LaVision 热成像粒子成像测速系统(PIV)
LaVision 热成像粒子成像测速系统(PIV)

¥200万 - 300万


LaVision GmbH


FlowMaster® thermographic



  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

测量效果: 平面(二位/三维)

产地类别: 进口

测量频率: 低频

测速范围: <=3.5km/s

测定准确度: 1%

测量区域大小: 200mm

FlowMaster Thermographic PIV

Simultaneous gas-phase temperature and velocity imaging using micrometer-size thermographic phosphor particles seeded into the flow is demonstrated at a 3 kHz repetition rate. The velocity field is measured using a standard particle image velocimetry approach, while the temperature is determined from the temperature sensitive phosphorescence emission of the particles. Since the particles are very small, they rapidly assume the temperature and velocity of the surrounding gas. Time-resolved measurements in the wake of a heated cylinder are presented, demonstrating the utility of these imaging diagnostics to observe transient, coupled heat and mass transfer phenomena.

B. Fond, C. Abram, A.L. Heyes, A.M. Kempf and F. Beyrau, Optics Express 20 (2012), 22118-22133
C. Abram, B. Fond, A.L. Heyes and F. Beyrau, Applied Physics B (2013), 111:155–160 

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  • 采用LaVision公司的FlowMaster系统测量平面流动的速度场分布,同时用红外相机测量温度场。这对研究热传导机制非常有效。

    其他 2017-02-17

  • 可同时测量温度场分布和速度场分布。用于空气对流和热交换研究等应用领域。所采用的技术是使用既可以显示提供速度信息又可以提供温度信息的特种热敏感颗粒作为示踪粒子并应用粒子成像测速原理。成像数据的采集为高重复频率具有时间分辨本领。可以研究速度和温度的动态变化过程。

    环保 2014-01-29

  • Impinging synthetic jets are considered as a potential solution for convective cooling, in applications that match their main characteristics (high local heat transfer rates, zero net mass flux, scalability, active control). Nevertheless the understanding of heat transfer to synthetic jets falls short of that available for steady jets. To address this, this paper uses detailed flow field measurements to help identify the main heat transfer mechanisms in impinging synthetic jets. Local heat transfer measurements have been performed for an impinging round synthetic jet at a range of Reynolds numbers between 1000 and 3000, nozzle to plate spacings between 4D and 16D and stroke lengths (L0) between 2D and 32D. The heat transfer results show evidence of distinct regimes in terms of L0/D and L0/H ratios. Based on appropriate scaling, four heat transfer regimes are identified which justifies a detailed study of the flow field characteristics. High speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) has been employed to measure the time-resolved velocity flow fields of the synthetic jet to identify the flow structures at selected L0/H values corresponding to the identified heat transfer regimes. The flow measurements support the same regimes as identified from the heat transfer measurements and provide physical insight for the heat transfer behaviour.

    其他 2011-03-07

  • 采用LaVision公司的FlowMaster系统测量平面流动的速度场分布,同时用红外相机测量温度场。这对研究热传导机制非常有效。

    其他 2017-02-17

  • Impinging synthetic jets are considered as a potential solution for convective cooling, in applications that match their main characteristics (high local heat transfer rates, zero net mass flux, scalability, active control). Nevertheless the understanding of heat transfer to synthetic jets falls short of that available for steady jets. To address this, this paper uses detailed flow field measurements to help identify the main heat transfer mechanisms in impinging synthetic jets. Local heat transfer measurements have been performed for an impinging round synthetic jet at a range of Reynolds numbers between 1000 and 3000, nozzle to plate spacings between 4D and 16D and stroke lengths (L0) between 2D and 32D. The heat transfer results show evidence of distinct regimes in terms of L0/D and L0/H ratios. Based on appropriate scaling, four heat transfer regimes are identified which justifies a detailed study of the flow field characteristics. High speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) has been employed to measure the time-resolved velocity flow fields of the synthetic jet to identify the flow structures at selected L0/H values corresponding to the identified heat transfer regimes. The flow measurements support the same regimes as identified from the heat transfer measurements and provide physical insight for the heat transfer behaviour.

    其他 2011-03-07

  • 可同时测量温度场分布和速度场分布。用于空气对流和热交换研究等应用领域。所采用的技术是使用既可以显示提供速度信息又可以提供温度信息的特种热敏感颗粒作为示踪粒子并应用粒子成像测速原理。成像数据的采集为高重复频率具有时间分辨本领。可以研究速度和温度的动态变化过程。

    环保 2014-01-29

  • 本文给出了第三届国际PIV评测活动(PIV Challenge)的主要结果。这次评测是和PIV05国际研讨会在相同地点,相同时间举行的相关活动。本文介绍了评测活动的宗旨,描述了测试的项目和参与单位采用的相关算法,给出了主要的评测结果和相关分析,同时给出了对于各种不同的PIV和PTV算法的精度和鲁棒特性的总结。由于所得到的全部结果内容较多,无法在此文种尽述。因此本文只能起到使用全部的数据库文件,图像和结果的向导的作用。详细数据可访问获得。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 想要获得本文全文的朋友请联系: 北京欧兰科技发展有限公司 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 北京市海淀区上地十街1号辉煌国际中心1号楼1006室。邮编100085 电话: +86-10-62623871,62616041,62612809-18 传真: +86-10-59713638 手机:13001184981,13611196791 电邮: 网址: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    72MB 2009-12-20

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