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MERS来敲门 公众勿恐慌

MERS来敲门 公众勿恐慌MERS病毒于2012年在中东发现,并引起了全球科学家的关注。“我们很早之前就觉得它肯定会来到中国。”中科院微生物所研究员严景华在接受《中国科学报》记者采访时说,MERS不同于埃博拉的接触式传播,与其“表亲”SARS一样,其病毒是通过空气传播的。“从目前来看,MERS不像SARS传染性那么高,打个喷嚏都能感染。”严景华说,MERS与SARS均属于同一个β冠状病毒属,而且均属于C亚型;感染后也会出现发烧、呼吸衰竭,有时伴有肾衰竭等类似症状。数据统计表明,MERS致死率远高于SARS的10%,达到37%(中国疾控中心公布数据为27%)以上,但该病毒传播速度并不快。据世卫组织公开数据,截至5月中旬,3年来MERS病毒在全球20多个国家累计感染1100多例患者。严景华表示,目前国际上尚未有证据表明,该病毒可以在人群中广泛传播,大多是接触动物或医院内密切接触感染。而且,作为一种烈性病毒,该病毒也注定不可能大面积传播。“病毒越是烈性越容易消失。”严景华说,如果寄主被其杀死,病毒也会消亡。美国爱荷华大学MERS研究专家斯坦利·珀尔曼在接受《自然》采访时也表示:“有足够的证据表明,如果MERS病毒像现在这样传播,每次对人类产生极小范围的侵袭,它很快就会消失。”抗体研究初见成效目前,MERS病毒的研究难点之一就是没有好的实验室动物模型。“指猴可以作为MERS感染模型,但它们大都是宠物,并非普适性的动物模型,而普通动物模型很难感染MERS。”中科院北京生命科学院副研究员施一在接受《中国科学报》记者采访时说,“现在国际上有研究人员把MERS受体CD26转移到小鼠体内,但小鼠并不一定会出现人感染MERS症状。”尽管如此,当前国内科学家已经取得许多研究成果。中科院院士、病原微生物与免疫学家高福带领研究团队,2013年在《自然》发表研究成果,阐明了该病毒侵入宿主细胞的机制。“MERS病毒表面有一个叫作突刺蛋白的‘S’蛋白,主要负责病毒的黏合及入侵,它会通过一个叫做RBD的结构域与人CD26受体结合,由此入侵宿主细胞。”施一向《中国科学报》记者解释说。他也是高福课题组研究人员之一。近两年来,该课题组正在以这种入侵机制为基础开发相应的治疗性抗体。“其原理是通过把抗体与S蛋白靶向结合,使MERS病毒被包裹起来,从而阻止其入侵宿主细胞。”施一透露说,目前该抗体已经在小鼠模型上进行实验,能够有效清除病毒。




鸡蛋胆固醇不可怕,降低炎症也有它糖尿病患者早餐吃一个鸡蛋和吃一碗燕麦粥是一样健康的?甚至鸡蛋更健康?College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources的营养学教授Maria-Luz Fernandez的最新研究成果表示鸡蛋可能对糖尿病患者属于更健康的饮食。Fernandez教授和她的同事们得到的证据表明,一个鸡蛋可能不仅属于糖尿病患者饮食中可以接受的类别,它可能会被证明提供意想不到的保护,防止潜在的可能导致心脏疾病的炎症进程。这篇研究发表在最近的Nutrients。Fernandez教授解释说,糖尿病影响了近25万美国人和全球各地多达400万人的生活。糖尿病患者往往需要控制他们的饮食——包括避免高脂肪、胆固醇、钠和糖。大多数糖尿病患者都了解。吃谷物如燕麦片是有好处的。而鸡蛋因为它的胆固醇含量,不属于合适饮食。但Fernandez教授和她的同事们质疑这种假设。不能忽视的事实是:鸡蛋充满了高质量的蛋白质和其他有价值的营养元素;在世界大部分地区市场都有供应,而且容易煮食。此外,它们的味道很好。“鸡蛋含有类胡萝卜素叶黄素和玉米黄素,是天然的色素,能够防止体内氧化应激和炎症,”Fernandez教授表示。研究人员选择了患有2型糖尿病的个体,所有个体都经过医生的诊治,并且病情在良好的控制之下。参与者随机选择每天消耗一个鸡蛋或一碗燕麦粥,并持续五周。再经过三周间歇期。在每个周期结束时,研究人员需要测量的所有主要和次要指标。在13周结束时,研究者发现血浆中总胆固醇,LDL,甘油三酯,血糖,或者其他任何参数的水平在两组之间并没有差异。这很有趣,因为之前的预期结果是燕麦片饮食会比鸡蛋好。而事实证明,两者效果类似。但真正让人吃惊的是,炎症过程的标记物在鸡蛋组的含量是下降的。这一发现的重要意义是糖尿病患者有一个明显特征是具有低度炎症,通过食用鸡蛋,炎症被降低。肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)-α和天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)的水平降低。该研究是临床干预实验。不过持续时间短,而且没有包括未经控制的糖尿病患者和有并发症的糖尿病患者。研究人员计划未来会在较长的时间段内测量一个较大的队列




IgM抗体ELISA被重新评估IgM抗体ELISA被重新评估其诊断的敏感性和特异性表明,进口ELISA试剂盒使用了或高或低的临界值。这个测试的准确性,在泰国体现得相当的不足。使用商家推荐的(11PANBIO单位)的临界值,双份血清的敏感性表现为高(90.8%),可用于排除疑似钩端螺旋体病的患体相当。与此同时,在临床上特异性差(55.1%)的测试表明:使用这种测试可能会导致过度诊断钩端螺旋体病高频率的假阳性。使用ROC曲线分析(20 PANBIO单位)所产生的高临界值,在整体上提高了测试精度。然而,这两种配对血清的敏感性和特异性分别为76.1%和82.6%,进而表明测试使用更高的截止值的效用受限。入院时使用的测试是既不敏感,也不是钩端螺旋体病的诊断所发挥的作用。    我们发现,IgM抗体ELISA诊断的准确率只有在一个贫穷的老挝,越南和夏威夷与之前的报告是一致的。似是而非的解释为敏感性差。持续时间短的后续行动在钩端螺旋体病的患者身体中的IgM反应有一些不足之处。以样品或抽样检验来进行,可能需要经过较长时间的随访调查。IgM的ELISA抗体也可能失败,在患者高升的感染严峻背景下,将预测的抗体表达主要是IgG抗体与第二个或后续的抗体为主。进口ELISA试剂盒在我们的设置在一般人群中,也有可能是造成高背景的血清阳性率差的独特IgM抗体ELISA。IgM抗体ELISA的积极性,也可以表达过去曝光的钩端螺旋体。对于健康人的高血清阳性率,应当选择低临界值。     我们的结论是:钩端螺旋体 IgM抗体ELISA在泰国是不够准确的。由世卫组织用这样的检测钩端螺旋体病的诊断,如果财力允许的建议需要特定国家的评估,以确定其临床应用后方可实用。



兔子组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)ELISA Kit

 兔子组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)ELISA Kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:兔子组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)ELISA Kit英文名称:rabbit Tissue-type Plasiminogen Actilyse,t-PA ELISA Kit兔子组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)ELISA Kit规格:96T兔子组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)ELISA Kit种属:rabbit待测物名称:Tissue-type Plasiminogen Actilyse,t-PA缩写:t-PA检测范围:7.8 pg/ml-500 pg/ml灵敏度:1.95 pg/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450 nm兔子组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)ELISA KitThis assay employs the competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay technique. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with t-PA. Standards or samples are added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) conjugated antibody preparation specific for t-PA. The competitive inhibition reaction is launched between with pre-coated t-PA and t-PA in samples. A substrate solution is added to the wells and the color develops in opposite to the amount of t-PA in the samples. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.



绵羊甲状腺素(T4)ELISA kit

 绵羊甲状腺素(T4)ELISA kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:绵羊甲状腺素(T4)ELISA kit英文名称:Sheep thyroxine (T4) ELISA kit绵羊甲状腺素(T4)ELISA kit规格:96T绵羊甲状腺素(T4)ELISA kit种属:Sheep待测物名称:thyroxine (T4)缩写:T4蛋白功能1:Thyroid function检测范围:20 ng/ml-320 ng/ml灵敏度:10 ng/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450nm绵羊甲状腺素(T4)ELISA kit    This assay employs the competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay technique. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to T4. Standards or samples are added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with Biotin-conjugated T4. A competitive inhibition reaction is launched between T4 (Standards or samples) and Biotin-conjugated T4 with the pre-coated antibody specific for T4. The more amount of T4 in samples, the less antibody bound by Biotin-conjugated T4. After washing, avidin conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to the wells. Substrate solution is added to the wells and the color develops in opposite to the amount of T4 in the sample. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.



神经科学: 隐身的感觉如何?

神经科学: 隐身的感觉如何?发表的一项研究表明,隐身的体验可以降低站在观众面前时的社会焦虑反应。这项研究为隐身的感觉如何提供了一个实验模型,也表明这种体验会影响身体的自我感知和社会认知。隐身设备方面的最新进展导致人们猜测,人体的隐身在将来也许会成为可能,这便提出了关于隐身会怎样改变身体感知和认知反应的问题。为了回答这些问题,Arvid Guterstam及同事招募了125名志愿者,用虚拟现实来产生隐身的幻觉。实验对象头上戴着显示器,当他们朝下看自己的身体时这种显示器能投射出啥都没有的一个空间的图像。实验人员用一个毛刷碰触实验对象的身体,显示器同时会显示处在啥都没有空间相应位置的毛刷。实验对象反映,他们感觉自己的身体像是中空的、透明的,这表明隐身幻觉是成功的。然后,研究人员让实验对象处在虚拟的社会性压力状况下——站在一群陌生人面前。实验对象被分成两组:给其中的一组显示隐身的幻觉,给另一组显示代替他们自己身体的一个身体的图像。结果表明,前一组的心率和主观压力水平都比后一组低。



犬前白蛋白(PA)ELISA Kit

 犬前白蛋白(PA)ELISA Kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:犬前白蛋白(PA)ELISA Kit英文名称:Canine prealbumin,PA ELISA Kit货号:犬前白蛋白(PA)ELISA Kit别名:N/A规格:96T中文价格:犬前白蛋白(PA)ELISA Kit种属:Dog其他种属:Rat待测物名称:prealbumin,PA缩写:PA检测范围:0.625 μg/ml-10 μg/ml灵敏度:0.157 μg/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450 nmThis assay employs the competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay technique.The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with PA. Standardsor samples are added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with HorseradishPeroxidase (HRP) conjugated antibody preparation specific for PA. Thecompetitive inhibition reaction犬前白蛋白(PA)ELISA Kit   is launched between with pre-coated PA and PAin samples. A substrate solution is added to the wells and the color develops inopposite to the amount of PA in the samples. The color development is stoppedand the intensity of the color is measured.



人蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)ELISA Kit

 人蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)ELISA Kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:人蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)ELISA Kit英文名称:Human protein disulfide isomerase,PDI ELISA Kit货号:人蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)ELISA Kit别名:DSI, ERBA2L, GIT, P4Hbeta, PDI, PDIA1, PHDB, PO4DB, PO4HB, PROHB, collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase beta|glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase|procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4规格:96T中文价格:人蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)ELISA Kit种属:Human待测物名称:prolyl 4-hydroxylase, beta polypeptide缩写:P4HB检测范围:0.312 ng/ml-20 ng/ml灵敏度:0.078 ng/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450 nmThis assay employs the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Antibody specific for PDI has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any PDI present is人蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)ELISA Kit  bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for PDI is added to the wells. After washing, avidin conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound avidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of PDI bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.




耐药性的肺癌或也有“致命弱点”早在10年前,一种可以靶向作用表皮生长因子(EGFR)蛋白突变的药物可以帮助治疗常见类型的非小细胞肺癌,但很多病人很快会对这种药物产生耐受性,而且后期并没有有效的疗法可以选择,因为科学家们很难设计出药物来选择性地杀灭耐药性的癌细胞。近日,一项刊登于国际杂志the Journal of the American Chemical Society上的研究论文中,来自耶鲁大学的科学家通过研究发现了EGFR蛋白耐药形式的关键结构差异,这或许就可以成为开发新型疗法抵御耐药性肺癌的新型靶点;目前两种实验性药物:AZD9291和酪氨酸激酶抑制剂Rociletinib在临床试验中抵御耐药性EGFR表现出了较大潜力,而且其可以改变EGFR的耐药形式以便其可以更像非耐药形式的蛋白。本文研究揭示,耐药性EGFR的促癌活性或依赖于EGFR蛋白的区域和功能,而这一特性往往在此前药物的开发过程会被忽视。最后,研究者Schepartz表示,下一步非常重要的就是检测EGFR耐药蛋白的结构改变是否可以被用作一种新型的生物标志物,以及其作为生物标志物的应用和价值;我们希望后期通过更为深入的研究来指导后期新型选择性抗癌抑制剂的开发。



大鼠亮氨酰氨基肽酶(LAP)ELISA Kit

大鼠亮氨酰氨基肽酶(LAP)ELISA Kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:大鼠亮氨酰氨基肽酶(LAP)ELISA Kit英文名称:Rat Leucine aminopepridase,LAP ELISA Kit大鼠亮氨酰氨基肽酶(LAP)ELISA Kit别名:LAP, LAPEP, PEPS, peptidase S规格:96T大鼠亮氨酰氨基肽酶(LAP)ELISA Kit种属:Rat待测物名称:leucine aminopeptidase 3缩写:LAP3检测范围:6.25 U/ml-400 U/ml灵敏度:1.56 U/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450 nmThis assay employs the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Antibody specific for LAP has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any LAP present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for LAP is added to the wells. After washing, avidin conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound avidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of LAP bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.



人层粘连蛋白β1(LN-β1)ELISA Kit

 人层粘连蛋白β1(LN-β1)ELISA Kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:人层粘连蛋白β1(LN-β1)ELISA Kit英文名称:Human Laminin β1(LN-β1)ELISA Kit人层粘连蛋白β1(LN-β1)ELISA Kit别名:CLM, MGC142015, cutis laxa with marfanoid phenotype规格:96T人层粘连蛋白β1(LN-β1)ELISA Kit种属:Human待测物名称:laminin, beta 1缩写:LAMB1蛋白功能1:Cell Adhesion蛋白功能3:Cell adhesion检测范围:9.38 ng/ml-600 ng/ml灵敏度:2.34 ng/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450 nmThis assay employs the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Antibody specific for LN-β1 has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any LN-β1 present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for LN-β1 is added to the wells. After washing, avidin conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound avidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of LN-β1 bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.




在2014肿瘤转化医学研讨会上,来自同济大学转化医学高等研究院的张鸿声研究员分享了肺癌免疫治疗研究的热点与方法。张鸿声为同济大学转化医学高等研究院,同济大学医学院-上海市肺科医院临床转化中心的博士生导师、研究员。主要研究方向为肿瘤疫苗和免疫治疗的机制和临床应用,张老师此会议视频已上传至行云学院以供交流学习。肺癌是我国恶性肿瘤中的头号杀手。虽然外科手术、放疗和化疗等传统疗法,和分子靶向治疗在近年已取得了很大的进展,但晚期肺癌患者的预后仍然很差,而且约50%的肺癌患者在手术后复发。肿瘤免疫细胞治疗有希望能够特异性地杀伤肿瘤细胞,并可产生长期免疫记忆预防肿瘤复发。目前已进入临床实验阶段的肺癌免疫治疗方法主要有抗体类免疫检查点抑制剂和肿瘤疫苗。近年来,作为一种新的过继性细胞疗法,嵌合抗原受体基因修饰的T淋巴细胞(Chimeric antigen receptor-T lymphocyte,CAR-T)在白血病临床治疗实验中显示出抗原特异性杀伤性和治疗作用的持久性。随着嵌合抗原受体T细胞治疗白血病及其他癌症免疫治疗被Science杂志评选为2013年的“年度突破性研究”,CAR-T细胞治疗已成为免疫治疗肿瘤的一个新热点。本演讲将通过介绍已处于临床试验阶段的肺癌免疫治疗,并重点介绍CAR-T治疗的方法和机理,从而揭示免疫治疗已成为今后的重要发展方向。hz-3022R phospho-ALK (Tyr1604)磷酸化间变型淋巴瘤激酶抗体hz-2272R phospho-ATM(Ser1981)磷酸化毛细血管扩张性共济失调症突变蛋白抗体hz-3037R phospho-ATP citrate lyase (Ser455)磷酸化三磷酸腺柠檬酸裂解酶抗体hz-3030R phospho-ATR (Ser428)磷酸化ATR抗体hz-7960R AMN1细胞核重定位及纺锤体检查点蛋白AMN1抗体hz-7957R ALG11天门冬酰胺连接糖基化11抗体hz-3777R ASF1A细胞衰老相关蛋白ASF1A抗体hz-8457R AGPHD1氨基糖苷类磷酸结构域蛋白抗体hz-4119R ASGPR1唾液酸糖蛋白受体1抗体hz-9100R ARSF芳香基硫酸酯酶F抗体hz-6980R AKAP5A激酶锚定蛋白5抗体hz-4807R ATXN3L小脑脊髓共济失调蛋白3抗体hz-9297R ASTE1ASTE1蛋白抗体hz-5212R phospho-APG4B(Ser309)磷酸化自噬相关蛋白4B抗体hz-9790R AFAP微丝相关蛋白1抗体hz-4235R ADORA1腺苷A1A受体抗体hz-4231R ARSB芳基硫酸酯酶B抗体hz-4234R ABATγ氨基丁酸转氨酶抗体hz-6513R A2BP1共济失调蛋白2结合蛋白1抗体hz-4236R ADAM17肿瘤坏死因子α转换酶hz-4238R ARNT2 芳香烃受体核转录蛋白2抗体hz-6510R ABH8AlkB同源蛋白8抗体hz-6506R ABI3BPABI基因家族成员3结合蛋白抗体hz-4271R ARHGAP20Rho GTP酶激活蛋白20抗体hz-4653R ASB10含锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族10抗体hz-5709R ALDH1L1乙醛脱氢酶1蛋白家族L1抗体hz-5717R Axin 2轴抑制蛋白2抗体hz-7027R ANGPTL6血管生成素相关蛋白6抗体hz-4687R AMHMuellerian缪勒管激素抑制因子抗体hz-7035R EphA8酪氨酸蛋白激酶受体A8抗体hz-11383R Acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase脂肪酰辅酶A家族成员1抗体hz-11446R ARNTL2芳香烃受体核转录蛋白样2抗体hz-11448R phospho-AANAT (Thr29)磷酸化芳香胺N-乙酰化转移酶抗体hz-11449R ABLIM1肌动蛋白结合蛋白1抗体hz-11450R AMIGO2粘附分子IgG样结构域蛋白2抗体hz-11451R Advillin肌动蛋白结合蛋白DOC6抗体hz-11704R AFG3L2AFG3样蛋白2/脊髓小脑共济失调蛋白28抗体




光声成像技术 (photoacoustic imaging)是一种在光吸收化合物—造影剂帮助下可以发现活细胞中肿瘤的突破性技术,近日,一项刊登于国际杂志International Journal of Nanomedicine上的研究论文中,来自A*STAR的研究人员发现了一种新方法,其可以利用共轭的聚合物纳米粒有效改善乳腺癌特异性造影剂的靶向作用效率及光学活性。产生光声信号需要一种超短激光脉冲来对组织的小片区域进行照射,从而就会产生一系列的分子振动,进而在样本中产生超声波,通过“听出”声波产生的压力差,研究人员就可以对复杂物体的内部结构进行重新构建并且使其可见,比如大脑和血管系统等。利用光声成像技术诊断癌症需要造影剂渗透入组织中,并且选择性地同恶性细胞相结合,另外还需要对近红外激光产生光学反应,传统的造影剂是基于金或者银的纳米结构而制成,但复杂的化合物操作需要进行光学调整的纳米化合物,而这就使得研究人员不得不去寻找更好的替代物。文章中,研究人员调查了基于不同共轭聚合物的造影剂,这些有机大分子包含着可以交替的单一的碳键或碳双键,其可以使得电子移位从而产生有用的光学特性,比如光子激发光特性。研究者鉴别出了一种名为PFTTQ的共轭聚合物,其是一种携带多种芳环、烷基和氮原子的化合物,同时其也可以作为一种潜在的体内光声成像制剂。为了指导癌细胞中的造影剂,研究小组合成了一种点状的纳米结构,其携带着PFTTQ的内核,而该内核是由水溶性的聚乙二醇链所包围,被叶酸分子的外层所终止,叶酸是一种维生素,其可以特异性地结合在乳腺肿瘤细胞中经常表达的叶酸盐受体。通过对植入MCF-7型乳腺癌细胞的小鼠进行研究,结果显示,在注射叶酸-共轭聚合物点状纳米结构大约1小时,研究者就检测到了来自肿瘤位置发出的较强的光声信号。最后研究者Olivo指出,叶酸在生物成像过程中扮演着重要作用。这种叶酸-PFTTQ纳米颗粒在诊断成像及其它生物医学应用领域具有潜在的作用,后期我们还将通过更多深入的研究来扩大生物相容性聚合物的文库来使其可以作为更高效地分子光声造影剂来助力诊断技术的开发。(hz-15496R ALDH3A1乙醛脱氢酶家族3成员A1抗体     hz-0701hzhz-12963R phospho-alpha B Crystallin (Ser59)磷酸化热休克蛋白β5/αb晶体蛋白质/α-晶体蛋白b链抗体hz-12368R ACTG2γ2肌动蛋白抗体hz-12392R AESgp130结合蛋白GAM抗体hz-12414R AMHR2缪勒激素2型受体抗体hz-12415R ACTR1激活素受体1A抗体hz-12416R ACTR2激活素受体2A抗体hz-12417R Activin Receptor Type IIB激活素受体2B抗体hz-15163R C2orf88 2号染色体开放阅读框88抗体hz-7144R ARHGEF18G蛋白偶联受体ARHGEF18抗体hz-3763R Activin A Receptor Type IB激活素受体1B抗体hz-3751R ARA24雄激素受体相关蛋白24抗体hz-0347R Amyloid Precursor Protein淀粉样肽前体蛋白抗体(C端)hz-3920R ADCY2腺苷酸环化酶2抗体hz-5037R APOC3载脂蛋白C3抗体hz-5038R Apolipoprotein E4载脂蛋白E4抗体hz-3830R AMBRA1自噬相关基因AMBRA1抗体hz-5200R Phospho-ATG4C(Ser177)磷酸化自噬相关蛋白4C抗体hz-5205R Phospho-ATG4C(Ser398)磷酸化自噬相关蛋白4C抗体hz-3007R phospho-ASK1 (Ser966)磷酸化细胞凋亡信号调节激酶1抗体hz-3008R phospho-ATXN1 (Ser775)磷酸化失调症蛋白1抗体hz-2732R ATXN1/Ataxin-1脊髓小脑失调症蛋白1抗体hz-3028R phospho-Amyloid Precursor Protein (Thr668)磷酸化APP淀粉样肽前体蛋白抗体hz-3029R phospho-ASK1 (Ser967)磷酸化细胞凋亡信号调节激酶1抗体hz-3031R phospho-ASK1 (Thr845)磷酸化细胞凋亡信号调节激酶1抗体hz-3033R phospho-ATF2 (Thr69/71)磷酸化活化复制因子2抗体hz-3034R Phospho-ATP1A1 (Tyr10)磷酸化钠钾ATP酶蛋白a1抗体hz-3035R Phospho-ATP1A1 (Ser16)磷酸化钠钾ATP酶蛋白a1抗体hz-2745R Acetyl CoA Carboxylase乙酰辅酶A羧化酶抗体hz-3036R Phospho-Acetyl Coenzyme A carboxylase alpha (Ser78)磷酸化乙酰辅酶A羧化酶抗体hz-3038R Phospho-Ack1 (Tyr859 + 860)磷酸化Ack1抗体hz-3025R phospho-AMPK alpha-1(Ser485+Ser491)磷酸化腺苷单磷酸活化蛋白激酶α1抗体hz-3026R phospho-AMPK beta 1 (Ser108)磷酸化腺苷单磷酸活化蛋白激酶β1抗体



人凝血因子XIIIB链(F13B)ELISA kit

 人凝血因子XIIIB链(F13B)ELISA kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:人凝血因子XIIIB链(F13B)ELISA kit英文名称:Human Coagulation factor XIII B chain(F13B) ELISA kit货号:HZ-EL007922HU别名:FXIIIB, TGase|coagulation factor XIII B subunit规格:96T种属:Human待测物名称:coagulation factor XIII, B polypeptide缩写:F13B蛋白功能1:Blood Coagulation蛋白功能3:Blood coagulation检测范围:0.312 ng/ml-20 ng/ml灵敏度:0.078 ng/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450 nmThis assay employs the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Antibody specific for F13B has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any F13B present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for F13B is added to the wells. After washing, avidin conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound avidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of F13B bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.



大鼠凝血因子Ⅻ(FⅫ)ELISA Kit

 大鼠凝血因子Ⅻ(FⅫ)ELISA Kit产品类型:ELISA Kit产品名称:大鼠凝血因子Ⅻ(FⅫ)ELISA Kit英文名称:Rat coagulation factor Ⅻ,FⅫ ELISA Kit货号:HZ-E10124r别名:HAE3, HAEX, HAF, Hageman factor|beta-factor XIIa part 1|beta-factor XIIa part 2|coagulation factor XII|coagulation factor XIIa heavy chain|coagulation factor XIIa light chain规格:96T种属:Rat待测物名称:coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor)缩写:F12蛋白功能1:Blood Coagulation蛋白功能3:Blood coagulation检测范围:0.625 ng/ml-40 ng/ml灵敏度:0.156 ng/ml反应时间:1-5h所需样本体积:50-100ul检测波长:450 nmThis assay employs the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Antibody specific for FⅫ has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any FⅫ present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for FⅫ is added to the wells. After washing, avidin conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound avidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of FⅫ bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.




近日,美国华人科学家Wendong Huang在著名国际学术期刊JCI在线发表了一项最新研究进展。 2型糖尿病中一部分病人以胰岛素抵抗为主,病人多肥胖,因胰岛素抵抗,胰岛素敏感性下降,血中胰岛素增高以补偿其胰岛素抵抗,但相对病人的高血糖而言,胰岛素分泌仍相对不足,除此之外,糖尿病病人还存在肝脏葡萄糖合成增加。但到目前为止,导致这些异常症状发生的具体分子机制仍没有得到很好的了解。 MicroRNA是一类小的非编码RNA,在包括2型糖尿病在内的许多疾病病理过程中发挥重要作用。MiR-26是一个在肿瘤发生过程中扮演重要角色的microRNA,但其在代谢中的作用一直没有研究。 在该项研究中,研究人员发现miR-26能够调节胰岛素信号通路以及糖脂代谢,并且相比于较瘦的个体,超重人群肝脏中的miR-26表达发生下降,同时miR-26在2型糖尿病小鼠模型中也发生表达下调。将miR-26进行全身性或肝脏特异性过表达,都会导致高脂饮食喂养小鼠的胰岛素敏感性增加,降低肝脏葡萄糖产生,降低脂肪酸合成,因此抵抗肥胖诱导的代谢综合症。与此相反,当对内源性miR-26表达进行抑制,正常饮食情况下,小鼠也会出现胰岛素敏感性下降,葡萄糖合成增加以及脂肪酸合成增加等代谢紊乱表型。研究人员对具体分子机制进行探究发现miR-26能够靶向肝脏代谢和胰岛素信号途径中的几个关键调控因子,从而实现对代谢的改善效应。 这项研究揭示了在肿瘤发生中具有重要作用的miR-26对肝脏代谢也具有重要调控作用,miR-26或可成为靶向治疗2型糖尿病的潜在药物靶点发挥重要应用价值xy-E10017 【中文名称】:人神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuron-specific enolase (NSE) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10018 【中文名称】:人血吸虫ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human schistosome ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10019 【中文名称】:人维生素B6ELISA试剂盒   【英文名称】:Human vitamin B6ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10020 【中文名称】:人正五聚蛋白3(PTX3)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human pentraxin 3 (PTX3) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10021 【中文名称】:人维生素B9ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human vitamin B9ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10022 【中文名称】:人维生素B12 ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human vitamin B12 ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10023 【中文名称】:人纤维蛋白原降解产物(FDP)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10024 【中文名称】:人半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂B(CSTB)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human cystatin B (CSTB) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10025 【中文名称】:人雌酮(E1)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human estrone (E1) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10026 【中文名称】:人二氢睾酮(DHT)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10027 【中文名称】:人游离睾酮(F-TESTO)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People free testosterone (F-TESTO) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10028 【中文名称】:人神经肽S(NPS)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuropeptide S (NPS) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10029 【中文名称】:人神经肽S受体(NPSR)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuropeptide S receptor (NPSR) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10030 【中文名称】:人磷脂酰肌醇蛋白聚糖3(GPC-3)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Phospholipicl glypican 3 (GPC-3) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10031 【中文名称】:人血管性血友病因子 (vWF)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human von Willebrand factor (vWF) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10032 【中文名称】:人突触核蛋白a(SNCa)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human synuclein a (SNCa) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10033 【中文名称】:人总抗氧化状态(TOS)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People total antioxidant status (TOS) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10034 【中文名称】:人免疫球蛋白A Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcαRⅠ/CD89)ELISA试剂盒 规格:96T/48T xy-E10035 【中文名称】:人免疫球蛋白E Fc段受体Ⅱ(FcεRⅡ/CD23)ELISA试剂盒 规格:96T/48T xy-E10038 【中文名称】:人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcγRⅠ/CD64)ELISA试剂盒 规格:96T/48T xy-E10039 【中文名称】:人粒细胞趋化蛋白-2(GCP-2/CXCL6)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human granulocytechemotactic protein-2 (GCP-2/CXCL6) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T




癌症免疫疗法是目前临床癌症治疗中的新型潮流。FDA最近批准了针对转移性前列腺癌的树突状细胞免疫疗法以及利用免疫抑制阻断型抗体PD-1,CTLA-4的免疫检查点疗法。尽管有这些突破,目前的癌症免疫疗法还是存在诸多限制。比如肿瘤疫苗释放效率低下,肿瘤组织特异性抗原的交叉呈递受阻,一系列的免疫抑制性细胞因子的作用,等等。先天免疫是抗肿瘤免疫的重要组成部分,因此介导先天免疫与后天免疫的信号分子能够作为抗癌的治疗靶点。树突状细胞(DC)是一类专门进行抗原呈递的细胞类型。在交叉呈递反应中,MHC-I的抗原在胞内体中进行加工,并通过外界的先天免疫信号激活胞内的TAP蛋白,使得MHC-I与抗原复合体形成。之前的研究大多集中在可溶性的抗原,对于颗粒状的抗原物质其交叉呈递的机制是否如此并不清楚。 颗粒状物质作为佐剂具有天然的优势:刚性的形状与大小能够增强其携带抗原的免疫原性,能够更特异地针对某一特定部位的细胞类群,并且能够保护抗原在胞外免受酶解。扁平的可透性微小硅颗粒(PSM)就是典型的代表。 在最近的一项研究中,来自美国休斯敦Methodist研究所的Haifa Shen课题组在《cell reports》上发表了一篇文章,介绍了PSM作为癌症疫苗佐剂对DC激活的机制。 首先,作者利用PSM包裹了带有荧光标记(FITC)的OVA抗原,然后在体外与DC细胞系共孵育。结果显示,在极短的时间内(30分钟),这些颗粒复合物能够充分被DC所吞噬。加入吞噬抑制剂cytochalasin D或者大胞饮抑制剂amiloride后,内吞的效率明显下降。这说明吞噬以及大胞饮都参与了细胞内吞PSM的过程。 之后,作者检测了DC对PSM包裹的OVA或者可溶性的OVA抗原的交叉呈递效率。他们通过将PSM复合体或可溶性OVA刺激过的DC与天然的CD8+T细胞(只能被MHC-I识别并激活)共同孵育,并比较了最终的CD8+ T细胞的激活程度。结果显示,PSM包裹的OVA抗原相比于可溶性的OVA能够使T细胞产生更多的IL-2。 接下来,作者观察了PSM在被细胞吞噬后在胞内的移动情况。通过成像的手段,他们发现PSM集中在早期的内吞小体(early endosome),而极少几率出现在晚期内吞小体(late endosome)或回收内吞小体(recycling endosome)中。而与此不同,可溶性的OVA抗原在进入细胞后会快速降解,荧光信号逐渐消失。作者之后分别用蛋白酶体抑制剂MG-132与epoxomicin,溶酶体抑制剂leupeptin进行干预。结果显示:对于可溶性抗原,蛋白酶体抑制剂能够抑制其交叉呈递,然而对于PSM抗原,溶酶体抑制剂与蛋白酶体抑制剂均能够抑制。之后作者通过TAP敲除小鼠证明了PSM抗原的交叉呈递是经典的信号通路。通过利用特异性识别OVA-MHC-I抗原复合体的抗体进行标记,作者发现经过PSM刺激后的DC表面表达更多的抗原复合体蛋白。 通过转录水平的分析,作者发现PSM抗原刺激相比于可溶性抗原刺激并不能提高炎性因子的表达水平,也不能促进DC的成熟(CD86,CD80的表达)。那么是什么原因使得DC交叉呈递的水平提高了呢?进一步分析,作者发现PSM的刺激能够提高DC表达I型干扰素的水平。之前的文章已经报道过I型干扰素能够促进交叉呈递与CD8+T细胞的活化。这与作者的预期相符。 通过遗传手段分析不同缺失突变的小鼠,作者发现该I型干扰素的上升依赖于先天免疫的关键蛋白分子TIRF与MAVS。 最后,作者通过体内实验证明PSM包裹的抗肿瘤疫苗能够明显抑制小鼠乳腺肿瘤的生长。以上事实证明了PSM是一类潜在的抗肿瘤疫苗佐剂。(xy-E10001 【中文名称】:人原钙黏素1(PCDH1)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Primary Humancadherin1 (PCDH1) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10002 【中文名称】:人白介素2受体(IL-2R)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human interleukin-2 receptor(IL-2R) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10003 【中文名称】:人皮肤T细胞虏获趋化因子(CTACK/CCL27)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Humancutaneous T-cellcapturechemokine(CTACK/CCL27) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10004 【中文名称】:人胸肾表达趋化因子(BRAK/CXCL14)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Peoplethoracickidneychemokineexpression(BRAK/CXCL14) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10005 【中文名称】:人B-淋巴细胞趋化因子1(BLC-1/CXCL13)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:HumanB-lymphocytechemokine1 (BLC-1/CXCL13) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10006 【中文名称】:人结缔组织活化肽Ⅲ(CTAPⅢ)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human connective tissueactivatingpeptideⅢ (CTAP Ⅲ) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10007 【中文名称】:人I型胶原交联氨基末端肽(NTX)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human type I collagen cross-linked telopeptide (NTX) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10008 【中文名称】:人骨特异性碱性磷酸酶B(ALP-B)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human bone-specific alkaline phosphatase B (ALP-B) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10009 【中文名称】:人磷脂酶A2(PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human phospholipase A2 (PL-A2) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10010 【中文名称】:人硫胺素(Thiamine)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People thiamine (Thiamine) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10011 【中文名称】:人凝血酶原片段F1+2(F1+2)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human prothrombin fragment F1 +2 (F1 +2) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10012 【中文名称】:人β淀粉样蛋白42( Aβ-42)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human β-amyloid 42 (Aβ-42) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10013 【中文名称】:人β淀粉样蛋白40( Aβ-40)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human β-amyloid 40 (Aβ-40) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10014 【中文名称】:人整合素αⅤβ1(ITG αⅤβ1)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human integrin α Ⅴ β1 (ITG α Ⅴ β1) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10015 【中文名称】:人亚麻酸(LA)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human linolenic (LA) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10016 【中文名称】:人神经元特异性烯化醇ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuron-specific ELISA kit allyl alcohol 规格:96T/48T




褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒适用生物     General,通用    褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒   检测范围     12.35-1000pg/mL     灵敏度     4.94pg/mL    样本类型     Serum, plasma and other biological fluids.    实验时长     2.5h     实验方法     竞争抑制法    褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒规格     96T    ELISA Kit for Melatonin (MT)FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES!Organism species     General    褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒Sample type     Serum, plasma and other biological fluids.    Format     96-well strip plate    Assay length     2.5 hours    Detection range     12.35-1000pg/mL The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 1000pg/mL, 333.33pg/mL, 111.11pg/mL, 37.04pg/mL, 12.35pg/mL    Sensitivity     The minimum detectable dose of this kit is typically less than 4.94pg/mL.    SpecificityThis assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Melatonin (MT). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Melatonin (MT) and analogues was observed.RecoveryMatrices listed below were spiked 褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒with certain level of recombinant Melatonin (MT) and the recovery rates were calculated by comparing the measured value to the expected amount of Melatonin (MT) in samples. Matrix     Recovery range (%)     Average(%)    serum(n=5)     86-101     96    EDTA plasma(n=5)     85-101     93    heparin plasma(n=5)     87-94     90    PrecisionIntra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Melatonin (MT) were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Melatonin (MT) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate. CV(%) = SD/meanX100 Intra-Assay: CVInter-Assay: CVLinearityThe linearity of the kit was assayed by testing samples spiked with appropriate concentration of Melatonin (MT) and their serial褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒 dilutions. The results were demonstrated by the percentage of calculated concentration to the expected. Sample     1:2     1:4     1:8     1:16    serum(n=5)     83-93%     80-93%     93-101%     96-103%    EDTA plasma(n=5)     79-91%     78-96%     79-94%     99-105%    heparin plasma(n=5)     81-103%     82-99%     80-101%     87-99%    StabilityThe stability of kit is determined by the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition. To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.Reagents and materials providedReagents     Quantity     Reagents     Quantity    Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate     1     Plate sealer for 96 wells     4    Standard     2     Standard Diluent     1×20mL    Detection Reagent A     1     Assay Diluent A     1×12mL    Detection Reagent B     1×120μL     Assay Diluent B     1×12mL    Reagent Diluent     1×300μL     Stop Solution     1×6mL    TMB Substrate     1×9mL     Instruction manual     1    Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate)     1×20mL    Assay procedure summary1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards;2. Add 50μL standard or sample to each well.    And then add 50μL prepared Detection Reagent A immediately.    Shake and mix. Incubate 1 hour at 37oC;3. Aspirate and wash 3 times;4. Add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37oC;5. Aspirate and wash 5 times;6. Add 90μL Substrate Solution. Incubate 15-25 minutes at 37oC;7. Add 50μL Stop Solution. Read at 450 nm immediately.Test principleThis assay employs the 褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay technique. A monoclonal antibody specific to Melatonin (MT) has been pre-coated onto a microplate. A competitive inhibition reaction is launched between biotin labeled Melatonin (MT) and unlabeled Melatonin (MT) (Standards or samples) with the pre-coated antibody specific to Melatonin (MT). After incubation the unbound conjugate is washed off. Next, avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. The amount of bound HRP conjugate is reverse proportional to the concentration of Melatonin (MT) in the sample. After addition of the substrate solution, the intensity of color developed is reverse proportional to the 褪黑素(MT)检测试剂盒concentration of Melatonin (MT) in the sample.




来自美国的华人科学家Zheng-Rong Lu在国际学术期刊cancer research发表了一篇文章,他们针对β3整合素设计了siRNA并通过纳米颗粒进行体内转运能够显著抑制三阴性乳腺癌的生长,转移和复发,具有重要应用前景。 转移性乳腺癌是癌症导致女性死亡的第二大杀手,而三阴性乳腺癌是乳腺癌中具有高度侵袭性的一个亚型,到目前为止,仍缺少了解比较清楚的分子靶向目标以制定有效的靶向治疗策略。疾病复发,转移以及对药物的抵抗导致正常的化疗手段对于三阴性乳腺癌治疗不能达到有效的治疗效果。 之前有研究表明β3整合素与上皮细胞间充质转化和癌症转移具有紧密联系,因此研究人员提出利用纳米颗粒携带针对β3整合素设计的siRNA,以β3整合素为靶向目标进行三阴性乳腺癌治疗。 研究人员利用携带siRNA的纳米颗粒处理三阴性乳腺癌细胞,能够有效抑制β3整合素的表达,减弱TGFb介导的上皮细胞间充质转化和侵袭,重建TGFb介导的对癌细胞生长的抑制,并抑制3D类器官生长。研究人员又对该纳米颗粒进行了改造,增强了已发生EMT过程的细胞对siRNA的摄取能力。随后,研究人员利用静脉注射的方法将改造后携带siRNA的纳米颗粒注入小鼠静脉,结果发现小鼠原位肿瘤负荷减小,并且显著抑制了癌细胞的转移。除此之外,他们还对携带TGFb预处理的MDA-MB-231肿瘤的小鼠进行了该药物处理,肿瘤的转移,原位肿瘤切除后的癌症复发都受到显著抑制。 总的来说,这项研究表明利用纳米颗粒携带靶向β3整合素的siRNA治疗三阴性乳腺癌具有重要应用前景。xy-E10021 【中文名称】:人维生素B9ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human vitamin B9ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10022 【中文名称】:人维生素B12 ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human vitamin B12 ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10023 【中文名称】:人纤维蛋白原降解产物(FDP)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10024 【中文名称】:人半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂B(CSTB)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human cystatin B (CSTB) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10025 【中文名称】:人雌酮(E1)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human estrone (E1) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10026 【中文名称】:人二氢睾酮(DHT)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10027 【中文名称】:人游离睾酮(F-TESTO)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People free testosterone (F-TESTO) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10028 【中文名称】:人神经肽S(NPS)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuropeptide S (NPS) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10029 【中文名称】:人神经肽S受体(NPSR)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuropeptide S receptor (NPSR) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10030 【中文名称】:人磷脂酰肌醇蛋白聚糖3(GPC-3)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Phospholipicl glypican 3 (GPC-3) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10031 【中文名称】:人血管性血友病因子 (vWF)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human von Willebrand factor (vWF) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10032 【中文名称】:人突触核蛋白a(SNCa)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human synuclein a (SNCa) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10033 【中文名称】:人总抗氧化状态(TOS)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People total antioxidant status (TOS) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10034 【中文名称】:人免疫球蛋白A Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcαRⅠ/CD89)ELISA试剂盒 规格:96T/48T xy-E10035 【中文名称】:人免疫球蛋白E Fc段受体Ⅱ(FcεRⅡ/CD23)ELISA试剂盒 规格:96T/48T xy-E10038 【中文名称】:人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcγRⅠ/CD64)ELISA试剂盒 规格:96T/48T xy-E10039 【中文名称】:人粒细胞趋化蛋白-2(GCP-2/CXCL6)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human granulocytechemotactic protein-2 (GCP-2/CXCL6) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10040 【中文名称】:人糖基化依赖的细胞黏附分子(GlyCAM-1)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Celladhesion moleculeHuman glycosylation-dependent(GlyCAM-1) ELISAKit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10041 【中文名称】:人干扰素调节因子(IRF)ELISA试剂盒Human interferonregulatory factor(IRF) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10042 【中文名称】:人淋巴毒素α(LTA)ELISA试剂盒Human lymphotoxin α (LTA) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10043 【中文名称】:人CC趋化因子受体1(CCR1)ELISA试剂盒Human CC chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T




美国的一项新研究表明,在儿童十二岁之前给他们注射最新的人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗能有80%的概率预防宫颈癌。研究表明,该疫苗(被称为9-Valent)能预防9中不同的人乳头瘤病毒株,同时也可能能预防19,000种其他癌症,包括肛门癌和阴茎癌。新的HPV疫苗相比前一代而言,其保护作用提升了11%。研究还发现,这种疫苗可以预防5.7%的咽喉癌,而咽喉癌则是常见癌症中第二个最与HPV相关的癌症。美国疾病控制中心和美国Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin癌症防治中心检测了从1993年到2005年2670位癌症患者的HPV的DNA样本。他们试图找出有多少癌症病例是由上文提到的9种HPV引起的。癌症防治中心的该项研究的资深领导者Marc T. Goodman在一次新闻发布会上说:“这是全球第一个关于这方面的研究,该研究不仅减少了全球癌症负担,也在一定程度上指导了儿童接种疫苗。我们还发现了70%的病人的口咽癌组织样本中含有HPV,这比以往研究中发现的都要多。可能是因为性行为的变化,如口交的增多。”而研究结果则已发表在《美国国家癌症研究所杂志》上了。如果你已经接种了其他HPV疫苗,也无须担心。早些时候的研究已经表明,这些疫苗在预防各种癌症上都有着不小的成效,只是新的9-Valent疫苗能多提供11%的保护。不过,对抗癌症的保护自然是多多益善的。xy-E10001 【中文名称】:人原钙黏素1(PCDH1)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Primary Humancadherin1 (PCDH1) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10002 【中文名称】:人白介素2受体(IL-2R)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human interleukin-2 receptor(IL-2R) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10003 【中文名称】:人皮肤T细胞虏获趋化因子(CTACK/CCL27)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Humancutaneous T-cellcapturechemokine(CTACK/CCL27) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10004 【中文名称】:人胸肾表达趋化因子(BRAK/CXCL14)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Peoplethoracickidneychemokineexpression(BRAK/CXCL14) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10005 【中文名称】:人B-淋巴细胞趋化因子1(BLC-1/CXCL13)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:HumanB-lymphocytechemokine1 (BLC-1/CXCL13) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10006 【中文名称】:人结缔组织活化肽Ⅲ(CTAPⅢ)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human connective tissueactivatingpeptideⅢ (CTAP Ⅲ) ELISAkit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10007 【中文名称】:人I型胶原交联氨基末端肽(NTX)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human type I collagen cross-linked telopeptide (NTX) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10008 【中文名称】:人骨特异性碱性磷酸酶B(ALP-B)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human bone-specific alkaline phosphatase B (ALP-B) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10009 【中文名称】:人磷脂酶A2(PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human phospholipase A2 (PL-A2) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10010 【中文名称】:人硫胺素(Thiamine)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:People thiamine (Thiamine) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10011 【中文名称】:人凝血酶原片段F1+2(F1+2)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human prothrombin fragment F1 +2 (F1 +2) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10012 【中文名称】:人β淀粉样蛋白42( Aβ-42)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human β-amyloid 42 (Aβ-42) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10013 【中文名称】:人β淀粉样蛋白40( Aβ-40)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human β-amyloid 40 (Aβ-40) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10014 【中文名称】:人整合素αⅤβ1(ITG αⅤβ1)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human integrin α Ⅴ β1 (ITG α Ⅴ β1) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10015 【中文名称】:人亚麻酸(LA)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human linolenic (LA) ELISA Kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10016 【中文名称】:人神经元特异性烯化醇ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuron-specific ELISA kit allyl alcohol 规格:96T/48T xy-E10017 【中文名称】:人神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human neuron-specific enolase (NSE) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10018 【中文名称】:人血吸虫ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human schistosome ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10019 【中文名称】:人维生素B6ELISA试剂盒   【英文名称】:Human vitamin B6ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T xy-E10020 【中文名称】:人正五聚蛋白3(PTX3)ELISA试剂盒 【英文名称】:Human pentraxin 3 (PTX3) ELISA kit 规格:96T/48T




白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒适用生物     Homo sapiens (Human,人)    白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒    检测范围     0.313-20ng/mL     灵敏度     0.116ng/mL    样本类型     Tissue homogenates, cell lysates and other biological fluids.    实验时长     4.5h     实验方法     双抗夹心法    白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒规格     96T    ELISA Kit for Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1)FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES!Organism species     Homo sapiens (Human)    白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒  Sample type     Tissue homogenates, cell lysates and other biological fluids.    Format     96-well strip plate    Assay length     4.5 hours    Detection range     0.313-20ng/mL The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 20ng/mL, 10ng/mL, 5ng/mL, 2.5ng/mL, 1.25ng/mL, 0.625ng/mL, 0.313ng/mL    Sensitivity     The minimum detectable dose of this kit is typically less than 0.116ng/mL.    SpecificityThis assay has high sensitivity 白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒and excellent specificity for detection of Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1) and analogues was observed.PrecisionIntra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1) were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated 白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒Kinase 1 (IRAK1) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate. CV(%) = SD/meanX100 Intra-Assay: CVInter-Assay: CVStabilityThe stability of kit is determined by the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition. To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, 白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.Reagents and materials providedReagents     Quantity     Reagents     Quantity    Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate     1     Plate sealer for 96 wells     4    Standard     2     Standard Diluent     1×20mL    Detection Reagent A     1×120μL     Assay Diluent A     1×12mL    Detection Reagent B     1×120μL     Assay Diluent B     1×12mL    TMB Substrate     1×9mL     Stop Solution     1×6mL    Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate)     1×20mL     Instruction manual     1    Assay procedure summary1. Prepare all reagents, 白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒samples and standards;2. Add 100μL standard or sample to each well. Incubate 2 hours at 37oC;3. Aspirate and add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent A. Incubate 1 hour at 37oC;4. Aspirate and wash 3 times;5. Add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37oC;6. Aspirate and wash 5 times;7. Add 90μL Substrate Solution. Incubate 15-25 minutes at 37oC;8. Add 50μL Stop Solution. Read at 450nm immediately. Test principleThe test principle applied in this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been 白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒pre-coated with an antibody specific to Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1). Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1). Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1), biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Interleukin 1 Receptor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAK1) in the samples 白介素1受体关联激酶1(IRAK1)检测试剂盒is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve.




烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒适用生物     Homo sapiens (Human,人)    烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒  检测范围     0.156-10ng/mL     灵敏度     0.054ng/mL    样本类型     Tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.    实验时长     4.5h     实验方法     双抗夹心法     烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒规格     96T    ELISA Kit for Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2)FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES!Organism species     Homo sapiens (Human)    烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒 Sample type     Tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.    Format     96-well strip plate    Assay length     4.5 hours    Detection range     0.156-10ng/mL The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 10ng/mL, 5ng/mL, 2.5ng/mL, 1.25ng/mL, 0.625ng/mL, 0.313ng/mL, 0.156ng/mL    Sensitivity     The minimum detectable dose 烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒of this kit is typically less than 0.054ng/mL.    SpecificityThis assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2) and analogues was observed.PrecisionIntra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic,烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒 Beta 2 (CHRNb2) were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate. CV(%) = SD/meanX100 Intra-Assay: CVInter-Assay: CVStabilityThe stability of kit is determined by the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition. To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature,烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒 air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.Reagents and materials providedReagents     Quantity     Reagents     Quantity    Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate     1     Plate sealer for 96 wells     4    Standard     2     Standard Diluent     1×20mL    Detection Reagent A     1×120μL     Assay Diluent A     1×12mL    Detection Reagent B     1×120μL     Assay Diluent B     1×12mL    TMB Substrate     1×9mL     Stop Solution     1×6mL    Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate)     1×20mL     Instruction manual     1    Assay procedure summary1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards;2. Add 100μL standard or sample to each well. Incubate 2 hours at 37oC;3. Aspirate and add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent A. Incubate 1 hour at 37oC;4. Aspirate and wash 3 times;5. Add 100μL prepared Detection烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒 Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37oC;6. Aspirate and wash 5 times;7. Add 90μL Substrate Solution. Incubate 15-25 minutes at 37oC;8. Add 50μL Stop Solution. Read at 450nm immediately. Test principleThe test principle applied in 烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2). Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2). Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2), biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color.烟碱型胆碱受体β2(CHRNβ2)检测试剂盒 The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 2 (CHRNb2) in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve.




内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒适用生物     Mus musculus (Mouse,小鼠)    内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒    检测范围     31.25-2000pg/mL     灵敏度     12.9pg/mL    样本类型     Serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.    实验时长     4.5h     实验方法     双抗夹心法    内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒规格     96T    ELISA Kit for Endoglin (ENG)FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES!Organism species     Mus musculus (Mouse)    内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒 Sample type     Serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.    Format     96-well strip plate    Assay length     4.5 hours    Detection range     31.25-2000pg/mL The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 2000pg/mL, 1000pg/mL, 500pg/mL, 250pg/mL, 125pg/mL, 62.5pg/mL, 31.25pg/mL    Sensitivity     The minimum detectable 内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒dose of this kit is typically less than 12.9pg/mL.    SpecificityThis assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Endoglin (ENG). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Endoglin (ENG) and analogues was observed.RecoveryMatrices listed below were spiked with certain level of recombinant Endoglin (ENG) and the recovery rates were calculated by comparing the measured value to the expected amount of Endoglin (ENG) in samples. Matrix     Recovery range (%)     Average(%)    serum(n=5)     90-102     97    EDTA plasma(n=5)     79-101     92    heparin plasma(n=5)     96-105     102    PrecisionIntra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Endoglin (ENG)内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒 were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Endoglin (ENG) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate. CV(%) = SD/meanX100 Intra-Assay: CVInter-Assay: CVLinearityThe linearity of the kit was assayed by内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒 testing samples spiked with appropriate concentration of Endoglin (ENG) and their serial dilutions. The results were demonstrated by the percentage of calculated concentration to the expected. Sample     1:2     1:4     1:8     1:16    serum(n=5)     78-90%     78-88%     97-105%     78-104%    EDTA plasma(n=5)     84-92%     97-105%     79-102%     78-101%    heparin plasma(n=5)     79-90%     81-89%     81-91%     88-103%    StabilityThe stability of kit is determined by 内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition. To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.Reagents and materials providedReagents     Quantity     Reagents     Quantity    Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate     1     Plate sealer for 96 wells     4    Standard     2     Standard Diluent     1×20mL    Detection Reagent A     1×120μL     Assay Diluent A     1×12mL    Detection Reagent B     1×120μL     Assay Diluent B     1×12mL    TMB Substrate     1×9mL     Stop Solution     1×6mL    Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate)     1×20mL     Instruction manual     1    Assay procedure summary1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards;2. Add 100μL standard or sample to each well. Incubate 2 hours at 37oC;3. Aspirate and add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent A. Incubate 1 hour at 37oC;4. Aspirate and wash 3 times;5. Add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37oC;6. Aspirate and wash 5 times;7. Add 90μL Substrate Solution. Incubate 15-25 minutes at 37oC;8. Add 50μL Stop Solution. Read at 450nm immediately. Test principleThe test principle applied in 内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Endoglin (ENG). Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Endoglin (ENG). Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate 内皮糖蛋白(ENG)检测试剂盒solution is added, only those wells that contain Endoglin (ENG), biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Endoglin (ENG) in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve.




--在美国抑制心脏疾病的个体化医疗干预措施会带来1140亿美元的健康收益,近日一项发表于国际杂志The Lancet上的研究论文中,来自美国医学研究所的主席Victor Dzau表示,个体化及精准医学(PPM)的开发可以为美国人们的健康预期寿命带来巨大的进步,但PPM开发的动机目前相对薄弱。针对每一位患者的个体特征定制的PPM医学疗法会根据患者对特殊疾病的易感性来进行开发设计,但PPM远远超出了对患者进行的靶向治疗,其还可以鉴别出哪些个体会患高风险的疾病,同时还可以发现哪些个体会因干预疗法而获益。研究者Dana Goldman说道,我们利用了一种健康的仿真模型来进行研究揭示PPM干预措施对个体的效应,PPM干预措施可以帮助改善疾病的筛查以及风险预测技术,从而更加高效地预测哪些个体更易患哪些疾病;该模型可以在2012年至2060年对美国10%至50%的个体进行预测通过PPM干预措施减少6种疾病的发生率来预测目前健康状况的价值,以健康生活的时间进行衡量。这六种疾病包括癌症、糖尿病、心脏病、高血压、肺部疾病及中风。研究结果表明,PPM干预措施可以减少6种疾病10%发生率,而且其可在个体健康生活超过50年里为预防糖尿病带来960亿美元的健康收益,为癌症带来700亿美元的收益;而降低50%心脏病发病率的PPM干预措施或为个体带来6070亿美元的健康收益。Dzau表示,针对降低心脏疾病而开发的预防性、个体化精准医学措施或具有较强的社会效益,因为心脏病非常常见,而且其对个体寿命有较大的影响,其它疾病,比如中风或肺部疾病相对不太流行,其疗法为个体带来健康效益的机会也相对较小。最后研究者指出,PPM的创新性干预措施的真正效益会在较长的一段时间内积累,而与此同时个体也会以健康的机体生存地更久,研究者的预测结果显示,开发可以产生正向回报的模型或可为每一位患者带来真正的健康收益。



姜黄素抑制肝癌干细胞生长 肝癌治疗新提示

近日,来自美国NIH的科学家在国际学术期刊journal of hepatology在线发表了一项最新研究进展,他们发现利用姜黄素对肝癌细胞系进行处理可以特异性抑制癌症干细胞生长,并且对NF-kB和HDAC两条信号途径进行联合抑制可能是治疗具有不良预后的肝癌病人的有效策略。 癌症干细胞对包括肝细胞癌在内的多种癌症产生治疗抵抗具有重要促进作用。而在肝脏癌症干细胞中,NF-kB信号途径常发生突变。 在该项研究中,研究人员利用IKK 抑制因子姜黄素对不同肝细胞癌细胞系进行处理,表现出不同应答特征,根据敏感性不同可分为敏感性细胞系和抵抗性细胞系。在敏感性细胞系中,姜黄素介导的细胞死亡与NF-kB受抑制程度直接相关,并且姜黄素处理还会导致侧群细胞减少,克隆球形成能力下降,癌症干细胞标记表达下降以及肿瘤形成受到抑制,这都表明姜黄素可以导致癌症干细胞出现特异性缺失。与此类似,利用特异性多肽SN50抑制NF-kB或用针对p65的siRNA进行抑制均会抑制肿瘤细胞生长。而在抵抗性细胞系中,用姜黄素进行处理会促进细胞增殖,上调癌症干细胞标记的表达。 随后研究人员对敏感性细胞系中姜黄素对癌症干细胞的特异性抑制机制进行了研究,结果发现姜黄素的抑制作用与NF-kB介导的HDAC抑制有关,用I/II类HDAC抑制剂trichostatine处理抵抗性细胞会促进此类细胞对姜黄素的敏感性。 综上所述,这项研究表明阻断NF-kB可以特异性靶向癌症干细胞,并且NF-kB和HDAC两条途径的联合抑制对于治疗具有不良预后的肝癌病人可能具有潜在效果。(




信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒适用生物     Homo sapiens (Human,人)    信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒   检测范围     0.313-20ng/mL     灵敏度     0.128ng/mL    样本类型     Tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.    实验时长     4.5h     实验方法     双抗夹心法     信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒规格     96T    ELISA Kit for Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6)FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES!Organism species     Homo sapiens (Human)    信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒Sample type     Tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.    Format     96-well strip plate    Assay length     4.5 hours    Detection range     0.313-20ng/mL The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 20ng/mL, 10ng/mL, 5ng/mL, 2.5ng/mL, 1.25ng/mL, 0.625ng/mL, 0.313ng/mL    Sensitivity     The minimum detectable dose of this kit is typically less than 0.128ng/mL.    SpecificityThis assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6) and 信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒analogues was observed.PrecisionIntra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6) were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate. CV(%) = SD/meanX100 Intra-Assay: CVInter-Assay: CVStabilityThe stability of kit is determined by the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition. To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole 信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.Reagents and materials providedReagents     Quantity     Reagents     Quantity    Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate     1     Plate sealer for 96 wells     4    Standard     2     Standard Diluent     1×20mL    Detection Reagent A     1×120μL     Assay Diluent A     1×12mL    Detection Reagent B     1×120μL     Assay Diluent B     1×12mL    TMB Substrate     1×9mL     Stop Solution     1×6mL    Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate)     1×20mL     Instruction manual     1    Assay procedure summary1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards;2. Add 100μL standard or sample to each well. Incubate 2 hours at 37oC;3. Aspirate and add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent A. Incubate 1 hour at 37oC;4. Aspirate and wash 3 times;5. Add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37oC;6. Aspirate and wash 5 times;7. Add 90μL Substrate Solution. Incubate 15-25 minutes at 37oC;8. Add 50μL Stop Solution. Read at 450nm immediately. Test principleThe test principle 信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒applied in this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6). Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6). Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 6 (STAT6), biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Signal Transducer And Activator Of 信号传导转录激活因子6(STAT6)检测试剂盒Transcription 6 (STAT6) in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve.




白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒适用生物     Chicken (Gallus,鸡)    白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒    检测范围     7.81-500pg/mL     灵敏度     3.3pg/mL    样本类型     Serum, plasma, tissue homogenates, cell lysates, cell culture supernates and other biological fluids.    实验时长     4.5h     实验方法     双抗夹心法     白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒规格     96T    ELISA Kit for Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b)FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES!Organism species     Chicken (Gallus)    白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒  Sample type     Serum, plasma, tissue homogenates, cell lysates, cell culture supernates and other biological fluids.    Format     96-well strip plate    Assay length     4.5 hours    Detection range     7.81-500pg/mL The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 500pg/mL, 250pg/mL, 125pg/mL, 62.5pg/mL, 31.25pg/mL, 15.63pg/mL, 7.81pg/mL    Sensitivity     The minimum detectable dose of this kit is typically less than 3.3pg/mL.    SpecificityThis assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b) and analogues was observed.RecoveryMatrices listed below were spiked with certain level of recombinant Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b) and the recovery rates were calculated 白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒by comparing the measured value to the expected amount of Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b) in samples. Matrix     Recovery range (%)     Average(%)    serum(n=5)     79-94     90    EDTA plasma(n=5)     90-99     93    heparin plasma(n=5)     93-105     96    PrecisionIntra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, 白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒middle and high level Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b) were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate. CV(%) = SD/meanX100 Intra-Assay: CVInter-Assay: CVLinearityThe linearity of the kit was assayed by testing samples spiked with appropriate concentration of Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b) and their serial dilutions. The results were demonstrated by the percentage of calculated concentration to the expected. Sample     1:2     1:4     1:8     1:16    serum(n=5)     91-101%     78-101%     78-88%     85-103%    EDTA plasma(n=5)     78-102%     79-91%     78-104%     84-104%    heparin plasma(n=5)     96-104%     83-94%     78-89%     88-97%    StabilityThe stability of kit is determined by the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition. To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.Reagents and materials providedReagents     Quantity     Reagents     Quantity    Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate     1     Plate sealer for 96 wells     4    Standard     2     Standard Diluent     1×20mL    Detection Reagent A     1×120μL     Assay Diluent A     1×12mL    Detection Reagent B     1×120μL     Assay Diluent B     1×12mL    TMB Substrate     1×9mL     Stop Solution     1×6mL    Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate)     1×20mL     Instruction manual     1    Assay procedure summary1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards;2. Add 100μL standard or sample to each well. Incubate 2 hours at 37oC;3. Aspirate and add 100μL 白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒prepared Detection Reagent A. Incubate 1 hour at 37oC;4. Aspirate and wash 3 times;5. Add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37oC;6. Aspirate and wash 5 times;7. Add 90μL Substrate Solution. Incubate 15-25 minutes at 37oC;8. Add 50μL Stop Solution. Read at 450nm immediately. Test principleThe test principle applied in 白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b). Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b). Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b), biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate白介素1β(IL1β)检测试剂盒 reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b) in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve.








--近日,来自中科院生化所和复旦大学的研究人员在国际学术期刊cancer cell在线发表了一项最新研究进展。 LKB1基因能够编码丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶LKB1, 研究发现该激酶可以调节细胞能量代谢、抑制生长增殖和维持细胞极性, 而这些都是该基因抑制肿瘤的重要机制。虽然LKB1能够调节细胞生长和能量代谢,但在非小细胞肺癌中,LKB1失活如何协调肿瘤进展与代谢之间的关系仍未可知。 在该项研究中,研究人员利用KrasG12D;Lkb1lox/lox小鼠模型进行了相关研究,发现在肺部恶性腺瘤和鳞状细胞癌中,活性氧(ROS)水平存在差异。ROS能够调节ADC向SCC的转分化过程。磷酸戊糖途径紊乱以及脂肪酸氧化途径损伤能够共同促进细胞氧化还原失衡,并从功能上影响ADC向SCC的转分化。同时,在LKB1失活的人类非小细胞肺癌中也存在类似的肿瘤和氧化还原异质性。在代谢应激情况下的临床前实验中,研究人员发现KL小鼠模型的ADC能够通过发生SCC转分化产生药物抵抗。 这项研究揭示了氧化还原对肿瘤可塑性的重要调控作用,对于非小细胞肺癌的治疗具有重要意义。




肝配蛋白A受体1(EPHA1)检测试剂盒适用生物     Homo sapiens (Human,人)    肝配蛋白A受体1(EPHA1)检测试剂盒   检测范围     0.313-20ng/mL     灵敏度     0.124ng/mL    样本类型     Tissue homogenates, cell lysates and other biological fluids.    实验时长     4.5h     实验方法     双抗夹心法    肝配蛋白A受体1(EPHA1)检测试剂盒规格     96T    ELISA Kit for Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1)FOR IN VITRO AND RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES!Organism species     Homo sapiens (Human)    肝配蛋白A受体1(EPHA1)检测试剂盒 Sample type     Tissue homogenates, cell lysates and other biological fluids.    Format     96-well strip plate    Assay length     4.5 hours    Detection range     0.313-20ng/mL The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 20ng/mL, 10ng/mL, 5ng/mL, 2.5ng/mL, 1.25ng/mL, 0.625ng/mL, 0.313ng/mL    Sensitivity     The minimum detectable dose of this kit is typically less than 0.124ng/mL.    SpecificityThis assay has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1). No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1) and analogues was observed.PrecisionIntra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1) were tested 20 times on one plate, respectively. Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): 3 samples with low, middle and high level Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1) were tested on 3 different plates, 8 replicates in each plate. CV(%) = SD/meanX100 Intra-Assay: CVInter-Assay: CV肝配蛋白A受体1(EPHA1)检测试剂盒StabilityThe stability of kit is determined by the loss rate of activity. The loss rate of this kit is less than 5% within the expiration date under appropriate storage condition. To minimize extra influence on the performance, operation procedures and lab conditions, especially room temperature, air humidity, incubator temperature should be strictly controlled. It is also strongly suggested that the whole assay is performed by the same operator from the beginning to the end.Reagents and materials providedReagents     Quantity     Reagents     Quantity    Pre-coated, ready to use 96-well strip plate     1     Plate sealer for 96 wells     4    Standard     2     Standard Diluent     1×20mL    Detection Reagent A     1×120μL     Assay Diluent A     1×12mL    Detection Reagent B     1×120μL     Assay Diluent B     1×12mL    TMB Substrate     1×9mL     Stop Solution     1×6mL    Wash Buffer (30 × concentrate)     1×20mL     Instruction manual     1    Assay procedure summary1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards;2. Add 100μL standard or sample to each well. Incubate 2 hours at 37oC;3. Aspirate and add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent A. Incubate 1 hour at 37oC;4. Aspirate and wash 3 times;5. Add 100μL prepared Detection Reagent B. Incubate 30 minutes at 37oC;6. Aspirate and wash 5 times;7. Add 90μL Substrate Solution. Incubate 15-25 minutes at 37oC;8. Add 50μL Stop Solution. Read at 450nm immediately. 肝配蛋白A受体1(EPHA1)检测试剂盒Test principleThe test principle applied in this kit is Sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1). Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific to Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1). Next, Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. After TMB substrate solution is added, only those wells that contain Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1), biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450nm ± 10nm. The concentration of Ephrin Type A Receptor 1 (EPHA1) in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve. 



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