



The presence of hidden nut and tree nut allergens in foods can result in serious health issues, necessitating a method capable of detecting and quantifying them at trace levels using a single robust assay. To find specific peptide markers that can be used to determine the presence or absence of specific nuts in food, proteins unique to 11 tree nuts (almond, pecan, cashew, walnut, hazelnut, pine nut, brazil nut, macadamia nut, pine nut, chestnut, and coconut) and peanut were enzymatically digested and analyzed using accurate - mass Q - TOF LC/MS. Each marker peptide was selected by establish ing its presence in raw and roasted nuts, processed and unprocessed food, abundance (sensitivity), sequence size, and uniqueness to a specific nut. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) nr database searches were performed to confirm pep tide identities, and to ensure that the marker peptides chosen were not present in other nuts or common food ingredients such as barley, corn, rice, soy, and wheat. Two marker peptides were selected for each tree nut, and four were selected for peanuts. An alysis of peptide digests from grains such as barley, corn, rice, quinoa, soy, and wheat did not present interfer - ences. The peptide markers were tested to determine if they could be used to screen common foods for the presence of the 11 tree nuts and pea nut at sub - ppm levels. Foods containing nuts as listed on the label showed a response for the cor - rect nut. Foods processed using equipment also used to process other tree nuts or peanuts were in certain cases found to contain these other nuts.
检测样品: 其他食品
检测项: 过敏原



仪器信息网行业应用栏目为您提供160篇其他食品检测方案,可分别用于感官指标检测检测、营养成分检测、微生物检测、理化分析检测、真菌毒素检测、重金属检测、环境污染物检测、转基因检测、其他检测、非法添加检测、过敏原检测,参考标准主要有《GB/T 5009.35 食品中合成着色剂的测定》等