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检测项目: 乙醇浓度分析
浏览次数: 52
发布时间: 2023-06-27
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



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傅立叶变换红外光谱法是一种快速、准确地测定液体中乙醇浓度的分析技术。本申请说明报告了三种市售乙醇基防腐剂和一种可用于手部消毒的饮料级酒精中乙醇浓度的分析结果。 关键词:洗手液,Covid,乙醇,防腐剂,FTIR,IR定量


当用于传染病控制时,用于手部消毒的乙醇基防腐剂中的乙醇浓度应在70%至83%(体积%)之间。最近,作为对抗新型冠状病毒的临时措施,当乙醇难以获得时,允许使用60%的乙醇。当需要使用除一般防腐剂以外的高浓度乙醇产品时,必须在使用前用纯化水稀释。确认稀释产品的正确乙醇浓度非常重要。傅立叶变换红外光谱法是一种快速、准确地测定液体中乙醇浓度的分析技术。本申请说明报告了三种市售乙醇基防腐剂和一种可用于手部消毒的饮料级酒精中乙醇浓度的分析结果。实验:ATR测量是在没有任何样品预处理的情况下使用的。液体样品的测量只需将液滴放置在棱镜上即可。每个样品的分析时间约为4秒,乙醇浓度会自动报告。标准光谱测量程序中Spectra Manager的“简单定量”选项(如本应用中图2)允许在测量的同时进行定量和通过/失败判断。结论:FTIR不仅可以用来量化防腐剂,还可以用来量化酒精饮料中的乙醇浓度2。使用相同的方法,它可以用于制药和食品工业的质量控制。Application Note200-AT-0266 Quantification of Ethanol inEthanol-based antiseptics2/3Application Note Quantification of Ethanol in Ethanol-based antiseptic s In t rod uc tion When used in infectious d i sease control , the ethano l concentration in et h anol-based antiseptics used for hand ste r ilizat i on shou l d be betwee n 70 and 83percent by volume (vol%). Recently, as a temporary measure against the novel coronavirus, the use of 60 vol% has been allowed when ethano l is difficult to obtain. When it is necessary to use h i gh-concentration ethanol products other t h an general antiseptics, they must be diluted with pur i fied water prior to use. It i s important to confirm the correct ethanol concentration fo r the diluted product. Figure 1. F T/I R-4600 a n d A T R PR O ON E FTIR spectroscopy is a fast and accurate analytical tec h nique for qua n titation of ethanol concentration i n l i q ui ds. This applicat i on note reports the results for the analysis of ethanol concentrat i ons in t h ree commerc i ally available ethanol-based antiseptics and a beverage grade a l co h o l that can be used for hand sterilization. K e ywor d s Han d sani t i zer , Cov i d ,Etha n o l, An ti sep t ic, F T I R , IR q u a n titat i on Ex pe rim e ntal T h e ATR measurement wa s used wi t h out any sample pret r eatment . Liquid samples are measured simply by p lac in g a droplet on the prism. The analysis time pe r sample i s approx. 4 seconds, a n d th e etha n ol concentration is reported a u tomatically. Spectra Manage r ’s “Simple Quantitation ”opt i on (Figure.2) in the standa r d Spectra Measurement program allows quantitation and Pass/Fai l j udgment at the same time as measurement. Main Unit FT/IR-4600(Figure 1) ATR Prism Diamond Detector DLATGS Resolution 4cm² Accessory ATR PRO ONE(Figure 1) Accumulation 4 (approx. 4 seconds) Figure 2. Sim p le Qu a nt i t at ion fu nct ion i n t he S p e c t ra Me as uremen t p r o g r am Quantitation of etha n o l conc e n tr at i on Calibration curve Sta n dards f rom 0 to 99.5 vol% was pr e par e d by mix in g 99.5 vol% e thanol r e agen t with ul t rapur e wa te r. T h e IR s p ec t rum of 99.5 vol% e t h anol is shown in F i gure 3 (l ef t ). Figure 3 (right) also shows th e cal ib ra ti on cu r ve f or t h e s t a n dard samples created at the peak h e i ght of 1045 c m’attr i buted to th e C-O stretching vibration . Figure 3. Sim p l e Quan t ita t ion fu nc tion i n t he S pec t r a Me a su r e men t p r og r a m 28600 Mary's C o ur t , E asto n, MD 21601US A T el : (800) 333-5272 F ax: (410) 822-7526A ppl ic a tio n Lib r ary: ja s c o i n c.com /appli c a t i o ns Results The ethanol concent r ations of fi v e sam p les: th r e e commerc i a l ly avai l able ant i se p tics, a high conc e n tr ation beverage alcohol , and as a reference, a C h inese l iquor with a high alcohol co n cen t ratio n were measured. The fol l owi n g table s h ows the quan ti tation r e su l ts and pass/fail jud g ment r esu l ts. A conc e ntration in t h e r ange 60 to 83 vol% was d e signated as“pass”. It was conf ir med t h at the comme r cially availa b le ant i s e ptics a n d h igh -concent r at i on beverage a l cohol have concentrat i ons t h at can al l ow them to be used as ant i se p tic f or hand sterilization. Table 1. Re sul t s a n d co mp a ri s on of a ctua l s am p le s Sample Ethanol concentration quantitativeresults (vol %) Pass/Fail Ethanol-based antiseptic A 77 Pass Ethanol-based antiseptic B 79 Pass Ethanol-based antiseptic C 73 Pass High concentration of alcohol for drinking 65 Pass Reference: Chinese liquor 53 Fail C onclu s ion FTIR can be used to quantify not only t h e a n t i septics, bu t a l so the ethanol conce n trat i on in alcohol i c b everages?. Using the same methodology, it ca n b e used for quality control in pharmaceutical and food industries. 1 According t o ma t er i als re l e as e d b y th e Minist r y of Hea l t h , L a bor an d We l fa r e, Japan 2 FT/IR Appl i cation Not e 080-AT -0189 System Configuration Model Description Part Number Main Unit FT/IR-4600 FT/IR Spectrometer 7084-J002A3 Option ATR PRO ONE Single reflection ATR accessory 6909-J142A4 PKS-D1 Diamond crystal kit(High-Throughput Type) 6909-J341A5 Software QAU-4000 Quantitative analysis program 4880-0688A 3 FT/IR-4700 and FT/IR-6600/6700/6800 can also be used. 4 ATR PRO ONE VIEW i s a l so available. 5 PKS-D1F is also available. When using ATR PRO ONE VIEW, PKS-D1V or PKS-D1VF shou l d be used. JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's C o ur t , E asto n, MD 21601US A T el : (800) 333-5272 F ax: (410) 822-7526A ppl ic a tio n Lib r ary: ja s c o i n c.com /appli c a t i o ns





