
检测样品: 其他粮食加工品
检测项目: 营养成分
浏览次数: 266
发布时间: 2015-01-05
关联设备: 3种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 10 方案总浏览次数:
北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司 近红外技术部


北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司Tel: 010 60273439,Fax:01052262665Email: victorsim@vip.163.com Web: www.tenovolab. com Mennel Milling, Fostoria, Ohio, USA, recently took delivery of 5 CropScan 1000B WholeGrain Analysers for use across their flour mill operations. Mennel will use the systems tomeaure protein and moisture of wheat as it is received into their mills. The CropScan1000B’s will be replacing several of the older CropScan 2000B analysers. The Cropscan 1000B Whole Grain Analyzer, madeby Next Instruments Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia, isa powerful, yet cost effective NIR analyzerdesigned to measure protein, moisture, oil andstarch in wheat, corn, barley, sorghum, soy beansand rice. The analyzer provides small to mediumsized grain silos or processors with a means ofrapidly measurng the quality of the grain. Theanalyser also includes a Test Weight module formeasuring Hectoliter Weight of grains. The Cropscan 1000B Whole Grain Analyser uses adiode array spectrometer to scan the wavelengthregion, 720-1100nm. Within this region of the NIRspectrum, protein, moisture, oil and starchabsorb NIR energy. Light from a tungsten halogen lamp is passed through a sample of grain.The The CropScan 1000B analysers were supplied with the CropNet Weighbridge Softwarewhich can collect data from the CropScan 1000B, a Dickey John GAC Moisture Analyser,Falling Number equipment and a weighbridge, and combine it in one spreadsheet in aPC. The CropNet software can then be used to post the data to a web site. light is dispersed across a silicon photodiode diode array detector to produce a NIRspectrum. The amount of light absorbed across the NIR spectrum is proportional to theconcentration of the protein and moisture. Measurements take approximately 60seconds. For more information about the Cropscan 1000B and our other grain analysers, please visit our web site:北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司 Tel: 010 60273439, Fax:01052262665 Email: victorsim@vip.163.com





北京天翔飞域科技有限公司为您提供《全麦快速分析解决方案》,该方案主要用于其他粮食加工品中营养成分检测,参考标准--,《全麦快速分析解决方案》用到的仪器有CropScan 1000B 近红外整谷分析仪、全自动凯氏定氮仪、德国OMNILAB半自动凯氏定氮仪