HORIBA T64000三级拉曼光谱仪
HORIBA T64000三级拉曼光谱仪








  • 白金
  • 第22年
  • 生产商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 显微共焦拉曼光谱

产地类别: 进口

光谱范围: 50-9000cm-1

光谱分辨率: ≤0.15cm-1

空间分辨率: 横向1微米,纵向2微米

最低波数: 5cm-1

光谱重复性: ≤±0.03cm-1


       1、超高光谱分辨率可至0.15 cm-1(相加)
       2、超低波数检测可至5 cm-1(相减)
       1、焦长:640 mm (单级)、3 x 640 mm (三级相加)

  • 拉曼光谱已经成为石墨烯的表征和改性研究中必不可少的工具,在石墨烯的层数、缺陷表征,以及掺杂、堆叠、层间嵌入、环境影响等方面的研究起着非常重要的作用。拉曼成像不仅可直观的表征不同层石墨烯层数的空间分布,还可以表征石墨烯掺杂、形变引起的拉曼峰位、峰形变化的分布。

    材料 2013-02-04

  • 显微拉曼分析已经成为表面分析和固相颗粒分析中一项常规必备的实验手段。新的自动化技术已经使得分析人员可以方便地研究表面污染物,分析表面结构。刑事侦查领域以及司法部门的研究人员对于核实某一表面上的爆炸物存在特别感兴趣,他们也关注于研究某种成分在爆炸物或易爆材料中的分布情况。 以前,用来提供此类信息的手段有有损伤性的色谱法、质谱法;还有AFM之类定性分析方法。然而,这些分析技术或者对样品是破坏性的,并且需要冗长的样品提纯过程,或者对样品特征的揭示很少,并且是间接性的表征。 比较而言,拉曼显微技术可以提供无损的、原位的、详细的特征光谱和分布信息。 本文报道了如何利用显微拉曼对含有两种典型成分三次甲基三硝基胺(RDX)和季戊四醇四硝酸酯(PETN)的某种爆炸物在表面上的存在进行表征。

    石油/化工 2010-03-18

  • One of the major fields of investigation of L'OREAL is to improve the understanding of the chemical composition and structure of skin and hair. To enable a better design of cosmetic products, a thorough understanding of the mechanisms and the nature of the interactions of cosmetic ingredients with these substrates is necessary.Raman is a key analytical method allowing the needed understanding of such mechanisms. In this context,HORIBA Jobin Yvon & L''OREAL Research have established a close collaboration in applying the Raman technique under in vitro conditions or directly in vivo,for hair,skin,nail, eyelashes and model substrates.

    化妆品 2006-02-06

  • The Raman spectra of elemental carbon materials are known to be sensitive to polymorphy. For hard carbon films, the spectra of amorphous and diamond-like carbons can be band-fit to separate the contributions of the "graphitic carbon" (G band) from the "disordered carbon" (D band). The spectral behaviour of carbon films has been empirically correlated with thin film physical properties such as hardness, durability, optical transparency, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, and can be of use for prediction of these properties without extensive alternative testing.

    石油/化工 2005-01-13

  • 显微拉曼分析已经成为表面分析和固相颗粒分析中一项常规必备的实验手段。新的自动化技术已经使得分析人员可以方便地研究表面污染物,分析表面结构。刑事侦查领域以及司法部门的研究人员对于核实某一表面上的爆炸物存在特别感兴趣,他们也关注于研究某种成分在爆炸物或易爆材料中的分布情况。 以前,用来提供此类信息的手段有有损伤性的色谱法、质谱法;还有AFM之类定性分析方法。然而,这些分析技术或者对样品是破坏性的,并且需要冗长的样品提纯过程,或者对样品特征的揭示很少,并且是间接性的表征。 比较而言,拉曼显微技术可以提供无损的、原位的、详细的特征光谱和分布信息。 本文报道了如何利用显微拉曼对含有两种典型成分三次甲基三硝基胺(RDX)和季戊四醇四硝酸酯(PETN)的某种爆炸物在表面上的存在进行表征。

    石油/化工 2010-03-18

  • The Raman spectra of elemental carbon materials are known to be sensitive to polymorphy. For hard carbon films, the spectra of amorphous and diamond-like carbons can be band-fit to separate the contributions of the "graphitic carbon" (G band) from the "disordered carbon" (D band). The spectral behaviour of carbon films has been empirically correlated with thin film physical properties such as hardness, durability, optical transparency, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, and can be of use for prediction of these properties without extensive alternative testing.

    石油/化工 2005-01-13

  • Non-destructive optical monitoring of chemical composition can be accomplished using Raman Spectroscopy. Raman spectra can be utilised to distinguish differences in chemical bond structures. This is particularly useful in applications where reactions could progress towards either a desired product or an undesired by-product. The Raman spectrum indicates when local conditions exist which favour one reaction path over another. This qualitative measurement can be developed into a tool to monitor process conditions.

    石油/化工 2005-01-13

  • Metal oxides, in contrast to most metals, are well known to be easily distinguished by their characteristic Raman spectra; their presence can be detected on a scale of micrometers with a Raman microprobe. Often, the various oxides of a particular metallic ion have significantly different Raman spectra, with even the degree of hydration of the ligated cation generating a tell-tale vibrational fingerprint. Thus, the diverse oxide forms of a variety of metals, including, for example, iron, nickel, lead, titanium, zirconium, molybdenum, copper, and vanadium, can be distinguished by a fast and non-destructive spectroscopic measurement. In practice, this allows the scientist or engineer to delineate the kinetics of oxidation of any of these species, observing where and when successive species are formed during the oxidation of a raw metal. For example, steel rust exhibits layers of several oxides of iron, including hematite, lepodocrocite, goethite,and magnetite, with the layer thicknesses and ordering dependent upon the composition of the steel, the conditions of the environment, and the duration of exposure.

    石油/化工 2005-01-12

  • 拉曼光谱可与AFM联用,不仅可获得聚合物薄膜的表面形貌图,还可以获得拉曼光谱及拉曼成像图,可多元化的信息共同全面的表针此聚合物。

    材料 2013-02-04

  • 拉曼光谱已经成为石墨烯的表征和改性研究中必不可少的工具,在石墨烯的层数、缺陷表征,以及掺杂、堆叠、层间嵌入、环境影响等方面的研究起着非常重要的作用。拉曼成像不仅可直观的表征不同层石墨烯层数的空间分布,还可以表征石墨烯掺杂、形变引起的拉曼峰位、峰形变化的分布。

    材料 2013-02-04

  • Composite materials are, by definition, multi-phased. Quite often these phases are not distinguishable by optical microscopy. Raman analysis provides very rapid analysis that can differentiate phases, even closely related phases such as polymorphs of a given composition, or differing stoichiometries in a solid system. Recently a SiC conversion coating on a carbon-carbon composite used in the space shuttle was analyzed and various phases were mapped. The identification of phases, in combination with maps showing the physical proximity of the phases, provide insight into the solid state chemical reactions that produce the multi-phase coating.

    材料 2005-01-12

  • One of the major fields of investigation of L'OREAL is to improve the understanding of the chemical composition and structure of skin and hair. To enable a better design of cosmetic products, a thorough understanding of the mechanisms and the nature of the interactions of cosmetic ingredients with these substrates is necessary.Raman is a key analytical method allowing the needed understanding of such mechanisms. In this context,HORIBA Jobin Yvon & L''OREAL Research have established a close collaboration in applying the Raman technique under in vitro conditions or directly in vivo,for hair,skin,nail, eyelashes and model substrates.

    化妆品 2006-02-06

  • 利用HORIBA 的T64000三光栅拉曼光谱仪进行的拉曼光谱成像, 能对材料空间定位,终能绘制出一张地图,地图上显示棕色的地方,就是细菌中具备碳特征的部位,由此得出化石中是否曾经存在过生命。

    地矿 2020-05-07

  • 拉曼光谱对生物分子的细微变化非常敏感,本文使用拉曼光谱对小麦的谷物进行成像分析,获得了谷物中淀粉、脂质及蛋白质的分布;并通过对一系列硬度不同的谷物进行分析,了解了蛋白质结构与谷物硬度间的关系。

    食品/农产品 2013-02-04

用户单位 采购时间
吉林大学 2008-01-01
中国科学院物理研究所 2012-02-01
中国科学院半导体研究所 2017-07-31
  • ParticalFinder TM具有简单清晰的操作界面,可快速对成千上万个颗 粒进行自动定位、尺寸和形状表征以及拉曼分析。HORIBA拉曼光谱仪结合ParticalFinder TM,可快速获取可靠的颗粒表征结果,适用于药物和化学材料的开发和质控、刑侦分析、沾污检测及地质样品颗粒的快速分析。

    1004MB 2017-12-12
  • LabSpec 6 光谱软件包是HORIBA Scientific推出的第六代光谱分析软件,它可以为用户提供更为完善的仪器操作和数据处理体验。LabSpec 6为拉曼、光致发光(PL)和阴极发光(CL)光谱提供了一个简单易用、功能强大的分析平台。LabSpec 可在同一界面中实现不同的操作环境,适用于不同级别权限的用户。同时,它还可以进行自动化和自定义操作,快速获取所需结果。

    979MB 2017-12-12
  • EasyNav 快速自动聚焦拉曼成像技术 革命性的快速成像技术包EasyNavTM能够让我们的拉曼用户在导航样品的同时进行实时聚焦,可快速定位到感兴趣的目标区域,获取清晰、高质量的拉曼成像图。

    2146MB 2017-12-12
  • LabSpec 6的ProtectionPlus模块可以确保HORIBA scientific的全系列拉曼光谱仪在符合法规规定的环境下运行。该模块具有高度可配置的安全性和数据的完整性,为用户提供所有必要的工具来满足实验室及数据监管要求,包括21CFR Part 11的规定。

    1678MB 2017-11-16
HORIBA T64000三级拉曼光谱仪信息由HORIBA(中国)为您提供,如您想了解更多关于HORIBA T64000三级拉曼光谱仪报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


