
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 光谱、拉曼成像
浏览次数: 41
发布时间: 2023-06-15
关联设备: 3种 查看全部



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本应用中,一些应用包括使用IQ Frame进行成像测量,并介绍了这些系统的功能。


拉曼光谱和红外光谱是研究分子结构和分子功能的补充技术。此外,超可见光谱学代表了一种可选的正交评估。虽然正交评估已被证明在质量分析中是有用的,但在不同系统的微观水平上精确同步测量位置是一个挑战,如拉曼、红外和/或紫外可见显微镜。为了克服这一障碍,我们开发了“IQ框架”,这是一种可以很容易地在拉曼、FTIR和紫外可见微光谱仪之间转移的样品支架。 Development of a New Unique Concept for Accurate Sample Measurement across Different Microscope Based Molecular Spectroscopy System Carlos Morillo1, Kohei Tamura2, Yuji Higuchi2, Erika Taira2, Kento Aizawa2, Satoko Suzuki2, Ken-ichi Akao2 1JASCO Incorporated, 28600 Mary's court, Easton, Maryland 21601, USA 2JASCO Corporation, 2967-5 Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-8537,Japan cmorillo@jascoinc.com Introduction Raman and infrared spectroscopy are well known as complementary techniques to study molecular structure and molecula r function. In addi t ion , UV-visible spectroscopy represents an optional orthogonal assessment. Although orthogonal assessment has been proven to be useful in quality analys i s, it is a challenge to accurately synchronize the measurement position at the microscopic leve l across different systems, such as Raman, IR and/or UV-visible microscopy. To overcome this barrier, we have developed 'IQ Frame', a sample holder that can be easily transferred among Raman, FTIR and UV-vis i ble micro-spectrometers. In this poster, some appl i cations included imaging measurement using IQ Frame and the features of these systems are i ntroduced. Application 1: Orthogonal Assessment of Micro Fabrics by UV-visib l e, Raman and FTIR Micro- sp ec t r o me ters Sample:Colored (green, blue ) fabrics Method:Using IQ Frame, measured identical position of each fabric by UV-visible, Raman and FTIR Results: UV-Vis: Contributed to determine excitation laser wavelength for application of resonance Raman Identified their color Raman:Identified their colorant (dye)IR: Identified their chemical composition UV-Vis reflection spectra Raman spectra IR (ATR) spectra %R 40 一 Micro-UV-vis i ble spectra were used to analyze the fabric colors. In addition, the UV-visible spectra were used for determination of the exc i tation laser wavelength for Raman measurement. In the measurement of these samples, the laser wavelength close to their absorption maximum (532 nm for Fabric 1 and 633 nm for Fabric 2)are selected. From the Raman data, we could ident i fy i nformation about the dyes using the phenomenon o f resonance Raman. Lastly, using FTIR with micro-ATR measurement, the chemical composition of the fabrics could be determined. · Shared sample holder for orthogonal assessment by micro- spectrometers ·Exact position matching i s performed following two steps; First, using measurement coordinates stored in a spectrum data file, roughly select the measurement position. Second, using the image stored in the measurement data file and the live visible image, f ine adjustment can be made to the stage until the sample position is perfectly matched to the previous measurement . Application 2: Complementary Imaging Analysis of Plastics by Raman and FTIR Micro- sp e c t ro meter s Visible i mage Sample: Plastic particles embedded and pressed in KBr plate Method:Using IQ Frame, imaging measurement are performed by Raman and FTIR micro-spectrometer at the identical position.Results: Using both Raman and IR enabled to detect 6components. Because protein could be detected by only IR due to fluorescence in Raman and carbon could be detected by only Raman though four types of polymers could be detected by both Raman and IR. IR spectra PEI PE Ab bs Raman & IR combined distribution map Protei n 4000 2000 Wavenumber cm j Raman spectra I PET PE儿 50 pm I nt I PP 人 PS ■PETP C 口 P 口 Carbon PS 口Carbon rotein 50 pm 3200 2000 Raman S hi ft [c m ] Summary ·'IQ Frame' is designed for seamless analysis among JASCO Raman, FTIR and UV-visible microscopes. ·‘IQ Frame'Enables seamless analyses among micro-spectrometers based on coordinates information of measurement point and coincidence of visible i mages between each measurement. ·Applications for complementary i maging and orthogonal assessment by multiple micro-spectrometers are introduced.





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