



Over the last several years some focus has been placed on improving efficiency for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p- dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo furans (D/Fs), as well as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Most efforts in this area have been focused on instrumentation; moving from expensive magnetic sector mass spectrometers 1 to triple quadrupoles 2,3 and orbital trapping mass spectrometers 4 . Lesser efforts have been placed on sample preparation stages, which can be divided into extraction, cleanup and concentration techniques. Although the manual preparation stage is inherently inexpensive, compared to instrumentation costs, low level contamination or poor recoveries can result in rework which negatively impacts the method, making this stage costly. Additionally, the extraction method varies depending upon the matrix category, which adds to the complexity, thus multiple extraction methods may be necessary depending upon the moisture and fat content of a matrix. The extraction of milk fat by an automated acid hydrolysis and abbreviated Soxhlet extraction for determination of POPs have been previously described 5 . By broadening the extraction method to include egg yolks, prepared cakes, prepared meats and raw tissues, we are moving toward a single, matrix-independent, extraction method.
检测样品: 水产品
检测项: 前处理


