
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 氨基酸、蛋白质、OPA
浏览次数: 40
发布时间: 2023-06-26
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 276 方案总浏览次数:
报道了利用该氨基酸分析系统进行食品分析和蛋白质氨基酸组成分析的结果。 关键词: Amino acids to organize proteins, Quaternary low pressure gradient,OPA, Post-column derivatization, Fluorescence detector


氨基酸分析已应用于食品、医学、蛋白质科学和代谢组学研究等多个领域,是一种重要的测量技术。采用低压梯度单元和OPA柱衍生化的氨基酸分析系统在短时间内具有良好的重复性和良好的分离性。2/5Application Note Analysis of Protein Hydrolysate Amino Acids using OPA Post-column Derivatization Ap plication Note UASGO Analysis of Protein Hydrolysate Amino Acids using OPA Post-column Derivatization by Quaternary Low Pressure Gradient System Amino acid analysis has been applied to several categories such as food, medicine, protein science and metabolome study, and is an important measurement technique. An am i no acid analysis system using a low pressure gradient uni t with OPA post column derivatization provides excellent repeatability and good separation in a short analysis time. The analysis results of food analysis and amino acid composit i on analysis of protein using this amino acid analysis system are reported. Keywords: Amino aci d s to o rgan i ze proteins, Quaternary low pressure gradient,OPA, Post -column derivatization, Fluorescence detector Applic a tio n Libra r y: htt p ://www.jascoinc .com/applicat i ons E xperimenta l E quipment C onditions Eluent Pump: PU-2089 Reagent Pump: PU-2085 x2 Column Oven: CO-2065 Autosampler: AS-2057 Detector: FP-2025 Column: (6.0mmlDx50mmL,5 pm) Ammonia Filter: AEC pak Na-LG (4.6mmlDx35mmL) Eluent: Amino Buffer Na-LG(1st~4th) Reagent: Amino Reagent Na-LG (Hypo,OPA) Eluent Flow Rate: 0.5mL/min Reagent Flow Rate: 0.5mL/min each Column Temperature: 60℃ Reaction Temperature: 60°℃ Wavelength: Ex.345nm,Em.455nm,Gainx10 Injection Volume: 10 pL Standard Sample: 20 amino acids 50nmol/mL eachin 0.2N citric buffer (pH2.2) Schematic Diag r am JASCO INC. Te l :(800) 333-5272, Fax: (410)822-7526 1: Elu e nt (Amino Buffer Na-LG(1st ~4th)) 2: Degasser 3: Low pressure gradient unit 4: El u ent pump 5: Ammonia f ilter (AECpak Na-LG) 6: Autosampler 7: Column oven 8: Column (AApak Na-LG) 9: Reagent 1 (Amino Reagent Na-LG Hypo) 10: Air t rap 1 11: Reagent pump 1(Hypo) 12: Reaction coil 113: Reagent 2 (Amino Reagent Na-LGOPA) 14: Airtrap 2 15: Reagent pump 2 (OPA) 16: Reaction coil 2 17: Fluorescence detector 18: Chromatography data system(ChromNAV) R e s u l ts and D iscu s sion Fig u r e 1 sh o ws th e c hro matogra m o f t he sta n d a rd mi x t u r e of 20 k ind s o f a mi n o ac id s.T he sample was wel l se p ara t ed wi t h in 45 m inutes (1 c ycle 60 m in ). F i g ur e 1. C h roma t o gr am o f t he am in o acid standard m i xture (500 pmol each ) 1:Cyste i c acid,2:Aspa r atic ac i d ,3:T h re o n ine ,4:Ser i ne , 5: G lu tamic a c i d, 6:P roline , 7: G l ycine ,8: Ala n i n e 9:Cyst i n e ,10:Valine ,11: Meth i on i ne,12:I sole u ci n e ,13:Leucine ,14: T yrosine ,15: Phenylala n ine,16:GA B A 17:Lysine ,18:H i sti d ine ,19:T r y ptophan, 20: Ar g ini n e F i g u r e 2 s h o w s th e chr om a t o gr am o f a s po r t s d rink while f i g u re 3 s h ows t he ch r o mato g ra m o f w h i te win e co nt a inin g GABA. F i g ur e 2. C h roma t o gr a m of a spo r ts d ri nk 2: Asparat i c acid , 3: Threonine , 4:Se ri ne, 5:Glutam i cacid, 6:P rol in e, 7:Glyci n e, 8: Alanine , 10: Valine, 11: Methionine,12: I so l eu c ine,13: L eu c i n e,14: Tyrosine,15: Ph e n ylalanine, 17: Lysi n e, 18:H istid i ne,19: T ryp t opha n, 20: A r ginine Sa m ple pr e p a r ation: Spor t s dr i nk w as d i lu t ed 150-fo l d b y 0.2 N cit r ic ac i d b u f fer (pH2.2) a n d t hen fi l t r ated us in g 0.45 pm mem b rane f il ter . Figu r e 3. C hr o ma t ogra m of wh i te wine con t ai n ing G ABA. 1:Cyste i c acid, 2:Aspara t ic ac i d , 3:T h r eon in e , 4:Se r in e, 5: Glutam i cacid, 6:P rol in e , 7: Glyci n e, 8: Alanine 9: Cys t i n e,10: Va lin e,11: M e t hio n ine,12: Iso l eu c ine,13: Leu c ine,14: T y rosine,15: P he nyl alanine, 16:GABA 17: L ysi n e,18: His t id in e,19: T ry p to ph a n, 20: A r ginine Sa mpl e prepara t io n : W h i t e winein c lud i n g G A BA was di lu ted 10-fold by 0.2N cit r i c acid buffer (p H 2.2) an d t h e n f i ltra t ed u sing 0.45 pm m embra n e f i lt er. F i gu r e 4 sho w s t h e ch r om a t ogra m o f h yd ro l yze d m yoglobi n (h o r se skeletal m u s c l e). Ta bl e 1 shows t h e res ult s of amin o ac i d composi t i o n com p ared wi t h theoret i cal v a lu e (r e f erred to J apa n B i o chem i st ry Da t aBo ok I ,T o kyo Kag a k u Doj i n). I t was con f ir m ed t hat t h e am in o acid com p osit i on calc u la t ed f rom th is m eas u rement was i n g o od a greement with t h e t h eoret i cal value. Fi gu r e 4 C h r o m at o gr a m o f hy d r o lyz ed my o gl obin (h or s e s k e l e t a l m u s c l e ). 1:C yst e i c a ci d ,2:Asp a r a ti c a cid ,3:T hreo n ine,4:Se ri n e , 5: Gl u t am i ca c i d , 6:Proline, 7: Glycin e ,8: Al anin e 9:Cy s t ine ,10:Val in e ,11: M et hionin e,12:Iso l e u c i n e,13:L eu ci n e,14: Tyr o s i n e ,15: Phenyla l an in e,16:GABA 17:Ly s i n e ,18:Hi s t idin e,20:Argin ine S a m p l ep r ep ara t i o n: 1. Myoglobi n was d ilut e d to 200pg /mL by ul tr a pu r e wa t er. 2.The solut i on f illed a 20 pL s am ple tube an d th e n d r i ed up by c e nt r i fuga l e v apora t o r. 3. Sa m pl e tub e was se t in v e sse l for hydrolysis a n d 0.3 mL of hydrochlo r ic acid w as ad de d to t h e v e ss e l. 4. T he sam pl e wa s hea t ed for 24 hours und e r vacu um ed condi t i on . 5. The sam pl e wa s hyd r olyzed and t h e r esidual ch l orine was removed u sing vacuum pump. 6.500pL of 0.2N cit ri c acid buffer (p H 2.2) was added t o the sa m ple a n d agitated. T able 1 Co m pa ri son of amino ac id compo s i t ion of myoglob in bet w een t h e measu r ed a n d t heo r et i ca l v alue . Amino Acids Measured Values Theoretical Values Asp 10.2 10 Thr 7.2 6 Ser 5.4 6 Glu 16.2 18 Pro 4.7 4 Gly 13.5 13 Ala 15.4 17 Val 7.0 8 Met 2.2 2 lle 8.6 8 Leu 18.3 17 Tyr 2.8 2 Phe 7.4 7 LyS 19.5 19 His 11.9 12 Arg 2.7 2







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