
检测样品: 光学材料
检测项目: 积分球、漫透射、透射率、紫外
浏览次数: 77
发布时间: 2023-06-02
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 276 方案总浏览次数:
本申请说明演示了如何使用水平积分球来获得隐形眼镜的漫透射测量值。 关键词:V-650,紫外可见/近红外分光光度计,PIN-757积分球,隐形眼镜,水平积分球,漫透射


PIV-756和PIN-757水平积分球(如图)用于测量隐形眼镜和其他样品的漫反射率和透射率。通过水平放置样品,可以容易地测量不均匀或不规则的形状。水平积分球允许精确测量,并提高操作效率,即使对于非晶样品和无法垂直定向的样品也是如此水平积分球体非常适合无法通过垂直放置进行测量的样本。该附件为小型或无定形样品以及无法垂直设置的样品提供了方便的测量。由于样品被放置在附件的顶部,因此可以在避免样品损坏的同时进行测量,并且还可以通过对待测量的特定区域进行简单的目视检查来提供样品区域的精确样品测量。Application NoteUV-0007 Horizontal Integrating Sphere forContact Lens Measurements2/3Application Note Horizontal Integrating Sphere for Contact Lens Measurement s Intro d uc t ion The PIV-756 and PIN-757 Horizontal Integrating spheres (Figure 1)are used for measuring t h e diffuse reflectance and transmitta n ce of contact lenses and other samples. By position in g the samples horizontally, uneven or irregularly shapes can be easily measured.The horizontal i ntegrating sphere al l ows prec i se measurement and increases t h e operat i ng eff i ciency even for amorphous samples and samples that cannot be orie n ted vertica ll y. V-650 UV-Vis i ble Spectrophotometer Figure 1. Hor izo n ta l i n te gra t i n g sp h e re This application n ote demo n strat e s how the hor iz ontal i nt e grating s p here can be used to obtain diffuse transmittance measureme n ts o f a contact l e ns. Keyword s V-650,UV-Visible/NIR s pe c t r ophotome t er , PIN-757 I n t e g r at i ng sphere, co n tac t l ens, h o ri z o n ta l integrat i ng s p he r e, di f f us e t r a nsm itt an c e Exp e rimental Data Interval 0.5nm Bandwidth 2.0nm Response Medium Scan Speed 200 nm/min One of the typical methods f or measuring the abso r ption of a contact lens with a vertical in t egrati n g sphe r e i s to sandwic h the sample in a saline so lu tion between two quartz plates, as shown in Figure 2. Using t h is method, air bubbles i n the cell and deformation of the l ens may prevent prec i se measuremen t of the sam p le and t h e ver t ical placement of the sample makes it more difficu l t to determine the measurement area . Additionally, ha r d co n tact lenses may crack or be damaged whe n placed between the two q u a r tz plates. Figure 2. C o n ta ct l e n s s a n dwi c h e d be t w ee n t w o quar t z p l ate s . The horizo n tal i n t e grat i ng sphere allows samples to b e plac e d hor i zon t a l l y in the sample holde r as shown in F i g ur e 3.The cont a ct le n s is h eld in an a p propr i a te solut i o n i n the quar tz ce ll du ri ng m e asur e m e nt . T h e n et tra n smittanc e of the sampl e ca n be o b tai n e d by m e asuri n g a blank , or the lens hold er f il l e d with t h e p r e s e rvative solution wit h out contac t lens .This blank measur e men t corr e cts for any stray l ig h t r ef l e ct e d f rom th e su r fac e s of t h e sampl e ho l der a n d len s solution . Figure 3. De dic ate d s am p le holder f o r c on ta c t len s e s . 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A F i gur e 4 ill u st r at e s h ow the sa m p le is p l a ced o n t h e sampl e hold e r a n d int e gr a t i ng sph e re . T h e contact l e ns t r a nsm i tt a nc e sp e ctrum i s s h own in Figure 5. Figure 4. S a mple p l ac e d o n s a mple hold er on t he hor i zon ta l i n teg ra t i n g sp h e re Figure 5. Tr a n s mi tt a n c e s p e c t r um o f a c on t a c t len s . C onclu s ion T h e h orizo n tal i nte g rati ng sp h e r e is i deal f or samples t h a t canno t b e measu r ed w i th vertica l placement. T h is accesso r y o f f ers easy meas u rement s fo r s m al l or amo r p h o u s sa m ples as w el l as samples t h at c a nnot be set ve rt ica ll y. Since the sa m p l e i s placed on t h e top of the accesso r y, i t can be meas u red while avo i di n g sample damage and a l so pr ovide p r ecise samp l e m easureme n t of sa m p l e areas by si m p l e v i s u al exa m ination of t h e s p ec ifi c a r ea to be m e a sur e d . JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A UASGO T el : (800) 333-5272, Fa x : (410) 822-7526 A ppli c a tio n Lib r ary: htt p://www.jas co in c .c o m/a pp l icatio n s





佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《用于隐形眼镜测量的水平积分球》,该方案主要用于光学材料中积分球、漫透射、透射率、紫外检测,参考标准--,《用于隐形眼镜测量的水平积分球》用到的仪器有jasco紫外可见分光光度计 V-700