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食品科学2018,Vol.39, No.14※成分分析249 食品科学25022018, Vol.39, No.14※成分分析 Effects of Varying Degrees of Worm Infection on the Texture Profile,Nutritional, and Flavor Components of Gomphidius rutilus Mushrooms HE Wei', SUN Libin', XIN Guangl*, ZHANG Bo,ZHANG Xiaoyu', GONG Xue', WEN Xiaowen', MENG Xianjun, ZHANG Baiqing (1. College of Food Science, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China;2. School of Chemistry and Life Science, Anshan Normal University, Anshan 114007, China) Abstract: In the current study, the texture profile, nutrients, and flavor components of Gomphidius rutilus without worms (GW),G. rutilus infected by a small amount of worms (GS; infected area less than 50%), and G. rutilus infected by a large amountof worms (GL; infected area more than 50%) were explored. Texture analyzer, high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)and electronic tongue sensory evaluation were used to evaluate the effects of varying degrees of worm infection onthe texture profile, nutritional and flavor components of G. rutilus. The results indicated that the hardness ((1.65±0.24) N)and chewiness ((3.50±0.85) mJ) of GW were the highest among the three samples. GL had the highest moisture content((819.92±4.03)g/kg), whereas GW had the lowest value ((810.80±3.48) g/kg). GS had the lowest fat and highest proteincontent, which were (2.58±0.16) and (0.64±0.05) g/kg, respectively. Monosodium glutamate-like (MSG-like) contentwas expressed as the sum of aspartic acid and glutamic acid. MSG-like content was higher in GL and GS than in GW. GLcontained the highest amount of MSG-like components ((33.37±0.08)mg/100 g), which was 1.72 and 1.51 times higherthan that of GW and GS, respectively. The flavor 5'-nucleotide content ((22.54±1.43) mg/100 g) in GL was the highest,whereas that ((8.75±0.20) mg/100 g) in GS was the lowest. The equivalent umami concentration (EUC) (calculated as MSGequinvlent) ranged from 3.34 mg/g in GS to 9.10 mg/g in GL. In conclusion, the effects of varying worm-infection degreeson the texture, nutritional and flavor components of G. rutilus should not be analyzed from a single point of view but from the threeangles: firstly, the taste of GL is the most desirable from the point of flavor composition; secondly, the nutritional value of GS isthe highest from a nutritional standpoint; and finally, the quality of GW is the best from the perspective of texture analysis. Keywords: Gomphidius rutilus; worm infection; texture profile; nutrients; flavor components; mushrooms 虫子的不同侵染程度对血红铆钉菇质地、营养及风味成分的影响 贺微,孙丽斌,辛 广1*,张 博,张晓玉,宫r雪,温晓雯,孟宪军,张佰清 (1.沈阳农业大学食品学院,辽宁沈阳 110866;2.鞍山师范学院化学与生命科学学院,辽宁鞍山 114007) 摘 要;目的:研究没有被虫子侵染(GW)、被少量虫子侵染 (GS,侵染面积小于50%)和被大量虫子侵染(GL,侵染面积大于50%)的血红铆钉菇的质地、营养和风味成分。方法:分别采用质构仪分析、高效液相色谱法和电子舌感官评价测定虫子侵染对血红铆钉菇质地、营养及风味成分的影响。结果: GW的硬度和咀嚼性值最高,分别为(1.65±0.24)N和(3.50±0.85) mJ。GL的水分含量最高为(819.92±4.03) g/kg, GW的最低为(810.80±3.48) &/kg。 GS在3种蘑菇中脂肪含量最低,蛋白质含量最高,分别为(2.58±0.16) g/kg和(0.64+0.05) g/kg。谷氨酸钠 (monosodium glutamate, MSG)类似物表示为天冬氨酸和谷氨酸的和。GL和GS中MSG类似物含量高于GW。GL显示最高的MSG类似物含量为(33.37±0.08) mg/100 g, 是GW的1.72倍, GS的1.51倍。GL的风味核苷酸含量最高为(22.54±1.43) mg/100g, GS的含量最低为(8.75±0.20) mg/100g。 GL的等鲜浓度值最高,以MSG计,为(9.10±0.39) mg/g。结论:评价虫子侵染血红铆钉菇对其质构、营养和风味成分的影响 ( 收稿 日期:2018-02-12 ) ( 基金项目: “十 三五 ”国家重点研发计划重点专项(2018YFD0 4 0 0 2 0 5 ; 2017Y F D 040 070 4 ) ; ) ( 辽宁省鞍山 市重大科 技专 项(2015 4 8 1 8 );辽宁省沈阳农业大学高端人才引进基金项目 (SYAU 2 0 1 600 03 ) 第 一 作者简 介:贺 微 ( 1992 一 ), 女 , 硕士 研究 生 ,研究方向为果蔬加工贮藏。 E-mail: 12 1 3 9 5 9 1 1 6 @qq.com ) ( *通信作 者简 介:介 广 (19 6 6一),男,教授, 博 士,研 究 方向为 果 蔬加工贮藏。E-mail: xg u an g 212@ 1 6 3 .com ) 不能仅从单一角度进行分析,而应客观地从以下3个角度来分析:首先从风味成分的角度来看, GL的味道最佳,其次从营养角度来看, GS营养价值最高,最后从质构分析的角度来看,GW的品质最好。 关键词:血红铆钉菇;虫子侵染;质构剖析;营养;风味成分;蘑菇 DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201814037 中图分类号: TS201.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2018)14-0249-08引文格式: HE Wei, SUN Libin, XIN Guang, et al. Effects of varying degrees of worm infection on the texture profile, nutritional, andflavor components of Gomphidius rutilus mushrooms[J].食品科学,2018,39(14): 249-256. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201814037. http://www.spkx.net.cn HE Wei, SUN Libin, XIN Guang, et al. Effects of varying degrees of worm infection on the texture profile, nutritional, and flavor components of Gomphidius rutilus mushrooms[J]. Food Science, 2018, 39(14): 249-256. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201814037. http://www.spkx.net.cn Mushrooms have been widely used as a human foodfor centuries and have been appreciated for their healthyproperties. Edible mushrooms have been used for traditionalfoods and medicines in Asia, owing to their unique flavorand texture. Mushrooms are rich in protein, dietary fiber,minerals, and vitamins and low in fat and sodium . Theyhave been grown in China since 600 CE.Currently, Chinais the main producer of edible mushrooms worldwide,accounting for 64% of the total production in the world". Gomphidius rutilus (G. rutilus), which belongs to thesubphylum Basidiomycotina, is a wild traditional Chineseedible fungus often found beneath pine trees. Thismushroom is widely distributed in China; it can be found inHebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hunan, Sichuan,and Tibet. As the awareness and consumption of wild-grownmushrooms have been increased, the discoveries of G.rutilus have also been increased in many countries; however,a similar trend has not been observed in China. G. rutiluscan’t be harvested by artificial cultivation. Similar to mostectomycorrhizal fungi, the fruiting bodies of this fungus areusually accompanied by worm infections; however, G.rutilusinfected with worms possesses no poisonous effect. Instead,worm infection might be related to the quality, nutritionalcontent, and flavor of the mushroom. This is a question thatremains unexplored and need to be addressed. At the present, domestic and foreign research havemostly focused on polysaccharides from G. rutilus and itsantioxidant activities in vitro. Therefore, this study aimedto investigate whether the non-volatile taste components(including its texture profile, nutrients, free amino acids(AAs), 5'-nucleotides, flavor components, and equivalentumami concentration (EUC)) of G. rutilus infected by wormscan be distinguished from those of G. rutilus without worms. We hope that our research will provide a theoretical basis forthe future study of the mechanism by which worms enhancethe properties of these mushrooms and provide scientificevidence for the future study of ectomycorrhizal fungi. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Mushrooms Fresh fruiting bodies of G. rutilus were collected fromlocal producers in Chaoyang, Liaoning Province, China, andthen transported to the Food Analysis Laboratory at ShenyangAgricultural University on the second day of collection. Aftercollection, each mushroom was isolated and identified forits degree of worm infection. Based on this, G. rutilus weredivided into three types: G. rutilus without worms (GW), G.rutilus with a small amount of worms (GS; infected area lessthan 50%), and G. rutilus with a large amount of worms (GL;infected area more than 50%). Subsequently, the classifiedmushrooms were stored in a freezer at -40℃. Before use,each type of mushroom was sampled randomly and thenground separately. 1.2 Methods 1.2.1 Assay oftexture profile A texture profile analysis was carried out for hardness,springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness, using theBrookfield CT3 texture analyzer Briefly, mushroomsamples were placed on the platform. Then, a cylindricalplunger with a TA3/100 (25.4 mm diameter cylinder) probewas attached to a 10-kg load cell and compressed to 60% ofits original height (pretest speed: 2 mm/s, test speed: 1 mm/s,post-test speed: 1 mm/s, trigger type-auto: 7 g, and dataacquisition rate: 10 pps) to determine the entire textureprofile according to the method proposed by Bourneand Khan et al. , with some modifications. The values reportedare the means of six replications. 1.2.2 Assay of nutrients Moisture content was measured gravimetrically bydrying approximately 20 g fresh mushrooms in an oven at105 ℃, according to Karathanoswith some modifications.Fat was determined according to the AOAC g/kg officialprocedures by extracting 10 g of mushrooms in a Soxhletapparatus, using 30-60℃ petroleum ether. The Coomassiebrilliant blue G250 method was used to determine theconcentration of soluble protein. Crude fiber contentof mushrooms (20 g) was determined using a standardmethod 8. 1.2.3 Assay of free amino acids Sample preparation for the analysis of free aminoacids (FAAs) followed the method of Li et al.9, with somemodifications. G. rutilus slurry samples (5 g) were shakenwith 30 mL of 0.1 mol/L HCl (36%) for 30 min at ambient·temperature, using an ultrasonic machine at 200 W power(KQ-300DE; Kunshan Ultrasonic Instrument Co. Ltd.,China), and centrifuged at 11 000 r/min for 15 min. Theretained supernatant was mixed with 5% 5-sulfosalicylicacid dihydrate reagent in an Eppendorf tube, centrifuged at11 000 r/min for 15 min. The resulting supernatant wasfiltered through 0.22-um cellulose filter (Millipore)prior to analysis. Free amino acid (FAA) contents weredetermined using an L-8900 automatic AA analyzer (Hitachi,Japan)20. Separation was primarily achieved on an ionexchange column #2650L, and the mobile phases usedwere PH-1, PH-2, PH-3, PH-4, PH-RG, R-3, C-1 ninhydrinsolution, and buffer solution (Wako, Japan). Standard AAsolutions were obtained from Wako (Wako-shi, Japan). 1.2.4 Assay of 5'-nucleotides 5'-Nucleotides were extracted and analyzed as describedby Taylor et al., with some modifications. A suspension ofG. rutilus slurry (20 g in 20 mL deionized water) was heatedto boiling point for 1 min, cooled, and then centrifuged at11 000 r/min for 30 min; this step was repeated with 20 mL ofdeionized water. The combined supernatants were redissolvedto a final volume of 50 mL and filtered through a 0.22-umcellulose membrane (Millipore) prior to analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a Waters1525 instrument (Waters Corporation, Shanghai, China)equipped with an Li Chrospher RP-18 (4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5 um). HPLC conditions were set as follows: mobile phase,0.1 mol/L KHPO-H,PO, (pH 4.20); flow rate, 1.0 mL/min;UV detection wavelength, 254 nm; oven temperature, 30 ℃;and injection volume, 20 uL. Each 5'-nucleotide wasquantified by using the calibration curve of the authentic5'-nucleotide (Shanghai Yuanye Bio-technology Co., Ltd.,Shanghai, China). 1.2.5 Assay of electronic tongue In this study, a commercial electronic tongue (E-tongue;Taste Sensing System SA402B, Japan) was used, whichcontains an array of 7 chemical sensors with cross-selectivityfor food (SB2AAE,SB2CTO,SB2CAO,SB2COO, SB2AE1,SB2ACO, and SB2ANO) with a standard Ag/AgCl 3 mol/LKCl reference electrode and an automatic sampler unit.Thesensor array was immersed into the sample solution, and theresponse signals at equilibrium were collected as variablesfor statistical analysis. Each sample was measured for 120 s,and distilled water was used to clean the sensors before eachsubsequent measurement, to ensure that stable potentialswere obtained. Each sample was analyzed in triplicate, andthe average values were used for subsequent analysis 22.G. rutilus slurry samples were measured after being diluted(20 times dilution, 5 g in 100 mL) with pure water at roomtemperature. 1.2.6 Equivalent umami concentration The equivalent umami concentration (EUC, mgmonosodium glutamate (MSG) per g raw material (wet base),which is the concentration of MSG equivalent to the umamiintensity of the mixture of MSG and the 5'-nucleotide, isrepresented by the following addition equation: Y=Zab+1.218(Zab)(Zab) Where Y is the EUC of the mixture in terms of MSGequivalent (mg/g); a; is the concentration (mg/100 g)of each umami AA (aspartic acid (Asp) or glutamicacid (Glu)); a is the concentration (mg/100 g) of eachumami 5'-nucleotide (5'-guanosine monophosphate(5'-GMP), 5'-inosinemonophosphate (5'-IMP),5'-xanthosine monophosphate(5'-XMP), or 5'-adenosinemonophosphate (5'-AMP)); b, is the relative umamiconcentration (RUC) for each umami AA to MSG (Glu,1 and Asp, 0.077); b, is the RUC for each umami 5'-nucleotideto 5'-IMP (5'-GMP, 2.3; 5'-IMP, 1; 5'-XMP, 0.61; and5'-AMP, 0.18); and 1.218 is a synergistic constant based onthe concentration of mg/100 g used. 1.3 Statistical analysis All the analyses were performed in at least triplicates,and data are expressed as x±s. Statistical analyses wereperformed using Excel (Microsoft Office Excel 2007) andSPSS (SPSS 20.0 for Windows, Chicago, IL, USA)[24. Theconfidence limits used in this study were based on 95%(P<0.05) and 99% (P<0.01). 2 Results and Analysis 2.1 Texture profiles Table 1 Texture proflles of three G. rutilus samples Texture profile GW GS GL Hardness/N 1.65±0.24 0.63±0.05 0.36±0.04 Springiness/mm 2.68±0.28 2.48±0.13 2.36±0.16 Cohesiveness 0.79±0.10 0.71±0.04^ 0.67±0.04 Chewiness/mJ 3.50±0.85^ 1.10±0.10* 0.57±0.12Bb Notes: Values, expressed as fresh mass, are the x± s (n=3). Means withdifferent uppercase letters within the same row are extremely significantlydifferent (P <0.01). Means with different lowercase letters within the samerow are significantly different(P<0.05). Table 2-5 are the same. In this study, the four indicators of G. rutilus quality,including, hardness, elasticity, cohesiveness, and chewinesswere investigated. It was observed that as the hardness,elasticity, cohesiveness, and chewiness of G. rutilus weredecreased with increasing degree of worm infection (Table 1).GW was 2.62 times and 4.58 times harder than GS and GLrespectively. Moreover, GW showed 3.18 times and 6.14times higher in chewiness than GS and GL, respectively.There were no significant differences in the influence ofvarying worm-infection degrees on the springiness andcohesiveness of G. rutilus. The texture of GW was betterthan those of GS and GL, possibly due to the reason thatworm infection causes damages on the inner structure of themushroom, thus altering its quality. Therefore, as the degreeof worm infection increased, the quality of the mushrooms wasdecreased. In summary, from the texture profile perspective,GW is the most desirable form. 2.2 Nutritional profiles Table 2 Nutrient levels in three G. rutilus samples g/kg Nutrients GW GS GL Moisture content 810.80±3.48 815.77±4.57Aab 819.92±4.03^ Crude fiber 4.60±0.38 4.19±0.22 4.11±0.17^ Crude fat 2.90±0.03^* 2.58±0.16^ 2.94±0.15^* Soluble protein 0.45±0.03 0.64±0.05 0.56±0.08^Ba The impact of different degrees of worm infection onthe nutritional profiles of these mushrooms was examinedusing the following 4 indicators: moisture content,crudefiber, crude fat, and soluble protein. With the increase inworm-infection degree, moisture content was increased(Table 2). GL had the highest moisture content at819.92 g/kg, whereas GW had the lowest one at 810.80 g/kg.Yang et al. reported that most fresh mushrooms contained90% moisture, or 900 g/kg. However, this result indicatesthat G. rutilus is less moist and denser than those of mostother mushrooms. From the consumer’s point of view, lowerwater content is more suitable for purchase. The increasein moisture content possibly occurred because the worminfection damaged the cell structure of the mushroom,leading to the apparent loss of enchylema; alternatively, theworm infection can accelerate the decay of the mushroom,leading to the increase in moisture content. These trends inthe changes in the crude fiber content are contrary to those ofmoisture content; as the degree of worm infection increased,the crude fiber content was decreased (Table 2), but therewas no significant difference between the three. A possibleexplanation is that worms consume the fiber in mushrooms,but this has little influence on the crude fiber content offmushrooms. With regard to the fat content of G. rutilus,there was no significant difference between GW and GL, butthe levels were greater than that in GS; GS had the lowestfat at 2.58 g/kg. The lipid content in the mushrooms rangedfrom 1.1%-8.3% dry mass, with the mean being 4.0%,or 0.4% fresh mass. Therefore, this result indicates that G.rutilus has lower fat content than most other mushroomsdo. From the point of view of consumption, GS is moresuitable for people who want to lose and control their mass.GS exhibited the highest soluble protein content, and GWexhibited the lowest one (Table 2). GS and GL contained1.42 times and 1.24 times the amount of soluble protein inGW. In general, mushrooms are a good source of protein,and their protein contents ranges from 19%-35% of theirdry mass, which when converted to fresh mass are in therange of 1.9%-3.5%. Therefore, it may be concluded thatthe soluble protein content in G. rutilus is lower than thoseof other mushrooms. GL and GS are superior to GW interms of soluble protein. A possible explanation is thatworms secrete certain enzymes, which contribute to thecomposition of protein.The other possibility is that wormsdestroy the inner structure of mushrooms, which also altersthe protein composition. 2.3 Free amino acids Table 3 Free amino acid levels in three G. rutilus samples Amino acid GW GS GL Asp 1.46±0.01 1.21±0.02 1.07±0.02 Glu 17.96±0.07° 20.83±0.10 32.30±0.07 MSG-like 19.42±0.08 22.04±0.12 33.37±0.08^ Thr* 24.92±0.07 30.34±0.12 37.04±0.12* Pro 1.33±0.03^* 0.93±0.13 1.46±0.02 Ser 3.44±0.01° 4.79±0.04 5.28±0.02 Gly 1.59±0.004 1.94±0.01 1.68±0.05 Ala 17.88±0.04 9.93±0.078 17.58±0.50 Sweet 49.11±0.10 47.93±0.32 63.05±0.66 Val* 3.69±0.02 3.55±0.06° 4.11±0.03 Met* 1.21±0.02* 0.43±0.34 1.21±0.03 Ile* 1.66±0.05 1.64±0.01 1.93±0.01 Leu* 4.37±0.03 4.31±0.02 5.42±0.01 Phe* 9.65±0.20 8.24±0.20 6.49±0.08 His 6.43±0.72* 5.60±0.69 6.18±0.09 Trp* ND ND ND Arg C 10.15±0.04 12.03±0.01B 13.28±0.02^ Bitter 37.16±0.95AB 35.79±0.52 38.62±0.22" Cys ND ND ND Tyr 2.18±0.07* 1.49±0.001 1.71±0.09 Lys* 7.38±0.27 7.34±0.28 8.68±0.08 Tasteless 9.56±0.33 8.83±0.29 10.39±0.11^ Essential amino acids 52.88±0.45 55.84±0.20 64.87±0.30^" Total 115.25±1.11 114.59±1.18 145.42±0.88^ Notes: Values, expressed as mg per 100 g of fresh mass, are the x±s (n=3); MSG-like. (Asp + Glu); Sweet. (Thr+ Ser + Gly +Ala + Pro); Bitter.(Val + Met +Ile +Leu + Phe +His +Arg+Trp); Tasteless. (Cys+Tyr+Lys);*. Essential AA; ND. not detected. The degree of worm infection influenced the FAAcontent in the mushrooms (Table 3). In this study, the totalFAA content in GL was higher than those in GW and GS;the total FAA content in GL was 1.26 times that in GW and1.27 times that in GS, whereas no significant difference wasobserved between the FAA contents in GW and GS. Thetrends of Ile and Lys were consistent with the changes oftotal FAAs content. Essential AA content was increased withworm infection degree. Essential AA content in GL was 1.23times that in GW and 1.16 times that in GS. The other AAswith increasing tendency were Glu, Thr, Ser, and Arg (Table3). In contrast, the AAs with decreasing tendency were Aspand Phe. Thr was the highest in GL, followed by GS andGW. Met was the lowest in GS, whereas Asp was the lowestin GL. The contents of Pro, Ala, Met, Leu, Val, Ile, Lys,Tyr, and total amino acids were the lowest ones in GS. Inaddition, there was no significant difference between the Hislevels in the three groups. Collectively, among all the AAs,the content of Gly was the highest one in GS. Hence, GS is most suited for the extraction of Gly. The contents of Asp,Phe, and Tyr were higher in GW than in the other kinds ofmushrooms. Therefore, if these AAs were to be processed orextracted, GW could be selected. The contents of Glu, Thr,Ser, Leu, Val, Ile, Arg, Lys, essential amino acids, and totalamino acids were the highest in GL. If these 10 amino acidsare needed, GL could be selected. In addition, there was nosignificant difference in the contents of Pro, Ala, and Metbetween GW and GL, but all of them were higher in GW andGL than in GS. Therefore, if Pro, Ala, and Met are needed,GW or GL could be selected. The amino acids can also enhance the taste of food21.Table 3 tabulates the FAAs into several classes based on theirtaste characteristics, as described by Komata. Asparticand glutamic acids are monosodium glutamate (MSG)-likecomponents and give the most typical mushroom taste, i.e.,the umami or palatable taste, that is characteristic of MSG and5'-nucleotides . The contents of MSG-like components havebeen found to be 22.7-47.1 mg/g in common mushrooms(dry mass). The MSG-like content was higher in GL andGS than in GW. GL displayed the highest amount of MSG-like components at 33.37 mg/100 g, which was 1.72 timesthat of GW and 1.51 times that of GS. Worm infestationcould lead to the secretion of a certain substance thatincreases the MSG-like content. Thus, to choose a mushroomwith a high content of MSG-like components, for extractionor processing, GL would be the ideal one. Regarding theother taste-related AAs, such as sweet, bitter, and tastelessAAs, their changing tendency differed from that of flavorAAs, with the content in GL being the highest and that inGS being the lowest; the content in GW was higher thanthat in GS, and the content in GL was higher than that in GW.The sweet AA content was the highest, whereas the tastelessAA content was the lowest. Thus, if one needs to consume orprocess sweet, bitter, and tasteless amino acids, we recommendGL, followed by GW. Chen conducted a series of sensoryevaluations on synthetic mushroom extracts prepared by omittingand adding soluble components and found that alanine, glycine,and threonine (sweet), as well as aspartic and glutamic acids(MSG-like), were taste-active AAs in common mushrooms,whereas none of the bitter components was found to be taste-active. Therefore, MSG-like and sweet components areresponsible for the natural taste of mushrooms. 2.4 Flavor 5'-nucleotides Table 4 5'-Nucleotide levels in three G. rutilus samples 5'-Nucleotide GW GS GL 5'-GMP 0.47±0.13 0.45±0.19 1.12±0.20 5'-1MP 8.06±0.75 4.36±0.16 9.63±0.96^ 5'-XMP 7.81±1.493.93±0.1211.79±1.92 5'-AMP 22.96±1.67^24.78±1.5615.93±0.96 Flavor 5nucleotide(S-GMP+ 16.34±1.038.75±0.2022.54±1.43Aa Total 39.30±1.57^"33.53±1.3638.47±2.05ABa Flavor 5'-nucleotides responsible for the umami orpalatable tastes were previously identified as 5'-guanosinemonophosphate (5'-GMP), 5'-inosine monophosphate(5'-IMP), and 5'-xanthosine monophosphate (5'-XMP)l3015'-GMP imparts a meaty flavor, and is a stronger flavorenhancer than MSG. The synergistic effect of flavor5'-nucleotides with MSG-like components might greatlyincrease the umami taste of mushrooms23. Yang et a1.321defined three ranges of flavor 5'-nucleotides: low (<1 mg/g),medium (1-5 mg/g), and high (>5 mg/g). Contents of flavor5'-nucleotides were found to be in the range of 4.19-6.30 mg/gin common mushrooms (dry mass). In the present study,the flavor 5'-nucleotide content in GL was the highest at22.54 mg/100 g, whereas that in GS was the lowest at 8.75 mg/100 g(Table 4). GL had 1.38 times the content of GW and 2.58times that of GS. The flavor 5'-nucleotide content of G. rutiluswas not very high. Among the four types of 5'-nucleotides,5'-AMP was the highest one, and 5'-GMP was the lowestone. The changes in 5'-GMP, 5'-IMP, and 5'-XMP contentswere in accordance with those of flavor 5'-nucleotides, i.e.,GL had the highest, and GS the lowest. One possible reasonis that the internal synthetic pathway of GS may have beenchanged, and its content is reduced. However, with increasein worm-infection (GL),the synthesis pathways of othersubstances may have also been changed, thus promoting thesynthesis of flavor 5'-nucleotides. Regarding 5'-AMP, GShad the highest content, and GL the lowest. However, therewas no significant difference between GW and GS, whichshowed that the 5'-AMP content was almost unchanged whenthe infestation minimal. GW and GS showed the highestand lowest total contents of the four types of 5'-nucleotides,respectively. Collectively, the total nucleotide content of GWwas higher than those of the other three kinds of mushrooms,and if nucleotides are required for extraction, GW could bechosen. The content of 5'-AMP was highest in GS; therefore,GS can be selected if 5'-AMP is required to be processed and extracted. The contents of 5'-GMP, 5'-IMP, 5'-XMP, andflavor 5'-nucleotides were highest in GL. Hence, if these 4nucleotides are needed, GL could be selected. The contents of5'-AMP in GW and GS were not significantly different, butwas higher than that in GL; therefore, if5'-AMP is neededeither GW or GS could be chosen. There was no significantdifference in the total nucleotide content between GW andGL, but the level was higher than that in GS; therefore, iftotal nucleotides are needed, GW or GL could be selected. 2.5 Equivalent umami concentration Table 5 Equivalent umami concentration values of Values GW GS GL EUC/(mg/g) 4.15±0.17 3.34±0.05 9.10±0.39 Using the equation derived from the sensoryevaluation23, Mau3 designated EUC values, expressed asMSG per g dry matter, which were calculated to one of fourlevels:>10 000 mg/g, 1 000-10 000 mg/g, 100-1 000 mg/g,and <100 mg/g respectively.An EUC value of 100%means that the umami intensity per 1 g of dry matteris equivalent to the umami intensity given by 1 gof Ms. The EUC values of Volvariella volvacea (egg-to bell-shaped), Agaricus bisporus, and Flammulinavelutipes (yellow and white strains) are 1 048%-1 181%,1 144%, and 139%-363%, respectively4. In the presentstudy, the EUC value of GL was 9.10 mg/g, the highestamong the three, whereas that of GS was 3.34 mg/g, thelowest one (Table 5). The EUC value of GL was 2.19 timesthat of GW and 2.73 times that of GS. The contents of5'-GMP,5'-IMP,5'-XMP, and Glu were highest in GL,whereas those of 5'-GMP, 5'-IMP. and 5'-XMP were thelowest one in GS, resulting in GL having the highest EUCvalue and GS the lowest. Collectively,considering the EUCvalue, GL could be enjoyed as the most preferred delicacyand GS as the least preferred one. 2.6 Evaluation of electronic tongue Five sensory indicators, including sourness, bitterness,umami, saltiness, and sweetness, were analyzed using anE-tongue (Fig. 1). The five indicators of GW were usedas blanks and compared with those of GS and GL. GLwas sourerand had higher umami and sweetness than GWdid, whereas GW was sourer and had higher umami andsweetness than GS did. GS was more bitter than GL was,whereas GL was more bitter than GW was. GW had highersaltiness than GS did, and GS had higher saltiness than GL did. Among the five sensory indicators, the sweetness valuewas the highest, possibly due to the reason that the sweetAA content and saccharides are comparatively higher inthis mushroom. Umami was also comparatively higher andwas in accordance with the changes in the EUC values.Saltiness was the lowest. Fig.1 Relative contents of 5 taste indicators in three G. rutilus samples 3 Conclusions Different degrees of worm infection affect the quality,nutritional and flavor components of G. rutilus to someextent. Integrated with significance analysis, worm-infectedG. rutilus was better than GW in the following 13 indicators:moisture content; soluble protein; Glu, Thr, Ser, Gly, Arg,Ile, Lys, and MSG-like AA components; essential AA;total AA; and 5'-GMP. GW was better than worm-infectedG. rutilus in the following 10 indicators: hardness, chewiness,Asp, Ala, Phe, Tyr, Pro, Met, 5'-AMP, and the total of four5'-nucleotides. GL was better than GW. and GW was betterthan GS, in the following 10 indicators: Crude fat, Val, Leu,sweet AA components, bitter AA components, tasteless AAcomponents, 5'-IMP, 5'-XMP, flavor 5'-nucleotides, andEUC. GS was superior to GW in 13 indicators, whereas GSwas inferior to GW in 20 indicators. GL was better thanGW in 23 indicators, whereas GL was inferior to GW in 10indicators. This research indicates that from the perspectiveof the texture profile analysis, the quality of GW is the best,because as the increase in degree of worm infection, all theindicators of texture profile showed a downward trend. Fromthe nutritional standpoint, because of its lower fat contentand high protein content, as well as there being no significantdifferences in moisture content and crude fiber, GS has thebest nutritional profile. From the point of view of flavorcomponents, GL had the highest EUC value and, therefore,should have the best taste. 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D O l :10.1016/j.foodchem . 2005.05.021. ) 虫子的不同侵染程度对血红铆钉菇质地、营养及风味成分的影响《食品科学》 贺微1孙丽斌1辛广1张博2张晓玉1宫雪1温晓雯1孟宪军1张佰清11. 沈阳农业大学食品学院2. 鞍山师范学院化学与生命科学学院 摘  要:目的:研究没有被虫子侵染(GW)、被少量虫子侵染(GS,侵染面积小于50%)和被大量虫子侵染(GL,侵染面积大于50%)的血红铆钉菇的质地、营养和风味成分。方法:分别采用质构仪分析、高效液相色谱法和电子舌感官评价测定虫子侵染对血红铆钉菇质地、营养及风味成分的影响。结果:GW的硬度和咀嚼性值最高,分别为(1.65±0.24)N和(3.50±0.85)m J。GL的水分含量最高为(819.92±4.03)g/kg,GW的最低为(810.80±3.48)g/kg。GS在3种蘑菇中脂肪含量最低,蛋白质含量最高,分别为(2.58±0.16)g/kg和(0.64±0.05)g/kg。谷氨酸钠(monosodium glutamate,MSG)类似物表示为天冬氨酸和谷氨酸的和。GL和GS中MSG类似物含量高于GW。GL显示最高的MSG类似物含量为(33.37±0.08)mg/100 g,是GW的1.72倍,GS的1.51倍。GL的风味核苷酸含量最高为(22.54±1.43)mg/100 g,GS的含量最低为(8.75±0.20)mg/100 g。GL的等鲜浓度值最高,以MSG计,为(9.10±0.39)mg/g。结论:评价虫子侵染血红铆钉菇对其质构、营养和风味成分的影响不能仅从单一角度进行分析,而应客观地从以下3个角度来分析:首先从风味成分的角度来看,GL的味道最佳,其次从营养角度来看,GS营养价值最高,最后从质构分析的角度来看,GW的品质最好。 关键词:血红铆钉菇; 虫子侵染; 质构剖析; 营养; 风味成分; 蘑菇;





