
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 提取番茄红素
浏览次数: 336
发布时间: 2017-09-11
关联设备: 0种



解决方案总数: 21 方案总浏览次数:
番茄红素是一种具有多稀结构的化合物,它广泛的存在于番茄科属植物中。现代医学研究表明:番茄红素具有很强的抗氧化性和抗致癌功能,临床上可被用于作为治疗心血管类以及其它疾病的药物。 过去从番茄中提取番茄红素大都采用有机溶剂浸取的办法。此类方法花费时间长、使用有机溶剂多且不安全,而超临界CO2流体萃取技术则可从根本上消除以上负面影响。 美国应用分离公司ASI是一家致力于超临界CO2设备研发与生产的专业性公司,其超临界CO2流体系列SFE-2,SFE-4,SFE-NP,SFE-15000psi,SFE-HLIX,2-TECH-LS2是与美国农业部合作生产的产品,具有操作简单、使用方便、坚固耐用以及较高的性能价格比等优点;可以满足实验室研究、工艺放大以及规模生产等各个方面的需求。 本文介绍了采用ASI公司SFE-NP从番茄中提取番茄红素。结果表明在680大气压,温度为80摄氏度的条件下,提取效果理想;和传统的提取方式如索氏提取相比,超临界CO2流体技术所用时间短、经济环保且提取效果佳。


The Supercritical CarbonDioxide Extraction ofLycopenes from TomatoBy-products Al Kaziunas Applied Separations 930 Hamilton Street Allentown, PA\1188101 Applied Separations www.appliedseparations.com Abstract Tomatoes contain a highconcentration of carotenoids andlycopenes, significant amounts ofwhich are found in the skins of thetomatoes. Lycopenes are valuedntrfor their significant antioxidantproperties, and are reported toprevent cardiovascular disease. Abstract.t. cont. Methods are needed to extractlycopenes from natural sources foranalytical purposes and also naturalprocessing. This paper investigatesthe use of supercritical carbon dioxideto extract lycopenes from tomato skinsas a non-toxic alternative to traditionalorganic solvent extraction methods. Abstract.. cont. Supercritical extraction parameters wereoptimized by varying the carbondioxide density. Extraction pressureswere varied between 200 and 680BAR and temperatures from 40°C to80°C to accomplish density changesand determine optimal extractionconditions. Details of samplepreparation, supercritical extractionand lycopene analysis are presented. ntroduction Lycopene is a carotenoid compound found inhigh concentrations in tomatoes, and is thecompound that gives them the red color. Inaddition, lycopenes are reported to haveantioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, and othermedicinal properties. The solvent extraction of lycopenes is a timeconsuming process that requires largevolumes of organic solvents. This poster demonstrates the use ofsupercritical CO, as a solvent-free alternativeto the solvent extraction of lycopenes fromtomatoes. AppliecSeparations LycopeneStructure H,C. CH H CH CH CH CH CH, HC CH, Applied Separations B-Carotene :Structure H,C CH CH CH CH, C CH CH, CH Instrument SpecificationsSpe-ed SFE-NP Pressure 10,000 psi (680 BAR) lemperature 250°C CO, Flow Rate 50L/min (expandedgas) Extraction Vessel 1 liter AppliedSeparations Spe-ed SFE-NP Sample Preparation 12 lbs of whole, ripe tomatoeswere cut into quarters Tomato solids were separatedfrom liquid by crushing thetomatoes in cheesecloth andretaining the solids Tomato solids were dried in avacuum oven for 24 hours at 40°Cand ground in a laboratory mill Optimized Supercritical CO2Extraction Conditions Sample 30 grams Extraction vessel 50mL Pressure 680 BAR Temperature 80°C Flow rate 4 L/min., CO, asGas Collection 60mL, tared amber vial Analysis gravimetric Applied Separations Supercritical ExtractionProfile Note: 100% of extractables is based on soxhletextraction results Comparison of ExtractionMethods Solvent Extraction Soxhlet Supercritical CO,2 Solvent Acetone/Hexane(1:1) CO, Extraction Time 10 hours %4hour Organic SolventConsumption 200mL 0 Recovery (%soxhlet) 100% 96.1% AppliecSeparations Conclusion Supercritical CO, extraction oflycopenes from tomatoes is: -Fast -Eliminates toxic organic solvent -Comparable to soxhlet extractionresu ts References Khacik F., J. Agric FoodChem 1992, 40, 390-398. Favati F., Fourth Italian Conference onSupercritical Fluids and Their Applications,1997,121-128.




