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检测项目: 六甲基二硅氮烷
浏览次数: 378
发布时间: 2020-06-12
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PAIMS高级离子迁移谱用于六甲基二硅氮烷HMDS检测 来源:图拉扬科技发布日期:2020-06-11 访问量:7 离子迁移谱技术具有高灵敏度 (ppb范围)、响应速度快 (ms范围)结构紧凑、常压操作、分离异异体等优优。在 报告中,我们展示了低ppb水 IMS技术导的灵敏度和快速响应。以六甲基二硅氮烷HMDS为例。...卖 :离子迁移谱,IMS,六甲基二硅氮烷,HMDS The ion mobility spectrometry technique offers advantages like high sensitivity (ppb range), fast response (ms range), compact design, operation in atmosphericand ability to separate the isomeric compounds. In this short report we demonstrate the sensitivity and fast response of IMS technique at low ppb level. As ; cor ndwas chosen hexamethyldisilazane HMDS. 离子迁移谱技术具有高灵敏度 (ppb范围)、响应速度快 (ms范围)、结构紧凑、常压操作、分离异构体等优点。在这篇简短的报告中,我们展示了低ppb水平下IMS技术的灵敏度和快速响应。以六甲基二硅氮烷HMDS为例。 The HMDS C6H19NSi2 of molar mass 161.4 g/mol, is frequently used in various fields like semiconductor industry, photolithography, electron microscopy and many others. The HMDS is toxic irritates skin and eyes and after decomposit mit highly toxic nitrogi kide fume. Due to this r nitoring of HMDS in OW required especial in cleanindustrial hall like semionductor hall are.分子量为161.4g/mol的HMDS C6H19NSi2,广泛应用于半导体工业、光刻、电子显微镜等领域。HMDS有毒,对皮肤和眼睛有刺激作用,分解后会释放出剧毒的氮氧化物烟因。因此需要对低浓度的HMDS进行监测,特别是在洁净车间,如半导体车间。 Fig.1. Hexam azane In this short Laboratory Report we demonstrate the ability of Ion Mobility Spectrometer operated in sub-atmospheric pressure for continuous monitoring of HMDSat low ppb level. 在这篇简短的实验室报告中,我们证明了离子迁移率谱仪在低ppb水平下工作在大气压下连续监测HMDS的能力。 : Experiment The Portable-Advanced Ion Mobility Spectrometer (PAIMS) was used in this experiment. The operating parameters of PAIMS are listed in Table 1. 实验 本实验采用便携式先进离子迁移率谱仪 (PAIMS)。PAIMS的操作参数见表1。 工作压力 600 mbar 工作温度 l120C 漂移气体 零级空气 漂移气体流量 700 mL/min 漂移场强度 570V/cn 进样流量 60 mL/min 极性 正极 Table1.PAIMS 操作参数 The HMDS of analytical grade purity (Merck) w ent. The 1mL syringe of HMDS va po i o 1:20 with atm The syringe was placed to syringe p long capillary of 0.15 i.d.to PAIM inlet.Thorder diffusion. Fo dva .8mmHg (PubChem) ms phericcontinuous sample sniffing was set to 60 mL/min. The sample inlet suck the atmospheric air, the vapors from the syringe was diluted to sample inlet flow by syring sed in I pump. 本实验采用分析级纯HMDS(Merck)。使用1ml注射器,将HMDS蒸汽按1:20的比例与大气稀释。注射器被放置在注射泵 (Cronus)s) 上,并通过内径为0.15r5mrm、长度2M毛细细管连接到PAIMS样品入口。为了防止扩散,使用了内径较小的长毛细管。浓度计算采用蒸汽压13.8mmHg(PubChem)。PAIMS在亚大气压下工作,连续吸样设定为60ml/minjin, 进样口吸入大气压空气,用进样泵将将射器中的蒸汽稀释至进样口流量, 结果和讨论 Figure 2IM对300 ppb HMD的响,响应。左IMS谱 性模式下测量,右2D视图记录时间为30秒The IMS pbof HMDS is show on fi n thiscm2.V l an lDS pility 1.56 cm that ther : HMDS1 v ty 1.82 .HM duc mobility 1.82 cm2.V-1s-1) and proton bound dimer H+.(HMDS)2 (reduced mobility 1.56 cm2.V-1s-1). The 2D maps on the right side of figure 2 showv perfect stabilitof IMSrespa ie during the scan time 30s. During the experiment also longer sc yas tested (20min) and only small deviation bellow 1% in peak intensity wasobserve 图2显示了HMD 300 ppb上的IMS响应。从图中我们可以看到,出现了两个峰值:迁移率降低的HMDS1为1.82 cm~2.V-1s-1, 迁移率降低的HMDS2为1.56 cm~2.V-1s-1。我们位设设正在形成质子化单体H+.HMDS (降低迁移率1.82cm~2.V-1s-1) 和质吉结合二聚体H+(降低迁移率1.1.5666ccrm-2.V-1s-1)。图2右侧的二维图显示,在扫描时间30s内,IMS的响应非常稳定。.在实验验期期间还还测试了较长的扫描时间(20分钟钟)仅仅观察察到到低于峰值强度1%的 偏差The Limit Of D (LOD) fToOr hyld ly and Wwas ernmined 7.5 ppb. Figure 3 shows the IMS res ge rate 0.5pL/min what represents 7.5 ppbob. 直接测定六甲基二硅氮烷的检出限为7.5ppb。图3显示了示注了射注射速速率率为为00..55pL/min时的IMS响应,艮7.5 ppb. Figure 3. HMDS在77.55 ppb 浓度下IMS响应 The MaSaTECH sof n of peak! k aareeiaia along t vell like peak intensity and averagintteensity along the monitoring time. The PAIMS results in good dynamic range from 7.5ppb to 1.5ppm as we can see from Figure 4 iged peak I MMaSaTECH软件可以计算监测时间内的峰值体积、峰值面积、平均峰值面积以积监测时间内的峰值强度和平均峰值强度。PAIMS的动态范围从7.5ppb到 n,2如图4所示 Figure 4. IMS response of HMDS from 7.5ppb to 1.5 MaSaTECH software allow us to use several fitting functions like linear, exponential, logarithmic, logistic and generalized logistic. For HMDS the generalized logisticfitting function seems to be appropriate with R2=0.9939 MaSaTECH软件允许我们使用几种拟合函数,如线性、指数、对数、logistic和广义logistic。对于HMDS, 适用于广义logistic拟合函数R2=0.9939 Fast Response Thieem vannTtaacgeeof linear lon Mobility Spectrometers is related with fast responsee.. TT}he automatic peak derivation an n reducedd mobili meernttss fast ppeak kdleetteectitnior .Thhe oanilnliinne i also tensity of target peak. The aakk iinntteernssiity mic 快速反应 离子迁移谱仪的主要优点是响应速度快。在低迁移率模式下,自动峰值推导和独特的测量使我们的仪器能够快速检测和识别峰值。在线峰值推导也给出了目标峰值强度的实时信息息.峰值强度可用于立即计算每种化学品的浓度 The ion mobility spectrometry technique offers advantages like high sensitivity (ppb range), fast response (ms range), compact design, operation in atmospheric pressure and ability to separate the isomeric compounds. In this short report we demonstrate the sensitivity and fast response of IMS technique at low ppb level. As a case compound was chosen hexamethyldisilazane HMDS.离子迁移谱技术具有高灵敏度(ppb范围)、响应速度快(ms范围)、结构紧凑、常压操作、分离异构体等优点。在这篇简短的报告中,我们展示了低ppb水平下IMS技术的灵敏度和快速响应。以六甲基二硅氮烷HMDS为例。The HMDS C6H19NSi2 of molar mass 161.4 g/mol, is frequently used in various fields like semiconductor industry, photolithography, electron microscopy and many others. The HMDS is toxic irritates skin and eyes and after decomposition can emit highly toxic nitrogen oxide fume. Due to this reasons is monitoring of HMDS in low concentration required especial in clean industrial hall like semiconductor hall are.分子量为161.4g/mol的HMDS C6H19NSi2,广泛应用于半导体工业、光刻、电子显微镜等领域。HMDS有毒,对皮肤和眼睛有刺激作用,分解后会释放出剧毒的氮氧化物烟雾。因此需要对低浓度的HMDS进行监测,特别是在洁净车间,如半导体车间。Fig.1. HexamethyldisilazaneIn this short Laboratory Report we demonstrate the ability of Ion Mobility Spectrometer operated in sub-atmospheric pressure for continuous monitoring of HMDS at low ppb level.在这篇简短的实验室报告中,我们证明了离子迁移率谱仪在低ppb水平下工作在大气压下连续监测HMDS的能力。





图拉扬科技有限公司为您提供《半导体中六甲基二硅氮烷检测方案(离子迁移谱仪)》,该方案主要用于其他中六甲基二硅氮烷检测,参考标准--,《半导体中六甲基二硅氮烷检测方案(离子迁移谱仪)》用到的仪器有PAIMS离子迁移谱系统、MCCGC-AIMS PeakMachine气相离子迁移谱