
仪器信息网双氢麦角胺峰鉴别标准品专题为您提供2024年最新双氢麦角胺峰鉴别标准品价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括双氢麦角胺峰鉴别标准品参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的双氢麦角胺峰鉴别标准品您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合双氢麦角胺峰鉴别标准品相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有双氢麦角胺峰鉴别标准品相关的最新资讯、资料,以及双氢麦角胺峰鉴别标准品相关的解决方案。
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  • 麦角固醇如何用ESI 源来测


  • 英国食品安全局从谷物食品中检出真菌毒素(麦角生物碱)


  • 【转帖】麦角菌科的种类



  • LCMS-8045快速检测尿样中致幻剂麦角酸二乙胺
    新型致幻剂麦角酸二乙胺的LCMSMS超快速分析方法。参考《司法鉴定技术规范(SFZ JD0107005-2016)》,采用液-液萃取的方式,建立了一种使用岛津超高效液相色谱仪LC-30A和三重四极杆质谱仪LCMS-8045联用检测尿样中麦角酸二乙胺的方法。低浓度0.02 ng/mL样品保留时间和峰面积的相对标准偏差分别为0.50%和3.96%,表明仪器精密度良好;在0.005~100.0 ng/mL线性范围内,校准曲线相关系数为0.9992,仪器检出限和定量限分别为0.001 ng/mL和0.004ng/mL。低、中、高浓度加标样的回收率在70.5%~82.80%之间,双样相对相差小于20%,满足鉴定技术规范要求。此方法可为司法刑侦系统检测涉尿样中麦角酸二乙胺提供参考。
  • 液相色谱串联质谱法+小麦+麦角生物碱
    在食品方面的研究领域中,对麦角生物碱的研究,常见的方法有:比色分析法(Colorimetry),但此方法只适合总碱含量测定,不能区分麦角生物碱的差向异构体;薄层色谱分析法(Thinlayerchromatography,TLC)分析方法简便、快速、成本低,但灵敏度低、重现性差,因此目前多用于定性分析及半定量分析;酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA),具有检测时间短、特异性强、仪器设备和样品前处理简单的特点,适用于大批量样品筛查与现场检测,然而也存在酶标记抗体保存时间有限且用量大,交叉反应;气相色谱法(Gas Chromatography,GC)一般要求被分析物在一定温度下易气化且在气化温度下较稳定。采用GC检测肽型麦角生物碱时,肽型麦角生物碱在进样口温度(250~300℃)下不稳定、易分解,肽型麦角生物碱会发生热分解,产生缩氨酸部分。利用质谱法(Mass spectrometer,MS)可以区分肽型麦角生物碱和其他麦角生物碱,但对于肽型麦角生物碱的差向异构体,如:麦角胺和麦角胺宁,则不能进行区分;高效液相色谱分析法(High performance liquid chromatography,HPLC),该方法具有分析效率高、重现性好、专一性强、灵敏度高等优点,是目前常用的一种麦角生物碱的检测方法,该方法不宜鉴定新化合物、区分特征麦角生物碱及其异构体;综合来说,液相色谱串联质谱法(LC-MS/MS)应用广泛,这种方法能定量分析麦角生物碱的同时确定麦角生物碱的相对分子质量,还可能得到新的化合物。本方案参考GB 2715-2016《食品安全国家标准 粮食》采用液相色谱串联质谱法(LC-MS/MS)。
  • 天然抗氧化剂--麦角硫因的检测
    麦角硫因多存在于蘑菇类食物中。这篇解决方案介绍关于干香菇提取液中麦角硫因的检测。被分析物质麦角硫因和鸟苷酸均在CAPCELL PAK INERT ADME-HR色谱柱上得到了良好保留,且和其他基质得到了良好的分离。


  • 中国食品药品企业质量安全促进会关于《口服胶原蛋白生物利用度的评价方法》、《化妆品用原料 麦角硫因》两项团体标准征求意见的函
    各有关单位及专家:由广西神冠胶原生物集团有限公司提出,中国保健协会食物营养与安全专业委员会、中国海洋大学等单位参与起草的《口服胶原蛋白生物利用度的评价方法》团体标准;由世卫国华(北京)医疗科技研究院有限公司提出,上海麦角硫因生物科技集团有限公司、默沃智造(上海)生物技术有限公司等单位参与起草的《化妆品用原料 麦角硫因》团体标准,在汇总了标准起草工作组成员单位及有关企业和专家意见的前提下,现已完成征求意见稿,为保证该团标的科学性、实用性及可操作性,现公开征求意见。请各有关单位及专家认真审阅标准文本,对标准的征求意见稿(详见附件1、附件3)提出宝贵意见和建议,并将征求意见反馈表(详见附件5)于2023年04月11日前以信函或邮件的形式反馈至联系人,逾期未反馈意见的单位及个人视为无意见。 联系人:冯斯雯联系方式:010-62484982邮箱:FDSA@fdsa.org.cn 附件1:《口服胶原蛋白生物利用度的评价方法》征求意见稿附件2:《口服胶原蛋白生物利用度的评价方法》征求意见稿 编制说明附件3:《化妆品用原料 麦角硫因》征求意见稿附件4:《化妆品用原料 麦角硫因》征求意见稿 编制说明附件5:团体标准征求意见反馈表 中国食品药品企业质量安全促进会2023年3月7日关于《口服胶原蛋白生物利用度的评价方法》、《化妆品用原料 麦角硫因》两项团体标准征求意见的函.pdf附件1:《口服胶原蛋白生物利用度的评价方法》征求意见稿.docx附件2:《口服胶原蛋白生物利用度的评价方法》征求意见稿 编制说明.docx附件3:《化妆品用原料 麦角硫因》征求意见稿.doc附件4:《化妆品用原料 麦角硫因》编制说明.docx附件5:团体标准征求意见反馈表.docx
  • 浙江省健康产品化妆品行业协会立项《化妆品中麦角硫因含量的测定 高效液相色谱法》团体标准
    各有关单位: 根据《团体标准管理规定》规定,按照《浙江省健康产品化妆品行业协会团体标准管理办法》的相关要求,由珀莱雅化妆品股份有限公司牵头申报的《化妆品中麦角硫因含量的测定 高效液相色谱法》团体标准,经浙江省健康产品化妆品行业协会组织专家进行立项评审,所申报的团体标准符合立项条件,现批准立项并予以公告。 请参与标准起草的单位严格按照浙江省健康产品化妆品行业协会团体标准制定工作要求及专家意见,尽快组织标准编写,强化编制过程中的质量管理,加强组织协调,确保高质按期完成标准编制任务。同时,欢迎与本标准有关的高等院校、科研机构、相关企业、使用单位等加入标准的编制工作,有意参与标准编制的单位请与协会秘书处联系。 联系方式: 潘璐璐 0571-85871052 15957181365 陈莹艳 0571-85871051 18158434007 邮箱:zjcos2015@163.com 地址:浙江省杭州市拱墅区费家塘路新天地商务中心 12 幢 10 楼 浙江省健康产品化妆品行业协会2023年10月26日【2023】55号--《化妆品中麦角硫因含量的测定 高效液相色谱法》立项公告.pdf
  • 中国生物发酵产业协会发布《发酵液中麦角硫因的测定 高效液相色谱法》行业标准公开征求意见稿
    1. 《发酵液中麦角硫因的测定 高效液相色谱法》行业标准(征求意见稿).pdf2.《发酵液中麦角硫因的测定 高效液相色谱法》行业标准编制说明(征求意见稿).pdf3.《发酵液中麦角硫因的测定 高效液相色谱法》行业标准(征求意见稿)意见反馈表.docx


  • 乳制品三聚氰胺检测仪采用手提式一体化系统检测技术,将分光光度模块、胶体金检测模块、新型农残检测模块、数字化管理模块、无线通讯模块高度集成于一体,支持检测200种食品安全检测项目,同时预留升级检测方法。仪器检测模块标准化、智能化,可随意自由组合。检测箱体内置多个标准检测单元,检测模块可以调整配置。  乳制品三聚氰胺检测仪采用全新安卓智能系统,主控芯片采用 ARM Cortex-A7,RK3288/4核处理器,10.1寸高清液晶触摸竖屏,更加高效的UI交互界面,运转快捷 仪器配备无线通信模块: 4G(APN)通讯模块、Wifi模块,蓝牙传输,同时具有双USB接口以及RJ45接口能以多种方式实现数据保存和数据传输功能。  创新检测模式:  检测通道:≥12通道 采用精密旋转比色池设计,使用同芯片同光源校准精度,解决不同光源之间的误差值。  仪器具有自动识别比色皿检测功能,即:将样品比色皿放入仪器后,点击样品检测,仪器自动识别比色皿进行通道检测。  进口高精光源:  高精度进口四波长冷光源,通道配置 410、520、590、630nm 波长光源,一个光源芯片驱动一个光源,误差极小,每台设备单独精确校准光源,精确比对,同时参照四种不同波段光源覆盖市面上99%的农残食品项目检测。
  • 其他高纯管控标准品慧淘科仪为您提供高质量的高纯国家管控标准品,包括:抗精神病/抗抑郁类奥氮平、氯丙嗪、氯氮平、多虑平、卡马西平、去甲替林、三氟拉嗪、阿米替林、氯米帕明、丙咪嗪盐、异丙嗪抗焦虑/失眠类唑呲坦、佐匹克降、地西泮、硝西泮、氯硝西泮、劳拉西泮、阿普唑仑、艾司唑仑、咪达唑仑、三唑仑等中枢神经类咖啡因、可卡因类、苯丙胺类、氯丙嗪、氟呱啶醇、卡西酮类、利多卡因、尼可刹米、氯化琥珀胆碱等镇痛/麻醉类芬太尼类、吗啡类、可待因类、阿片类、哌替啶、曲马多、喷他佐辛、布托啡诺、巴比妥类、苯二氮卓类、氯胺酮、四氢大麻酚、大麻酚、大麻二酚、羟考酮等非药用类精麻药品↗麻醉药品↗其他↗精神药品一类↗精神药品二类↗
  • 手持拉曼 原辅料入库 现场快检 批量检测入库 高荧光辅料产品简介鉴知技术 RS1500DI 药品快速鉴别仪可对原辅料及包材进行100%逐包检测,能够在仓库、备料间、生产车间等各种现场快速鉴别原辅料,帮助制药企业对物料进行快速放行。RS1500DI采用独特的1064nm激发波长,不仅可以快速无损地鉴别常见的化学类原辅料,更可轻松识别普通拉曼无法检测的高荧光样品,如:氨基酸、辅酶、纤维素等生化类原辅料以及色素类辅料。鉴知技术拥有的RS1500DI满足FDA 21CFR part11及GMP等相关法规要求,在方法建立、验证及3Q认证等方面鉴知技术都讲提供全面的技术支持服务。技术特点 检测全面,化学类、生化类原辅料及色素等均可鉴别 快速响应,能穿过玻璃、编织袋、塑料等包装直接检测 小巧轻便,可在仓库、备料间等各种现场移动作业 无需取样,不用将原辅料转移至取样室,并可避免取样污染 识别准确,智能识别算法与拉曼光谱技术结合,专属性强检测范围广化学原料药:阿司匹林、对乙酰氨基酚、叶酸、烟酰胺等药用辅料:盐类、碱类、糖类、酯类、醇类、酚类等包材:聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚碳酸酯、乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物等特有检测能力生化类原料药:氨基酸及其衍生物、酶与辅酶类、蛋白类等色素类辅料:胭脂红、胡萝卜素姜黄素、叶绿素等其他高分子类辅料:明胶、微晶纤维素等无需取样 可穿透编织袋、塑料、玻璃、纸包装等包装直接检测使用区域广 小巧轻便,一台设备即可满足仓库、备料间、生产车间等多场景需求


  • 欧洲药典标准品2
    异烟酸地塞米松 Dexamethasone isonicotinate 10 mg 奶蓟提取物 Milk thistle standardised dry extract *** 120 mg 免疫球蛋白面板抗- D抗体 Immunoglobulin panel for anti-D antibodies test BRP (2 Amp.) 2000 mg 硫利达嗪系统适应 Thioridazine for system suitability 0.21 mg 癸酸南诺龙 Nandrolone decanoate *** 5 mg 去甲羟基安定峰鉴别 Oxazepam for peak identification 0.008 mg 双氢速甾醇 Dihydrotachysterol *** 10 mg 硫辛酸含杂质B Thioctic acid containing impurity B 30 mg 硫辛酸 Thioctic acid 110 mg 癸酸诺龙峰鉴别 Nandrolone decanoate for peak identification*** 10 mg 癸酸诺龙系统适应性 Nandrolone decanoate for system suitability *** 10 mg 大观霉素系统适应性 Spectinomycin for system suitability 20 mg 舒巴坦峰鉴别 Sulbactam for peak identification 20 mg 多沙唑嗪杂质D Doxazosin impurity D 10 mg 多沙唑嗪杂质F Doxazosin impurity F 10 mg 甲磺酸多沙唑嗪 Doxazosin mesilate 60 mg 地高辛峰鉴别 Digoxin for peak identification 10 mg 碘曲仑 Iotrolan 100 mg 非班太尔 Febantel 110 mg 氟康唑 Fluconazole 50 mg 氟康唑峰鉴别 Fluconazole for peak identification 10 mg 丙酸氯倍他索 Clobetasol propionate 40 mg 苯唑西林峰鉴别 Oxacillin for peak identification 10 mg 维库溴铵 Vecuronium bromide 10 mg 咪达唑仑杂质C Midazolam impurity C 0.08 mg 盐酸阿米替林 Amitriptyline hydrochloride 10 mg 苄氟噻嗪杂质A Bendroflumethiazide impurity A 5 mg ß -醋地高辛 ß -Acetyldigoxin 30 mg 头孢拉定峰鉴别 Cefradine for peak identification 6 mg 绿原酸 Chlorogenic acid 20 mg 氯倍他索峰鉴别 Clobetasol for peak identification 2 mg 氯倍他索杂质J Clobetasol impurity J 0.4 mg 羟乙膦酸钠 Etidronate disodium 10 mg 氟康唑杂质B Fluconazole impurity B 10 mg 氟康唑杂质C Fluconazole impurity C 5 mg 常春藤提取物 Ivy leaf standardised tincture *** 2 mL 泮库溴铵系统适应性 Pancuronium bromide for system suitability 20 mg 盐酸帕罗西汀 Paroxetine hydrochloride (anhydrous) 100 mg 盐酸帕罗西汀杂质C Paroxetine hydrochloride (anhydrous) impurity C 10 mg 帕罗西汀杂质E Paroxetine impurity E 5 mg 盐酸帕罗西汀杂质H Paroxetine hydrochloride (anhydrous) impurity H 10 mg 醋酸泼尼松龙峰鉴别 Prednisolone acetate for peak identification 10 mg 缬草提取物 Valerian standardised dry extract *** 400 mg 盐酸沃尼妙林 Valnemulin hydrochloride 10 mg 沃尼妙林峰鉴别 Valnemulin for peak identification 20 mg 沃尼妙林杂质E Valnemulin impurity E 10 mg 盐酸文拉法辛 Venlafaxine hydrochloride 50 mg 文拉法辛系统适应性 Venlafaxine for system suitability 1 mg 长春西汀 Vinpocetine 10 mg 长春西汀杂质A Vinpocetine impurity A 10 mg 长春西汀杂质B Vinpocetine impurity B 10 mg 硫辛酸系统适应性 Thioctic acid for system suitability 10 mg 硫酸软骨素钠 Chondroitin sulphate sodium (marine) 100 mg Rocuronium bromide - Reference Spectrum unit 阿尔维林峰鉴别 Alverine for peak identification 0.125 mg 盐酸大观霉素 Spectinomycin hydrochloride 100 mg 醋酸甲羟孕酮系统适应性 Medroxyprogesterone acetate for system suitability *** 10 mg 达那肝素钠 Danaparoid sodium *** 10 mg 甲氨蝶呤峰鉴别 Methotrexate for peak identification 20 mg 氯雷他定系统适应性 Loratadine for system suitability 20 mg 氯雷他定杂质F Loratadine impurity F 10 mg 氯雷他定杂质H Loratadine impurity H 50 mg 阿尔噻嗪 Altizide 150 mg 阿尔维林杂质D Alverine impurity D 10 mg 比沙可啶峰鉴别 Bisacodyl for peak identification 10 mg 克拉屈滨峰鉴别 Cladribine for peak identification 10 mg 克拉屈滨杂质C Cladribine impurity C 2-chloro-7H-purin-6-amine *** 5 mg 登溴克新 Dembrexine hydrochloride monohydrate 10 mg Dopexamine dihydrochloride 10 mg 登溴克新杂质B Dopexamine impurity B 10 mg 登溴克新杂质F Dopexamine impurity F 10 mg 依那普利二水 Enalaprilat dihydrate 100 mg 盐酸托烷司琼 Tropisetron hydrochloride 40 mg 乙基吲哚羧酸 Ethyl indole-3-carboxylate 10 mg 托烷司琼杂质B Tropisetron impurity B 10 mg 愈创木酚 Guaiacol 2200 mg 正十二烷基磺酸钠 Sodium laurilsulfate 40 mg 盐酸特拉唑嗪 Terazosin hydrochloride dihydrate 40 mg 特拉唑嗪杂质A Terazosin impurity A 10 mg 特拉唑嗪杂质L Terazosin impurity L 10 mg 特拉唑嗪杂质N Terazosin impurity N 10 mg 维库溴铵峰鉴别 Vecuronium for peak identification 10 mg 酮洛酸氨丁三醇峰鉴别 Ketorolac trometamol for peak identification 5 mg 依那普利系统适用性 Enalaprilat for system suitability 10 mg 帕罗西汀系统适用性 Paroxetine for system suitability 5 mg 萘普生杂质L Naproxen impurity L 10 mg 降钙素甘氨酸 Calcitonin-Gly *** 0.4 mL 盐酸头孢吡肟 Cefepime dihydrochloride monohydrate 150 mg 盐酸头孢吡肟系统适用性 Cefepime dihydrochloride monohydrate for system suitability 15 mg 莫达非尼 Modafinil 110 mg 系统适应性 Modafinil for system suitability 0.1 mg 阿奇霉素峰鉴别 Azithromycin for peak identification 15 mg 苯唑西林钠 Oxacillin sodium monohydrate 110 mg 可拉屈滨 Cladribine 50 mg 毛地黄毒苷元 Digoxigenin 5 mg 阿奇霉素系统适应性 Azithromycin for system suitability 0.05 mg 醋地高辛峰鉴别 ß -Acetyldigoxin for peak identification 10 mg 格列吡嗪杂质D Glipizide impurity D 10 mg 噻吗洛尔 (R)-timolol 20 mg 苯甲酮 Benzophenone 40 mg 替米沙坦 Telmisartan 30 mg 替米沙坦峰鉴别 Telmisartan for peak identification 10 mg 盐酸坦索罗辛 Tamsulosin hydrochloride 10 mg 坦索罗辛杂质D Tamsulosin impurity D 10 mg 坦索罗辛杂质H Tamsulosin impurity H 10 mg 坦索罗辛消旋 Tamsulosin racemate 10 mg 来氟米特 Leflunomide 100 mg 硫酸大观霉素 Spectinomycin sulphate tetrahydrate *** 10 mg 盐酸育亨宾 Yohimbine hydrochloride 20 mg 碘曲仑系统适应性 Iotrolan for system suitability 5 mg 吡咯烷酮 Pyrrolidone 20 mg 非班太尔系统适应性 Febantel for system suitability 10 mg 马鞭草苷 Verbenalin 11 mg 核糖核酸 Ribonucleic acid 100 mg 甲氨蝶呤杂质C Methotrexate impurity C 10 mg 甲氨蝶呤杂质E Methotrexate impurity E 10 mg 特拉唑嗪杂质E Terazosin impurity E 10 mg 特拉唑嗪系统适应性 Terazosin for system suitability 0.5 mg Human coagulation factor VII concentrate BRP *** 2x26 mg 替勃龙系统适应性 Tibolone for system suitability *** 10 mg 水杨苷 Salicin 50 mg 诺香草胺 Nonivamide 10 mg 辣椒素 Capsaicin 50 mg 碘海醇峰鉴别 Iohexol for peak identification 10 mg 钩果草甙 Harpagoside 1.03 mg 来氟米特峰鉴别 Leflunomide for peak identification 1 mg 盐酸吉西他滨 Gemcitabine hydrochloride 50 mg 吉西他滨杂质A Gemcitabine impurity A 20 mg 甲磺酸溴隐亭系统适应性 Bromocriptine mesilate for system suitability *** 5 mg 依那普利拉 Enalaprilat impurity G 0.005 mg 美吡拉敏杂质A Mepyramine impurity A 10 mg 美吡拉敏杂质C Mepyramine impurity C 10 mg 美吡拉敏杂质D Noradrenaline impurity D 15 mg 美吡拉敏杂质E Noradrenaline impurity E 10 mg 盐酸去氧肾上腺素 Phenylephrine hydrochloride for peak identification 2 mg 甲氧苄啶系统适应性 Trimethoprim for system suitability 0.00075 mg 来曲唑 Letrozole 70 mg 去甲肾上腺素杂质F Noradrenaline impurity F 10 mg 枸橼酸阿尔维林 Alverine citrate 5 mg 氯雷他定 Loratadine 60 mg 滑液囊支原体 Mycoplasma synoviae BRP *** 1 mL 猪鼻支原体 Mycoplasma hyorhinis BRP *** 1 mL 口腔支原体 Mycoplasma orale BRP *** 1 mL 发酵支原体 Mycoplasma fermentans BRP *** 1 mL 胆甾原支原体 Acholeplasma laidlawii BRP *** 1 mL 比沙可啶系统适应性 Bisacodyl for system suitability 5 mg 纳洛酮峰鉴别 Naloxone for peak identification 10 mg 癸酸睾酮 Testosterone decanoate for system suitability 0.4 mg 紫杉醇 Paclitaxel 40 mg 紫杉醇杂质C Paclitaxel impurity C N-debenzoyl-N-hexanoylpaclitaxel 5 mg 峰鉴别 Paclitaxel natural for peak identification 10 mg 美托拉宗 Metolazone 80 mg 美托拉宗系统适应性 Metolazone for system suitability 10 mg 盐酸莫西沙星 Moxifloxacin hydrochloride 110 mg 甲硫哒嗪 Thioridazine 10 mg 米氮平 Mirtazapine 10 mg 利托那韦峰鉴别 Ritonavir for peak identification 10 mg 肾上腺素杂质A Adrenaline tartrate with impurity A 15 mg 氟奋乃静杂质混合物 Fluphenazine impurity mixture 0.07 mg 氧托溴铵 Oxitropium bromide 50 mg Somatropin/desamidosomatropin resolution mixture 33 mg Eq Influenza Subtype 2 American-like/South Africa Horse Antiserum BRP *** 1 mg 氧托溴铵杂质D Oxitropium bromide impurity D 10 mg 利托那韦 Ritonavir 80 mg 氧托溴铵杂质B Oxitropium bromide impurity B 15 mg 异己酸睾酮系统适应性 Testosterone isocaproate for system suitability 5 mg 莫西沙星峰鉴别 Moxifloxacin for peak identification 10 mg 劳拉西泮杂质D Lorazepam impurity D 10 mg 半合成紫杉醇峰鉴别 Paclitaxel semi-synthetic for peak identification 10 mg 甘油二异硬脂酸酯 Triglycerol diisostearate 200 mg 米氮平系统适应性 Mirtazapine for system suitability 10 mg 诺孕酪 Norgestimate 10 mg 诺孕酪系统适应性 Norgestimate for system suitability 5 mg 盐酸多佐胺 Dorzolamide hydrochloride 50 mg 多佐胺杂质A Dorzolamide impurity A 5 mg Agnus castus fruit standardised dry extract *** 200 mg 联苯乙酸 Felbinac 10 mg 联苯乙酸杂质A Felbinac impurity A 20 mg 达卡巴嗪 Dacarbazine *** 20 mg 达卡巴嗪杂质A Dacarbazine impurity A 10 mg 达卡巴嗪杂质B Dacarbazine impurity B 10 mg 盐酸黄酮哌酯 Flavoxate hydrochloride 10 mg 黄酮哌酯杂质A Flavoxate impurity A 10 mg 黄酮哌酯杂质B Flavoxate impurity B 10 mg 半合成紫杉醇系统适应 Paclitaxel semi-synthetic for system suitability 1 mg 肾上腺素杂质混合物 Adrenaline impurity mixture 0.005 mg 盐酸罗哌卡因一水合物 Ropivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate 10 mg 罗哌卡因杂质G Ropivacaine impurity G 5 mg 聚糖酐 Dextranomer 50 mg Macrogol 40 sorbitol heptaoleate 20 mg 印地那韦系统适应性 Indinavir for system suitability 20 mg 莫昔克丁系统适应性 Moxidectin for system suitability 10 mg Tibolone - Reference Spectrum unit 香精油 Essential oil 1000 mg 多佐胺系统适应性 Dorzolamide for system suitability 5 mg 非索非那定杂质A Fexofenadine impurity A 5 mg 非索非那定杂质B Fexofenadine impurity B 0.01 mg 非索非那定杂质C Fexofenadine impurity C 5 mg 乌洛托品 Methenamine 10 mg 壬苯醇醚9 Nonoxinol 9 10 mg 非诺特罗峰鉴别 Fenoterol for peak identification 1.2 mg 核黄素峰鉴别 Riboflavin for peak identification 0.1 mg 氯氮平峰鉴别 Clozapine for peak identification 0.41 mg 曲米帕明峰鉴别 Trimipramine for peak identification 0.51 mg 长春西汀杂质D Vinpocetine impurity D 10 mg 氟尿嘧啶杂质A Fluorouracil impurity A 10 mg 氟尿嘧啶杂质B Fluorouracil impurity B 10 mg 氟尿嘧啶杂质C Fluorouracil impurity C 10 mg 氟尿嘧啶杂质D Fluorouracil impurity F 10 mg 邻苯二甲酸 Phthalic acid 20 mg 间苯二酚 Resorcinol 20 mg 依托度酸峰鉴别 Etodolac for peak identification 10 mg 普鲁米近杂质D Promethazine impurity D 10 mg 丙烯酸乙酯共聚物 Methacrylic acid-ethylacrylate copolymer (1:1) type A 200 mg 培哚普利峰鉴别 Perindopril for peak identification 5 mg 莫昔克丁 Moxidectin 70 mg 兰索拉唑 Lansoprazole 60 mg 兰索拉唑峰鉴别 Lansoprazole for peak identification 1 mg 苯溴马隆 Benzbromarone 10 mg 马来酸甲麦角新碱 Methylergometrine maleate 10 mg 马来酸甲麦角新碱 系统适应性 Methylergometrine maleate for system suitability 0.53 mg 华法林钠 Warfarin sodium clathrate 10 mg 氯噻酮峰鉴别 Chlortalidone for peak identification 1 mg 硬石蜡 Paraffin (hard) 10 mg 醋酸纤维素 Cellulose acetate 40 mg 迷迭香酸 Rosmarinic acid 40 mg 咖啡因系统适应性 Caffeine for system suitability 20 mg 印地那韦 Indinavir 100 mg 非索非那定 Fexofenadine hydrochloride 60 mg "长春西汀 杂质C" Vinpocetine impurity C 10 mg 氟脲嘧啶杂质混合物 Fluorouracil impurity mixture 0.0002 mg 聚(醋酸乙烯) Poly(vinyl acetate) dispersion 30% *** 1500 mg 乙酸乙烯酯 Vinyl acetate 2x20 mg 甘油单辛酸酯 Glycerol monocaprylate 500 mg 甘油单癸酰基癸酸酯 Glycerol monocaprylocaprate 500 mg 荧光素 Fluorescein 120 mg 普鲁米近峰鉴别 Promethazine for peak identification 10 mg 维生素C棕榈酸脂 Ascorbyl palmitate 10 mg 可乐定杂质B Clonidine impurity B 20 mg 双嘧达莫峰鉴别 Dipyridamole for peak identification 2 mg 乙胺丁醇系统适应性 Ethambutol for system suitability 10 mg 荧光素杂质C Fluorescein impurity C 0.01 mg 橄榄苦苷 Oleuropein 20 mg 熊果苷 Arbutin *** 100 mg 地氟醚杂质A Desflurane impurity A 1 mL 苯丁酸钠 Sodium phenylbutyrate 5 mg 苯丁酸钠杂质C Sodium phenylbutyrate impurity C 10 mg 阿西美辛 Acemetacin 100 mg 阿西美辛杂质A Acemetacin impurity A 10 mg 富马酸比索洛尔 Bisoprolol fumarate 50 mg 比索洛尔系统适应性 Bisoprolol for system suitability method B 1 mg 司拉克丁 Selamectin 100 mg 司拉克丁系统适应性 Selamectin for system suitability 5 mg 阿托品杂质B Atropine impurity B 10 mg 克霉唑杂质E Clotrimazole impurity E 10 mg 马波沙星 Marbofloxacin 10 mg 马波沙星系统适应性 Marbofloxacin for peak identification 20 mg 吗多明 Molsidomine 5 mg 吗多明杂质B Molsidomine impurity B 10 mg 吗多明杂质D Molsidomine impurity D 10 mg 尼氟灭酸 Niflumic acid 10 mg 尼氟灭酸杂质A Niflumic acid impurity A 10 mg 尼氟灭酸杂质B Niflumic acid impurity B 10 mg 尼氟灭酸杂质E Niflumic acid impurity E 15 mg 盐酸舍曲林 Sertraline hydrochloride 200 mg 尼鲁米特 Nilutamide 110 mg 双氢麦角胺峰鉴别 Dihydroergotamine for peak identification 10 mg 阿呋唑嗪系统适应性 Alfuzosin for system suitability 10 mg 氯帕胺 Clopamide 40 mg 泮托拉唑钠 Pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate 20 mg 硝呋酚酰肼 Nifuroxazide 10 mg 氨苯蝶啶 Triamterene 10 mg 盐酸多塞平 Doxepin hydrochloride 5 mg Iobenguane sulphate - Reference Spectrum unit Acemetacine impurity mixture 0.06 mg 阿尔噻嗪杂质B Altizide impurity B 15 mg 阿托品峰鉴别 Atropine for peak identification 0.25 mg 卡洛芬 Carprofen for veterinary use 30 mg 氯帕胺系统适应性 Clopamide for system suitability 10 mg 克霉唑峰鉴别 Clotrimazole for peak identification 1 mg 多塞平系统适应性 Doxepin for system suitability 1 mg 雌二醇系统适应性 Estradiol benzoate for system suitability 10 mg 氟伏沙明系统适应性 Fluvoxamine for system suitability 1.004 mg 马来酸氟伏沙明 Fluvoxamine maleate 5 mg 西酞普兰系统适应性 Citalopram for system suitability 0.1 mg 异氟烷 Isoflurane *** 1.5 mL 碘塞罗宁系统适应性 Liothyronine for peak identification *** 0.0046 mg 甲睾酮系统适应性 Methyltestosterone for system suitability 10 mg 盐酸米安色林系统适应性 Mianserin hydrochloride for system suitability 1.01 mg 舍曲林峰鉴别 Sertraline for peak identification 2.8 mg 舍曲林系统适应性 Sertraline for system suitability 3.2 mg 氨苯喋啶杂质B Triamterene impurity B 0.5 mg 比索洛尔系统适应性 Bisoprolol for system suitability method A 1 mg 阿托品 Atropine 30 mg Desflurance - Reference Spectrum unit Indinavir sulphate - Reference Spectrum unit 布洛芬峰鉴别 Ibuprofen for peak identification 0.09 mg 肾上腺素 Adrenaline 5 mg 肾上腺素含杂质F Adrenaline with impurity F 10 mg 卡洛芬系统适用性 Carprofen for system suitability 5 mg 氯膦酸盐杂质D Clodronate impurity D 5 mg 赛克利嗪杂质A Cyclizine impurity A 20 mg 赛克利嗪杂质B Cyclizine impurity B 10 mg 氯屈膦酸二钠四水合物 Clodronate disodium tetrahydrate 5 mg 氟氯西林杂质C Flucloxacillin impurity C 5 mg 氟氯西林杂质D Flucloxacillin impurity D 5 mg 氟氯西林杂质E Flucloxacillin impurity E 5 mg 氟氯西林镁 Flucloxacillin magnesium octahydrate 5 mg 米帕明系统适用性 Imipramine for system suitability 10 mg 尼鲁米特杂质B Nilutamide impurity B 5 mg 奥西那林系统适用性 Orciprenaline for system suitability 5 mg 消旋卡多曲 Racecadotril 110 mg 消旋卡多曲杂质A Racecadotril impurity A 1 ml 消旋卡多曲杂质G Racecadotril impurity G 10 mg 替硝唑杂质A Tinidazole impurity A 10 mg 消旋卡多曲峰鉴别 Racecadotril for peak identification 5 mg 哌醋甲酯杂质混合物 Methylphenidate impurity mixture 0.04 mg 石蜡(黄软) Paraffin (Yellow soft) 10 mg 石蜡(白软) Paraffin (White soft) 10 mg 羟丙甲纤维素酞酸酯 Hypromellose phthalate 10 mg 氟伏沙明杂质D Fluvoxamine impurity D 10 mg 泮托拉唑系统适用性 Pantoprazole for system suitability 0.51 mg 丁卡因系统适用性 Tetracaine for system suitability 2 mg 替米沙坦系统适用性 Telmisartan for system suitability 0.26 mg 炔诺酮 Dydrogesterone 50 mg 炔诺酮杂质A Dydrogesterone impurity A 6 mg 炔诺酮杂质B Dydrogesterone impurity B 5 mg 盐酸西酞普兰 Citalopram hydrochloride 5 mg 氢溴酸西酞普兰 Citalopram hydrobromide 5 mg 檞皮素 Quercetin dihydrate 20 mg 银杏酸 Ginkgolic Acid *** 20 mg 西班牙鼠尾草油峰鉴别 Spanish sage oil for peak identification 250 mg 银杏提取物峰鉴别 Ginkgo dry extract for peak identification *** 150 mg 阿魏酸 Ferulic acid 20 mg 两性霉素B峰鉴别 Amphotericin B for peak identification *** 10 mg 诺氟沙星系统适用性 Norfloxacin for system suitability 8 mg 顺铂杂质A Cisplatin impurity A 10 mg 顺铂杂质B Cisplatin impurity B 10 mg 碘普罗胺 Iopromide 100 mg 碘普罗胺系统适用性1 Iopromide for system suitability 1 5 mg 碘普罗胺系统适用性2 Iopromide for system suitability 2 5 mg 尼古丁系统适用性 Nicotine for system suitability 1.25 mg 抗坏血酸杂质C Ascorbic acid impurity C 20 mg 盐酸贝那普利 Benazepril hydrochloride 160 mg 苯那普利杂质A Benazepril impurity A 10 mg 倍他米松系统适用性 Betamethasone for system suitability 25 mg 埃索美拉唑镁 Esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate 10 mg 拉莫三嗪 Lamotrigine 10 mg 拉莫三嗪峰鉴别 Lamotrigine for peak identification 20 mg 拉莫三嗪杂质E Lamotrigine impurity E 10 mg 利奈孕酮杂质B Levodropropizine impurity B 50 mg 利奈孕酮峰鉴别 Lynestrenol for peak identification 20 mg 美洛昔康杂质A Meloxicam impurity A 5 mg 美洛昔康杂质B Meloxicam impurity B 5 mg 美洛昔康杂质C Meloxicam impurity C 5 mg 苯那普利系统适用性 Benazepril for system suitability 0.016 mg 美洛昔康杂质D Meloxicam impurity D 5 mg 异丙叉氧化物 Mesityl oxid 100 mg 米安色林杂质B Mianserin impurity B 10 mg 奥美拉唑峰鉴别 Omeprazole for peak identification *** 10 mg 奥美拉唑镁 Omeprazole magnesium 10 mg 羟甲唑啉杂质A Oxymetazoline impurity A 10 mg 奋乃静系统适用性 Perphenazine for system suitability*) 5 mg 七氟烷 Sevoflurane *** 1 mL 替考拉宁鉴别 Teicoplanin for identification 40 mg 左羟丙哌杂质C Levodropropizine impurity C *** 300 mg 甲磺酸沙奎那韦 Saquinavir mesilate 70 mg 贯叶连翘提取物 St.John's wort standardised dry extract *** 500 mg 喷替酸钙钠 Pentetate sodium calcium 100 mg 茴蒿素 Santonin 20 mg 交联聚维酮 Crospovidone 5 mg 邻苯二甲酸醋酸纤维素 Cellulose acetate phthalate 10 mg Tributyl acetylcitrate 1 mL 沙奎那韦的系统适用 Saquinavir for system suitability 0.3033 mg 越橘提取物 Bilberry dry extract *** 250 mg 苯扎氯铵系统适用性 Benzalkonium chloride for system suitability 80 mg 氯化氰定 Cyanidin chloride 20 mg 氯沙坦钾 Losartan potassium 50 mg 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde*) 150 mg 戊酸倍他米松杂质混合物 Betamethasone valerate impurity mixture 0.018 mg 辛伐他汀峰鉴别 Simvastatin for peak identification *** 10 mg 米贝地尔杂质C Benserazide impurity C 10 mg 氯沙坦杂质D Losartan impurity D 6 mg 丙酸倍氯米松杂质F和N Beclometasone dipropionate impurities F and N 0.052 mg 利福昔明系统适用性 Rifaximin for system suitability 10 mg 氯沙坦系统适用性 Losartan for system suitability 0.0015 mg 比西酯试剂盒 Bicisate labelling kit 1024 mg 苄丝肼峰鉴别 Benserazide for peak identification 10 mg 美洛昔康 Meloxicam 50 mg 甲芬那酸杂质A Mefenamic acid impurity A 100 mg 氟伐他汀系统适用性 Fluvastatin for system suitability 0.5 mg 甲基多巴系统适应性 Methyldopa for system suitability 0.024 mg 乙酰唑胺系统适用性 Acetazolamide for system suitability 0.0068 mg 拉莫三嗪系统适用性 Lamotrigine for system suitability 10 mg 甲溴菲宁 Mebrofenin 120 mg 四- O -乙酰基-甘露糖三氟甲磺酸 Tetra-O-acetyl-mannose triflate *** 60 mg 环戊通系统适用性 Cyclopentolate for system suitability 60 mg 阿替洛尔系统适用性 Atenolol for system suitability 5 mg 氟伐他丁钠 Fluvastatin sodium 110 mg 洋蓟标准化提取物 Standardised artichoke leaf dry extract 60 mg 维达洛芬 Vedaprofen*) 5 mg 醋氯芬酸峰鉴别 Aceclofenac for peak identification 10 mg 赛庚啶杂质C Cyproheptadine impurity C 5 mg 伊曲康唑系统适用性 Itraconazole for system suitability 15 mg 替考拉宁 Teicoplanin 52 mg 茶苯海明峰鉴定 Dimenhydrinate for peak identification 1 mg 匹可硫酸钠系统适用性 Picosulfate for system suitability 0.5 mg 孕二烯酮系统适用性 Gestodene for system suitability 10 mg 头孢他啶峰鉴定 Ceftazidime for peak identification 10 mg 孕二烯酮杂质I Gestodene impurity I 0.01 mg 齐多夫定 Zidovudine 60 mg 齐多夫定杂质A Zidovudine impurity A 10 mg 齐多夫定杂质B Zidovudine impurity B 10 mg 醋己氨酸锌 Zinc acexamate 50 mg 醋己氨酸锌杂质A Zinc acexamate impurity A 50 mg 唑吡坦杂质A Zolpidem impurity A 10 mg 佐匹克隆氧化物 Zopiclone oxide 20 mg
  • 分析双氰胺专用柱-- TSK Amide-80 色谱柱
    近日在新西兰恒天然集团的样本检测中发现了二聚氰胺(双氰胺)残留。目前国际标准未对食品中的双氰胺限量,但高剂量的双氰胺对人体是有毒的,含有双氰胺的奶类产品可能会对婴幼儿产生副作用,婴幼儿器官的构造、发育和机能都不完善,对食品十分敏感,容易导致堵塞肾脏等情况发生。针对此次食品安全事件,绿百草科技发展有限公司立刻做出回应,针对分析双氰胺出了整套方案。 下图一为乙腈/甲醇=6/1 时,分析双氰胺标准品时的谱图。流动相中甲醇的比例升高时,样品峰出峰较快,反之,则出峰较晚。下图二为含有双氰胺的肥料的分析谱图。样品的配制方法如下: ① 称取 0.1g 样品,加入 20ml 的样品瓶中。② 向上述样品瓶中加入 10ml 甲醇,激烈震荡 10分钟后静置。③ 将澄清液经 0.45um 膜过滤后,滤液用流动相稀释100倍后,进样。图一:双氰胺标准品(10ug/ml)图二:含有双氰胺的肥料的分析谱图
  • 欧洲药典标准品,EDQM,EP RS
    欧洲药典标准品,EDQM,EP RS地托咪啶 Detomidine hydrochloride 100 mg 氯乙酰胆碱 Acetylcholine chloride *** 50 mg 两性霉素B Amphotericin B 990 IU per mg *** 100 mg Polysorbate 80 - Reference Spectrum unit 四氢西泮杂质C Tetrazepam impurity C 20 mg 氟奋乃静 Fluphenazine enantate 100 mg 甲磺酸培高利特 Pergolide mesilate 150 mg 羟甲香豆素 Hymecromone 100 mg 羟甲香豆素杂质A Hymecromone impurity A 25 mg 羟甲香豆素杂质B Hymecromone impurity B 25 mg 阿仑膦酸钠 Sodium alendronate 150 mg Tetrazepam - Reference Spectrum unit 丙泊酚 Propofol 290 mg 丙泊酚谱峰鉴别 Propofol for peak identification 0.1 mL 丙泊酚杂质J Propofol impurity J 20 mg 4-D-Ser-goserelin *** 0.1 mg 氨氯吡嗪脒杂质A Amiloride impurity A 10 mg 百日咳毒素 Pertussis toxin BRP (50 µ g per vial) *** 2x0.05 mg 琥珀酸舒马普坦 Sumatriptan succinate *** 50 mg 舒马普坦杂质混合物 Sumatriptan impurity mixture *** *) 3 mg 舒马普坦系统适应物 Sumatriptan for system suitability *** 2 mg 酒石酸氢莫仑太尔 Morantel hydrogen tartrate 50 mg 阿扎哌隆 Azaperone 50 mg 沙丁胺醇杂质B Salbutamol impurity B 5 mg 沙丁胺醇杂质F Salbutamol impurity F 5 mg 沙丁胺醇杂质I Salbutamol impurity I 0.006 mg 卡马西平杂质A Carbamazepine impurity A 10 mg 沙丁胺醇杂质G Salbutamol impurity G 5 mg 卡利普多 Carisoprodol 50 mg 卡利普多杂质A Carisoprodol impurity A 10 mg Isoflurane - Reference Spectrum unit 盐酸哌仑西平 Pirenzepine dihydrochloride monohydrate 250 mg 维生素C钠 Sodium ascorbate 50 mg 环吡酮 Ciclopirox 100 mg 交沙霉素 Josamycin 150 mg 丙酸交沙霉素 Josamycin propionate 150 mg 盐酸苯氟雷司系统适应物 Benfluorex hydrochloride for system suitability 360 mg 盐酸苯氟雷司 Benfluorex hydrochloride 50 mg 丁酸雌二醇 Estradiol butyrate 10 mg 戊酸雌二醇 Estradiol valerate 50 mg 左旋咪唑系统适应物 Levamisole for system suitability 60 mg Levamisole - Reference Spectrum unit 苯磺酸氨氯地平 Amlodipine besilate 150 mg 曲安奈德杂质C Triamcinolone impurity C 10 mg Erysipelas ELISA coating antigen BRP *** unit 马烯雌酮 Equilin *** 15 mg 17 alpha-dihydroequilin *** 10 mg Alprostadil 50 mg Acamprosate calcium - Reference Spectrum unit Aceclofenac - Reference Spectrum unit 庚胺醇杂质A Heptaminol impurity A 20 mg Paraffin (liquid) - Reference Spectrum unit 硫胺杂质E Thiamine impurity E 10 mg Thiamine nitrate - Reference Spectrum unit Pipemidic acid trihydrate - Reference Spectrum unit Zuclopenthixol decanoate - Reference Spectrum unit 盐酸庚胺醇 Heptaminol hydrochloride 150 mg 盐酸氟哌噻吨 Flupentixol dihydrochloride 100 mg 曲马唑啉杂质A Tramazoline impurity A 10 mg 曲马唑啉杂质B Tramazoline impurity B 10 mg 氟哌噻吨杂质D Flupentixol impurity D 15 mg 苯海索杂质A Trihexyphenidyl impurity A 20 mg Metronidazole benzoate - Reference Spectrum unit 异麦芽低聚糖 Isomaltooligosaccharide 0.9 mg 沙丁胺醇杂质D Salbutamol impurity D 5 mg 盐酸曲马唑啉 Tramazoline hydrochloride monohydrate 20 mg 棕榈鲸蜡醇15 Cetyl palmitate 15 60 mg 棕榈鲸蜡醇95 Cetyl palmitate 95 50 mg Carvedilol - Reference Spectrum unit Pentoxyverine hydrogen citrate - Reference Spectrum unit Naftidrofuryl - Reference Spectrum unit 氟哌噻吨杂质F Flupentixol impurity F 25 mg 盐酸阿替卡因 Articaine hydrochloride 100 mg 阿替卡因杂质A Articaine impurity A 15 mg 阿替卡因杂质E Articaine impurity E 10 mg 珠氯噻醇杂质B Zuclopenthixol impurity B 10 mg 醋氯芬酸杂质F Aceclofenac impurity F 20 mg 醋氯芬酸杂质H Aceclofenac impurity H 10 mg 甲硝唑杂质A Metronidazole impurity A 10 mg 布比卡因杂质B Bupivacaine impurity B 20 mg 布比卡因杂质E Bupivacaine impurity E 20 mg 非那雄胺 Finasteride 50 mg 非那雄胺系统适应物 Finasteride for system suitability 100 mg Trimetazidine dihydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit 曲美他嗪系统适应物 Trimetazidine for system suitability 50 mg 地奥司明 Diosmin 50 mg 地奥司明系统适应物 Diosmin for system suitability 5 mg 美睾酮杂质A Mesterolone impurity A 30 mg 美睾酮 Mesterolone 60 mg 喷托维林杂质A Pentoxyverine impurity A 10 mg 喷托维林杂质B Pentoxyverine impurity B 10 mg 盐酸奥芬那君 Orphenadrine hydrochloride 100 mg 柠檬酸奥芬那君 Orphenadrine citrate 100 mg 奥芬那君杂质E Orphenadrine impurity E 30 mg 卡维地洛杂质C Carvedilol impurity C 10 mg 盐酸壳聚糖 Chitosan hydrochloride 30 mg 芦丁 Rutoside trihydrate 100 mg 硝酸毛果芸香碱系统适应物 Pilocarpine nitrate for system suitability 20 mg 盐酸苯海索 Trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride 100 mg 硫柳汞 Thiomersal 30 mg 己二酸 Adipic acid 50 mg Trichloroacetic acid - Reference Spectrum unit 盐酸洛贝林 Lobeline hydrochloride 50 mg 卡巴胆碱 Carbachol 50 mg 盐酸索他洛尔 Sotalol hydrochloride 25 mg 索他洛尔杂质B Sotalol impurity B 20 mg 阿坎酸杂质A Acamprosate impurity A 50 mg 盐酸氯氟菲烷 Halofantrine hydrochloride 125 mg 氯氟菲烷杂质C Halofantrine impurity C 10 mg 羟基脲 Hydroxycarbamide 175 mg 甲萘呋胺酯杂质A Naftidrofuryl impurity A 10 mg 甲萘呋胺酯杂质B Naftidrofuryl impurity B 25 mg 氧脯氨酸 Pidolic acid 125 mg Pidolate impurity B 60 mg 戈舍瑞林 Goserelin *** *) 4,93 mg Gosereline - Reference Spectrum unit 醋丁洛尔杂质C Acebutolol impurity C 20 mg 醋丁洛尔杂质I Acebutolol impurity I 0.004 mg 胺碘酮杂质D Amiodarone impurity D 20 mg 胺碘酮杂质E Amiodarone impurity E 20 mg 盐酸丁螺旋酮 Buspirone hydrochloride 5 mg 氯米帕明杂质C Clomipramine impurity C 10 mg 氯米帕明杂质D Clomipramine impurity D 10 mg 氯米帕明杂质F Clomipramine impurity F 5 mg 苯海拉明杂质A Diphenhydramine impurity A 10 mg 恩康唑 Enilconazole 60 mg 恩康唑杂质E Enilconazole impurity E 20 mg 氟苯达唑 Flubendazole 25 mg 氟苯达唑系统适用性 Flubendazole for system suitability 20 mg 布洛芬杂质F Ibuprofen impurity F 5 mg 碘克沙酸 Ioxaglic acid 125 mg 碘克沙酸杂质A Ioxaglic acid impurity A 20 mg Malic acid - Reference Spectrum unit 甲苯咪唑系统适应性 Mebendazole for system suitability 20 mg 美托洛尔杂质A Metoprolol impurity A 10 mg 纳多洛尔 Nadolol 100 mg 保泰松杂质B Phenylbutazone impurity B 20 mg 孕酮杂质C Progesterone impurity C 10 mg 利福布汀 Rifabutin 150 mg Thioridazine - Reference Spectrum unit Tianeptine sodium - Reference Spectrum unit 噻萘普汀系统适应 Tianeptine for system suitability 30 mg 噻萘普汀杂质A Tianeptine impurity A 20 mg 托芬那酸 Tolfenamic acid 100 mg 盐酸曲马多 Tramadol hydrochloride 75 mg 曲马多杂质A Tramadol impurity A 15 mg 曲马多杂质E Tramadol impurity E 10 mg 噻拉嗪杂质C Xylazine impurity C 50 mg 噻拉嗪杂质E Xylazine impurity E 50 mg 多西拉敏杂质A Doxylamine impurity A 50 mg 酮替芬杂质G Ketotifen impurity G 3 mg Cocaine hydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit Doxylamine hydrogen succinate - Reference Spectrum unit Ketotifen hydrogen fumarate - Reference Spectrum unit 三苄糖苷 Tribenoside 150 mg 三苄糖苷杂质A Tribenoside impurity A *** 3,5,6-tri-O-benzyl-1,2-O-(1-methylethylidene)-alpha-D-glucofuranose 30 mg 苯甲醇 Benzyl alcohol 50 mg Mebendazole - Reference Spectrum unit Flunitrazepam - Reference Spectrum unit Testosterone propionate - Reference Spectrum unit Metoprolol succinate - Reference Spectrum unit Apomorphine hydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit 对氨基苯甲酸 4-Aminobenzoic acid 60 mg 桉树脑 Cineole 180 mg 赤藻糖醇 Erythritol 1000 mg Nifuroxazide - Reference Spectrum unit Proguanil hydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit 奥利司他杂质C Proguanil impurity C 1,5-bis(4-chlorophenyl)biguanide 10 mg 奥利司他杂质D Proguanil impurity D 1,5-bis(1-methylethyl)biguanide 10 mg 利福布丁杂质A Rifabutin impurity A 20 mg 异三十烷 Squalane 0.25 mL 羟丙基倍他环糊精 Hydroxypropylbetadex 10 mg 利美尼定系统适应 Rilmenidine for system suitability 30 mg 乳果糖系统适应 Lactulose for system suitability 12 mg N-Methylpyrrolidone - Reference Spectrum unit 人胰高血糖 Human glucagon *** 2x0.952 mg Carteolol hydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit 卡替洛尔系统适应 Carteolol for system suitability 30 mg 戈舍瑞林验证混合物 Goserelin validation mixture *** 1 mg 昂丹司琼杂质D Ondansetron impurity D 9-methyl-3-methylene-1,2,3,9-tetrahydro-4H-carbazol-4-one 10 mg 昂丹司琼系统适应 Ondansetron for TLC system suitability 30 mg Ondansetron for LC system suitability 10 mg 环丙沙星 Ciprofloxacin 20 mg 环丙沙星峰鉴别 Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride for peak identification 10 mg 溴己新 Bromhexine impurity C N-(2-aminobenzyl)-N-methylcyclohexanamine 10 mg 苯甲酸雌二醇杂质E Estradiol benzoate impurity E 17alpha-hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-yl benzoate 10 mg 美西律杂质C Mexiletine impurity C 2 mg 美西律杂质D Mexiletine impurity D 2 mg 普伐他汀四甲基丁铵 Pravastatin 1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylamine *** 30 mg Clobazam - Reference Spectrum unit 培哚普利光学纯测试 Perindopril for stereochemical purity 40 mg 多沙普仑杂质B Doxapram impurity B (4RS)-1-ethyl-4-[2-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl]-3,3-diphenylpyrolidin-2-one 10 mg 秋水仙碱系统适应 Colchicine for system suitability 50 mg Sodium polystyrene sulphonate - Reference Spectrum unit Flurazepam monohydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit Pravastatin sodium - Reference Spectrum unit Dihydrocodeine hydrogen tartrate - Reference Spectrum unit Diethylene glycol (monoethyl ether) - Reference Spectrum unit 盐酸昂丹司琼 Ondansetron hydrochloride dihydrate 200 mg 人类抗- D免疫球蛋白 Human anti-D immunoglobulin BPR *** unit 罗红霉素系统适用 Roxithromycin for system suitability 5 mg 氟替卡松杂质D Fluticasone impurity D 10 mg 莫索尼定杂质A Moxonidine impurity A 4,6-dichloro-N-(imidazolidin-2-ylidene)-2-methylpyrimidin-5-amine 10 mg 普伐他汀杂质A Pravastatin impurity A *** 0.1 mg 奥芬达唑杂质B Oxfendazole impurity B 10 mg 奥芬达唑杂质D Oxfendazole with impurity D 10 mg 莫索尼定 Moxonidine 50 mg 依沙美肟 Meso-rich exametazime 0.5 mg Demethylflumazenil - Reference Spectrum unit Phenylmercuric acetate - Reference Spectrum unit Atropine - Reference Spectrum unit 双肼屈嗪系统适应 Dihydralazine for system suitability 10 mg 帕罗西汀杂质A Paroxetine impurity A 15 mg N,N-Dimethylacetamide - Reference Spectrum unit 铝镁加 Almagate 25 mg 氟斯必林 Fluspirilene 20 mg 培哚普利杂质A Perindopril impurity A 10 mg 培哚普利叔丁胺 Perindopril tert-butylamine 40 mg 塞利洛尔峰鉴定 Celiprolol for peak identification 20 mg 头孢匹林钠 Cefapirin sodium 100 mg 氯巴占杂质A Clobazam impurity A 10 mg 格列本脲杂质B Glibenclamide impurity B 10 mg 凯托米酮杂质B Ketobemidone impurity B 5 mg 凯托米酮杂质C Ketobemidone impurity C 5 mg Ketobemidone hydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit 依巴斯汀杂质C Ebastine impurity C 10 mg 依巴斯汀杂质D Ebastine impurity D 10 mg Ebastine - Reference Spectrum unit Rilmenidine dihydrogenophosphate - Reference Spectrum unit 莫拉司亭 Molgramostim *** 0.3 mL Naphazoline hydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit 益康唑系统适用性 Econazole for system suitability 20 mg Almagate - Reference Spectrum unit 帕罗西汀杂质D Paroxetine impurity D 5 mg 乳糖酸 Lactobionic acid 100 mg 白喉毒素 Diphtheria toxin BRP *** 1 mL 地克珠利系统适应 Diclazuril for system suitability 20 mg 甲右美沙芬 Dextromethorphan impurity A 5 mg Clazuril for veterinary use - Reference Spectrum unit 激肽释放酶原激活剂白蛋白 Prekallikrein activator in albumin BRP *** unit Diclazuril for veterinary use - Reference Spectrum unit Flunarizine dihydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit 氟桂利嗪系统适用性 Flunarizine dihydrochloride for system suitability 20 mg Meglumine - Reference Spectrum unit Sodium propionate - Reference Spectrum unit 杀球灵系统适用性 Clazuril for system suitability 10 mg Econazole - Reference Spectrum unit 奥沙利铂 Oxaliplatin 250 mg 奥沙利铂杂质B Oxaliplatin impurity B 20 mg 奥沙利铂杂质C Oxaliplatin impurity C 15 mg 奥沙利铂杂质D Oxaliplatin impurity D 5 mg 二氯二氨基环己基铂 Dichlorodiaminocyclohexaneplatinum 10 mg 异丙托溴铵杂质A Ipratropium bromide impurity A 5 mg 硫酸粘杆菌素 Colistin sulphate 25 mg Propanol - Reference Spectrum unit 三丁基磷 Tri-n-butyl phosphate 300 µ L 硫酸软骨素钠 Chondroitin sulphate sodium 250 mg 帕罗西汀盐酸盐水合物 Paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate 200 mg 噻康唑系统适用性 Tioconazole for system suitability 50 mg 尼麦角林杂质A Nicergoline impurity A 10 mg 丙酸氟替卡松 Fluticasone propionate 100 mg Clonazepam - Reference Spectrum unit Nicergoline - Reference Spectrum unit 吡拉西坦 Piracetam 120 mg Polysorbate 20 - Reference Spectrum unit Polysorbate 40 - Reference Spectrum unit Polysorbate 60 - Reference Spectrum unit Tioconazole - Reference Spectrum unit Theophylline - Reference Spectrum unit Basic butylated methacrylate copolymer - Reference Spectrum unit Econazole nitrate - Reference Spectrum unit 美沙拉嗪 Mesalazine 125 mg 辛酸氟奋乃静 Fluphenazine octanoate 10 mg 氟奋乃静亚砜 Fluphenazine sulphoxide 10 mg Sodium aminosalicylate dihydrate - Reference Spectrum unit Metacresol - Reference Spectrum unit Ammonio methacrylate copolymer (type A) - Reference Spectrum unit Ammonio methacrylate copolymer (type B) - Reference Spectrum unit 天冬氨酸精氨酸 Arginine aspartate 20 mg 天门冬胺酸 Asparagine monohydrate 60 mg 阿奇霉素 Azithromycin 200 mg 阿奇霉素杂质A Azithromycin impurity A 10 mg 布美他尼杂质A Bumetanide impurity A 5 mg 布美他尼杂质B Bumetanide impurity B 5 mg 盐酸塞利洛尔 Celiprolol hydrochloirde 10 mg 塞利洛尔杂质I Celiprolol impurity I 0,02 mg 氯法齐明 Clofazimine 150 mg Estradiol for peak identification 10 mg Potassium hydrogen aspartate hemihydrate 50 mg 美司那杂质C Mesna impurity C 10 mg 美司那杂质D Mesna impurity D 10 mg Propylene glycol dilaurate 100 mg Propylene glycol monolaurate 100 mg 克拉霉素 Clarithromycin 160 mg Clarithromycin for peak identification 30 mg Loperamide hydrochloride for system suitability 15 mg Methacrylic acid-ethyl acrylate copolymer (1:1) - type B 200 mg Esketamine hydrochloride - Reference Spectrum unit Tilidine hydrochloride hemihydrate - Reference Spectrum unit 盐酸氮卓斯丁 Azelastine hydrochloride 25 mg 氮卓斯丁杂质B Azelastine impurity B 5 mg 氮卓斯丁杂质D Azelastine impurity D 5 mg 氮卓斯丁杂质E Azelastine impurity E 5 mg Tributyl acetylcitrate - Reference Spectrum unit 萘呋胺酯杂质F Naftidrofuryl impurity F 10 mg 螺普利系统适应 Spirapril for system suitability 15 mg 延胡索酸泰妙菌素 Tiamulin hydrogen fumarate 450 mg 氟马西尼杂质B Flumazenil impurity B 5 mg 甲巯咪唑 Thiamazole 125 mg Mesna - Reference Spectrum unit 福莫特罗的杂质I识别 Formoterol for impurity I identification*) 10 mg 富马酸福莫特罗系统适应 Formoterol fumarate for system suitability 10 mg 洛哌丁胺氧化物水合物 Loperamide oxide monohydrate 20 mg 睾酮杂质D鉴定 Testosterone for impurity D identification 15 mg 睾酮系统适应 Testosterone for system suitability 15 mg 替马西泮杂质F Temazepam impurity F 5 mg 替马西泮杂质G Temazepam impurity G 5 mg 赖脯胰岛素 Insulin lispro *** 5.93 mg 门冬胰岛素 Insulin aspart *** 3.89 mg 奥昔拉定 Oxeladin hydrogen citrate 50 mg 丙酸倍氯米松水合物 Beclometasone dipropionate monohydrate 10 mg 丙酸倍氯米松的系统适用性 Beclometasone dipropionate for system suitability 10 mg 利巴韦林的系统适用性 Ribavirin for system suitability 1 mg 阿卡波糖鉴别 Acarbose for identification 10 mg 硫酸多粘菌素B微生物法 Polymyxin B sulphate for microbiological assay 25 mg 氯法齐明系统适用性 Clofazimine for system suitability 10 mg 醋丁洛尔杂质B Acebutolol impurity B 10 mg 环孢素的系统适用性 Ciclosporin for system suitability 5 mg 环丙贝特 Ciprofibrate 5 mg 环丙贝特系统适用性 Ciprofibrate for system suitability 5 mg 氯碘羟喹 Clioquinol 5 mg 没食子酸十二烷酯 Dodecyl gallate 30 mg 依拉地平 Isradipine 125 mg 依拉地平杂质D Isradipine impurity D 5 mg 没食子酸辛酯 Octyl gallate 30 mg 扑米酮峰鉴别 Primidone for peak identification 5 mg 利培酮系统适用性 Risperidone for system suitability 20 mg Sestamibi labelling kit 22 uc 甲巯咪唑杂质A Thiamazol impurity A 10 mg 甲巯咪唑杂质C Thiamazol impurity C 20 mg 胆苯烯铵 Colestyramine 10 mg 氟斯必林杂质C Fluspirilene impurity C 10 mg 盐酸地匹福林 Dipivefrine hydrochloride 100 mg 利巴韦林 Ribavirin 100 mg 丝裂霉素 Mitomycin 120 mg Tiamulin - Reference Spectrum unit 盐酸螺普利 Spirapril hydrochloride monohydrate 60 mg 法莫替丁峰鉴别 Famotidine for system suitability 10 mg 消旋-&alpha -生育酚峰鉴别 All-rac-alpha-tocopherol for peak identification 15 mg 消旋-&alpha -生育酚醋酸酯峰鉴别 All-rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate for peak identification 15 mg 1,4 -山梨醇 1,4-Sorbitan 50 mg 茴香苷峰鉴别 Foeniculin for peak identification 100 mg Pseudoisoeugenyl 2-methylbutyrate for peak identification 100 mg 新城病疫苗 Newcastle Disease Vaccine (inacativated) BRP 4 uc 乙肝疫苗 Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA) BRP method A (thiomersal free) *** 2x0.5 mL 奥昔拉定杂质D Oxeladin impurity D 20 mg 盐酸倍他司汀 Betahistine dihydrochloride 50 mg 氯氰碘柳胺钠水合物 Closantel sodium dihydrate 20 mg 氯生太尔系统适应性 Closantel for system suitability 20 mg 地匹福林系统适应性 Dipivefrine for system suitability 10 mg 格拉司琼杂质E Granisetron impurity E 10 mg 盐酸格拉司琼 Granisetron hydrochloride 120 mg 醋酸赖氨酸 Lysine acetate 60 mg 烟酸甲酯 Methyl nicotinate 25 mg 萘普生(消旋) Naproxen (racemic) 10 mg 盐酸纳曲酮 Naltrexone hydrochloride 50 mg 匹克苯丹系统适应性 Pimobendan for system suitability 0.1 mg 双羟萘酸噻嘧啶 Pyrantel embonate 10 mg 噻嘧啶杂质A Pyrantel impurity A 20 mg 噻嘧啶杂质C Oxeladin impurity C 10 mg 水杨酸杂质B Salicylic acid impurity B 10 mg 碘帕醇杂质H Iopamidol impurity H 10 mg 甲紫系统适应性 Methylrosanilinium chloride for system suitability 10 mg 司他夫定 Stavudine 100 mg 法莫替丁杂质D Famotidine impurity D 10 mg 纳曲酮杂质C Naltrexone impurity C 15 mg 雷尼替丁系统适应性 Ranitidine for system suitability 20 mg 磺胺甲恶唑杂质A Sulfamethoxazole impurity A 5 mg 磺胺甲恶唑杂质F Sulfamethoxazole impurity F 5 mg 泰妙菌素峰鉴别 Tiamulin for peak identification 10 mg 苯赖加压素 Felypressin *** 0.994 mg 雷尼替丁杂质J Ranitidine impurity J 0.00025 mg Pentazocine lactate - Reference Spectrum unit 甲紫 Methylrosanilinium chloride 40 mg 磷酸氟达拉滨 Fludarabine phosphate 100 mg 头孢噻肟酸 Cefotaxime acid 80 mg 司他夫定系统适应性 Stavudine for system suitability 10 mg 沙美特罗羟萘甲酸盐 Salmeterol xinafoate 40 mg 沙美特罗羟萘甲酸盐系统适应性 Salmeterol xinafoate for system suitability 25 mg 苯磺酸阿曲库铵 Atracurium besilate 120 mg 拉米夫定 Lamivudine 150 mg 拉米夫定系统适应性 Lamivudine for system suitability 2 10.3 mg 阿卡波糖峰鉴别 Acarbose for peak identification 40 mg Methanol - Reference Spectrum unit 曲司氯铵 Trospium chloride 10 mg 曲司氯铵杂质C Trospium impurity C 5 mg 曲司氯铵杂质B Trospium impurity B 15 mg 曲司氯铵杂质A Trospium impurity A 20 mg 甘草酸胺 Ammonium glycyrrhizate 70 mg 波尔丁 Boldine 30 mg 氯苯那敏杂质A Chlorphenamine impurity A 0.01 mg 氯苯那敏杂质C Chlorphenamine impurity C 10 mg 香豆素 Coumarin 80 mg 去羟肌苷 Didanosine 10 mg 去羟肌苷系统适应性 Didanosine for system suitability 10 mg 去羟肌苷杂质A Didanosine impurity A 10 mg 去羟肌苷杂质G Didanosine impurity G 10 mg 氟尼辛葡胺 Flunixin meglumine 10 mg 氟尼辛杂质B Flunixin impurity B 10 mg 氟尼辛杂质C Flunixin impurity C 50 mg 丁溴东莨菪碱杂质E Hyoscine butylbromide impurity E 10 mg 丁溴东莨菪碱杂质B Hyoscine hydrobromide impurity B 10 mg 莨菪碱杂质E Hyoscyamine impurity E 10 mg 羟考酮杂质D Oxycodone impurity D 25 mg 二乙酰荧光素 Diacetylfluorescein 100 mg 盐酸普罗帕酮 Propafenone hydrochloride 10 mg 普罗帕酮杂质B Propafenone impurity B 10 mg 瑞格列奈 Repaglinide 20 mg 瑞格列奈系统适应性 Repaglinide for system suitability 6 mg 瑞格列奈杂质E Repaglinide impurity E 5 mg 盐酸四氢萘唑啉 Tetryzoline hydrochloride 10 mg 托拉塞米无水 Torasemide anhydrous 10 mg 托拉塞米系统适应性 Torasemide for system suitability 0,4 mg 酒石酸长春瑞滨 Vinorelbine tartrate *** 50 mg 长春瑞滨杂质B Vinorelbine impurity B 7 mg 替卡西林钠 Ticarcillin monosodium 250 mg 聚维酮(碘化) Povidone (iodinated) 10 mg 盐酸硫胺 Thiamine hydrochloride 10 mg 丙酸倍氯米松峰鉴别 Beclometasone dipropionate for peak identification 10 mg 溴替唑仑杂质B Brotizolam impurity B 10 mg 丁螺环酮系统适应性 Buspirone for system suitability 2 mg 卡麦角林 Cabergoline *** 100 mg 钙泊三醇水合物 Calcipotriol monohydrate 5 mg Calcipotriol monohydrate - Reference Spectrum unit 卡孕栓丁三醇 Carboprost trometamol *** 40 mg 氯氮卓杂质A Chlordiazepoxide impurity A 10 mg 格拉司琼杂质A Granisetron impurity A 1 mg 格拉司琼杂质B Granisetron impurity B 1 mg 氯丙嗪杂质D Chlorpromazine impurity D 10 mg 双溴丙脒 Dibrompropamidine diisetionate 10 mg 双溴丙脒系统适应性 Dibrompropamidine for system suitability 20 mg 双氢速甾醇系统适应性 Dihydrotachysterol for system suitability *** 5 mg 东莨菪碱 Hyoscine 10 mg 东莨菪碱杂质A Hyoscine impurity A 10 mg 肌醇 Myo-inositol 1020 mg 酮洛酸氨丁三醇 Ketorolac trometamol 10 mg 来氟米特杂质A Leflunomide impurity A 25 mg 人免疫球蛋白 Human immunoglobulin (molecular size) BRP 3x700 mg 吗替麦考酚酯 Mycophenolate mofetil 30 mg 米索前列醇 Misoprostol *** 30 mg 米索前列醇杂质A Misoprostol impurity A 5 mg 间苯三酚 Phloroglucinol (anhydrous) 210 mg Ruscogenins 10 mg 群多普利杂质C Trandolapril impurity C 10 mg 群多普利杂质D Trandolapril impurity D 10 mg 曲克芦丁 Troxerutin 30 mg 磷酸泰乐菌素峰鉴别 Tylosin phosphate for peak identification 10 mg Calcipotriol (anhydrous) - Reference Spectrum unit 阿卡波糖 Acarbose 94.7 mg 群多普利 Trandolapril 10 mg 人牛痘免疫球蛋白 Human vaccinia immunoglobulin *** 3x1 mL 阿曲库铵杂质F鉴定 Atracurium for impurity F identification 5 mg 阿曲库铵峰鉴别 Atracurium for peak identification 5 mg 头孢噻吩杂质B鉴别 Cefalotin for impurity B identification 10 mg 头孢噻肟钠峰鉴别 Cefotaxime sodium for peak identification 10 mg 氯丙嗪杂质A Chlorpromazine impurity A 10 mg 氯丙嗪杂质E Chlorpromazine impurity E 10 mg 去氧孕烯 Desogestrel 50 mg 去氧孕烯系统适应性 Desogestrel for system suitability 10 mg 异烟酸地塞米松杂质C鉴别 Dexamethasone isonicotinate for impurity C identification 10 mg 依美斯汀杂质E Emedastine impurity E 10 mg 吉非罗齐 Gemfibrozil 5 mg 吉非罗齐 系统适应性 Gemfibrozil for system suitability 0.196 mg 格列美脲 Glimepiride 60 mg 格列美脲系统适应性 Glimepiride for system suitability 0.012 mg 谷胱甘肽 Glutathione 10 mg 拉米夫定系统适应性 Lamivudine for system suitability 1 10 mg 麦考酚酸酯峰鉴别 Mycophenolate mofetil for peak identification 10 mg 奈韦拉平(无水) Nevirapine (anhydrous) 30 mg 奈韦拉平峰鉴别 Nevirapine for peak identification 0.058 mg 系统适应性 Norethistherone for system suitability *** 10 mg 格列吡嗪杂质C Glipizide impurity C 10 mg 帕米膦酸二钠 Pamidronate disodium pentahydrate 10 mg 匹克苯丹 Pimobendan 10 mg 罗库溴铵峰鉴别 Rocuronium for peak identification *** 10 mg 舒巴坦 Sulbactam *** 150 mg 舒巴坦钠 Sulbactam sodium 10 mg 舒他西林 Sultamicillin 10 mg 对甲苯磺酸舒他西林 Sultamicillin tosilate 200 mg 舒他西林峰鉴别 Sultamicillin for peak identification 10 mg 伐奈莫林 Valnemulin hydrogen tartrate 120 mg 珠氯噻醇系统适应性 Zuclopenthixol for system suitability 0.1 mg 盐酸特比萘芬 Terbinafine hydrochloride 10 mg Carboprost trometamol - Reference Spectrum unit 二福马酸依美斯汀 Emedastine difumarate 10 mg


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