



在海冰形成的过程中将光学微氧传感器(Micro-optodes)冻结在冰中,直接测量其中的氧动力状态。 Oxygen micro-optodes were used to measure oxygen dynamics directly within the microstructure of sea ice by freezing the sensors into the ice during its formation.The experiment was conducted in a 4 m3 mesocosm filled with artificial seawater and inoculated with a unialgal culture of the common Antarctic ice diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Bacillariophyceae) to a final chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration of 11 μg l–1. Ice growth was initiated 7 d after inoculation by reducing the air temperature to –10 ± 2°C and terminated 17 d later. The final ice thickness was 27 cm. One optode was frozen into grease ice and 2 others into the skeletal layer of the growing ice sheet. Increasing oxygen concentrations during ice crystal formation at the water surface and the ice-water interface revealed a strong inclusion of oxygen, which was either physically trapped and/or the result of photosynthesising diatoms. The major portion of oxygen was present as gas bubbles due to supersaturation as a result of increasing salinity and oxygen production by diatoms. An increase in salinity due to a concurrent decrease in ice temperatures during subsequent sea ice development reduced the maximum concentration of dissolved oxygen within brine. Thus, dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased over time, whereas gaseous oxygen was released to the atmosphere and seawater. The sensors are a significant advance on more conventional microelectrodes, because the recordings can be temperature and salinity compensated in order to obtain precise measurements of oxygen dynamics with regard to total (dissolved and gaseous) and dissolved oxygen in sea ice. Optodes do not consume oxygen during measurement over a long period under extreme conditions, which is another advantage for long-term deployment in the field.
检测样品: 环境水(除海水)
检测项: 其他


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仪器信息网行业应用栏目为您提供85篇环境水(除海水)检测方案,可分别用于物理指标检测、营养盐检测、有机污染物检测、有机物综合指标检测、(类)金属及其化合物检测、无机阴离子检测、生物检测、颗粒物检测、其他检测、生态检测、放射性检测、感官性状和物理指标检测、消毒剂检测、酸沉降检测、综合检测、微塑料检测,参考标准主要有《HJ 905-2017 恶臭污染环境监测技术规范》、《HJ 701-2014水质 黄磷的测定 气相色谱法》、《HJ 1004-2018环境空气降水中有机酸(乙酸、甲酸和草酸)的测定离子色谱法》等