
检测样品: 电子元器件产品
检测项目: 铜离子
浏览次数: 330
发布时间: 2017-11-25
关联设备: 3种 查看全部
全自动滴定仪测定蚀刻剂中的铜离子含量 使用日本京都电子公司(KEM)-自动电位滴定仪(AT-510),测定蚀刻剂中铜离子含量的应用资料。


Data No.NZ15-05048 No.ETIQ-05092上海市漕曹路222号航天大厦北楼902室网址: http://www.kyoto-kem.net. cn电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163. com KEM Application Note No.ETIQ-05092 Oxidation-Reduction Titration Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Determination of copper ion (Cu) in etchant (Oxidationreductionmethod) -Summary- Checked the possibility of measuring copper ion in etchant with AT-510, and goodrepeatability was obtained. -Measuring instrument- Main unit:AT-510 Automatic potentiometric titrator Preamplifier: STD-510Standard preamplifier Electrode: C-272 Combined glass electrode -Reagent- Titrant: 0.1mol/L-Sodium thiosulfate solution Solvent: distilled water Additive: Acetic acid, 10%-Ammonium acetate, Potassium iodine -Measurement method- Preparation: (1) Dissolve Ammonium acetate in water to prepare 10%-Ammonium acetate. Measurement: (1) Place 2.0mL of the sample in 100mL beaker and add 50mL of distilled water. (2) Add 4mL of Acetic acid and 5mL of 10%-Ammonium acetate. (3) Add 3g of Potassium iodine and dissolve it completely. (4) Titrate with 0.1mol/L-Sodium thiosulfate solution. (EP is detected from the inflection point on the titration curve.) -Calculation- Concentration (g/L)=(EP1-BL1)xTFxC1xK1/SIZE EP1: Volume at EP (mL) BL1: Blank volume (mL) TF: Factor of titrant C1: Conc. conversion coefficient (6.354) (1mL of 0.1mol/L-Na2S203=6.354mg Cu) K1: Unit conversion coefficient (1) SIZE: Sample size (mL) -Ambient conditions- Temperature: 23.2C R. Humidity:71% Weather: Rain 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司 -Measurement parameter- -Titration curve- [Titration Parameter] Calc. Type :Sample Method No. 35 Conc. 1 : Set CO1=(EP1-BL1)*TF*C1*K1 Method Type :Titration /SIZE Unit :g/L EP No. :1 Form :EP STOP APB No. :1 Conc. 2 : Off Unit No. :1 Detector No. :1 Conc. 3 : Set Unit :mV CO3=EP1 Max. Volume :40.0mL Unit : Wait Time :0s EP No. :1 Direction :Auto Conc. 4 : Off Conc. 5 : Off < Control> Temp. Comp.: Off End Point No. :1 End Sense :Auto End Point Area : Off Separation : Off C1(mg/mL) :6.354 Over Titr. Vol. :0.0mL K1 :1 Gain :1 Data Samp. Pot.: 4.0mV Data Samp. Vol.:0.5mL Control Speed: Medium -Measurement results- Run Sample size(mL) Titer(mL) Concentration(gL) 1 2 3 2.0 2.02.0 11.5179 11.4465 11.4781 36.592 36.36636.466 Statistics MeanSD RSD 36.475 g/L0.1132 g/L0.3105% -Comments- Precipitation was observed when adding Potassium iodine in the sample measurements,but it did not affect the measurement results. -Key word and entry number in Data Base- Copper ion: 43 entries 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司上海市漕溪路222号航天大厦北楼902室电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com网址: http://www.kyoto-kem.net.cn




