测量效果: 平面(二位/三维)
产地类别: 进口
测量频率: 高频(100 HZ以上)
测速范围: 0-8000m/s
测定准确度: 1%
测量区域大小: 400x400mm
FlowMaster® High-Speed系统为流体动力学分析提供了新的研究手段。它同时提供了基于数字PIV的空间流场信息和每一点随时间的演化信息。
LaVision提供的FlowMaster® High-Speed系统包含根据尖端技术设计的全数字化高速相机,拍摄帧率在1k x 1k像素分辨率下可以达到 5 kHz,降低图像分辨率拍摄帧率可以达到100 kHz。
高重复频率单腔或双腔固体激光器,每脉冲能量可以达到50 mJ。
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
型号:FlowMaster® 150万 - 200万显微粒子成像测速系统(Micro PIV)
型号:FlowMaster®-Micro 80万 - 100万水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)
型号:FlowMaster®-UW 200万 - 300万热线风速仪CTA/HWA
型号:IHW-100 10万 - 30万湍流本质上具有三维(3D)立体结构属性。普通的二维(2D)包 括采用激光照明的成像测量无法在所有三个空间维度上分辨湍流 的结构。而利用多视角成像信息,采用层析重构技术则可以在三 个空间维度上同时捕捉记录复杂流动的瞬态结构。应用针对体像 素的三维(3D)相关处理技术,可以由时间相关的体成像数据计 算出瞬态三维空间的流场。 LaVision功能强大的,基于层析粒子成像测速(Tomo-PIV)和层 析粒子跟踪测速(Tomo-PTV)技术的FlowMaster激光成像系统, 能够以极高的空间分辨率记录强湍流,火焰以及喷雾对象的瞬态 体视流场。
Two-dimensional velocity fields around a freely swimming freshwater black shark fish in longitudinal (XZ) plane and transverse (YZ) plane are measured using digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV). By transferring momentum to the fluid, fishes generate thrust. Thrust is generated not only by its caudal fin, but also using pectoral and anal fins, the contribution of which depends on the fish’s morphology and swimming movements. These fins also act as roll and pitch stabilizers for the swimming fish. In this paper, studies are performed on the flow induced by fins of freely swimming undulatory carangiform swimming fish (freshwater black shark, L = 26 cm) by an experimental hydrodynamic approach based on quantitative flow visualization technique. We used 2D PIV to visualize water flow pattern in the wake of the caudal, pectoral and anal fins of swimming fish at a speed of 0.5–1.5 times of body length per second.
Many marine organisms have complex life histories, having sessile adults and relying on the planktonic larvae for dispersal. Larvae swim and disperse in a complex fluid environment and the effect of ambient flow on larval behavior could in turn impact their survival and transport. However, to date, most studies on larvae–flow interactions have focused on competent larvae near settlement. We examined the importance of flow on early larval stages by studying how local flow and ontogeny influence swimming behavior in pre-competent larval sea urchins, Arbacia punctulata. We exposed larval urchins to grid-stirred turbulence and recorded their behavior at two stages (4- and 6-armed plutei) in three turbulence regimes. Using particle image velocimetry to quantify and subtract local flow, we tested the hypothesis that larvae respond to turbulence by increasing swimming speed, and that the increase varies with ontogeny.
This paper describes the development of an experimental technique that combines simultaneous planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and infrared (IR) thermography imaging, and its application to the measurement of unsteady and conjugate heat-transfer in harmonically forced, thin liquid-film flows falling under the action of gravity over an inclined electrically heated-foil substrate. Quantitative, spatiotemporally resolved and simultaneously conducted measurements are reported of the film thickness, film free-surface temperature, solid–liquid substrate interface temperature, and local/instantaneous heat flux exchanged with the heated substrate. Based on this information, local and instantaneous heat-transfer coefficients (HTCs) are recovered. Results concerning the local and instantaneous HTC and how this is correlated with the local and instantaneous film thickness suggest considerable heat-transfer enhancement relative to steady-flow predictions in the thinner film regions.
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