



北京谱朋科技有限公司 北京谱朋
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
月旭科技(上海)股份有限公司 月旭
赛默飞色谱与质谱 赛默飞色谱与质谱
纳谱分析上海通微华谱科仪安捷伦海能技术希言仪器岛津实验器材盈盛恒泰北京华阳利民迪马科技日立科学仪器来亨科学仪器德国耶拿莱伯泰科PerkinElmer上海新仪睿科集团仪电分析力扬上海禾工科学仪器三耀精细同田生物北京东西分析仪器上海屹尧北京京科瑞达上海力晶成都科林蚂蚁科仪悟空仪器杭州谱育科技美析仪器北京豫维奥普乐新拓仪器福立仪器天津兰博上海三为科学仪器天美赛默飞世尔分子光谱旭鑫盛科易科泰东曹TOSOH嘉盛(香港)ksst中科骏驰安东帕培安公司Waters大昌华嘉北京飞驰北京华仪三谱上海纳锘实业北京佳仪普瑞邦北京康林复纳科学仪器北京祥鹄伍丰仪器青岛盛瀚上海科哲聚光科技北分瑞利苏州汇通济南盛泰科技澳作生态赛默飞天津琛航科技川一仪器Alpha MOS天津兰力科上海光谱天瑞仪器(Skyray)依利特瑞士万通能谱科技意大利VELP公司佳航仪器净信biotage乐枫生物安徽皖仪舜宇恒平仪器上海喆图IKA卓立汉光普析德合创睿得利特安科慧生谱标科技中国格哈特泰林生物ELGA实验室纯水labthink利曼中国纳鸥科技G.A.S.莱伯帕兹谱质 江苏华美辰仪器METER Group, Inc.北京办事处杭州聚同图拉扬科技上海鑫欣生物华质泰科上海楚柏香港环球分析BJHTH弗士达仪器山东省科学院生物所北京温分北京瀚时




In the medicinal herb market, adulteration of ginseng at different ages is commonly observed, which harms the health of consumers. Changes in the taste properties of ginseng at different ages were investigated using an intelligent taste-sensing system with artificial lipid-based membrane sensors and an ultraviolet spectrophotometer. It was found that the ginsenoside content increased linearly with increasing age, with the determination coefficient (R2) reaching 0.951. Results from the taste-sensing system provided rich information for the tested ginseng samples. The radar curve of taste value indicated that ginseng samples of different ages showed various taste characteristics and some certain tendencies. A linear correlation was established between ginseng age and the taste values of sourness, saltiness, and umami, with the determination coefficients (R2) being 0.941, 0.943, and 0.974 respectively. Taste data were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA). A difference was obtained among groups with the first two PCs reaching 92.25%. While in DFA a significant difference was observed with the first two function scores reaching 99.4%. From the viewpoint of sensor response, the responses of the umami sensor AAE, saltiness sensor CTO, and sourness sensor CAO increased over the first 30 s, while those of the bitterness sensor COO and astringency sensor AE1 decreased and remained at maximum in the negative value continuously, which provided additional information for the determination of ginseng samples at different ages. On the basis of integrated and special taste information, the ginseng growing year might be identified from the taste evaluation angles. A flow chart for further research on the taste features was suggested. This study intimated possible indexes for determining adulteration of ginseng at different ages by using an intelligent taste-sensing system.
检测样品: 中药材和饮片
检测项: 含量测定


