




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




Refrigerated air curtains are used in supermarket display cases to keep warm ambient air from entering the refrigerator case. Entrainment of ambient air into the curtain by shear layer mixing contributes to both the sensible and the latent heat load on the cases. In order to reduce this entrainment, a closer look at the air curtain is undertaken here. Particle Image Velocimetry was used to examine idealized air curtains of various Reynolds and Richardson numbers. The air curtain entrainment was seen to be dominated by eddies that engulfed ambient air into the air curtain. For the isothermal (Ri=0) curtains, it was observed that the air curtain dynamics and entrainment were not sensitive to Reynolds number variation between Re=3800 and Re=8500. At low air velocities (Re=1500), the curtain was found to detach, leading to extremely high entrainment rates. Variations in Richardson number of the curtain affected the flow at the curtain inlet most dramatically, where the acceleration of gravity caused the curtain to neck inwards. The overall thermal entrainment was shown to reduce with reducing Reynolds number, implying that a reduction in air curtain entrainment could be achieved by reducing the air velocity of the curtain, as long as air curtain integrity is maintained.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 致冷空气幕墙的雾沫夹带现象研究




This research investigated multiple detonation diffraction events in order to better understand the limits and benefits of diffraction strategies with respect to pulse detonation engine design. Hydrogen/air detonations were generated using swept ramp obstacles in a 1.27 m long channel with a cross section of 25.4 mm by 88.9 mm and were diffracted into various multiple-stepped openings. This allowed the detonation wave diffraction transmission limits to be determined for hydrogen/air mixtures and to better understand reinitiating mechanisms throughout the diffraction process. Tests were conducted for area ratios ranging from 2.00–2.60 with varying equivalence ratios from 0.5–1.5. Computational methods were used to better understand the diffraction phenomenon using a series of sensitivity studies for different chemistry sets, computational cell size and equivalence ratio. Experimental tests used combined optical shadowgraph and particle image velocimetry imaging systems to provide shock wave detail and velocity information. The images were observed through a newly designed explosive proof optical section and split flow detonation channel. It was found that area ratios of 2.0 could survive single and double diffraction events over a range an equivalence ratio range of 0.8 to 1.14 Area ratios of 2.3 survived the primary diffraction event for equivalence ratios near stoichiometric for the given step length. Detonation diffraction for area ratios of 2.6 did not survive the primary diffraction event for any equivalence ratio and were unable to transmit to a larger combustor.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 多台阶通道中的爆震衍射




The trajectory of the tip vortex of a reduced-scale, 1 m diameter, four-bladed rotor during hover is studied using vortex methods combined with a center of mass analysis approach. The objective is to develop analysis techniques capable of accurately characterizing the dynamical features of the unsteady wake produced by rotorcraft during hover, descent, ascent and forward flight conditions. Measurements of all three components of the velocity field are acquired using a stereo PIV system synchronized to capture up to 260◦ wake age of the vortex with 10◦ offsets during hover conditions. The nominal operating condition of the rotor is at a blade loading of CT / = 0.0645 and a rotational speed of 1240RPM, corresponding to Rec = 180,000. An area encompassing the 95% confidence region for the vortex jitter reveals a noticeable anisotropic, aperiodic pattern over all wake ages, which has not been previously observed. The principal axis of the vortex jitter also appears to align itself perpendicular to the slipstream boundary. An accurate characterization and prediction of the trajectory of the individual tip vortices can significantly enhance the ability to design rotors to meet specific performance targets such as reduction in fuselage vibrations, noise scattering and maneuvering noise as well as an alleviation in the resuspension of particles during brownout
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 悬停状态下



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