




天津语瓶仪器技术有限公司 语瓶仪器
可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM) 可睦电子(KEM)
岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 岛津
施启乐(广州)仪器有限公司 施启乐




The motion tracking enhancement technique (MTE) is a recently introduced method to improve the accuracy of tomographic PIV measurements at seeding density higher than currently practiced. The working principle is based on the fact that the particle field and its projections are correlated between the two exposures. Therefore, information from subsequent exposures can be shared within the tomographic reconstruction process of a single object, which largely reduces the energy lost into ghost particles. The study follows a previous work based on synthetic particle images, showing that the MTE technique has an effect similar to that of increasing the number of cameras. In the present analysis, MTE is applied to Tomographic PIV data from two time-resolved experiments on turbulent shear flows: a round jet at Re = 5,000 (facq = 1,000 Hz) and a turbulent boundary layer at the trailing edge of an airfoil (Rec = 370,000) measured at 12,000 Hz. The application of MTE is extended to the case of more than two recordings. The performance is assessed comparing the results from a lowered number of cameras with respect to the full tomographic imaging system. The analysis of the jet flow agrees with the findings of numerical simulations provided the results are scaled taking into account the concept of MTE efficiency based on the volume fraction where ghost-pairs (Elsinga et al. 2010a) are produced.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场




To apply Tomographic PIV to industrial flow, ex. flow around rain gutter, 50 mm volume thickness and 0.1 ppp particle density, at least, are necessary. In such experimental conditions, signal to ghost ratio of object images and accuracy of vectors are problems. To tackle these problems, influence of number of cameras, image pre-processing and vector post-processing to the accuracy of Tomographic PIV are experimentally investigated at different measurement volume thickness and particle densities. This investigation reveals that time-series minimum subtraction at each pixel without any spatial filter is suitable for image pre-processing for such conditions. Although this filter results in lower signal to ghost ratio, better vector field without less spurious vectors than a traditional one. This signal to ghost ratio is improved linearly by increasing the number of camera up to 8 and accuracy of velocity vectors also increasing up to 8 at any particle density and volume thickness conditions. This improvement by increasing the number of camera is experimentally proved as a first time. Obtained velocity vectors are filtered by spatial filter in physical domain and frequency domain to reduce measurement noise. Filtered velocity profile of thick volume measurable domain, 135 x 230 x 50 mm3 in air, is well coincident with previous experiments even in velocity fluctuation and Reynolds stress. To resolve turbulent fine scale vortex and large scale vortex simultaneously, more than 6-camera are needed for the case of 0.12 ppp particle density and 50 mm volume thickness. For the case of 0.45 ppp and 50 mm volume thickness with 8-camera has also enough accuracy to access velocity fluctuation and Reynolds stress. This paper achieves the large measurable domain, 160 x 220 x 80 mm3, at the particle density of 0.53 ppp.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 3D3C速度矢量场,速度场,速度矢量场,体视速度场




One of the major environmental problems facing the aviation industry is that of aircraft noise. The work presented in this paper, done as part of the EU’s OPENAIR Project, looks at reducing spoiler noise whilst maintaining aerodynamic performance, through means of large-scale fractal porosity. It is hypothesised that the highly turbulent flow generated by fractal grids from the way the multiple-length-scales are organised in space, would reduce the impact of the re-circulation region and with it, the low frequency noise it generates. In its place, a higher frequency noise is introduced which is more susceptible to atmospheric attenuation and is less offensive to the human ear. A total of nine laboratory scaled spoilers were looked at, seven of which had a fractal design, one with a regular grid design and one solid for reference. The spoilers were inclined at an angle of 30. Force, acoustic and flow visualisation experiments on a flat plate were carried out and it was found that the present fractal spoilers reduce the low frequency noise by 2.5dB. Results show that it is possible to improve the acoustic performance by modifying a number of parameters defining the fractal spoiler, some of them very sensitively. From these experiments, two fractal spoilers were chosen for a detailed aero-acoustic study on a three-element wing system, where it was found that the fractal spoilers had a reduction of up to 4dB in the sound pressure level while maintaining similar aerodynamic performances as conventional solid spoilers on the measured wing system.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,速度矢量场,气动声学性能



流体中速度矢量场,跨音速, 二氧化碳,CO2检测方案(粒子图像测速)

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is utilized with solid carbon dioxide (CO2) seeding material to conduct boundary layer measurements in the test section of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Trisonic Gas-dynamics Facility (TGF), which has a 24 inch by 24 inch cross-section. Freestream velocity was set at Mach 0.3, Mach 0.5, or Mach 0.8 while stagnation pressure ranged from 500 to 2400 pounds per square foot (psf). High pressure liquid CO2 was directed through expansion nozzles into shroud tubes which led to solidified particles in the wind tunnel stagnation chamber. Two different sets of shroud tubes were used to modify the size of dry ice particles produced and the particle number density. Shroud tubes with an inside diameter (ID) of 0.824 inches provided good particle count and coverage for stagnation pressures between 500 and 1500 psf, while 0.364 inch ID shroud tubes demonstrated good particle count and coverage for stagnation pressures over 1000 psf. Overall, the PIV results produced freestream velocity measurements and boundary layer profiles which compared well with expected values. After initial processing, turbulence data closely followed trends expected within boundary layer, but levels were somewhat higher than anticipated. When the PIV data was processed using elliptical interrogation regions, elongated in the streamwise direction, resulting turbulence levels were much closer to expectations.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度矢量场,跨音速, 二氧化碳,CO2




Stereoscopic Planar Image Velocimetry (SPIV) has been applied to obtain the three components of the instantaneous velocity vectors on a vertical plane above the burner outlet where the flames propagate. The instantaneous temperature fields have been determined through Laser Induced Rayleigh (LIRay) scattering. Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) on acetone has been used to calculate the average equivalence ratio distributions. Instantaneous turbulent burning velocities have been extracted from SPIV results, while flame curvature and flame thermal thickness values have been calculated using the instantaneous temperature fields. The probability distributions of these quantities have been compared considering the separate influence of equivalence ratio stratification and turbulence. It has been observed that increased levels of turbulence determine higher turbulent burning velocities and flame front wrinkling. Flames characterized by stronger fuel stratification showed higher values in turbulent burning velocities. From the curvature analysis emerged that increased fuel concentration gradients favour flame wrinkling, especially when associated with positive small radius of curvature. This determines an increased surface area available for reaction that promotes a faster propagation of the flame front in the oncoming combustible mixtures.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度场,流场,速度矢量场




This paper describes the principles of a novel 3D PIV system based on the illumination, recording and reconstruction of tracer particles within a 3D measurement volume. The technique makes use of several simultaneous views of the illuminated particles and their 3D reconstruction as a light intensity distribution by means of optical tomography. The technique is therefore referred to as tomographic particle image velocimetry (tomographic-PIV). The reconstruction is performed with the MART algorithm, yielding a 3D array of light intensity discretized over voxels. The reconstructed tomogram pair is then analyzed by means of 3D cross-correlation with an iterative multigrid volume deformation technique, returning the three-component velocity vector distribution over the measurement volume. The principles and details of the tomographic algorithm are discussed and a parametric study is carried out by means of a computer-simulated tomographic-PIV procedure. The study focuses on the accuracy of the light intensity field reconstruction process. The simulation also identifies the most important parameters governing the experimental method and the tomographic algorithm parameters, showing their effect on the reconstruction accuracy. A computer simulated experiment of a 3D particle motion field describing a vortex ring demonstrates the capability and potential of the proposed system with four cameras. The capability of the technique in real experimental conditions is assessed with the measurement of the turbulent flow in the near wake of a circular cylinder at Reynolds 2,700.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 3D3C速度矢量场,速度场,体视速度矢量场




A novel technique to increase the accuracy of multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (MART) reconstruction from tomographic particle image velocimetry (PIV) recordings at higher seeding density than currently possible is presented. The motion tracking enhancement (MTE) method is based on the combined utilization of images from two or more exposures to enhance the reconstruction of individual intensity fields. The working principle is first introduced qualitatively, and the mathematical background is given that explains how the MART reconstruction can be improved on the basis of an improved first guess object obtained from the combination of non-simultaneous views reduced to the same time instant deforming the 3D objects by an estimate of the particle motion field. The performances of MTE are quantitatively evaluated by numerical simulation of the imaging, reconstruction and image correlation processes. The cases of two or more exposures obtained from time-resolved experiments are considered. The iterative application of MTE appears to significantly improve the reconstruction quality, first by decreasing the intensity of the ghost images and second, by increasing the intensity and the reconstruction precision for the actual particles. Based on computer simulations, the maximum imaged seeding density that can be dealt with is tripled with respect to the MART analysis applied to a single exposure.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 3D3C速度场




As part of the FARWAKE project, subtask 2.1.1, wake vortex flow experiments are performed using the PIV measurement technique in a water tank. The wake generating model consists of a simple wing/flap model that can be equipped with water jets to simulate propulsion effects. The model was tested at a speed of 3m/s and two angles of attack: 0and 6. Chord Reynolds number of approximately 225.000 and Vortex Reynolds numbers of approximately 150.000 and 220.000 were obtained during the tests. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the influence of a jet on the flap end vortex and the wake vortex formation. The investigation focuses on the direct influence of the jet on the flap end vortex and the (merged) vortex characteristics in the near to mid field. The main vortex characteristics addressed in this report are: the vortex trajectory, the maximum tangential velocity, the peak vorticity and the vortex core radius. The vortex information is obtained from Stereo-PIV experiments performed in a fixed plane perpendicular to the towing direction. The measurements return the 3 components of the velocity in that plane and the streamwise component of the wake vorticity. A submergible moving camera system is used in order to keep the moving vortex in the field of view during the vortex downward motion.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 冷喷射漩涡的相互作用




Reducing the deleterious effect of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) in marine risers is an important task for ocean engineers; and many competing factors exist in the design of VIV suppression devices. This thesis explores the experimental minimization of the drag force and the disruption of v0l1ex formation by utilizing VIV suppression devices. Two series of tests are conducted-both utilizing separate testing designs. The first tests are the flexible cylinder experiments, detailed in Chapter 2, which determine the drag force and vibration amplitude of numerous, original testing configurations. The second series of tests are the rigid cylinder, PIV experiments, detailed in Chapter 3. These tests measure both the drag force on the cylinder and the oscillating component of the lift force, the latter of which is a good indication of v011ex formation. The Chapter 3 tests also image the test section wake-providing helpful insight into the physical process of vortex formation. In brief, this thesis presents a detailed description and results of the two series of original VIV suppression tests. Many original configurations are tested, and the results are contained herein.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 圆柱体振动,拖曳阻力,运动幅度,速度场,速度矢量场,PIV,粒子成像测速




Turbulent jets have been always present in fluid-mechanic researches due to the large number of applications they have and to the presence of all the turbulence features on them. Thanks to the use of relative new non-intrusive techniques–such as PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)-, the knowledge of turbulence in general, and turbulent jets in particular has increased. This work is focused on the assessment of both, the main characteristics of the turbulent jet and, at the same time, some significant PIV features. For that aim two experiments are proposed: -The first one, denominated “Spatial Resolution in PIV”, tries to determine the best position to place the digital camera that films the movement of the particles present in the jet, taking into account that we are interested on studying not only the microscales of the turbulent flow, but also the velocity field and the recovering of isotropy by evaluating the turbulent parameters (skewness, kurtosis, square mean derivative ratios,…). -In the second one, called “Effect of the Reynolds Number in Turbulence”, starting from the results of the first experiment, the behavior of the jet depending on the relationship between the inertia forces and the viscous ones is analyzed. To do this, three different zones along the jet and eight different Reynolds numbers are to be studied. This report is structured in four different chapters. The first one corresponds to a theoretical introduction to turbulence. In the second one the experimental setup is described after introducing the PIV measurement technique. The third one presents the results and carries out a deep analysis of them. Finally, in chapter four, the results are summarized obtaining some important conclusions and considering as well future challenges of the present work.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 速度矢量场




We introduce and test an experimental approach to simulate elastoplastic megathrust earthquake cycles using an analogue model and apply it to study the seismotectonic evolution of subduction zones. The quasi-two-dimensional analogue model features rate- and state-dependent elastic-frictional plastic and viscoelastic material properties and is scaled for gravity, inertia, elasticity, friction, and viscosity. The experiments are monitored with a high-resolution strain analysis tool based on digital image correlation (particle imaging velocimetry, PIV), providing deformation time series comparable to seismologic, geodetic, and geologic observations. In order to separate elastic and nonelastic effects inherent the experimental deformation patterns, we integrate elastic dislocation modeling (EDM) into a hybrid approach: we use the analogue earthquake slip and interseismic locking distribution as EDM dislocation input and forward model the coseismic and interseismic elastic response. The residual, which remains when the EDM prediction is subtracted from the experimental deformation pattern, highlights the accumulation of permanent deformation in the model. The setup generates analogue earthquake sequences with realistic source mechanisms and elastic forearc response and recurrence patterns and reproduces principal earthquake scaling relations. By applying the model to an accretionary-type plate margin, we demonstrate how strain localization at the rupture peripheries may lead to a seismotectonically segmented forearc, including a tectonically stable shelf and coastal high (<20% plate convergence accommodated by internal shortening) overlying the area of large megathrust earthquake slip. Fifty to 75% of plate convergence is accommodated by internal shortening in the slope region where earthquake slip tapers out toward the trench. The inner forearc region remains undeformed and represents a basin.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 弧前演化




Electrostatic, rotating bell (ESRB) application is one of the most important coating application techniques for industries with demanding specifications for optical attractiveness of coatings, such as automotive. The ESRB process involves production of droplets using a high-speed rotating bell, which are subsequently transported to the substrate being coated via shaping air [1-3]. An electrical potential is applied between the bell and the substrate which further helps droplet atomization and transport. This research investigates the effects of inertia, centrifugal force, drag force, and electrostatic force on the atomization mechanism and particle size distribution using an automotive OEM base coat formulation. Coating flow rate (CFR), shaping air flow rate (SAFR), bell speed (BS), and electrostatic potential (EP) were used as primary parameters to create various atomization conditions and particle size distributions. The atomization mechanism, ligament formation, and particle size distribution were measured using high-speed laser shadowography and image processing. The effects of governing forces and particle size generated on efficiency of droplet transfer to the substrate and optical appearance of the coatings were studied to generate operating windows for optimum process efficiency and appearance.
检测样品: 其他
检测项: 雾化形成在静电旋转钟镀膜中的应用


