
检测样品: 润滑油
检测项目: 理化分析
浏览次数: 159
发布时间: 2022-07-07
关联设备: 2种 查看全部
润滑油密度、相对密度和API比重的测定 应用资料 GB/T 29617, GB/T 2013, SH/T 0604, ASTM D4052规定了通过数字密度计测量石油产品(液体样品)的密度、相对密度和API比重的方法。此测量中使用的京都电子KEM数字式密度计符合此标准方法,可与自动进样器结合使用全自动方式进行测量。本文件是使用自动进样器测量润滑油的密度、相对密度和API比重的应用资料。


京都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.APDA-0237en-1 APDA-0237en-16.Example Application Note Density/relative density (Specific gravity) / APl gravitymeasurements of lubricating oil Industry PetroleumInstrument Density/Specific gravity meter + Auto SamplerMeasurement method Resonant frequency oscillationStandards GB/T 29617, GB/T 2013, SH/T 0604, ASTM D4052 1. Scope ASTM D4052 prescribes a method for measuring the density, relative density and API gravity ofpetroleum products (liquid samples) by a digital density meter. The KEM density/specific gravitymeter used in this measurement conforms to this standard and can be used to make measurementsautomatically in combination with an Auto Sampler. This application shows an example of the measurement of density (specific gravity) / API oflubricating oil using an Auto Sampler (Note 1). 2.Precautions The correct values will not be obtained if there are bubbles in the sample. Remove any bubblesby heating the sample or using ultrasonic cleaning equipment before placing the sample in AutcSampler. 3. Apparatus Equipment Density/Specific gravity meterOption Auto Sampler 4. Reagents Rinse liquid 1 Toluene Rinse liquid2 Acetone Using toluene as Rinse liquid 1 increases the rinsing efficiency by dissolving any lubricating oiladhering to the cell. 5. Procedure -C(alibration- · Place a sample vial containing pure water in Auto Sampler and perform the calibration. -Measurement- ·FPlace a sample vial containing the sample in Auto Sampler, and perform the measurement. To perform calibration followed by sample measurement automatically, set both the purewater for calibration and the sample. The Auto Sampler can also automatically sampling, measurement (calibration), rinse and drythe cell. -Parameter- .The measurement parameters are set by the customer (see the table below). method API Sequence name Lubricant Set temperature 60.0 °F Sampling Auto, Rate 50%, Time 20s Stability sense 2 Measurement Limit time 1200s 3 Drain Auto, Rate 100% Viscosity correction on 4 Rinse 3(Toluene) 70s. Liquid Ratio 25% Calibration material air and water 5 Drain On, 5s 6 Rinse 2(Acetone) 20s. Liquid Ratio 25% 7 Drain On, 5s Sample mode File mode 8 Purge On, 120s Number of samples 20 9 Cell Test On. Density Deviation 50 (The measurement parameters are examples for using KEM’s Density/Specific gravity meterThey may vary depending on the model.) -Measurement results- n Density (g/cm’) API gravity 1 0.8173 41.47 2 0.8173 41.47 3 0.8173 41.47 4 0.8173 41.47 5 0.8173 41.47 6 0.8173 41.47 7 0.8173 41.47 8 0.8173 41.47 9 0.8173 41.47 10 0.8173 41.47 11 0.8173 41.47 12 0.8173 41.47 13 0.8173 41.47 14 0.8173 41.47 15 0.8173 41.47 16 0.8173 41.47 17 0.8173 41.47 18 0.8173 41.47 19 0.8173 41.47 20 0.8173 41.47 7.Summarv The density and specific gravity of lubricating oil can be measured stably by the combination ofdensity/specific gravity meter and Auto Sampler according to ASTM D4052 (Note 2). Note 1) Oscillating type density/specific gravity meters produce a positive measurement error ifthe sample is highly viscous. The instrument used in this experiment has a viscosity correctionfunction, and the measurements obtained are corrected for the effect of viscosity. Note 2) ASTM D4052 notes that when the same sample with a density between 0.80 and 0.88g/cm’is measured by the same operator using the same instrument under constant conditions, thedensity repeatability value would only exceed 0.00016 g/cmonce in 20 trials. 9.References ASTM D4052, Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Liquidsby Digital Density Meter. 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com / 京都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD 润滑油密度、相对密度和API比重的测定 应用资料(英文版)GB/T 29617, GB/T 2013, SH/T 0604, ASTM D4052规定了通过数字密度计测量石油产品(液体样品)的密度、相对密度和API比重的方法。此测量中使用的京都电子KEM数字式密度计符合此标准方法,可与自动进样器结合使用全自动方式进行测量。本文件是使用自动进样器测量润滑油的密度、相对密度和API比重的应用资料。




