
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 硬度、模量等机械性能
浏览次数: 681
发布时间: 2017-05-11
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 5 方案总浏览次数:
在当今轻量化需求的汽车工业里,铝合金材料得到广泛的应用。然而,为提高铝合金的机械性能和耐磨性,硬质氧化层的使用变的越来越普遍。 硬质氧化层一般有30-80μm厚,有的甚至只有几微米。对于这类涂层,传统的依赖于用光学方式查看压痕大小从而测算硬度的方法(如显微维氏硬度)已达到其测量极限。仪器化压痕法是替代传统测量方式的最佳方法,不仅能够去衡量其塑性变形性能(HV),还能够测量一系列决定涂层质量优劣的其它机械性能。用仪器化压痕法,即便是非常薄的阳极氧化层,也不用担心基材对测量氧化层性能时的影响。


AN037enCoating Thicknesshh Material AnalysisISMicrohardness Q Material Testing Application of FISCHER products Mechanical characteristics of anodised coatings ln the automotive industry weight reduction -andthe associated fuel savings - are top priority, whichis why lightweight materials such as aluminium areused. In order to withstand mechanical stresses,however, these softer components must be madewear resistant. For this reason, hardcoat (Type Ill)anodisation is becoming ever more common. While hard anodised coatings are typically 30-80 pmthick, some are only a few um! For these coatings,conventional hardness measurement systems that relyon optical evaluation of the indentation (e.g. Vickersmethod) approach the limits of their ability. A muchbetter suited method is the instrumented indentation test.which can be applied to measure not only the hardnessin terms of plastic deformation (HV), but also to assessother quality-determining characteristics. Using theinstrumented indentation test, even very thin anodisedcoatings can be analysed without risking influence fromthe substrate. Fig.1: Hard anodised piston For such technical applications hard anodised coatingsmust have a consistent hardness of 400-600 HV acrossthe entire section. Soft anodised coatings for decorativeapplications have a hardness of about 200-400 HV,which is reached a few hundred nm below the surface. The FISCHERSCOPEHM2000 with its ESP (EnhancedStiffness Procedure)modeis able to determinemechanical properties like the Vickers hardness or theelastic indentation modulus dependent upon the depth. Figure 2a/b shows the Vickers Hardness HV (calculatedfrom the indentation hardness Hir) and the indentationmodulus Eir of two coatings: a hard anodised coating(480 HV) of 11 pm thickness (shown in red) and a softanodised coating of 14 pm thickness (shown in blue).The higher standard deviation for the hard anodisedcoating stems from the roughness of its surface. Fig.2a:derived data for Vickers hardness (HV) of a hard anodised (red)and a soft anodised (blue) coating Fig.2b: indentation modulus (Er) of hard anodised (red) and a softanodised (blue) coating In Figure 2a one clearly sees the consistent hardness ofthe hard anodised coating and the increasing hardnessof the softer anodised coating, which also exhibits lesselasticity (Figure 2b, indentation modulus). On the hardanodised coating, the elasticity decreases as oneapproaches the substrate. The FISCHERSCOPEHM2000 is optimally suited forthe precise determination of the mechanicalcharacteristics of thin anodised coatings. Beside thehardness, other parameters such as the plastic orelastic material characteristics can be accuratelyassessed. Please contact your local FISCHERrepresentative for further information. 在当今轻量化需求的汽车工业里,铝合金材料得到广泛的应用。然而,为提高铝合金的机械性能和耐磨性,硬质氧化层的使用变的越来越普遍。硬质氧化层一般有30-80μm厚,有的甚至只有几微米。对于这类涂层,传统的依赖于用光学方式查看压痕大小从而测算硬度的方法(如显微维氏硬度)已达到其测量极限。仪器化压痕法是替代传统测量方式的最佳方法,不仅能够去衡量其塑性变形性能(HV),还能够测量一系列决定涂层质量优劣的其它机械性能。用仪器化压痕法,即便是非常薄的阳极氧化层,也不用担心基材对测量氧化层性能时的影响。





