LaVision HighSpeedStar  高帧频相机
LaVision HighSpeedStar  高帧频相机

¥10万 - 50万


LaVision GmbH





  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核


High-Speed Cameras

For imaging applications requiring higher frame rates CMOS cameras are the best choice. Modern sensor technology enables an ever increasing image recording speed with maximum frame rates up to 22 kHz for max sensor resolution or up to 600 kHz and more for reduced sensor resolution.


In combination with DaVis LaVision’s PTU X supports even the most challenging recording sequences All our high-speed cameras are carefully tested for image quality, noise, and trigger capabilities often extending the manufacturers original specifications. Close cooperation with the main high-speed camera manufacturers guarantees outstanding performance.


For high-speed imaging with maximum sensitivity the High-Speed IRO intensifier (HS-IRO) is attached in front of the CMOS high-speed camera. Lens coupling between intensifier and camera allows this modular upgrade with highest sensitivity and maximum image quality. The HS-IROs feature multi-stage amplification to override gain depletion in its micro-channel plate at higher frame rates.

Features of LaVision‘s
High-Speed Camera Systems
  • full integration and control of multiple high-speed cameras

  • operation of different camera models in the same multi-camera setup

  • hypersampling for engine applications remaps time to crank angle basis

  • lens-coupled HS-IRO Intensifier for maximum light sensitivity removable from camera when not needed

  • To achieve PCCI combustionwith limited heat release rates, the influence of charge stratification on combustion should be investigated. In this paper a method is presented to achieve and measure charge stratification. As a first attempt to investigate the mixing, we measure the in-cylinder velocities using particle image velocimetry (PIV). From these velocities the turbulence intensities are derived, which give an indication of the mixing of charge. First results indicate that the turbulence is homogeneous and that the swirl center shifts towards the center of the combustion chamber. Future measurements will also entail time resolved PIV measurements.

    交通 2012-01-27

  • In-cylinder PIV measurements have been made during the latter half of the intake stroke on a plane between the inlet valves for a single cylinder optical engine operating at engine speeds of 750, 2000 and 3500 rpm. Mean vector fields for an area of 42 mm by 34 mm have been produced with vectors at approximately 1 mm resolution. The vector fields show the development of the flow field in 1.6°, 2.4° and 3.2° steps for the three respective engine speeds. Tumble ratios have been calculated from these vector fields which show that a change in the flow regime occurs between 2000 and 3500 rpm. This is caused by one of rotating vortices becoming detached from the descending piston at the highest engine speed.

    汽车及零部件 2011-05-08

  • The dynamics associated with a long rod projectile, travelling at high velocity, penetrating a heterogeneous target has long been an active research area. Historically both analytic and numeric models have assumed a continuous target medium in order to predict the performance of the penetrator-target system, even in cases where the target is composed of concrete, foam or a granular porous medium such as sand. Continuum models fail to capture the complicated grain level response within the heterogeneous target which can result in asymmetric loading of the projectile leading to variations in projectile performance. In this work a series of experiments were conducted in order to investigate the penetration dynamics of loose sand, specifically with a goal of building a better understanding of the grain level dynamics. High speed photography coupled with a particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique were used to capture both the grain level and bulk response of the penetration event. Experiments were conducted over a velocity range of 30 to 100 m/s using both cylindrical and spherical projectiles. The results indicate that variations in the projectile size and shape effect cavity formation and that cavity formation occurs nearly 25 times slower than the projectile velocity.

    其他 2011-02-26

  • This article treats of the flow motion over the so-called vortex ripples which are generated by water oscillations above a sand bed. We focus mainly our experimental works on the morphology and the dynamics of transient flow patterns above real vortex ripples. With the help of flow visualizations and Particle Image Velocimetry measurements with a high-speed video CCD camera, we test numerical simulations, which predict the existence of a secondary vortex with a streamlines representation. However, our experimental findings show only one vortical structure and validate the observations of Bagnold in 1946 (using real ripples but with no visualization and measurement) and Sand Andersen & al. in 2004 (using model ripples) with respect to the existence of a transient jet.

    其他 2009-07-19

  • 采用LaVision的DaVis 8.0.8图像采集和分析处理软件平台,加上Imager pro HS 4M型相机,构成粒子成像测速(PIV)系统。利用该系统对从一个容器中掉落的圆柱形颗粒的流动分布进行了测量,并与离散元法模型法进行比对,从而优化离散元法模型法

    能源/新能源 2019-08-12

  • 采用LaVision公司的HSS5型高速相机构成时间分辨OH-PLIF测量系统并总结了非介入式诊断技术的原理及其在燃气轮机燃烧室燃烧不稳定性基础研究中的应用。

    能源/新能源 2019-08-05

  • 采用LaVision公司DaVis8.4图像采集和分析软件平台,可编程时间控制器PTU和高速相机,红外相机,构成一套可以用双色法,红外法测温,以及粒子图像测速系统,测量了水池沸腾过程的温度和速度场。

    能源/新能源 2019-07-26

  • 利用LaVision公司的高速图像增强器HS-IRO和高速相机相结合,构成高速时间分辨激光诱导荧光测量系统。测量了OH-自由基和CO自由基。并着重研究了在下一代燃烧系统中解析相关化学和物理过程的超短脉冲激光技术。

    能源/新能源 2019-07-18

  • 采用两组每组8台相机(LaVision Imager Pro HS) 构成一套组合的3D3C体视抖盒子测量系统。每组相机系统可以获得90 × 60 × 25 cm3大小的体视流场,两套系统测量对象空间有30cm重叠,最终实现150 × 60 × 25 cm3尺度的流场测量结果。并将之应用于湍流边界层。

    航空航天 2019-08-12

  • 利用LaVision DaVis 8.1.3图像采集和分析处理软件平台以及四台高速相机,高重复频率激光器,构成了一套时间分辨层析PIV和4D-PTV测量系统,对实现良好机动和逃逸对机翼动力学和灵活性的需求进行了研究。

    航空航天 2019-08-06

  • 用DEHS发烟机生成示踪粒子。一对1百万像素CMOS相机作成像部件。工作频率16.6KHz。用LaVision的DaVis8.3如件来分析所记录的图像。对结果进行了本征正交分解POD分析。对S-型进气道扰动流场的不稳定性,进行了实验测量和分析。

    航空航天 2019-01-15

  • 采用两台Phantom 9.1v 型高速相机和双帧双脉冲YAG激光器,以及LaVision的DaVis8.3.0软件构成2D3C粒子成像测速系统。对风洞中的震动翼尖襟翼的空气动力学特性进行了测量研究。

    航空航天 2019-01-15


保修期: 1年



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报修承诺: 一周内到达用户现场开始维修


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