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Taste and bitterness evaluation of dairy protein hydrolysates prior to potential use as food ingredients (mainly milk)

2018/08/22 15:36


Taste and bitterness evaluation of dairy protein hydrolysates prior to potential use as food ingredients


To date the main method for the evaluation of taste has been the trained sensory panel, but in recent years, a number of electronic tongues have been developed as an alternative method. The benefits of using such a tool over a trained sensory panel are that it is rapid, reliable and does not suffer from sensory fatigue. The advantage of the e-tongue is that it is less time consuming than a sensory panel and can screen potentially toxic or unpleasant samples.



ASTREE 电子舌-味觉指纹分析仪

型号: ASTREE LS16/48

产地: 法国

品牌: Alpha MOS

¥100万 - 200万




Food for Health Ireland - University College Dublin

Food for Health Ireland (FHI) searches for ingredients that promote infant development, help to control weight and related health issues, boost immunity or support healthy ageing.

 Activity : Research centre on high quality and healthy food (mainly milk)

Context : Taste and bitterness evaluation of dairy protein hydrolysates prior to potential use as food ingredients
Equipment : ASTREE Electronic Tongue
Website http://www.fhi.ie/ - http://www.ucd.ie/


Evaluation of the sensory characteristics of functional ingredients produced from milk

Food for Health Ireland (FHI) searches for ingredients that promote infant development, help to control weight and related health issues, boost immunity or support healthy ageing. The research also includes consumer studies on functional foods, which is critical for product development and successfully negotiating market opportunities. FHI links the expertise of researchers from universities with the marketing power of industry partners to develop new functional food ingredients and products.

In particular, FHI partners with University College Dublin (UCD) to investigate the potential of dairy protein hydrolysates to become part of the functional ingredients market. Indeed, these products have numerous improved characteristics over un-hydrolysed dairy proteins e.g. improved gelation and foaming abilities in food systems and enhanced nutritional properties in the form of bioactive peptides. However, the hydrolysis process can produce bitter off-tastes in dairy proteins, limiting their potential use as food ingredients. This is a result of the alteration of the native proteins to short chained peptides with exposed hydrophobic amino acids. Therefore, the research works need to screen dairy protein hydrolysates according to their sensory character prior to application in food products. For taste evaluations, the scientists from UCD use an ASTREE Electronic Tongue from Alpha MOS.


“The advantage of the e-tongue is that it is less time consuming than a sensory panel and can screen potentially toxic or unpleasant samples.”


For this specific study, the objective was to construct a bitterness prediction model using the e-tongue for the assessment of dairy hydrolysates to reduce the reliance on sensory panel analysis. The bitterness values predicted by the e-tongue showed strong correlation with a trained sensory panel in the evaluation of dairy protein hydrolysates. The quantification models were robust enough to predict the relative bitterness on the 15 point scale of both whey and casein samples and thus to decide whether to select the products as potential food ingredients or not.

Jessica Newman, PhD at FHI / UCD, comments: “To date the main method for the evaluation of taste has been the trained sensory panel, but in recent years, a number of electronic tongues have been developed as an alternative method. The benefits of using such a tool over a trained sensory panel are that it is rapid, reliable and does not suffer from sensory fatigue. The advantage of the e-tongue is that it is less time consuming than a sensory panel and can screen potentially toxic or unpleasant samples.”





ASTREE 电子舌-味觉指纹分析仪

型号:ASTREE LS16/48

¥100万 - 200万

快速气相电子鼻-气味分析仪 Heracles NEO

型号:Heracles NEO 200/250

¥100万 - 200万

快速气相电子鼻-气味分析仪 Heracles NEO

型号:Heracles NEO 300G/300

¥100万 - 200万

快速气相电子鼻-气味分析仪 Heracles NEO

型号:Heracles NEO 100/150

¥100万 - 200万


Test of several types of shutter to determine which ones best preserve wine aroma

We analysed a pink wine aged for one year with different shutters to determine which ones best preserved the aroma of wine over time. The analysis was performed both by our sensory panel and by Alpha MOS lab using their HERACLES Electronic Nose. Screw caps proved to best preserve the aroma profile of wines over time. On the contrary, synthetic shutters entailed a significant change in wine aromas, molded ones being less efficient than extruded ones for aroma preservation. The wines are oxidized. With synthetic and technical cork shutters, it appeared that compounds providing fruity notes, such as ethyl octanoate (pineapple note) experienced a significant decrease which contributed to the overall loss of aroma.



Need a testing method for assuring that the gelatins will not have any unwanted odor-Gelatins

The company proposes a wide range of traditional gelatins coming from pork, bovine or fish skins intended for pharmaceutical, food or technical applications. The group applies a strict policy in terms of traceability and products quality, in particular to guarantee that their gelatins have no unpleasant odor. As part of a partnership with OSEO, a French state company aimed at encouraging industrial innovation, Weishardt equipped with a HERACLES electronic nose (Alpha MOS, France).



Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the aroma compound of our olive oil quickly and reproducibly-Olive oil

In ISOEN 2017 (17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses) held in Canada, we made 2 presentations: “Sensory Characterization of Oils Extracted from Lacto-Fermented Olives Using an Electronic Nose” and “Assessing Production of Medicinal Liqueur Using an Electronic Nose.” For the first topic, we received the Alpha MOS industrial award. Furthermore, utilizing the fact that HERACLES II is a very fast and high sensitive GC, we made a success in identifying the scent marker peculiar to the olive fruit disease and detecting 1% of the disease contamination (paper submitted). It is also possible to detect volatile toxic substances by heating of vegetable oil (paper submitted).



Optimization of product development-Sports nutrition and nutritional supplements

Product Development is optimized through utilization of Alpha MOS's Electronic Sensory Evaluation System, the Ultra-Fast GC HERACLES Electronic Nose, and the Electronic Tongue, ASTREE. The two systems share their database to create a complete sensory chemical fingerprint of Optimum Nutrition's gold standards to insure strict quality control for incoming raw materials including flavors and finished products.









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