




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




In this work the influence of the internal flow field on the liquid film was investigated. A strategy for reliable PIV measurements inside of nozzle channels with a height of only a few hundred micrometers and at flow velocities of several m/s has been developed. These PIV measurements provided 2 dimensional snapshots of the velocity field inside the nozzle as well as velocity- and fluctuation-profiles across the channel. The development of the channel flow could be observed along the channel length at laminar and partly turbulent flow conditions. Disturbances were introduced to the flow field by inserting a wire into the channel flow. PIV measurements showed the resulting change of the nozzle flow (in the wake of the wire and without wire, respectively). The resulting effects on the free liquid film were observed using back-lit photographs and perpendicular lightsections through the film surface. In the case of the undisturbed nozzle, velocity fluctuations occurred mainly in the boundary layer and the fluctuations in main streamwise direction were dominant. The free liquid film of this nozzle was smooth at the exit and only at higher Re numbers the growth of surface waves could be observed further downstream. The nozzle with inserted wire showed a high level of velocity fluctuation in the center of the flow. Here, the fluctuations normal to the walls were of the same magnitude as the fluctuations in streamwise direction. The liquid film of this nozzle was roughened directly below the nozzle exit, even at low Re numbers. The high level fluctuations normal to the wall are assumed to play the dominant role in this process. These measurements demonstrate the influence of the internal flow field on the liquid sheet. The results of the present work agree well with recent experiments of Heukelbach and Tropea [1] and supplement the existing experimental data which for example can be used as input or validation of numerical simulations.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,速度矢量场,喷雾几何形态,液体片状破裂




许多前瞻性科技技术,例如粒子加速器、核聚变反应堆或 EUV 光刻技术都必须依赖高真空或超高真空。为了制造出这种持续的真空环境,并且维持在一定的真空度下,我们需要的不仅仅是能满足应用和技术规格的泵。同样重要的是需要在真空环境下对表面释放出的残余杂质进行精确的气体分析的仪器。然而,无论是设备的运营方,还是真空设备的制造商都需要仔细研究产品的特性、材料、及在真空环境中的表面处理和清洁方法。 Pfeiffer Vacuum 丰富多样的产品组合为此类系统提供所有必要组件。Pfeiffer Vacuum 作为完整解决方案供应商为客户定制完美的残余气体分析设备。 在残余气体分析中真空系统用于: ■ 为高真空或超高真空选择合适的材料 ■ 检查电子构件、开关组和电缆在真空中的表现 ■ 评选适合的表面处理、镀膜合金材料 ■ 评估部件的清洗程序 ■ 检查真空烘烤程序 ■ 工艺控制 Pfeiffer Vacuum 系统不仅为高真空和超高真空设备的运行方,还为真空部件的制造商提供优秀的残余气体分析解决方案。Pfeiffer Vacuum 也在本部使用残余气体分析,以便在开发和生产中测试其产品、表面处理和清洗程序的出气情况。以此确保 Pfeiffer Vacuum 产品适用于高真空和超高真空环境。此外,还可以检查涡轮分子泵的电机和前级真空部件的脱气状况。
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 真空脱气率




The three-dimensional behavior of flow transition in circular and 6-chevron jets at Re?000 is investigated with experiments conducted on a free water jet by time-resolved tomographic particle image velocimetry. The emphasis is on the unsteady organization of coherent flow structures, which play a role in the generation of acoustic noise. Shedding and pairing of vortices are the most pronounced phenomena observed in the near field of the circular jet. The first and second pairing amplify the axial pulsatile motion in the jet column and lead to the growth of azimuthal waves culminating in the breakup of the vortex ring. Streamwise vortices of axial and radial vorticity are observed in the outer region and move inward and outward under the effect of the vortex rings. In the jet with chevrons, the axisymmetric ring-like coherence of the circular jet is not encountered. Instead, streamwise flow structures of azimuthal vorticity emanate from the chevron apices, and counter-rotating streamwise vortices of axial and radial vorticity develop from the chevron notches. The decay of streamwise vortices is accompanied by the formation of C-shaped structures. The three-dimensional analysis allows quantifying the vortex stretching and tilting activity, which, for the circular jet exit, is related to the azimuthal instabilities and the streamwise vortices connecting the vortex rings. In the chevron jet, stretching and tilting peak during the formation of C-structures. Following Powell抯 aeroacoustic analogy, the spatial distribution of the source term is mapped, evaluating the temporal derivative of the Lamb vector. The spatio-temporal evolution of such source term is visualized revealing that the events of highest activity are associated with the processes of vortex-ring pairing and vortex-ring disruption for the circular jet, and with the decay of streamwise instabilities and the formation of C-shaped structures for the chevron case.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 流场,漩涡




粒子加速器运行的一个重要因素是可靠且强大的真空系统。而像LHC这样非同寻常的机器对内置真空技术有着非常特殊的要求。极小误差可能导致整个加速器停止运行数小时。因此,整套真空系统必须是非常可靠的。此外,加速器中使用的所有设备必须能够承受高达1,000 Gy/a的辐射水平。而进行这些复杂测量的设备不能离开加速器的辐射区。因此,能在现场进行设备维护显得至关重要。 为满足这些高要求,普发真空与CERN合作,对真空获得、真空测量和真空分析研发并实践了一套定制的真空解决方案。 真空获得 LHC分两种真空系统: 电子束真空和隔离真空。两种应用中都用到了普发真空的涡轮分子泵。这些泵经改进后都可以满足LHC的特殊要求。为了能在辐射环境中运行,泵体中都不能使用电子元件。要满足这些要求,普发真空研发了无传感器驱动概念,实现了泵的机械部件与电子部件的隔离。采用这一概念,电子部件可以放置在离真空泵1,000 m以外的地方,并定位在一个保护区域内。 真空测量 普发真空专门研发了特殊的测量设备,用来测量获得的真空。这些使用的设备是改进的皮拉尼和冷阴极真空计。它们用来长期监测加速器内的压力,并确保当压力增加时可以采取适当的行动。由于真空计同样暴露于高水平辐射中,它们被制造成无源传感器,没有集成的电子设备。所有电子设备都被安置在一个辐射安全区域内,并且经由长电缆连接至无源传感器。这些电缆通过精确的指令与CERN密切连接。这使冷阴极真空计可以测量达10-11 hPa的压力。通过一种特殊的点火过程,冷阴极真空计即使在压力非常低的情况下,也可以轻易打开。由于加速器的寿命约为30到40年,因此,只有采用寿命长的电子元件。 氦检漏 对LHC要求的超高真空压力,加速器使用的部件必须确保极低的漏率。因此,在安装部件之前,必须进行全方位的检漏。针对检漏,CERN采用了ASM系列检漏仪。使用这些设备,即使是细微到的10-13 Pa·m3/s 的泄漏也可以有效地被检测出来。 真空分析 除压力外,残余气体的组成也是加速器正常运行的一个重要因素。使用残余气体光谱仪,可以得出加速器内使用材料脱气相关的结论。为获得残余气体光谱,CERN采用了普发真空的质谱仪。对于超高真空中的残余气体测量,质谱仪分析仪本身具有较低的脱气率是非常重要的。除了真空退火离子源外,CERN使用的普发分析仪也拥有真空退火棒系统。使用这一方法,分析仪将产生一个极低的背景信号,尤其方便记录加速器内实际残余气体的比例。
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 真空度




创新概念 SplitFlow™是由普发真空开发的利用一个模块去实现涡轮牵引泵的功能,从而为系统制造商提供了最大的灵活性。该泵的开发要求在单一真空系统内结合了精确的几何适应性和优异的性能。尤其是在不断增加的复杂性和台式装置趋势方面,这种概念完全符合市场要求和客户需要。除了纯粹的几何适应性以外,还需要满足特定的真空技术参数。例如,通过结合不同的抽气原理(例如,结合涡轮分子泵和霍尔威克压力级),允许的前真空压力将明显提高,同时压 缩性能将提高几个数量级。通过巧妙地设计转子几何形状,可以产生多达三个不同的泵级,它们的定向方式只会部分地相互影响。这样的布置使得可以代替两台离散式高真空泵和一台机械前级泵。 这样的设计甚至可以实现完全整合到分析仪器的真空室中。这需要系统制造商和真空供应商从一开始就进行密切合作。设计阶段完善建议非常重要。取决于系统的配置,结果往往可以为真空系统减少大约50%的空间,而且节省成本超过50%。通过取消离散式抽吸装置、采用标准泵批量生产的研究结果,如今可以达到超过100,000小时MTTF(平均无故障时间)的泵可靠性。 通过优化的轴承技术可以实现高度的可靠性,这种技术采用无需维护的磁悬浮轴承和精确球轴承在两侧定位快速旋转的转子,从而可以有效减震。 泵补充配套有相应的电子驱动单元以及一系列的附件。对于涡轮分子泵的计算机控制一体化,提供标准化的界面。由于其特殊布局,这些泵只需要一个空气冷却系统,这意味着,可以省去附加的水冷却和其他装置费用。
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 分析仪器行业




The shear layer instability in the flow between two counter-rotating disks enclosed by a cylinder is investigated experimentally and numerically, for radius-to-height ratio Γ =R/h between 2 and 21. For sufficiently large rotation ratio, the internal shear layer that separates two regions of opposite azimuthal velocities is prone to an azimuthal symmetry breaking, which is investigated experimentally by means of visualization and particle image velocimetry. The associated pattern is a combination of a sharpcornered polygonal pattern, as observed by Lopez et al. (2002) for low aspect ratio, surrounded by a set of spiral arms, first described by Gauthier et al. (2002) for high aspect ratio. The spiral arms result from the interaction of the shear layer instability with the Ekman boundary layer over the faster rotating disk. Stability curves and critical modes are experimentally measured for the whole range of aspect ratios, and are found to compare well with numerical simulations of the three-dimensional timedependent Navier–Stokes equations over an extensive range of parameters. Measurements of a local Reynolds number based on the shear layer thickness confirm that a shear layer instability, with only weak curvature effect, is responsible for the observed patterns. This scenario is supported by the observed onset modes, which scale as the shear layer radius, and by the measured phase velocities.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 剪切层不稳定性的实验和数值模拟研究


