
检测样品: 天然高分子材料
检测项目: 微量测量、生物、蛋白质
浏览次数: 54
发布时间: 2023-06-01
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 276 方案总浏览次数:
SAH-769 One Drop附件用于快速测量仅0.6 μL或5 μL的小样品体积,分别落在1或0.2 mm的圆盘样品池上。较短的光路径长度配置允许测量更高浓度的样品,而无需进一步稀释。光学路径长度是由一个集成的覆盖玻璃精确和重复控制,并可以很容易地用实验室擦拭清洗。 关键词:V-630BIO,紫外可见/NIR,生命科学,生物化学,SAH-769一滴,微采样


V-630BIO是一种多功能和易于使用的双光束分光光度计,确保了高精度的样品测量。V-630BIO可以使用跨平台光谱管理器™软件或带有彩色触摸屏的智能远程模块(iRM)进行操作。无论哪种情况,该软件都包括了生命科学分析的标准程序。蛋白质/核酸测量程序用于蛋白质或核酸的测定,在260和280 nm。可选帕尔贴恒温样品池支架的温度控制测量程序可用于DNA热熔实验,先进动力学程序也可与温度控制样品池支架一起使用。Application Note Measurement of Micro-Volumes ofProteins and Nucleic Acid2/3Application Note UV-0018 Measurement of Micro-Volumes of Proteins and Nucleic Acid In t roduc t ion The SAH-769 One Drop accessory is used to qu i c k ly measure a small sample volume of only 0.6 uL or 5 pL dropped onto a disc cell with a 1 o r 0.2 mm opt i cal pat h length,respectively. The sho r ter optical pathlength configurat i on allows measurement of h igher concentration samples without furthe r d il utio n . T h e optica l pathleng th is precisely and reproducibly control l ed by an i nteg r ated cover glass, and ca n be easi l y cleaned with a laboratory wipe. The V-630BIO is a versa t i l e and easy to use dou b le-beam spectrophotmeter that ensures h igh precision sample measurement. The V-630BIO can be ope r ated us i ng V-630BIO UV-Visible Spectro p hotomete r either the cross-platform Spectra Manage r" software or intel l i gent Remote Mod u l e (iRM) wit h color touch sc r ee n . In either case, t h e software in cludes standard prog r ams for life science a n alyses. The Protein/Nucleic Acid Measurement program is used for protein or nucleic acid determinat i on using absorbance r atios at selected wavelengths including 260 and 280nm. The Temperature Contro l Measurement program with optional Peltier thermostatted cell h o l der can be used for DNA thermal melting experiments, and t he Adva n ced Kinetics program can also be used with the temperature controlled cel l holders. Keywords V-630BIO , UV-Visible /N I R , Li f e Sc i ence, B i oc h emist ry , SAH-769 One Drop , Micros a m p l i n g Exper i men t a l Scan Speed 200 nm/min Data interval 0.5nm Bandwidth 1.5nm Response Medium Sol u tions of calf thymus DNA i n KH2PO4/NaOH bu f fer (pH 7) at several concen tr ations were measured by usi n g cells wit h 1 a n d 0.2 mm p at h lengt h s. Th e measu re me n t proc e dure for the SAH-760 One Drop acc e ssory is s h own in Figur e 1. 1. D r o p sa m p le o n c e l l u s i n g pipet t e . 2. C l os e t he g l a s s cover slide a n d l i d of t h e sampl e compartment. 一 4. Remo v e sa m p l e fr o m c el l u s i ng a k imwipe or l e n s paper . Figure 1. Measur e ment proced ur e u si ng t h e S AH-769 One Dr o p Cel l Results The absorpt i on spectra of various concentrat i o n s o f calf thym u s DNA u sin g 1 and 0.2 mm pathle n gths are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respec t ively. Figure 2. A bsor p t i on s p e ctr a o f ca lf thymus D N A us i n g a 1 m m p at hlen g t h cell. Figure 3. A b s o rpt ion s p e ct ra of c a l f t h ymus DNA us i ng a 0.2 mm p a t hl e ng th cel l . The correspo n ding calibration curves using t h e absorbance m axima at 260 nm are shown i n Figures 4 and 5. Both curves demonst r ate good l in earity. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A The disc c e ll and cove r g l ass we r e w i p e d c l e a n aft er m easu rin g t h e absor b a n c e of the h i ghest conc en tra te d sample i n the 1 mm path l ength (5 u L volume) ce l l . 5pL of solve n t was th e n measured to evaluation sam p le cross -contamin a t i on of the di s c cell. The DNA sample absorbance was 1.8832 wh il e the solve n t absor b a n ce was 0.0002, ind i cat i n g th a t wi p ing i s enough to remove al l t h e t races of th e sample f rom the cell. JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A USGO





佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《蛋白质和核酸的微体积测量》,该方案主要用于天然高分子材料中微量测量、生物、蛋白质检测,参考标准--,《蛋白质和核酸的微体积测量》用到的仪器有jasco紫外可见分光光度计 V-700