
检测样品: 食用农产品
检测项目: 核酸提取
浏览次数: 2258
发布时间: 2008-01-10
关联设备: 7种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 30 方案总浏览次数:
Aurora Biomed 的 Versa110 PCR 自动建立工作站可实现全自动的PCR反应建立。面对大量重复性的工作,Versa110 自动计算溶液的体积,提供可靠的标准化的液体转移操作,消除PCR反应建立过程中各种容易出现错误的风险因素。


Tel: (604) 215-8700· Fax: (604) 215-9700www.aurorabiomed.com aacoo+Eo When carried out manually, the process of setting up PCR reactions can be just as costly, time consumingand prone to error as the DNA extraction itself. Aurora Biomed Inc. offers the VERSA automated PCR set-up workstation,a pipetting workstation for high throughput and low volume applications. Whenprocessing a large number of reactions, the system is configured to providehigh levels of reliability and standardization by eliminating repetitive reactionsetup, liquid handling tasks and variations due to handling errors. With this unit, highly reproducible PCR amplifications can be achieved with nodetectable cross-contamination at reaction volumes as low as 1uL. APPLICATIONS · Single and multiplex PCR Set-up · Real time PCR · Viral/Bacterial load · Transcript levels · Genomic studies ·Sequencing reaction set-up and clean-up · PCR Clean-up ·Restriction Digestion Set-up FEATURES · High throughput, 1000 PCR reaction set-up/day · High speed,accurate, contact-free delivery · True aspirate and dispense capability ·User friendly software interface · Hands-free process · Micro-fuge tubes,96 and 394-well compatible HARDWARE FEATURES Deck Configurations: 8 deck positions · 4 for 96-well plates · 3 for holding tip racks·1 position for reagent block Modules: DualHead SyringePipettor ·20 uL syringe with tip changer ·1000 pL syringe with tip changer Tips: 20 uL/1000uL Software: VERSAware (PCR Set-up Version only) Pipetting Accuracy: CV values 2% at 1 pL Volume Range: 1pL to 1000pL Speed: Approx. 45 min for two 96-well PCR reactions set-up ·Normal volume to low (1pL) reaction volumes M 2 4 5 6 9110 1112:1314 16 M PERFORMANCE DETAILS 自CCustomized semi-automated high-throughput applications inmicro-fuge tubes and 96-well formats for a wide range ofsample types. Reproducible results between experiments through standardizedsample preparation and reaction setup. ·FFast startup with optimized protocols for various PCR setupconditions. PCR analysis of plasmid DNA using VERSA Mini PCR Set-up Workstation For more information please contact: Aurora Biomed Inc. Toll Free: 1-800-883-2918 [North America only] 1001 East Pender Street, Vancouver, BCV6A 1W2 Canada ( E-mail: info@aurorabiomed.com ) Website: www.aurorabiomed.com





加拿大欧罗拉生物科技有限公司为您提供《植物中核酸提取检测方案(移液工作站)》,该方案主要用于食用农产品中核酸提取检测,参考标准--,《植物中核酸提取检测方案(移液工作站)》用到的仪器有全自动核酸提取工作站 欧罗拉VERSA1100、欧罗拉自动化移液吸头 导电材料吸头、欧罗拉自动化移液吸头 普通材质吸头、欧罗拉深孔板系列及其配件、欧罗拉96/384孔PCR板及PCR配件、欧罗拉PCR体系构建系列 PCR管 单管-8联管、欧罗拉 实时RT-PCR检测试剂盒