
检测样品: 环境水(除海水)
检测项目: 物理指标
浏览次数: 38
发布时间: 2009-07-29
关联设备: 0种



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Surface Fresh WaterTotal Alkalinity Surface Fresh WaterTotal Alkalinity 3P.lace the electrode into the pouch with the pH 7 buffer such that the electrode tip is fully immersedin the solution. Press the CALIBRATE key. 4.Wait for a stable reading (1-2 minutes). Enter standard value of 7.00 using the UP and DOWN arrowkeys and the DECIMAL/DIGIT key. 5.Press the CALIBRATE key to accept the 7.00 standard. 6.Rinse the electrode thoroughly with deionized water and then with the next standard to be measured. 7..Place the electrode into the pouch with the pH 4.01 buffer standard suchimmersed in the solution. that the electrode tip is fully 8.Wait for a stable reading (1-2 minutes). Enter standard of 4.01 using the UP and DOWN arrow keysand the DECIMAL/DIGIT key. 9. Press the MEASURE key to accept 4.01 standard and to move to the measure mode of the meter. 10. Rinse the electrode thoroughly with deionized water and then with the next solution to be measured. 11. Place the electrode into the prepared sample such that the electrode tip is fully immersed in thesolution. Press the MEASURE key on the meter.The pH icon will flash as the measurement isbeing made. The pH icon will become solid and the display value will freeze when a stable reading isachieved. This value is logged and printed automatically. 12. Using the indicated side of Total Alkalinity Conversion Wheel, find resulting pH value and read totalalkalinity of the sample in ppm CaCO,. 13. Use Total Alkalinity Standard/Control daily, or after every ten samples for verification of propermeasurement. 14. To verify the analysis measure the total alkalinity standard/control every 10 samples or daily. Carefullypipette appropriate volume (from table below) of 1,000 ppm standard/control into a clean 100 mLvolumetric flask and dilute to the mark with deionized water, mix well. Transfer into clean beaker andadd appropriate volume (from table below) of Total Alkalinity Reagent, mix well. Find resulting pHvalue and compare with expected pH value. Expected Sample Concentration Standard volume Reagent volume Expected pH value 0-25 ppm 1mL 1mL 4.64±0.05 0-225 ppm 10mL 10 mL 4.41±0.05 Remember to rinse electrodes with deionized water between measurements. Penetrate each sample to thesame depth to reproduce sample measurement. Upon completion of samples, rinse the electrode withdeionized water and store the electrode according to instructions in the Electrode Storage section of thismethod note Surface Fresh WaterTotal Alkalinity Introduction This method provides rapid, uncomplicated determinations of the Total Alkalinity of Surface Fresh Water.The Orion Total Alkalinity Test Kit simplifies routine alkalinity measurement and saves time by eliminatingtedious titration and calculation. Results are unaffected by sample color or turbidity. The principle ofoperation for the Orion Test Kit is the same as conventional titration. A reagent composed of several acidsreacts with the alkaline species in the sample. As a result, the pH of the sample changes. The observedpH reading after the addition of the reagent varies directly with the total alkalinity. Each pH readingcorresponds to a unique value for alkalinity, expressed in ppm CaCo,. Recommended Equipment Cat. No. 1010125 pH Application package (includes all items with a catalog number) 5.Pipettes (1 mL,10 mL) 1. 3-Star portable pH meter 1212000 9.Volumetric flask (100 mL) 2. R1OSS Ultra° combination with epoxy body electrode 8156BNUWP Required Solutions Cat. No. Total alkalinity test kit (includes alkalinity reagent, 700010+. alkalinity standard control and tota alkalinity chart) 1. pH 4.01 perpHect Individual buffer pouch, 10 pack 910410 4. Soft field case 1210005 2. pH 7.00 perpHect Individual buffer pouch, 10 pack 910710 5. Electrode storage sleeve 1210003 Beakers (100 mL) 7. Graduated cylinder (100 mL) 3. pH 10.01 perpHect Individual buffer pouch, 10 pack 911010 .Reference filling solution, ROSsreference filling 810007 (included with 8156BNUWP) 5. Deionized water Calibration Standard Preparation 1. Ensure that all buffers are at the same temperature. 2 Open a pouch of pH 4.01 buffer. 3. Open a pouch of pH 7.00 buffer. 4.Open a pouch of pH 10.01 buffer. Sample Preparation 1.Find the expected sample concentration range in the chart below and use the indicated volumes of sampleand Tota Alkalinity Reagent. If pH must be reported also, measure and record pH of the sample prior toreagent addition. Range Sample volume Reagent volume Wheel Side Accuracy Low Level 0-25 ppm 100 mL 1 mL Blue ±0.5 ppm Full 0-225 ppm 100 mL 10 mL Gray ±5 ppm Greater Than 225 ppm 10 mL diluted to 100 mL 10 mL Gray (multiply results ±5 ppm With deionized water by 10) 2.Using a graduated cylinder, measure 100 mL sample into a beaker. 3Pipette the appropriate amount of Total Alkalinity Reagent into sample and mix well.4 Repeat this procedure for additional measurements. Results Five aliquots of the surface fresh water were measured for total alkalinity. The data in the table below isrepresentative of the results for total alkalinity in the sample of surface water. Water Sample# 1: 44 Sample #2: 40 Sample #3: 41 Sample#4: 41 Sample #5: 44 Mean: 42 Standard Deviation: %CV: 4.45 Electrode Storage For short-term storage, soak electrode in pH Electrode Storage Solution, Orion 810007. For long-term storageperiod, the referencechamber should be filled and the fill hole securely covered. Cover the sensing element andreference junction with its protective cap containing a few drops of storage solution. Equipment Set Up Electrode Setup -ROSS Ultra° 1. Remove the protective shipping cap from the sensing element and save for storage. 2.Clean any salt deposits from exterior by rinsing with deionized water. 3 Uncover filling hole by removing plastic sleeve, and add ROSS Internal Filling Solution to electrode. Tomaintain an adequate flow rate, the level of filling solution must cover the coil and be at least one inchabove the sample level when immersed. .4 Place the electrode in the electrode holder and suspend in air for 15 minutes to thoroughly wet thereference junction. Once the junction is wet, do not allow the electrode to dry out. 5. Shake down the electrode to remove air bubbles. 6. Soak electrode in pH Electrode Storage Solution, Orion 810007, for one hour. Meter Setup-3-Star portable For initial meter setup, follow the steps on the Quick Reference Guide that is attached to the meter itself. TheQ..uick Start Guide included with each meter also contains a layout ofthe meter keypad for reference. The wordsin this method represented in all capital letters, such as POWER, indicate a key on the meter, and words inquotations, such as “Unit", indicates information on the meter display. 1.Connect the electrode to the meter. 2. Press the POWER key on the meter to turn the meter on. 3.Note that the arrow on the left of the screen indicates the active line. If the top line is not active, press theLINE SELECTION key to change the selected line to the top line. Then press the UP or DOWN arrowkeys to change the measurement mode of the top line to pH. 4.Press the SETUP key to enter pH Setup. Press the LINE SELECTION key to select the middle line. Pressthe UP or DOWN arrow keys to select “rES” for resolution. 5...Press the LINE SELECTION key to select the bottom line. Press the UP or DOWN arrow keys to select“0.01” for"rES”, which is an abbreviation for resolution or number of significant digits. SPress the LINEELECTION key to accept setting. 6.Press the LINE SELECTION key to select middle line, and press the DOWN arrow key to select“bUF”,which is an abbreviation for pH buffer. 7.Press the LINE SELECTION key to select the bottom line. Press the UP or DOWN arrow keys to select“USA”which is US/Orion buffers. Press the LINE SELECTION key to accept setting. 8 Press the LINE SELECTION key to accept and select the pH setup menu line (top line). 9. Press the MEASURE key to return to measurement mode. If all steps were followed correctly the meter display will show three digits in the top line and “pH" to the rightof the top line. The meter and electrode are now ready for calibration. Calibration and Analysis 1. Allow all the standards and the samples to attain room temperature for precise measurements, since themeasurement is temperature sensitive. 2. Calibrate the meter using the pH 7 and pH 4.01 buffers. www.thermo.com ofof fof





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