像分辨率,可以有效提高图像质量。
检测样品: 其他




Microscopic particle image velocimetry (microPIV) experiments were performed on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel with a cross-section measuring 320 lm · 330 lm for Reynolds numbers between 272 and 2853. Care was taken to ensure that the seed particle density was great enough that accurate instantaneous velocity vector fields could be obtained for all the Reynolds numbers investigated. Velocity fluctuations were calculated from ensembles of microPIV velocity fields. The hu0i/umax fluctuation showed an increase at Re = 1535 and a further increase as Reynolds numbers were increased, suggesting that transition to turbulence began near Re = 1535, a Reynolds number lower than predicted by classical theory. The hu0i/umax data also suggest the flow was fullydeveloped at a Reynolds number between 2630 and 2853, also lower than classical results. This finding was confirmed in plots of the mean velocity profile. For the fully developed flow, the measured hu0 i/umax fluctuation agreed well with classical results for turbulent duct flow, but the hv0 i/umax fluctuation was 25–40% lower than turbulent duct flow results. Finally, spatial correlations of velocity fluctuations were calculated to lend some insights into the characteristics of the large-scale turbulent structures observed in the turbulent microchannel flow.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 流场




Measurements of the local flow and mixture condition near the spark plug of internal combustion engines are important to characterize their influence on ignition and combustion performance. This is especially true for direct-injection engines where limited time is available for mixture formation and optimum stratification of the fuel/air mixture to achieve best performance. Transient processes need to be visualized in an optically challenging environment. The application of digital Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for flow field measurements along with crank angle-resolved planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) and chemiluminescence imaging is discussed in the context of investigations of a highly stratified sprayguided direct-injection engine. Flow fields were captured in a firing optical single-cylinder engine to study the interaction of the fast spray and the underlying in-cylinder tumble flow. The impingement of the fuel spray on the spark plug electrodes and subsequent dispersion of the fuel cloud was filmed at a rate of 12kHz with a new PLIF technique using a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser. Subsequent flame development and combustion progress could be followed via high-speed imaging of OH* chemiluminescence. This approach was also combined with double-pulse PLIF imaging of fuel distributions.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,浓度场,发光现象


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