
检测样品: 饮用水
检测项目: 有机污染物
浏览次数: 347
发布时间: 2013-10-12
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 224 方案总浏览次数:
摘要: 介绍了HS-diagram数据图谱,以及它的应用作用...... 纳锘仪器--为您提供纳米级专业细致服务! 如欲了解更多该产品信息,可来电咨询 。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------  上海纳锘仪器有限公司  地址:上海市莲花南路1388弄8号楼碧恒广场1503室[201108]  电话:021-60900829,60900830,61131031,61131051  传真:021-61131052  E-Mail:info@nano-instru.com


Shanghai Nano Instrument Co.,Ltd.上海总部地址:上海市闵行区莲花南路1388弄8号1503-1504室电话:021-6090082960900830 61131051邮箱: info@nano-instru.com传真:021-61131052邮编:201108上海纳锘仪器有限公司Shanghai Nano Instrument Co.,Ltd.网址: http://nanoinstru.instrument.com.cnhttp://www.nano-instru.com 应用实例:饮用水的检测12 Humic Substances diagram (HS-diagram) Mn in g/mol The HS-diagram plots the SAC/OC ratio of the HS-fraction against its nominalaverage molecular weight (Mn-value). SAC is the Spectral Absorption Coefficient obtainedwith the UVD. SAC/OC is the specific UV absorption of the HS peak, and a measure forHS aromaticity, considering that the response in UVD reflects aromatic and unsaturatedstructures. For the range of water samples measured, the SAC/OC ratio was plottedagainst Mn-values to produce a diagram for which we introduced in 1996 the term HumicSubstances diagram or HS-diagram (Huber and Frimmel 1996). As shown, a closecorrelation exists between HS-aromaticity and HS-molecularity. HS standards of the IHSS, which were used for calibration, originate from adystrophic brown water lake, Suwannee River. These HS are of pedogenicorigin. In the HS-diagram the positions for IHSS-FAand IHSS-HA are in the upper centreand upper right of the diagram (full dots). As both species were isolated from the samewater it is clear that the position of the non-isolated, original IHSS-HS must be between the positions for IHSS-FA and IHSS-HA. Therefore, HS in the upper centre and upper rightof the HS-diagram are of pedogenic origin. This is confirmed by the positions of other HSisolates of pedogenic origin (e. g. BM-10 FA, NOR-1 FA) and HS from brown water riverswhose catchment areas are bogs (e.g. river Westend, Lady Bower reservoir). Below the position for IHSS-FA, HS of other isolates are found, but also HS fromsurface waters (e. g.Steinbach, Kleine Kinzig). This area reflects small rivers and creekswhose HS originate from areas with strong slopes. It is assumed that the high hydraulicenergy allows relatively high molecular weight FA from soils to be washed into the waterbody. Often the aromaticity of these FA is lower in comparison to FA from brown waterlakes. This is presumably due to sunlight induced bleaching of HS in the photic zone.Although in brown water lakes HS in the upper layer may also be subject tophotobleaching, deeper layers are not accessible and the impact will be relatively low. At the left side of the HS-diagram FA derived from lakes are found (e.g. Lake Sosa,Lake Galilee, Caspian Sea). It is known that in lakes FA are also produced in-situ bymicrobial activity and are lower in molecular weight than soil-derived FA (Her et al. 2002b)HS from marine environments are also found here. Thus, this area reflects aquagenic,autochthonous FA in contrast to pedogenic, allochthonous FA. In between the area of aquagenic and pedogenic FA, HS of large rivers are found (e.g.River Rhine, River Seine). To understand their position in the HS-diagram we have toconsider that a large proportion of NOM in many rivers originate from treated anduntreated sewage, or Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM). HS in EfOM are a mix of town waterHS which are typically of pedogenic FA type. These FA are superimposed by aquagenicFA produced either in sewage plants or in the river itself by microbial activity. Superposition of both species defines this area in the HS-diagram: a mixing zonecontaining both aquagenic and pedogenic FA. Thus, it can be concluded that theHS-diagram gives information about the origin of HS. The specificity of HS is remarkableand "hallmarks”natural water bodies. The HS-diagram also can be used to assess thereactivity of HS in treatment processes. ( 浙江办 事处 :杭州 市 莫干山路 4 25号瑞 祺大 厦 81 4室 电 话 :0 5 71-8195 45 78 传 真 : 0 571-81 9 54 5 79江 苏 办事 处: 苏州 市金 门路 15 8号协 和大 厦 21 07室 电话:0 5 12 - 87 7 72272 传真: 0 512 - 877 72 270 )





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