Imager intense  PIV相机
Imager intense  PIV相机



LaVision GmbH


Imager intense



  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核
Depending on the requirements for your specific application LaVision offers different PIV cameras.
Imager intense camera with highest sensitivity and very low readout noise.
  • Increasingly smaller electronics requires improvement in performance of cooling systems to keep it operating reliably. We present herein a novel experimental study of convective heat transfer in serpentine microchannels with segmented liquid–liquid emulsions. It is demonstrated that this concept yields significant Nusselt number enhancement in microchannel heat sinks compared to that obtained using single phase liquid cooling. Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) is employed to measure temperature of the coolant with and without droplets, and micro-PIV is used to determine velocity field. For the segmented flow, up to four-fold increase of the Nusselt number was observed compared to pure water flow.

    其他 2011-02-26

  • Flow and far-field noise measurements are taken on a conical Convergent- Divergent nozzle similar to the nozzles employed on high-performance tactical jets. Matching flow and far-field computations are presented, produced by Large Eddy Simulation and the Kirchhoff integral method. The conditions examined are those in which the nozzle is operated at its design Mach number of 1.56 while forward flight is simulated at Mach numbers of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.8. Both measurement and LES show that increasing forward flight Mach number to the high subsonic range shortens the initial shock cell size, and weakens the shock cells induced by the nozzle throat relative to the shock cells induced by the nozzle lip. LES shows that high forward flight speed substantially reduces the noise radiated into the forward quadrant where shock noise is dominant. It also removes the screech tone entirely.

    其他 2011-02-24

  • Liquid andliquid/gasflowsthroughspacerfilledchannelswerestudiedusingParticleImagingVelocime- try (PIV)toprovideexperimentalsupportforvelocitydistributionsobtainedfromComputationalFluid Dynamics studiesavailableintheliterature.ItisshownthatPIVisasuitabletechniqueformeasuring velocity profilesinspacerfilledchannels,althoughcarehastobetakenwheninterpretingtheresults. PIV measurementswerecarriedoutforanentireflowcell(5cm×15 cm),asmallerareaofroughly 7mm×8mmandforasinglespacercell(2.5mm×3 mm).Theexperimentalresultsshowthatfluidflow is welldistributedacrosstheentireflowcellinthecaseofsingle-phaseflow.Therecordingsofthesingle spacer cellshowedthatliquidflowismainlyparalleltothespacerfilamentsandthereforethedirec- tion offlowchanges90◦ over theheightofthechannel.Introductionofairbubblesintroducedstrong local velocitygradients.Theliquidvelocityintwo-phaseflowsisshowntobemoreunsteadythanin the caseofsingle-phaseflow,whichisadvantageouswhentryingtopreventfoulingorconcentration polarization.

    其他 2011-02-13

  • Fishes have an enormous diversity of body shapes and fin morphologies. From a hydrodynamic standpoint, the functional significance of this diversity is poorly understood, largely because the three-dimensional flow around swimming fish is almost completely unknown. Fully three-dimensional volumetric flow measurements are not currently feasible, but measurements in multiple transverse planes along the body can illuminate many of the important flow features. In this study, I analyze flow in the transverse plane at a range of positions around bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus, from the trailing edges of the dorsal and anal fins to the near wake. Simultaneous particle image velocimetry (PIV) and kinematic measurements were performed during swimming at 1.2·body·lengths·s–1 to describe the streamwise vortex structure, to quantify the contributions of each fin to the vortex wake, and to assess the importance of three-dimensional flow effects in swimming.

    生物产业 2008-06-14

  • 采用LaVision的DaVis 8.2.2 软件平台,可编程时间控制单元PTU, ImagerIntense高灵敏度低噪声相机,构成一套2D粒子成像测速系统。并利用该系统对纳米流体在湍流自然对流过程中的流动特性进行了实验研究和理论分析。

    其他 2019-08-14

  • 采用LaVision的DaVis8.4软件平台,以及ImagerIntense型CCD相机,组成了一套PIV速度矢量场和PLIF浓度场测量系统,并利用这一系统进行了模型管道几何形状多组分喷射的实验研究,并探讨了其在氢气安全中的应用。

    其他 2019-07-19

  • 采用LaVision公司的科研型CCD相机和智能成像系统,对酒精喷雾的几何参量进行了实时测量。和1维拉曼散射测量相结合,提供了对喷雾对象,多视角,多参量的测量和表征

    其他 2017-09-08

  • 采用LaVision公司的PIV系统。激光器能量为双脉冲400毫焦。对7马赫高超音速风洞中的15度-45度双斜面流场进行了测量。获得了流场中激波的空间分布的详细信息。

    其他 2017-02-07

  • 采用LaVision公司的ImagerIntense型相机和可编程时间控制单元PTU,Nd:YAG激光器和另外一台高速770Hz高速相机,测量研究了氧气在气泡中向液体扩散过程。

    石油/化工 2017-07-18

  • Grease is commonly used to lubricate various machine components such as rolling element bearings, open gears etc. Better understanding of the flow properties of grease will contribute to understanding the lubrication mechanism in bearings and flow in lubrication systems. In an earlier paper Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (μPIV) techniques were used to study the flow in a rectangular channel. The present paper is an extension of this work where restrictions were applied in such a channel, which creates a much more complex velocity field. The grease is seeded with fluorescent particles, which are illuminated by a double-pulsed laser. The test geometries that are used in this study are a channel with one flat restriction and one with two flow restrictions in a similar channel. The stationary grease mass-flow and the two dimensional velocity fields have been monitored for different pressure drops. For the channel with one flat restriction, the flow was measured to be symmetric at the inlet and outlet, and the distance for the flow to fully develop is comparable with the height of the channel; Slow motion was followed near the step corner at the inlet. For the channel with two flow restrictions, the vector profiles show that the maximum velocity appears at the restrictions; In-between the two restrictions, a part of the grease is not moving. This particularly applies to cases with low-pressure drop and where high consistency grease was used.

    石油/化工 2011-02-10

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