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发布时间: 2021-02-20
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粉末的安全性、流动性和体积密度,都会直接影响部件的成形结果。因此,SLM Solutions从2016年起就一直活跃于金属粉末制造领域,为客户提供理想的材料,使其适用于不同行业的具体应用需求。


SLM Solutions' Material Competence Titanium Alloys Metal Powder Optimized for Selective Laser Melting Selective Laser Melting Pioneers As an inventor of the selective laser melting process, SLM Solutions focuses on the development and distribution of themost innovative, production-oriented metal additive manufacturing systems. SLM Solutions pioneered multi-laser technology and focuses exclusively on the advancement of selective laser melting.Our focus is to be a leader in product performance and innovation and for you, as our customer, to benefit from thatapproach. The SLM Solutions Group AG is a publicly traded company headquartered in Lubeck,Germany with globalsubsidaries and distribution partners. The properties of the metal powder utilized by SLM° machines, including its purity, fluidity, and bulk density, significantlyaffect the achievable results. For this reason, SLM Solutions has been active in sourcing metal powder since 2016 tosupply customers with materials that ideally fit selective laser melting machines for qualified serial production. Memberships for Industry Development ASTMINTERNATIONAL AMU America Makes ADDITIYMANYASTURING Material Expertise From Dental Prostheses to Turbine Blades Customers from various sectors utilize selective laser melting machines and metal powder material from SLM Solutionsto produce complex parts for a wide range of applications, each with its own strict mechanical requirements. Aerospace Automotive Dental Prostheses Medical Technology ASCO's Ti6AI4V combined-assemblygooseneck bracket flap actuationcomponent achieved 31% weightsavings and reduced production time. This AlSi10Mg steering knuckle fromHirschvogel Tech Solutions integratedload-adapted supports to lightweightand realized 40% material savings. Multiple patient-specific designsare printed during one SLM build,enabling efficient mass customizationwith minimal CoCr material waste. Energy IN718, with its high tensile strengthand corrosion resistance is utilized byPrawest for this swirler, a modifiednozzle to optimize fuel distribution. Tooling MonaLab GmbH manufactured a single-piece aluminum extrusion tool using thefreedom of design to integrate internalfeatures to improve quality. Research Open architecture, choice of material andpartnership from SLM Solutions offerresearch users the flexibility to optimizeprocess and material development. Acteabular cups printed in Grade 23(ASTM F136) Ti6AI4V with integratedlattice structures to improve boneingrowth and implant stability. Material Parameters Contact us about basic parametersets, advanced parameters targeting aspecific value or our custom parameterdevelopment options. Special metal powder selection for ourselective laser melting process Extended certified quality assurance Qualified parameters for variousapplications Guarantee for processability on SLMSolutions' machines Aluminum Alloys AlSi10Mg AlSi10Mg is a hardenable aluminum-alloy widely used in additive manufacturing suitable for thin-walled componentswith high corrosion resistance, as well as thermal and electrical conductivity properties. Featuring a nearly non-poroustexture, it is ideal for highly stressed parts maintaining dynamic load capacity. Chemical Composition (nominal)% Data² and Unit Si Mg Cu Fe Mn Zn Ti Ni Pb Sn Other TotalOthers Tensile strength R [MPa] 435 260 0.05 0.55 0.45 0.10 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 Offsetyield strength R02[MPa] 260 145 Elongation at break A[%] 7 10 Reduction of area Z[%] 5 30 Young's modulus E [GPal 75 55 Vickers hardness HV10 125 80 Roughness average Ra [um] 15 10 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 65 65 AISi7Mg0.6 AlSi7Mg0.6 is suitable in applications requiring high corrosion resistance and good tolerance against strain. SLM°processed components exhibit a homogeneous, nearly non-porous texture with mechanical characteristics in thematerial specification range. Chemical Composition (nominal) % Element/Material1 Al Si Mg Cu Fe Mn Zn Ti Others TotalOthers AlSi7Mg0.6 20-63 pm Bal. 6.50-7.50 0.45-0.70 0.05 0.19 0.10 0.07 0.25 0.03 0.10 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Data² and Unit Tensile strength Rm[MPa] 375 Offset yield strength Rp0,2[MPa] 210 Elongation at break A[%] 8 Reduction of area Z[%] 10 Young's modulus E[GPa] 60 Vickers hardness HV10 110 Roughness average Ra [um] 5 Mean roughness depth Rz[um] 45 ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) ( 2 P r ocess con d itions and parameters according to SL M S o lu t i on s 's t andards ) ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) AlSi9Cu3 AlSi9Cu3 is an Al-based light metal used in applications requiring good high-temperature strength, low density andgood corrosion resistance. The alloy is typically used to produce components with high strength and high dynamicloadability. Chemical Composition (nominal) % Material/Element1 Al Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Ni Zn Pb Sn Ti AlSi9Cu3 20-63 um Bal. 8.00-11.00 1.30 2.00-4.00 0.55 0.05-0.55 0.15 0.55 1.20 0.35 0.25 0.25 Data² and Unit Tensile strength R[MPa] 415 Offset yield strength Rp0,2 [MPa] 235 Elongation at break A[%] 5 Reduction in area Z[%] 10 Young's modulus E[GPal 55 Vickers hardness HV10 130 Roughness average Ra [um] 5 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 45 ( 2 P r ocess con d itions and parameters according to SL M S o lu t i on s ' s tandards ) 3 Rounded mean values of identified layer thicknesses and different orientations (elongations at break are not rounded) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) Ti6Al4V ELI (Grade 23) Ti6Al4V ELI (Grade 23) is the high purity version of Ti6Al4V (Grade 5), the most widely used titanium-based alloy in theworld.Ti6Al4V ELI (Grade 23) stands out because of its thermal expansion coefficient, biocompatibility, high strength atlow density and excellent corrosion resistance. Chemical Composition (nominal) % Element/Materiall Ti Al V Fe N O H Others Total Others Ti6AI4V (Gd 23) 20-63 um Bal. 5.50-6.50 3.50- 4.50 0.25 0.08 0.03 0.13 0.0125 0.10 0.40 Chemistry according to ASTM F136, B348 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Heat +HIP Data and Unit Treated Tensile strength R[MPa] 1280 970 1000 Offset yield strength Rp0.2[MPa] 1135 880 895 Elongation at break A[%] 8 14 15 Reduction of area Z[%] 20 50 40 Young's modulus E [GPa] 115 120 125 Vickers hardness HV10 370 305 315 Impact energy [J] 15 30 20 Roughness average Ra [um] 10 - 一 Mean roughness depth Rz[um] 70 - - TA15 TA15 is a near-a titanium alloy containing aluminum and zirconium, offering good weldability in combination with veryhigh strength and a thermally stable microstructure, even at operating temperatures ranging from 500℃ up to 800℃ forshort period of times. Applications often include heavily loaded components such as frames and other structural parts. Chemical Composition (nominal)% Element/Materiall Ti AI Zr Mo V Si Fe N H Others TotalOthers TA15 20-63 pm Bal. 5.50-7.10 1.50-2.50 0.50-2.00 0.8-2.50 0.15 0.08 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.015 0.10 0.30 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Data² and Unit Tensile strength R[MPa] 1375 Offset yield strength Rp02 [MPa] 1210 Elongation at break A[%] 5 Reduction of area Z[%] 10 Young's modulus E [GPa] 110 Vickers hardness HV10 385 Roughness average Ra [um] 15 Mean roughness depth Rz[um] 100 ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) ( 2 P r ocess con d itions and parameters according to SL M S o lu t i on s 's t andards ) ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) Ti (Grade2) Ti Grade 2 titanium-alloy is a commercially pure titanium grade with excellent biocompatibility and good mechanicalproperties.Ti (Grade 2) is widely used in many different applications that require excellent corrosion resistance, strength,ductilityand low density. Chemical Composition (nominal) % Element/Materiall Ti Fe N O H Others Total Others Ti Gd. 2 20-63 um Bal. 0.30 0.08 0.03 0.25 0.015 0.10 0.40 Chemistry according to ASTM F67, B348 Data and Unit Tensile strength R [MPa] 700 Offset yield strength Rp0,2[MPa] 585 Elongation at break A[%] 25 Reduction of area Z[%] 65 Young's modulus E[GPa] 115 Vickers hardness HV10 220 Roughness average Ra [um] 15 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 80 ( 2 P r ocess con d itions and parameters according to SL M S o lu t i on s ' s tandards ) ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) HX HX nickel is a nickel-chromium-iron-alloy important for high-temperature applications in corrosive environments for anumber of industries. In a corrosive environment, this alloy can be used up to 1177℃ for static components, whilecreepstrength is given up to 850℃. Chemical Composition (nominal) % Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Co Mo Fe W Mn P S Si Data and Unit 20.50-23.00 0.50-2.50 8.00-10.00 17.00- 20.00 0.20-1.00 0.05-0.15 1.00 0.04 0.03 1.00 Tensile strength R[MPa] 720 Offset yield strength 00.2[MPa] 545 Elogation at break A[%] 17 Reduction of area Z[%] 20 Young's modulus E[GPa] 155 Vickers hardness HV10 240 Roughness average Ra [um] 10 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 55 N625 IN625 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium alloy containing significant amounts of iron, niobium, andmolybdenum.It combines high corrosion resistance and strength with outstanding weldability and resistance topostweld cracking. This alloy has excellent creep-rupture strength at temperatures to 700 ℃. Chemical Composition (nominal)% Element/Material1 Ni Cr Mo Nb Fe Co Si Mn Ti AI c S P IN625 10-45 um Bal. 20.00- 23.00 8.00-10.00 3.15-4.15 5.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.015 0.015 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Heat Treated3 Data‘ and Unit Tensile strength R[MPa] 25 1020 Offset yield strength 3p02[MPa] 665 665 Elongation at break A[%] 31 38 Reduction of area Z[%] 45 41 Young’s modulus E [GPa] 175 185 Vickers hardness HV10 280 290 Roughness average Ra [um] 10 Mean roughness depth Rz[um] 40 Material Characteristics High strength Good ductility Excellent creep-rupture strengthbelow 700℃ Excellent corrosion resistance Typical Application Areas Aircraft engine components Energy applicationsTurbine parts ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) 2 Process conditions and parameters according to SLM Solutions'standards ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) IN718 IN718 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium alloy combining good corrosion resistance at low and hightemperatures up to 100+0 ℃. The alloy shows outstanding weldability including resistance to postweld cracking.Furthermore, the material has excellent tensile, fatigue, creep and rupture strength at temperatures up to 700 ℃. Chemical Composition (nominal)% Element/Material1 Ni Cr Fe Ta + Nb Mo Ti AI Cu Si,Mn B Co P,S IN718 10-45 um 50.00-55.00 17.00-21.00 Bal 4.75-5.50 2.80-3.30 0.65-1.15 0.20-0.80 0.30 0.006 1.00 0.015 each Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Heat Treated Data and Unit 0.08 0.35each Tensile strength Rm [MPa] 1025 1440 Offset yield strength B002[MPa] 680 1240 Elongation at break A[%] 31 12 Reduction of area Z[%] 35 20 Young's modulus E[GPa] 170 200 Vickers hardness HV10 300 465 Impact energy [] 75 25 Roughness average Ra [um] 5 - Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 50 - IN939 IN939 is a highly heat- and corrosion resistant nickel based alloy. It can be used at temperatures up to 700 C, makingit ideally suited for aerospace technologies and turbine production. Nickel-based alloys exhibit good mechanicalcharacteristic values such as high tensile- and good endurance strength. Chemical Composition (nominal)% Element/Materiall Ni Cr Co Ti W Al Ta Nb 0.50 0.50 22.00- 18.00- 3.00- 1.00- 1.00- IN939 10-45 um Bal. 23.00 20.00 4.50 3.00 3.00 1.80 1.50 0.10 1.00- Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Heat +HIP Data‘ and Unit Treated Tensile strength R[MPa] 970 1245 1350 Offset yield strength 3p0.2 [MPa] 685 750 955 Elongation at break A[%] 26 13 11 Reduction of area Z[%1 35 10 10 Young's modulus E [GPa] 165 200 195 Vickers hardness HV10 305 - Roughness average Ra [um] 5 - - Mean roughness depth Rz[um] 45 - - ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) 2 Process conditions and parameters according to SLM Solutions' standards ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) 316L(1.4404) 316L is a stainless steel known for good hardness with a high ductility. 316L has versatile applications where corrosion-resistance is important, such as in medical technologies, the automotive industry as well as in aerospace engineering. Chemical Composition (nominal),% Element/Materiall Fe Cr Ni Mo Mn Si P S N Bal. 2.00-3.002.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 0.030 0.04 18.00 14.00 Mechanical Formula Symbol 16.00-18.00 As-Built Heat Treated 0.10 Data and Unit Tensile strength R[MPa] 620 575 Offset yield strength Rp0.2 [MPa] 505 345 Elongation at break A[%] 43 52 Reduction of area Z[%] 65 65 Young's modulus E [GPa] 180 180 Vickers hardness HV10 210 170 Roughness average Ra [um] 10 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 70 一 15-5PH(1.4545) 15-5PH is a stainless, martensitic, precipitation-hardening Cr-Ni-Cu steel that has excellent processability on SLMSolutions' additive manufacturing machines. 15-5PH is suitable for applications requiring high strength and hardnesscombined with moderate corrosion resistance. The alloy is the ferrite-free version of 17-4PH. Chemical Composition (nominal),% Element/Material Fe Cr Ni Cu Nb+Ta Mn Si P S N O 15-5PH(1.4545)10-45 um Bal. 14.00-15.50 3.50-5.50 2.50-4.50 0.15-0.45 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.10 Mechanical Data and Unit Tensile strength R[MPa] 1225 1440 Offset yield strength RPo.2 [MPa] 860 1290 Elongation at break A[%] 15 10 Reduction of area Z[%] 50 30 Young's modulus E [GPa] 180 195 Vickers hardness HV10 370 455 Roughness average Ra [um] 25 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 140 ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) ( 2 P r ocess con d itions and parameters according to SL M S o lu t i on s 's t andards ) ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) 17-4PH(1.4542) 17-4PH is a martensitic precipitation-hardenable Cr-Ni-Cu-steel possessing high strength and toughness. A versatilematerial, it provides an outstanding combination of good corrosion resistanceand mechanical properties at temperaturesup to 320℃ and is suitable for heavy-strain applications, thanks to its high wear resistance. Chemical Composition (nominal), % Data‘ and Unit Cr Ni Cu Mn Si Nb+Ta N P Tensile strength R [MPa] 940 1270 3.00-5.00 1.00 0.07 0.15-0.45 0.07 0.10 0.04 0.04 0.03 Offset yield strength Rp02[MPa] 500 910 Elongation at break A[%] 25 18 Reduction of area Z[%] 50 40 Young's modulus E[GPa] 165 165 Vickers hardness HV10 230 355 Roughness average Ra [um] 10 - Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 60 - 1.2709 Tool steels such as 1.2709 are primarily used for manufacturing tools and molds. They are characterized by a highhardness combined with a high ductility. Their specific mechanical properties allow usage in high-stressed componentsdue to its high wear resistance. Chemical Composition (nominal),% Element/Materiall Fe Ni Co Mo Ti AI Mn Si P S c 1.2709 10-45 um Bal. 18.00-19.00 8.50-9.50 4.70- 5.20 0.50-0.80 0.05-0.15 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.03 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Heat Treated Data and Unit Tensile strength R.[MPa] 1150 2025 Offset yield strength Rp0.2 [MPa] 940 1945 Elongation at break A[%] 12 5 Reduction of area Z[%] 55 20 Young's modulus E [GPa] 175 195 Vickers hardness HV10 350 580 Roughness average Ra [um] 10 一 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 60 ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) ( 2 P r ocess con d itions and parameters according to SL M S o lu t i on s 's t andards ) ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) H13(1.2344) H13(1.2344) is a chromium containing martensitic tool steel. This material is resistant to thermal fatigue cracking and isused in tooling applications that require exceptional strength and toughness. Chemical Composition (nominal),% Element/Materiall Fe c Cr Mn Mo Ni+Cu P Si H13 10-45 um 0.75 0.03 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built Heat Treated Data and Unit 0.32-0.45 4.75- 5.50 0.20-0.60 1.10-1.75 0.03 0.80- 1.25 0.80-1.20 Tensile strength R[MPa] 1070 1890 Offset yield strength R00.2[MPa] 945 1605 Elongation at break A[%] 8 3 Reduction of area Z[%] 30 5 Young's modulus E[GPa] 150 155 Vickers hardness HV10 355 - Surface roughness Ra [um] 5 Surface roughness Rz [um] 45 Invar 36° The Fe-alloy Invar36° is a high-nickel content iron-based alloy that has a uniquely low coefficient of thermal expansionbelow its Curie temperature of 280 ℃. Invar36° is used in components that require both high reliability and highdimensional stability over a wide range of temperatures. Chemical Composition (nominal),% Element/Materiall Fe Ni Cr Mn Si c Others TotalOthers Fe-Alloy Invar36°10-45 pm Bal. 35.00- 37.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.20 0.50 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built' Heat Treated Data and Unit Tensile strength R[MPa] 480 480 Offset yield strength Rp02[MPa] 385 375 Elongation at break A[%] 33 33 Reduction of area Z[%] 75 75 Young's modulus E[GPa] 135 140 Vickers hardness HV10 150 - Surface roughness Ra [um] 15 - Surface roughness Rz [um] 80 - Material Characteristics Low coefficient of thermal expansion below its Currie temp Excellent mechanical properties at cryogenic temperatures Low tendency to fatigue at low temperatures Typical Application Areas Aerospace Engine valves Precision instruments ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) 2 Process conditions and parameters according to SLM Solutions'standards ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) CoCr28Mo6 CoCr28Mo6 isahightemperature resistant Co-Alloywith versatile applications.This corrosion resistantand biocompatiblematerial combines high hardness with high ductility, limiting many traditional processing manufacturing options. TheSLM@ process provides a comparatively economic and quick option to manufacture cobalt-chromium components. Chemical Composition (nominal),% Data² and Unit Cr Mo Mn Si Fe Ni c Al B N P S W Ti Tensile strength R [MPa] 1215 5.00-7.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.35 0.10 0.01 0.25 0.02 0.01 0.20 0.10 Offset yield strength Rp0.2[MPa] 755 Elongation at break A[%] 21 Reduction of area Z[%] 15 Young's modulus E [GPa] 205 Vickers hardness HV10 385 Roughness average Ra [um] 15 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 90 SLM@ MediDent sLM MediDent is a cobalt, chromium, molybdenum and tungsten alloy specially designed for applications inthe dental industry. SLM° MediDent is used primarily for the production of biocompatible dental implants andprostheses. Chemical Composition (nominal), % Element/Materiall Co Cr Mo W Si Fe Mn Ni Pb B P S Be Cd Total Others SLM MediDent 10-45 um Bal. 22.70-26.70 4.00- 6.00 4.40-6.40 2.00 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.50 Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built3 Heat Treated Data² and Unit Tensile strength R [MPa] 1140 1415 Offset yield strength 3p0.2 [MPa] 655 1185 Elongation at break A[%] 14 4 Reduction of area Z[%] 10 5 Young's modulus E [GPa] 170 245 Vickers hardness HV10 375 - Roughness average Ra [um] 10 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 75 - ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) ( 2 P r ocess con d itions and parameters according to SL M S o lu t i on s 's t andards ) ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) Thelow-alloyed copper-alloyCuNi2SiCris athermally hardenable alloy with high stiffness, even at elevated temperatures.Due to the low additives, the properties of purecopper (strength, softening temperature) can be considerably improved,while other properties (electrical and thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance) are largely retained. Typical areas ofapplication are toolmaking, conductive contacts in electrical engineering or valves. Chemical composition (nominal),% Mechanical Formula Symbol As-Built' HeatTreated Cr Fe Mn Pb Totalothers Data² and Unit 2.00-3.00 0.50-0.80 0.20-0.50 0.15 0.10 0.02 0.10 Tensile strength R[MPa] 300 645 Offset yield strength Rp0,2[MPa] 245 565 Elongation at break A[%] 37 20 Reduction of area Z [%] 80 55 Young's modulus E [GPa] 95 110 Vickers hardness HV10 105 220 Roughness average Ra [um] 20 一 Mean roughness depth Rz [um] 105 ( 1 M a ximum v a lue s, u n l e ss sta ted o therw i se a s a r ang e ) 2 Process conditions and parameters according to SLM Solutions' standards ( 3 R ou n d e d me a n values of identified l a yer t hicknesses a n d d iff e ren t orient a ti o ns ( elongations at br ea k a re n ot r ounded ) ) ( F u rther i n f or m a t ion and dat a c a n be foun d in ou r material d ata sheets . ) SLM Solutions is known as the innovation leader in selective laser melting and offers machines in fours sizes. Featuressuch as bi-directional powder recoating to reduce manufacturing time, open powder architecture allowing use materialfrom any supplier and full process parameter access for custom development come standard on every SLM machine.The flexibility of selective laser melting systems allow the process to be tailored to customer applications, while therobustness of best-in-class safety and increased build speeds enable qualified serial production in any industry. SLM 125 125x125x125mm Versatile SLM@125 4.9 x 4.9 x 4.9 in Small platform, powerful results SLM280 280x280x365mm 11 x 11 x 14 in usted SLM@28Industry-leading quality and reliability SLM500 500x280x365mm Production-Ready SLM°500 19.7x 11 x 14 in Productivity gains, low cost of ownership Large Format SLM800 Integrated automation, proven results SLM800 500x280x850mm 19.7 x 11 x 33 in Metal Focused SLM Solutions invented the selective lasermelting technology, and still today that'sall we focus on, honing our expertise andtransferring this knowledge to customers 冠乾科技(上海)有限公司 地址:上海市浦东新区康桥工业区秀浦路800号50号楼1502室 电话:021-20962769 服务电话:4008605168*4149 网站: www.grantech.net.cn 邮箱: info@grantech.net.cn POWDER SOFTWARE CONSULTING SERVICE SLM-SOLUTIONS.COMEQUIPMENT Maximum values, unless stated otherwise as a range SLM Solutions代表了创新性、技术性、高效性的全套解决方案。来自不同行业的客户均选择SLM Solutions的设备生产复杂的零部件。从‍义齿到涡轮叶片,设备的应用领域极其广泛。这些产品均符合一个共同的要求:满足稳定性、表面质量或生物相容性的高标准。而且设备的适用范围还在扩大,基本上囊括了所有几何结构。粉末种类具体类型举例材料特性典型应用领域铝合金AlSi10Mg优异的抗腐蚀性良好的导电性动态断裂韧性高优异的导热性能航空航天汽车行业机械工程热交换器件镍基合金HX强度高延展性好优异的高温抗氧化性850℃下抗蠕变强度高航空航天能源行业化工行业涡轮部件钛合金Ti6Al4V Gd.23抗腐蚀性好比强度高高周疲劳强度高韧性航空航天汽车行业医疗行业能源行业钴基合金CoCr28Mo6独特的生物相容性耐热性热疲劳抗力抗氧化性医疗行业航空航天能源行业涡轮部件不锈钢工具钢316L非常好的抗腐蚀性高温环境下强度高延展性好航空航天汽车行业外科器械食品行业海事应用注:以上粉末种类仅选择一种举例,详细信息可以看资料附件。




