
¥120万 - 150万


LaVision GmbH





  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

测量效果: 立体(3D3C)

产地类别: 进口

测量频率: 低频

测速范围: 0-2000m/s

测定准确度: 1%

测量区域大小: 170mm x 110mm x 100mm




  • A flat plate boundary layer flow was generated at the open test section of the circuit type 1m- wind tunnel of the DLR, Gottingen, at a free stream velocity of U亣 = 7 m/s with zero pressure gradients. A transparent and smooth surface glass plate is utilized to provide optical access from its bottom and a good flow quality. The plate has an elliptic leading edge to prevent flow separation. Four tripping wires, one with 1.5 mm diameter and three with 1 mm diameter were positioned with 1 mm x-distance close to the surface at (Rex). . 290 along the whole span-wise elongation of the plate. This bypass transition of the flow results in the development of a turbulent boundary layer flow. In a box of about 34 x 18 x 35 mm3 in x-y and z-directions around (Rex). . 450 tracer particles has been illuminated by laser light pulses at 4 kHz with 21 mJ each in order to achieve PIV recordings without using the frame straddling method. The light source was a Nd:YAG laser from Lee Laser inc. Two highly reflective dielectric mirrors aligned in the x-y-direction are installed nearly parallel and close to the surface of the flat plate on opposite sides of the measurement region. The collimated laser beam undergoes multiple reflections between the two mirrors passing through the measurement volume approximately 15 times before exiting (see sketch left). This arrangement resulted in a light amplification with a factor ~5 with respect to a single pass system. The specific illumination arrangement has the advantage that all viewing directions collect scattered light both in forward and backward directions, which provided the level of light needed for imaging particles in the whole volume.

    其他 2013-02-13

  • Tomographic particle image velocimetry is a 3D PIV technique based on the illumination, recording, reconstruction and analysis of tracer-particle motion within a three-dimensional measurement volume. The recently developed technique makes use of several simultaneous views of the illuminated particles, typically 4, and their three-dimensional reconstruction as a light-intensity distribution by means of optical tomography. The reconstruction is performed with the MART algorithm (multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique), yielding a 3D distribution of light intensity discretized over an array of voxels. The reconstructed tomogram pair is then analyzed by means of 3D crosscorrelation with an iterative multigrid volume-deformation technique, returning the three-component velocity vector distribution over the measurement volume. The implementation of the tomographic technique in time-resolved mode by means of high repetition rate PIV hardware has the capability to yield 4D velocity information. The first part of the chapter describes the operation principles and gives a detailed assessment of the tomographic reconstruction algorithm performance based upon a computer-simulated experiment. The second part of the chapter proposes four applications on two flow cases: 1. the transitional wake behind a circular cylinder; 2. the turbulent boundary layer developing over a flat plate. For the first case, experiments in air at ReD = 2700 are described together with the experimental assessment of the tomographic reconstruction accuracy.

    其他 2012-07-16

  • Tomographic PIV as a full volume 3D-3C flow field measurement technique can also be applied to thin sheets used in standard PIV. Tomographic PIV and Stereo PIV are compared with experimental data from an impinging jet in water. The field of view is 60 mm x 40 mm, the light sheet thickness is varied from 8 to 55 pixel. Images have been recorded with 4 cameras to gain results from two independent Stereo PIV systems and from Tomographic PIV using 2-4 cameras. Different error sources for both techniques are quantified. It is shown that instantaneous flow fields from Tomographic PIV deviate less from each of the two stereo systems, than the two stereo systems deviate from each other. A systematic error pattern is identified for the two stereo systems, which is not present for Tomographic PIV. Thin volume Tomographic PIV allows the calculation of multiple vector planes. Two planes can be calculated even for the thinnest light sheet (8 pixel) providing the full 3x3 strain-tensor. Thicker sheets with up to twelve vector planes allow the visualization of the small vortex structures in this experiment.

    其他 2012-07-16

  • The wake of a circular cylinder at Re = 2700 is investigated by means of Tomographic PIV (Tomo-PIV), a recently developed three-dimensional velocimetry technique. The paper presents the principles of Tomo-PIV and discusses in details the implementation of the technique to the experimental conditions. With a measurement volume of approximately 40x40x10 mm2 two configurations are chosen in order to describe both the 2D wake features and the span wise organization of secondary rollers dominating the 3D flow organization. The present data allow to directly evaluate the measurement error imposing mass conservation inside the volume (viz. solenoidal velocity field). The visualization of the wake instantaneous structure is obtained by means of vorticity vector magnitude iso-surfaces, or decomposing the vorticity in the span wise and stream-wise(normal)/bi-normal component, which return the separate contribution of the Kármán rollers and the interconnecting structures between them respectively. The properties of the secondary rollers are given in terms of span wise wavelength, peak vorticity, vorticity stretching and their size and shape. A value of the span wise wavelength λ z/D = 1.2 is recurring and the rollers organization into pairs is found to be similar to the instability Mode B occurring in lower Reynolds number wakes investigated with previous studies.

    其他 2008-06-14

  • 采用两组每组8台相机(LaVision Imager Pro HS) 构成一套组合的3D3C体视抖盒子测量系统。每组相机系统可以获得90 × 60 × 25 cm3大小的体视流场,两套系统测量对象空间有30cm重叠,最终实现150 × 60 × 25 cm3尺度的流场测量结果。并将之应用于湍流边界层。

    航空航天 2019-08-12

  • 利用LaVision DaVis 8.1.3图像采集和分析处理软件平台以及四台高速相机,高重复频率激光器,构成了一套时间分辨层析PIV和4D-PTV测量系统,对实现良好机动和逃逸对机翼动力学和灵活性的需求进行了研究。

    航空航天 2019-08-06

  • 采用德国LaVision公司的DaVis软件平台和四台高速相机,构建了时间分辨层析3D3C速度矢量场测量系统,对风洞中的空气流场进行了测量,并使用层析成像重建和三角测量的组合进行双帧粒子跟踪三维测速。

    航空航天 2019-07-16

  • 采用三台LaVision公司的ImagerProHS高速相机,加上DaVis7.4软件平台,对风洞中的翼型进行了时间分辨层析PIV测量,并用一种新型的高效准确的MTE-MART算法,对结果进了分析处理,并比较了这种算法与其它多种算法的性能。

    航空航天 2019-07-16

  • 采用LaVision的DaVis 10.0图像采集和处理软件平台,加上一台Nd-YLF 激光器 (Continuum Terra-PIV, l = 527 nm)以及四台高速相机(Phantom Miro)构成了一套4D3C抖盒子流场测量系统。并利用这套系统进行了患者特异性脑动脉瘤血流动力学研究,分析比较了 体外体视粒子成像测速,计算流体动力学(CFD)和体内4D流动磁共振成像(MRI)等方法。

    医疗/卫生 2019-08-12

  • The paper presents the development of techniques to study flows in human conducting airways in order to improve understanding of underlying mechanisms in asthma and COPD. These include high-speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) as well as tomo-PIV measurements in geometrically realistic transparent airway models obtained through additive layer manufacturing (ALM) of segmented lung CT scans. This enables study of breathing dynamics, which will allow validation and development of CFD models and in vivo MRI velocimetry.

    医疗/卫生 2013-06-02

  • PIV systems rely on a combination of seed particles, laser light intensity, and camera positioning to collected velocity data. Careful attention is needed when selecting the ap- propriate setup con guration for PIV systems. This paper focuses on several areas for improvement in PIV data collection for a compressible turbulent boundary layer study on a at plate using MVG's. The topics include determining the seed particle surface preparation for a at plate, and PIV system con guration.

    农/林/牧/渔 2012-07-10

  • 湍流本质上具有三维(3D)立体结构属性。普通的二维(2D)包 括采用激光照明的成像测量无法在所有三个空间维度上分辨湍流 的结构。而利用多视角成像信息,采用层析重构技术则可以在三 个空间维度上同时捕捉记录复杂流动的瞬态结构。应用针对体像 素的三维(3D)相关处理技术,可以由时间相关的体成像数据计 算出瞬态三维空间的流场。 LaVision功能强大的,基于层析粒子成像测速(Tomo-PIV)和层 析粒子跟踪测速(Tomo-PTV)技术的FlowMaster激光成像系统, 能够以极高的空间分辨率记录强湍流,火焰以及喷雾对象的瞬态 体视流场。

    29025MB 2016-09-14
  • Two-dimensional velocity fields around a freely swimming freshwater black shark fish in longitudinal (XZ) plane and transverse (YZ) plane are measured using digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV). By transferring momentum to the fluid, fishes generate thrust. Thrust is generated not only by its caudal fin, but also using pectoral and anal fins, the contribution of which depends on the fish’s morphology and swimming movements. These fins also act as roll and pitch stabilizers for the swimming fish. In this paper, studies are performed on the flow induced by fins of freely swimming undulatory carangiform swimming fish (freshwater black shark, L = 26 cm) by an experimental hydrodynamic approach based on quantitative flow visualization technique. We used 2D PIV to visualize water flow pattern in the wake of the caudal, pectoral and anal fins of swimming fish at a speed of 0.5–1.5 times of body length per second.

    6233MB 2016-08-26
  • Single-shot, tomographic imaging of the three-dimensional concentration field is demonstrated in a turbulent gaseous free jet in co-flow using volumetrically illuminated laser-induced fluorescence. The fourthharmonic output of an Nd:YAG laser at 266 nm is formed into a collimated 15 × 20 mm2 beam to excite the ground singlet state of acetone seeded into the central jet. Subsequent fluorescence is collected along eight lines of sight for tomographic reconstruction using a combination of stereoscopes optically coupled to four two-stage intensified CMOS cameras. The performance of the imaging system is evaluated and shown to be sufficient for recording instantaneous three-dimensional features with high signal-tonoise (130:1) and nominal spatial resolution of 0.6–1.5 mm at x/D = 7–15.5.

    2803MB 2016-08-26

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