




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




Energy supply is one of the primary building blocks of our society. Worldwide, and especially in rapidly developing countries, e.g. China and India, the demands of energy for housing, industry, transportation and communication are constantly increasing [83]. The global energy supply is currently dominated by combustion of fossil fuels. In 2008, 85.1% of the global primary energy supply was produced from the combustion of oil (34.6%), coal (28.4%) and natural gas (22.1%). From the 12.4% of renewable energy sources, 82% (in total 10.2%) was bioenergy based on burning renewable rescources [45]. Recent reports confirm that a dramatic shift towards CO2 neutral energy supply is required to stop the current trend of global warming [135]. Nevertheless, the slow developement of renewable energies over the last decades as well as the absence of large technological advancements in nuclear fusion technology indicate that this structure will not substantially change in the coming decades. Besides emissions of CO2, further pollutants are formed during the combustion of fossil or biofuels. From these emissions, nitric oxides (NOx) have been identified as a major problem of practical combustion processes [214]. In the recent decades nitric oxides became a significant contributor to photochemical smog and ozone in urban air [180]. It further participates in the chain reaction removing ozone form the stratosphere with the consequence of increased ultraviolet radiation reaching earth’s surface [90]. NOx is generally formed during the oxidation process of nitrogen containing fuels such as coal and oil. However, the gross NOx emissions are created at high combustion temperatures from nitrogen in the air. These are typical for hard coal plants, internal combustion engines and gas turbines. Hence, it is essential to understand the physico-chemical processes of NOx formation and concepts to reduce or even eliminate NOx emissions.
检测样品: 其他




In the present study it is attempted to use the 3D time-resolved velocity field measurements obtained by employing a high-speed tomographic PIV system on a flat plate turbulent boundary layer at Reθ=730. The main objective of the study is the estimation of the wall pressure coherence function for the prediction of aeroacoustic noise radiated by boundary layers and trailing edge flows. The reconstruction of the pressure field from velocity field measurements follows the approach of de Kat and van Oudheusden (2012), whereby the Poisson equation is integrated over the measurement volume in 3D. Due to restriction on the extent of the measurement volume, uniform pressure is applied as boundary condition on stream- and spanwise faces. A direct numerical simulation of the boundary layer at a similar Reynolds number is performed in order to produce reference data for the velocity statistics and for the properties of the spectral fluctuations. The tomographic data agree very well with DNS as far as mean and fluctuating velocity components are concerned. Velocity field results are compared to 2C-PIV and the DNS solution and a collapse of the data is demonstrated. An additional reference measurement is introduced in order to validate the procedure of pressure determination from time-resolved tomographic PIV. Time series of pressure and the scaled power spectral density at a single point are compared to the DNS solution and results available from literature and good agreement is found. The correlation coefficient with respect to pinhole microphone measurements reaches a maximum value above 50% for data band-pass filtered between 250Hz and 3.5kHz. Finally, the coherence of the pressure fluctuations and the resulting spanwise coherence length are computed compared.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场




In the Fluid project, WorkPackage 1 is devoted to the creation of an image sequence database with controlled 2D/3D experimental and numerical ow elds. The objective of this workpackage is to produce complete sets of data comprising:  meteorological satellite atmospheric image sequences;  rst sets of image sequences of controlled uid mechanics experiments (air ows in wind tunnels), produced in a classical way using laser-sheets and cameras, with a smoke or particle concentration chosen a priori in order to give reasonably detectable contrasts;  second sets of experimental image sequences produced in an adapted manner (seeding, lighting, frame size, physical data range) after feedback from tests conducted in WP 2, WP 3 and WP 4;  synthetic image sequences coming from the results of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of shear ows;  quantitative data characterising the ows corresponding to each set of experimental image sequences, among which global and local physical characteristics like velocity elds, statistics, spatial correlation as well as topological dimensions of speci c regions of the ow (formation length, layer thickness, virtual origins, wave length, etc). This report is the deliverable D1.23 on the production and di usion of uid mechanics images and data. All the dataset distributed during the rst year to the di erent partners are described. Section 2 concerns two experimental datasets, the rst one is not time resolved but the second is. Section 3 presents 2D-synthetic data of analytic ows, DNS of 2D sustained turbulent ow and a sample of 2D ow from PIV Challenge. The last section 4 is devoted to 3D-synthetic data.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 流体成像分析和描述




Reducing the deleterious effect of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) in marine risers is an important task for ocean engineers; and many competing factors exist in the design of VIV suppression devices. This thesis explores the experimental minimization of the drag force and the disruption of v0l1ex formation by utilizing VIV suppression devices. Two series of tests are conducted-both utilizing separate testing designs. The first tests are the flexible cylinder experiments, detailed in Chapter 2, which determine the drag force and vibration amplitude of numerous, original testing configurations. The second series of tests are the rigid cylinder, PIV experiments, detailed in Chapter 3. These tests measure both the drag force on the cylinder and the oscillating component of the lift force, the latter of which is a good indication of v011ex formation. The Chapter 3 tests also image the test section wake-providing helpful insight into the physical process of vortex formation. In brief, this thesis presents a detailed description and results of the two series of original VIV suppression tests. Many original configurations are tested, and the results are contained herein.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 圆柱体振动,拖曳阻力,运动幅度,速度场,速度矢量场,PIV,粒子成像测速


