德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪
德国LaVision PIV/PLIF粒子成像测速场仪

¥150万 - 200万


LaVision GmbH





  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

测量效果: 平面(二位/三维)

产地类别: 进口

测量频率: 低频

测速范围: 0-2000m/s

测定准确度: 优于1%

测量区域大小: 400x400mm



        关于该公司PIV产品性能的一个很有说服力的客观的例证是国际上隔年举办的PIV Challenge;评测活动。这一活动是国际上一个独立的,名字就叫做PIV Challenge的组织,召集国际上主要的PIV系统供应商和研究机构进行的一项公开的评测活动。各公司和机构用自己的系统,测量一个同样的样本体系,然后比较各公司的测量结果。LaVision公司历年在这一竞赛测试中的结果都是最优秀的。以2003年的侧试结果为例,在有13家单位参加的竞赛中,LaVision 给出的结果又是遥遥领先。

1)测速结果的信噪比,LaVision 为 >45, 最好的研究机构的结果是33%. 各研究机构的平均结果是20%。

2)另外一个参数,速度的均方根偏差(RMS Error), LaVision 为 < 0.04, 最好的研究机构的结果是0.04, 研究机构的平均结果是0.08%.

3)第三个结果是所谓 Convergence towards high confidence level; 这一参数给出的是测量给出的所有速度矢量中,误差小于0.1的矢量占全部所得矢量的百分比. 显然这一比例越高越好. 结果是, LaVision 为 >90%, 最好的研究机构的结果是小于但接近90%. 研究机构的平均结果是70%. 上述结果可在PIV Challenge 组织发表的评测总结文章中找到。

2.LaVision 公司产品的特点和优势.
        LaVision 公司的PIV系统具有如下11个关键的特长.这使得LaVision 成为成像测量领域技术领先的专业供应商。 
   1) LaVision 公司的多功能软件平台DaVis,在国际上的公开评测中表现优异.特别是最近一次.前面已经对此作了详尽的介绍.
   2) LaVison 公司的DaVis 软件可以提供宏命令编程语言。宏命令编程语言为DaVis用户提供了二次开发的广阔空间.
   3) 采用计算机内置的可编程时间控制器,使得每一个使用者可以将自己特别的设置,参数,以文件的形式存储下来,方便下次试验时快速设置.可以大大地提高试验效率。控制器可以提供4路外触发同步输入通道,16路高精度外触发同步输出通道,16路低精度外触发同步输出通道。可以灵活地适应用户的个性化测试同步需求,并未设备的升级扩展做了充分的准备。 
   4) 3D PIV 软件中的自标定算法是LaVision公司专利技术。
   5) 可以提供丰富多样的附件,以适应不同应用的需求。
   6) 个性化的试验时序参数的设置。
   7) 硬件系统通用,开放.便于将来用户升级. 所提供的控制平台是未来无忧的。
   8) 软件总是基于最新的Windows 操作系统。具有直观,易用,具有启发性的软件界面。
   9) DaVis 软件可以充分发掘,发挥现代个人计算机飞速发展提高的性能。
   10) 锐意创新的研发团队,具有持续,迅捷的研发和软件开发能力。
   11) 硬件选择上,总是采用高品质的部件,确保整体系统的可靠性和稳定性。    

 3. 德国LaVision公司 FlowMaster 系列PIV系统产品配置

LaVision 的FlowMaster 系列PIV系统可以根据用户的不同应用和需求灵活的配置。如果您对LaVision公司的产品和技术感兴趣,请和我们联系。


  1. 测量介质:包括但不限于空气流,水流,多相流,燃烧反应流场,超音速流。

  2. 测量环境:开放空间,封闭空间,微小空间

  3. 速度场维数:2D-PIV,3D-PIV,体视全场(Tomo-PIV)3D3C,时间分辨TR-PIV,显微(Micro)-PIV,可升级到多参量联合测试系统(速度,浓度,粒径,温度)

  4. CCD/CMOS相机分辨率:1M,1.4M,2M,4M,11M,16M,29M

  5. 帧频:单次至一百万次

  6. 照明激光单脉冲能量:可达 2x425毫焦。可定制集成更输出能量的相机。

  7. 相关处理精度: 可达0.1像素

  8. 测速结果的信噪比: >45

  9. 测速结果的均方根偏差(RMS Error): < 0.04

  10. 测量给出的所有速度矢量中,误差小于0.1的矢量占全部所得矢量的百分比: >90% 


2.PIV Chellenge 验证。相关内容可参考发表在国家公开学术刊物上的总结文章。
3.集成的多功能软件平台: DaVis

  • A flat plate boundary layer flow was generated at the open test section of the circuit type 1m- wind tunnel of the DLR, Gottingen, at a free stream velocity of U亣 = 7 m/s with zero pressure gradients. A transparent and smooth surface glass plate is utilized to provide optical access from its bottom and a good flow quality. The plate has an elliptic leading edge to prevent flow separation. Four tripping wires, one with 1.5 mm diameter and three with 1 mm diameter were positioned with 1 mm x-distance close to the surface at (Rex). . 290 along the whole span-wise elongation of the plate. This bypass transition of the flow results in the development of a turbulent boundary layer flow. In a box of about 34 x 18 x 35 mm3 in x-y and z-directions around (Rex). . 450 tracer particles has been illuminated by laser light pulses at 4 kHz with 21 mJ each in order to achieve PIV recordings without using the frame straddling method. The light source was a Nd:YAG laser from Lee Laser inc. Two highly reflective dielectric mirrors aligned in the x-y-direction are installed nearly parallel and close to the surface of the flat plate on opposite sides of the measurement region. The collimated laser beam undergoes multiple reflections between the two mirrors passing through the measurement volume approximately 15 times before exiting (see sketch left). This arrangement resulted in a light amplification with a factor ~5 with respect to a single pass system. The specific illumination arrangement has the advantage that all viewing directions collect scattered light both in forward and backward directions, which provided the level of light needed for imaging particles in the whole volume.

    其他 2013-02-13

  • Tomographic PIV as a full volume 3D-3C flow field measurement technique can also be applied to thin sheets used in standard PIV. Tomographic PIV and Stereo PIV are compared with experimental data from an impinging jet in water. The field of view is 60 mm x 40 mm, the light sheet thickness is varied from 8 to 55 pixel. Images have been recorded with 4 cameras to gain results from two independent Stereo PIV systems and from Tomographic PIV using 2-4 cameras. Different error sources for both techniques are quantified. It is shown that instantaneous flow fields from Tomographic PIV deviate less from each of the two stereo systems, than the two stereo systems deviate from each other. A systematic error pattern is identified for the two stereo systems, which is not present for Tomographic PIV. Thin volume Tomographic PIV allows the calculation of multiple vector planes. Two planes can be calculated even for the thinnest light sheet (8 pixel) providing the full 3x3 strain-tensor. Thicker sheets with up to twelve vector planes allow the visualization of the small vortex structures in this experiment.

    其他 2012-07-16

  • Practical diagnostic strategies for detection of temperature and nitric oxide (NO) in high pressure (p<60bar) combustion systems using Laser-Induced-Fluorescence (LIF) of nitric oxide are investigated. NO-LIF, when applied to elevated pressures, suffers from a decrease of signal due to pressure broadening and attenuation of the propagating laser beam/fluorescence signals. In addition, overlapping of neighboring excitation lines and interference from LIF of other species (mainly O2 and CO2) can significantly influence the overall signal. The main purpose of this study is to investigate NO-LIF strategies which minimize the impact of these complications or allow for correction of their effects. A comprehensive study of NO-LIF in a laboratory high-pressure flame was carried out for various flame stoichiometries, pressures and excitation wavelengths to develop optimized excitation and detection strategies for high-pressure applications. Four main issues are addressed in this study. First, optimized excitation strategies are investigated for high-pressure applications in the A2Σ+&#8722;X2Π (0,0), (0,1) and (0,2) bands of NO. Second, CO2-LIF is identified as a major source of interference in the detection of NO-LIF in high-pressure combustion systems involving hydrocarbon chemistry. Third, an accurate multi-line thermometry technique for steady, high-pressure flames is proposed by fitting wavelength-scanned NO-LIF with computational simulations. Finally, measurements optimizing the detection strategies of 2-D NO-LIF imaging in high-pressure flames are reported. The discussion and demonstrations reported in this study provide a practical guideline for application of instantaneous 1-D or 2-D NO-LIF imaging in high-pressure combustion systems.

    其他 2008-04-21

  • Growing environmental concerns, such as global warming due to the emission of the greenhouse gas CO2 by automotive power plants, lead to the need for cleaner and fuel saving combustion systems. Direct injection combustion systems applied to the spark ignited engine might be a way to improve the efficiency particularly by reducing pumping and heat losses during part load while maintaining the advantages of high power density and engine speeds during high loads [Zhao, Lai et al., 1999]. Initially, wall guided combustion systems were pursued, but high hydrocarbon and soot emissions led to the investigation of spray guided systems. Here a higher degree of stratification is possible, which yields improved emissions [Drake, Fansler et al., 2004; Honda, Kawamoto et al., 2004]. Nonetheless, due to high oxygen availability and locally rich mixture, the nitric oxide formation is comparably high. This is detrimental as the widely employed exhaust aftertreatment by a three way catalytic converter is inefficient for overall lean mixtures. NO storage catalytic converters are widely employed, but require rich exhaust gas to reduce the stored NO. This is generated by operating the engine homogeneous-rich for a brief period of time, which of course comes with a fuel consumption penalty [Tamura, Kikuchi et al., 2001; Krebs, Pott et al., 2002]. A reduction of in-cylinder nitric oxide is desirable to minimize the number of regeneration cycles. Hence the understanding of in-cylinder NO formation is important, so that the necessary scientific background for improvement of the combustion system is provided. An assessment of the NO formation process inside the engine exclusively by drawing conclusions from engine out emissions is difficult, because of the highly inhomogeneous nature of the stratified charge combustion process. Also, due to high cyclic variability cycle resolved measurements are desirable, which conventional emissions analyzers are not capable of.

    汽车及零部件 2008-04-19

  • A flat plate boundary layer flow was generated at the open test section of the circuit type 1m- wind tunnel of the DLR, Gottingen, at a free stream velocity of U亣 = 7 m/s with zero pressure gradients. A transparent and smooth surface glass plate is utilized to provide optical access from its bottom and a good flow quality. The plate has an elliptic leading edge to prevent flow separation. Four tripping wires, one with 1.5 mm diameter and three with 1 mm diameter were positioned with 1 mm x-distance close to the surface at (Rex). . 290 along the whole span-wise elongation of the plate. This bypass transition of the flow results in the development of a turbulent boundary layer flow. In a box of about 34 x 18 x 35 mm3 in x-y and z-directions around (Rex). . 450 tracer particles has been illuminated by laser light pulses at 4 kHz with 21 mJ each in order to achieve PIV recordings without using the frame straddling method. The light source was a Nd:YAG laser from Lee Laser inc. Two highly reflective dielectric mirrors aligned in the x-y-direction are installed nearly parallel and close to the surface of the flat plate on opposite sides of the measurement region. The collimated laser beam undergoes multiple reflections between the two mirrors passing through the measurement volume approximately 15 times before exiting (see sketch left). This arrangement resulted in a light amplification with a factor ~5 with respect to a single pass system. The specific illumination arrangement has the advantage that all viewing directions collect scattered light both in forward and backward directions, which provided the level of light needed for imaging particles in the whole volume.

    其他 2013-02-13

  • The active control of laminar and turbulent flows with dynamical actuators is of great scientific and technological interest in nearly any field of fluid mechanics. On on hand it becomes possible to generate artifical flow structures whose properties and significance for the turbulent mixing, or their interaction with other flow structures, can be examined. On the other hand, these devices suppress flow separation on profiles or increase the performance of flow engines. Today, most of the well established actuator concepts are based on pneumatic and micro-mechanic basis. However, owing to their limited dynamic range their potential seems to be limited from the present point of view, see Gad-el-Hak (2001), and also their technical implementation is sometimes difficult. In the following an optical actuator concept is proposed and examined that allows to excite the flow non-intrusively with nearly any pulse-width and repetition-rate.

    其他 2012-08-19

  • Tomographic PIV as a full volume 3D-3C flow field measurement technique can also be applied to thin sheets used in standard PIV. Tomographic PIV and Stereo PIV are compared with experimental data from an impinging jet in water. The field of view is 60 mm x 40 mm, the light sheet thickness is varied from 8 to 55 pixel. Images have been recorded with 4 cameras to gain results from two independent Stereo PIV systems and from Tomographic PIV using 2-4 cameras. Different error sources for both techniques are quantified. It is shown that instantaneous flow fields from Tomographic PIV deviate less from each of the two stereo systems, than the two stereo systems deviate from each other. A systematic error pattern is identified for the two stereo systems, which is not present for Tomographic PIV. Thin volume Tomographic PIV allows the calculation of multiple vector planes. Two planes can be calculated even for the thinnest light sheet (8 pixel) providing the full 3x3 strain-tensor. Thicker sheets with up to twelve vector planes allow the visualization of the small vortex structures in this experiment.

    其他 2012-07-16

  • As part of the FARWAKE project, subtask 2.1.1, wake vortex flow experiments are performed using the PIV measurement technique in a water tank. The wake generating model consists of a simple wing/flap model that can be equipped with water jets to simulate propulsion effects. The model was tested at a speed of 3m/s and two angles of attack: 0and 6. Chord Reynolds number of approximately 225.000 and Vortex Reynolds numbers of approximately 150.000 and 220.000 were obtained during the tests. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the influence of a jet on the flap end vortex and the wake vortex formation. The investigation focuses on the direct influence of the jet on the flap end vortex and the (merged) vortex characteristics in the near to mid field. The main vortex characteristics addressed in this report are: the vortex trajectory, the maximum tangential velocity, the peak vorticity and the vortex core radius. The vortex information is obtained from Stereo-PIV experiments performed in a fixed plane perpendicular to the towing direction. The measurements return the 3 components of the velocity in that plane and the streamwise component of the wake vorticity. A submergible moving camera system is used in order to keep the moving vortex in the field of view during the vortex downward motion.

    其他 2012-07-07

  • To date, wake measurements using particle image velocimetry (PIV) of bats in flight have studied only three bat species, all fruit and nectar feeders. In this study, we present the first wake structure analysis for an insectivorous bat. Tadarida brasiliensis, the Brazilian free-tailed bat, is an aerial hunter that annually migrates long distances and also differs strikingly from the previously investigated species morphologically. We compare the aerodynamics of T. brasiliensis with those of other, frugivorous bats and with common swifts, Apus apus, a bird with wing morphology, kinematics and flight ecology similar to that of these bats. The comparison reveals that, for the range of speeds evaluated, the cyclical pattern of aerodynamic forces associated with a wingbeat shows more similarities between T. brasiliensis and A. apus than between T. brasiliensis and other frugivorous bats.

    生物产业 2012-07-27

  • Understanding how the hydrodynamics of feeding, nutrient and gas exchange is affected by the morphology and orientation of jellyfish is important to distinguish their individual mechanisms of foraging. The differences between the currents generated by oblate medusa that rest on the ocean floor and the more commonly observed free-swimming medusa have previously not been explored. The pulsing kinematics and fluid flow around the upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea spp., contained in laboratory aquaria is experimentally investigated using a combination of videography and digital particle image velocimetry measurements. The phase-averaged flow generated by bell pulsations is similar to a vertical jet, with induced flow velocities on the order of 1-10 mm/s. The bell margin is pushed downward during full contraction in a manner not previously observed in free-swimming medusae kinematics, due to the fact that the Cassiopea bell rests against a solid surface. This introduces a strong near-horizontal entrainment of the fluid toward the oral arms unlike the mostly upstream entrainment observed in free-swimming medusae. There is no evidence of the formation of a train of vortex rings as observed in oblate medusae exhibiting rowing propulsion. This is primarily due to the difference in the morphology of Cassiopea in which the oral arms extend to radial lengths greater than the maximum bell diameter. The resulting net fluid motion is not dominated by flow-reversal regions, suggesting that Cassiopea brings in new fluid with each bell pulse for the purposes of filter feeding, oxygen exchange and excretion.

    生物产业 2011-02-24

  • New experimental kinematic and hydrodynamic data are presented for pectoral fin function in bluegill sunfish. The highly flexible sunfish pectoral fin moves in a complex manner with two leading edges, a spanwise wave of bending, and substantial changes in area through the fin beat cycle. Data from scanning particle image velocimetry (PIV) and time-resolved stereo PIV show that the pectoral fin generates thrust throughout the fin beat cycle, and that there is no time of net drag. Continuous thrust production is due to fin flexibility which enables some part of the fin to generate thrust at all times and to smooth out oscillations that might arise at the transition from outstroke to instroke during the movement cycle. Computational fluid dynamic analyses of sunfish pectoral fin function corroborate this conclusion. Future research on fish fin function will benefit considerably from close integration with studies of robotic model fins.

    生物产业 2008-06-17

  • Fishes have an enormous diversity of body shapes and fin morphologies. From a hydrodynamic standpoint, the functional significance of this diversity is poorly understood, largely because the three-dimensional flow around swimming fish is almost completely unknown. Fully three-dimensional volumetric flow measurements are not currently feasible, but measurements in multiple transverse planes along the body can illuminate many of the important flow features. In this study, I analyze flow in the transverse plane at a range of positions around bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus, from the trailing edges of the dorsal and anal fins to the near wake. Simultaneous particle image velocimetry (PIV) and kinematic measurements were performed during swimming at 1.2·body·lengths·s–1 to describe the streamwise vortex structure, to quantify the contributions of each fin to the vortex wake, and to assess the importance of three-dimensional flow effects in swimming.

    生物产业 2008-06-14

  • In this study we present scaled 2D physical models based on extensional deformation of a cohesive mixture of sand and gypsum. We studied the detailed evolution of normal faults in a graben above a rigid basement, in order to evaluate its deformation in time and space over a wide scale range. The material properties and the apparatus setup allow a scaling of the laboratory experiments with respect to the natural prototypes in the North German Basin. The structural evolution and displacement field was analysed by digital photography and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).

    地矿 2008-03-02

  • We discuss a new phenomenon of turbulent thermal diffusion associated with turbulent transport of aerosols in the atmosphere and in laboratory experiments. The essence of this phenomenon is the appearance of a nondiffusive mean flux of particles in the direction of the mean heat flux, which results in the formation of large-scale inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of aerosols that accumulate in regions of minimum mean temperature of the surrounding fluid. This effect of turbulent thermal diffusion was detected experimentally. In experiments turbulence was generated by two oscillating grids in two directions of the imposed vertical mean temperature gradient. We used Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV) to determine the turbulent velocity field, and an Image Processing Technique based on an analysis of the intensity of Mie scattering to determine the spatial distribution of aerosols. Analysis of the intensity of laser light Mie scattering by aerosols showed that aerosols accumulate in the vicinity of the minimum mean temperature due to the effect of turbulent thermal diffusion.

    航空航天 2008-02-12

  • During the last decade particulate matter emission regulation have mandated lower emissions. Future regulations (e.g. EURO 5) will require even lower vehicle emissions. A large reduction in total particulate mass will also create new problems in accurate measurement. Further the calibration of engine maps to interface with soot trap optimisation will require transient data which is certainly beyond current gravimetric procedures. Laser-Induced Incandescence is a technique capable of measuring accurately and near instantaneously particulate matter mass and soot primary particle diameter. LII offers as well the ability to operate in raw exhausts where hydrocarbon loading and vapours often affect other instruments. This poster presents the self-calibrated LII technique invented by the National Research Council, Canada and currently under development in collaboration with Cranfield University. We present measurements taken at Millbrook Proving Ground Emission Test Chamber on a Vauxhall Frontera&#174; and a Dennis Dart&#174; bus following the Euro 4 cycle procedure and the Millbrook London Bus Transport Cycle Procedure. This poster includes also a demonstration of real-time raw exhaust measurement between the exhaust and the particulate trap of a London Bus and a comparison with instruments available within the test facility. The

    石油/化工 2009-12-27

用户单位 采购时间
同济大学 2014-05-06
上海大学 2011-12-19
上海交通大学 2011-04-06
中航608所 2011-05-09
中国燃气涡轮研究院 2005-09-06
南京航空航天大学 2006-08-31
中国计量学院 2009-08-03
浙江大学 2008-02-20
北京理工大学 2009-06-15
武汉工程大学 2010-08-02
大连理工大学 2011-03-14
合肥通用机械研究院 2012-05-07
哈工大深圳研究生院 2013-01-14
河北工业大学 2013-01-07
中科院广州能源所 2013-06-03
中国科学院工程热物理研究所 2013-11-01
中国水利水电科学研究院 2013-11-01
西安理工大学 2013-12-02
重庆大学 2014-03-03
重庆大学 2014-04-01
  • 湍流本质上具有三维(3D)立体结构属性。普通的二维(2D)包 括采用激光照明的成像测量无法在所有三个空间维度上分辨湍流 的结构。而利用多视角成像信息,采用层析重构技术则可以在三 个空间维度上同时捕捉记录复杂流动的瞬态结构。应用针对体像 素的三维(3D)相关处理技术,可以由时间相关的体成像数据计 算出瞬态三维空间的流场。 LaVision功能强大的,基于层析粒子成像测速(Tomo-PIV)和层 析粒子跟踪测速(Tomo-PTV)技术的FlowMaster激光成像系统, 能够以极高的空间分辨率记录强湍流,火焰以及喷雾对象的瞬态 体视流场。

    29025MB 2016-09-14
  • Two-dimensional velocity fields around a freely swimming freshwater black shark fish in longitudinal (XZ) plane and transverse (YZ) plane are measured using digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV). By transferring momentum to the fluid, fishes generate thrust. Thrust is generated not only by its caudal fin, but also using pectoral and anal fins, the contribution of which depends on the fish’s morphology and swimming movements. These fins also act as roll and pitch stabilizers for the swimming fish. In this paper, studies are performed on the flow induced by fins of freely swimming undulatory carangiform swimming fish (freshwater black shark, L = 26 cm) by an experimental hydrodynamic approach based on quantitative flow visualization technique. We used 2D PIV to visualize water flow pattern in the wake of the caudal, pectoral and anal fins of swimming fish at a speed of 0.5–1.5 times of body length per second.

    6233MB 2016-08-26
  • Single-shot, tomographic imaging of the three-dimensional concentration field is demonstrated in a turbulent gaseous free jet in co-flow using volumetrically illuminated laser-induced fluorescence. The fourthharmonic output of an Nd:YAG laser at 266 nm is formed into a collimated 15 × 20 mm2 beam to excite the ground singlet state of acetone seeded into the central jet. Subsequent fluorescence is collected along eight lines of sight for tomographic reconstruction using a combination of stereoscopes optically coupled to four two-stage intensified CMOS cameras. The performance of the imaging system is evaluated and shown to be sufficient for recording instantaneous three-dimensional features with high signal-tonoise (130:1) and nominal spatial resolution of 0.6–1.5 mm at x/D = 7–15.5.

    2803MB 2016-08-26
  • Many marine organisms have complex life histories, having sessile adults and relying on the planktonic larvae for dispersal. Larvae swim and disperse in a complex fluid environment and the effect of ambient flow on larval behavior could in turn impact their survival and transport. However, to date, most studies on larvae–flow interactions have focused on competent larvae near settlement. We examined the importance of flow on early larval stages by studying how local flow and ontogeny influence swimming behavior in pre-competent larval sea urchins, Arbacia punctulata. We exposed larval urchins to grid-stirred turbulence and recorded their behavior at two stages (4- and 6-armed plutei) in three turbulence regimes. Using particle image velocimetry to quantify and subtract local flow, we tested the hypothesis that larvae respond to turbulence by increasing swimming speed, and that the increase varies with ontogeny.

    502MB 2016-08-26

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