
检测样品: 其它
检测项目: 绝对反射率、隐膜、紫外
浏览次数: 61
发布时间: 2023-06-01
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 276 方案总浏览次数:
在本应用说明中,使用绝对反射率测量附件研究了隐膜的透射光谱的角度依赖性。 关键词:V-750,紫外可见/NIR,ARMN-919自动绝对反射率测量附件,材料,薄膜


智能手机显示器上的隐私胶片被用来防止旁观者观看用户的手机。这些薄膜由百叶层或夹层的透明和光屏蔽层组成。根据百叶窗层的高度和间距,屏幕视图可以在特定的视角下被遮挡。绝对反射率测量附件可用于评估百叶窗层的视角或透射率。通过围绕样品旋转样品源和/或探测器的角度,可以获得各种不同视角下的透光率值(。Application NoteUV-O033 Evaluation of Privacy Films using an Automated AbsoluteReflectance Measurement Accessory2/2Application Note Evaluation of Privacy Films using an Automated Absolute Reflectance Measurement Accessor v In t ro d uc t ion Privacy f ilms f or smartphone dis p lays a re used t o prevent bystanders f rom viewi n g the user 's phone. Th e se f ilms a r e com p os e d of louver lay e r s or t ransparent and light s h ield i ng l a yers that are in t erlam i nat e d. D e pend i ng on the heigh t a n d p i t ch of the l ouver layers, t h e scre e n vi e w can b e o b struct e d at s p ec i f i c v i ewi n g a n gles. An a b solu t e ref l ectance measurement accessory can b e used to evalu a te the viewing angle o r the t ra n sm it tance of the louve r layers. By r otating the s a mple source and/or detector angles arou n d t h e sample , transmi t tance values c a n be o b tained for a variety of different v i ewi n g ang l es (F i gure 2). V-750 UV-Visible Spect r o p hotomete r Figure 2. Sc h ema tic of ab so lu te re fle c ta n ce mea s ur em en t a ccess o r y. Ex per i men t al Detection Angle 0° Incidence Angle -60-60° Measurement Interval 2° Measurement Mode %T, asynchronous Wavelength Range 380-780nm Bandwidth 5nm Scan Speed 400 nm/min Response 0.96 sec R esu l ts Th e 3D plot in F i gur e 3 s h ows th e t ra n smit t a n ce spect r a as a fu nct i on of wavele n gth and in cide n c e an g le . Figure 4illus t rates th e t ransmittanc e spectra at varyi n g i n cide n ce angles and F i gure 5 is t h e angle d e pendence t ra n smit t a n ce spec t ra at 550 n m . T h ese data r eveal th at the privacy f ilm absor b s blue light below 400 nm while kee p ing the t r ansmi t tance constan t above 400 nm , ind i ca t in g th a t th e fi l m dis p lays l i g h t wit h out inducing a large co l or change. Figur e 5 shows a t rans m ittance of 5% near t he vi e wing a n gle of ±32.5°, suitable for user privacy. Figure 3. 3D plot o f t h e t r a ns m ittan ce s pe c t r a as a f un c t i on of w av el e n g t h an d in c i dence ang l e. Figure 4. T rans mit tance s p e ct r u m of pri v ac y film o b t a i n ed e v er y 10°. Figure 5. T he an gle depen den c e of t he tran smi ttan c e spec t ra a t 550 n m. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A





佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《使用自动绝对反射率测量评估隐膜》,该方案主要用于其它中绝对反射率、隐膜、紫外检测,参考标准--,《使用自动绝对反射率测量评估隐膜》用到的仪器有jasco紫外可见分光光度计 V-700