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检测项目: 粒径,速度
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发布时间: 2016-09-22
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8NCCC/Southern 10 Aerosol Management inAmine Scrubbing Steven Fulk & Dr. Gary RochelleIEAGHG 2nd Post-Combustion Capture Conference17-2Oth September, 2013Bergen,Norway Outline Motivation and BackgroundPilot plant observations Aerosol Measurement at NCCC In-Situ Analyzer (PDI-Artium) Modeling aerosoll growth Model review-Exp. Vs. Model Conclusions/Future WorkAcknowledgements Motivation and Background: Background-Key Points Aerosol removal is important for emissions controland systems operations (AP, capital) HSE, solvent loss, system upsets Lots of unknowns: Fraction captured in pre-scrubbing? Always lots of submicron particles- where is the mass? Nucleation in-situ? Consistency in pilotplants? Sampling methods? Pilot Plant Observations: 1.Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 2TNO/Sintef (Maasvlakte PP-CCM Proiect)3National Carbon Capture Center 4.Toshiba Corporation (Mikawa Power Plant) Amine emissions with SO,→SO, inj.MHIPilot Plant-Post Ww 70 eo Inlet SOs (ppmv) TNO/SINTEF MEA at Maasylakte Li,CO, and Rb,CO, tracers conclude no entrainment 120 ppmv before WW-50%removed 55ippmv beforeBDU -67-92% removed 0.75-7.88 um (D32) particles after WW from fog sensor+ mass balance Also used APS and ELPI counters/sizers105-106 Part./cm³ MEA at Plant Gaston CPSTU Inlet SO-1.8 ppmv Beds Int.Coolers TMAx(C) Mea in WW Total MEA %) lb/h) 3 0 78.9 1.05 2.1 3 2 71.1 0.98 7.3 2 1 72.2 1.06 4.9 2 1 72.7 0.22 3.8 2 0 78.9 0.92 1.1 2 73.3 5.58 5.9 Inlet SO3 -3.2 ppmv 2 0 80.0 1.16 1.8 2 0 79.4 1.02 2.1 2 0 79.4 1.08 1.7 Toshiba TS-1TMat Mikawa Power Plant Measured 10 ppmv-volatility <0.1 ppmSampled super/sub-isokinetically Estimate 10um mist based on Davies model D Large particle bias Representative Small particle bias Anisokinetic Sampling = particle size : 30um O mesuring result - Davies model , particle size:10pm - Assumes a density and spherical particles particle size:3um reference value Figure 7 Anisokinetic sampling with the 1/4 inch probe Aerosols can increase emissions bevond 1000rppmvCondition of flue gas affects emissions: SO, content Ash/Particulate ●Emitted aerosols are between 0.1-10Um >10um captured in demister ·<0.1 um captured by Brownian diffusion/turbulence Process variable etfects? Intercooling WW concentration Size distribution analysis: Objective: eliminate extractive sampling errorsSampling: isokinetic Dilution: concentration limitations, RH Transmission: Impingement, diffusion, settling,ideposition State: P/T-Condensation/Evaporation Measure0.1-10um at high (10) particle conc. In-situ analysis for aqueous aerosols Phase Doppler Interferometer PDI system built by Artium TechnologiesMeasure 0.1-10l umat ~106 part./cmMeasures particle size, concentration, and 3D velocityusing interference of coherent laser beamsVery small sampling volumeMinimize coincidence→ high particle concentrationsOnly requires optical access to duct 140°Forward Scatter 35°Back Scatter Larger ducts require purge at window AerosolMeasurementsat NCCC/PSTU: PSTU running Chiyoda solvent Emissions/Conditions proprietary In-situ particle measurement (PDDdownstream ofWW N,Window Purge Artium Technalogles inc. Artium Technologies inc. Condensate Drain asIONisinsoa PDI at the PSTU using Chiyoda solvent saw onlysubmicron particles Likely well below 0.5 pum PDI could easily resolve <0.5-10um mist fromnebulizer ●上Particle concentration was very high> 106 particles/cm3 Amines interact with aerosols differentlyPDI is not a universal tool ModelingAerosolEmissions: Purpose: 1. Predict emissions 2.Calculate measurement losses Cases vield similar results-2um basis Bulk Gas Aerosol H,0(g)CO2(g) PZ (g) Coaqulation HN N O- O C NN-H20m)+CO2('2a(aq)+ PZ-,(aq) HN NH C Bulk Liquid H,N+I+ NH H,N+N- Aerosol Growth Model Intercooled vs.Non-Intercooled(8m PZ, 12% CO,,29SRP Campaigns) Non-Intercooled Intercooled 0.0 Bottom Z/Z-.Total Intercooled(In-and-out)-NGCC(5m PZ,3.3%CO,) Absorber growth negligible wrt. WW(5 m PZ, 3.3% CO,) Growth in the absorber significantly less than WWLiquid-side resistance important in WW 1.H,0 absorption is fast 2 Interface moves rapidly 3.Amine/Products must diffuse to interface >Design of WW is key to controlling aerosol emissions Multi-stage designs offer large residence time Conclusions/Future Work: Pilot plant measurements show some consistency10-100 ppmv-considerable mass0.1-10un-D) um-variable by measurement plantHigh concentrations of particles require more rigorousmodelingGas-particle mass/enthalpy couplingParticle-particle interactionsGrowth in WW determines final d^Drop Liquid resistance in aerosol important PDI notauniversalmeasurement tool > Ineffective below 0.1 um Acknowledgements: National Carbon Capture Center/Southern·Carl Landham, John Wheeldon + Staff · Artium Technologies,Inc. ·William Bachalo and Chad Sipperley Texas Carbon Management Program ·University of Texas Dept.of Chemical Eng. ·Dr. Eric Chen+SRP staff UTCCS-2January28-30, 2014 Austin, TX Open to sponsors of the Texas Carbon Management ProgramAnd to non-profit institutions with presentationsTitles and abstracts due October 15, 2013 to gtr@che.utexas.edu Www.GHGT.info GHGT-12





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